3,120 research outputs found

    The Effects of Leptin Replacement on Neural Plasticity

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    Leptin, an adipokine synthesized and secreted mainly by the adipose tissue, has multiple effects on the regulation of food intake, energy expenditure, and metabolism. Its recently-approved analogue, metreleptin, has been evaluated in clinical trials for the treatment of patients with leptin deficiency due to mutations in the leptin gene, lipodystrophy syndromes, and hypothalamic amenorrhea. In such patients, leptin replacement therapy has led to changes in brain structure and function in intra- and extrahypothalamic areas, including the hippocampus. Furthermore, in one of those patients, improvements in neurocognitive development have been observed. In addition to this evidence linking leptin to neural plasticity and function, observational studies evaluating leptin-sufficient humans have also demonstrated direct correlation between blood leptin levels and brain volume and inverse associations between circulating leptin and risk for the development of dementia. This review summarizes the evidence in the literature on the role of leptin in neural plasticity (in leptin-deficient and in leptin-sufficient individuals) and its effects on synaptic activity, glutamate receptor trafficking, neuronal morphology, neuronal development and survival, and microglial functio

    Leptin as a risk factor for the development of colorectal cancer

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo propor a leitura da obra As pequenas memórias, de José Saramago, à luz de estudos teóricos a respeita da memória. Utilizam-se como principais referências para este trabalho, obras de Paul Ricoeur, como A memória, a história, o esquecimento e Tempo e narrativa, uma vez que se pensa no processo de teorização da memória como forma de produção de uma ontologia do ser. Além disso, busca-se apoio em obras de Henri Bergson e Beatriz Sarlo para compor os questionamentos – mais do que respostas – acerca da memória como um método e uma ética de escrita. Dessa forma, a obra de Saramago é visitada com um olhar que se volta ao passado, mas que também questiona a composição do tempo para o indivíduo narrador e o sujeito narrado.

    Neuroendokrynna regulacja masy ciała: integracja tkanki tłuszczowej, układu pokarmowego i mózgu

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    Human body weight is maintained at a fairly stable level regardless of changes in energy intake and energy expenditure. Compensatory mechanisms within the central nervous system (CNS), which regulate food intake and energy expenditure, are triggered by other central and peripheral signals. Peripherally, the main sources of those signals are the adipose tissue, gastrointestinal tract, and pancreas. The main signal originating from the adipose tissue is leptin, which promotes the activation of anorexigenic pathways in the CNS. Similarly, the central action of insulin also reduces food intake and stimulates catabolic pathways. The gastrointestinal tract contributes with several peptides that influence food intake, such as ghrelin, glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1), peptide YY (PYY), oxyntomodulin (OXM), and cholecystokinin (CCK). Other substances secreted by the pancreas, such as pancreatic polypeptide (PP) and amylin, a hormone co-secreted with insulin, also affect energy balance. More recently, the endocannabinoid system has also been identified as a contributor in the maintenance of energy balance. Better understanding of these mechanistic systems involved in the regulation of energy metabolism will hopefully lead to the development of new therapeutic approaches against obesity, metabolic syndrome, and other nutritional disorders. (Pol J Endocrinol 2010; 61 (2): 194-206)Masa ciała człowieka jest utrzymywana na względnie stałym poziomie niezależnie od zmian zarówno w dostarczaniu energii, jak i jej zużywania. Mechanizm kompensacyjny w ośrodkowym układzie nerwowym (CNS, central nervous system [OUN]), który reguluje przyjmowanie pokarmu i wydatek energii jest uruchamiany przez inne sygnały ośrodkowe i obwodowe. Obwodowo, źródłem tych sygnałów jest tkanka tłuszczowa, układ pokarmowy i trzustka. Głównym sygnałem pochodzącym z tkanki tuszczowej jest leptyna, która powoduje aktywację anoreksogennych dróg przekazu sygnału w CNS. Podobnie, oddziaływanie ośrodkowe insuliny także zmniejsza przyjmowanie pokarmu i stymuluje kataboliczne drogi przekazu sygnału. W układzie pokarmowym współdziała kilka peptydów, które wpływają na przyjmowanie pokarmu, takie jak grelina, peptyd podobny do glukagonu (GLP-1, glucagon-like peptide), peptyd YY (PYY, peptide YY), oksyntomodulina (OXM, oxyntomodulin) i cholecystokinina (CCK, cholecystokinin), Pozostałe substancje wydzielane przez trzustkę, takie jak polipeptyd trzustkowy (PP, pancreatic polypeptide) i amylina, hormon wydzielany jednocześnie z insuliną , także wpływają na równowagę energetyczną. W najnowszych badaniach stwierdzono, że układ endokannabinoidowy przyczynia sie do zachowania równowagi energetycznej. Lepsze zrozumienie mechanizmów układów wpływających na regulacje przemiany energii przyczyni się do rozwoju nowych terapii otyłości, zespołu metabolicznego i innych zaburzeń odżywiania. (Endokrynol Pol 2010; 61 (2): 194-206

    Transpiration in mango using Granier method

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    Objetivou-se, com esse trabalho avaliar o método Granier (sonda de dissipação térmica) para a cultura da manga quanto à viabilidade de uso em condições de campo e ajustar a equação de determinação do fluxo de seiva com base em medidas lisimétricas, iniciando-se com três mudas da variedade Tommy Atkins, plantadas em vasos que, colocados sobre plataforma de pesagem, funcionaram como lisímetros. A área condutora do caule (AS) foi determinada por meio da aplicação de corantes. Medidas de transpiração por lisimetria nas plantas foram realizadas em vaso e estimativas do fluxo de seiva com sonda de dissipação térmica (SDT). Em um ramo de planta adulta foram instaladas uma sonda de dissipação térmica e um sensor de balanço de calor caulinar. Os resultados demonstraram que, usando os coeficientes originais da equação de Granier, o método subestima em 31% o fluxo de seiva (FS) diário em relação à transpiração medida pelos lisímetros; modificando os parâmetros empíricos da equação FS = 0,00017k1,231AS o desvio médio apresentado foi de -1,4%, com boa precisão (R² = 0,89). O método da SDT e balanço de calor caulinar apresentaram boa concordância entre os valores.The purpose of this study was to evaluate Granier's method (heat dissipation probe) for mango crop and to determine the viability of its use under field conditions and to adjust the equation of sap flow (SF) on the basis of lysimeter measurements. The work started with three seedlings of the variety Tommy Atkins cultivated in recipients that were placed on a weighing platforms which functioned as lysimeters. The sapwood area (SA) was determined through pigment application. Transpiration measurement by lysimeter were conducted in recipients and sap flow estimates with heat dissipation probe (HDP). This probe and a stem heat balance sensor were installed in one branch of the adult plant. The results showed that, using original coefficients of Granier's equation, the method underestimated sap flow by 31% daily in relation to the transpiration. Modifying empirical parameters of equation FS = 0,00017k1,231AS, the mean error was of -1.4% with good precision (R² = 0.89). HDP and stem heat balance method showed good agreement

    Stability of resistance of capsicum spp. genotypes to powdery mildew in protected cropping

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    Oídio (Oidiopsis taurica) é uma importante doença do pimentão (Capsicum annuum) e outras espécies de Capsicum. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar fontes de resistência no germoplasma de Capsicum spp. e relatar suas reações ao oídio em ambientes de telado e de casa de vegetação. Em telado, com inoculação artificial, testaram-se 104 genótipos de C. annuum, C. chinense, C. baccatum e C. frutescens. A avaliação foi repetida em canteiros de casa de vegetação com inoculação natural. Em telado, inoculou-se via atomização de 104 conídios/ml e em casa de vegetação manteve-se como fonte de inóculo plantas de pimentão previamente infetadas. Os genótipos foram agrupados em cinco níveis de resistência, a partir de leituras periódicas de incidência, esporulação, severidade e intensidade total da doença, e da determinação das respectivas áreas abaixo das curvas de progresso da doença. Cerca de 77% dos genótipos avaliados em telado foram altamente (AS) ou moderadamente suscetíveis (MS); 8% moderadamente resistentes (MR); 11% resistentes (R); e 4% foram altamente resistentes (AR). Cerca de 72% dos genótipos avaliados em casa de vegetação foram AS ou MS; 11% MR; 9% R; e 8% foram AR. Todos os genótipos classificados como AS tanto em telado quanto em casa de vegetação pertencem à espécie C. annuum. De modo geral, o ranking de resistência ao oídio permaneceu constante nos dois ambientes. Capsicum baccatum, C. frutescens e C. chinense apresentaram maior número de genótipos resistentes. Os principais genótipos AR foram CNPH 39, 161, 363 e 601 (C. baccatum); CNPH 579, 596 e 597 (C. frutescens); CNPH 55 (C. chinense); CNPH 280, 289, 434, 570 e 600 (C. chinense) e CNPH 1424 (C. annuum).This work reports the resistance of Capsicum spp. genotypes to Oidiopsis taurica. Experiments were first conducted with artificial inoculation in pots in a screenhouse, with a set of 104 genotypes. A similar test was carried out with transplants in soil beds in a greenhouse, with 93 genotypes, selected from those previously tested in the screenhouse. In the screenhouse, plants were spray-inoculated with a conidial suspension of 104 conidia/ml. The source of inoculum in the greenhouse consisted of previously-infected sweet-pepper (Capsicum annuum) plants. Genotypes were separated into five resistance groups, following measurements of four disease variables: disease incidence, sporulation index, leaf severity index, and total disease intensity. In addition, the areas under disease progress curves were determined for each variable. About 77% of the genotypes tested in the screenhouse were highly (HS) or moderately susceptible (MS); 8% moderately resistant (MR); 11% resistant (R); and 4% were highly resistant (HR). About 72% of the genotypes tested in the greenhouse were HS or MS; 11% MR; 9% R and 8% HR. Capsicum annuum was the most susceptible species to O. taurica. Classification of most genotypes according to their resistance remained the same in the two experiments. Capsicum baccatum, C. frutescens and C. chinense had higher frequencies of resistant genotypes, and therefore, are considered to be good sources of resistance to the disease. The best sources of resistance (HR genotypes) were CNPH 39, 161, 363 and 601 (C. baccatum); CNPH 579, 596 and 597 (C. frutescens); CNPH 55 (C. annuum); CNPH 280, 289, 434, 570 and 600 (C. chinense) and CNPH 1424 (C. annuum)

    The use of dried blood spot sampling for the measurement of HbA1c: a cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: The use of dried blood spot (DBS) sampling is an alternative to traditional venous blood collection, and particularly useful for people living in rural and remote areas, and for those who are infirm, house-bound or time-poor. The objective of this study was to assess whether the measurement of glycated haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) in DBS samples provided comparative and acceptably precise results. METHODS: Venous and capillary blood samples were collected from 115 adult participants. After proper instruction, each participant punctured his/her own finger and collected capillary blood samples on pieces of a proprietary cellulose filter paper. Each filter paper was subsequently placed inside a breathable envelope, stored at room temperature, and processed on the same day (D0), four (D4), seven (D7) and fourteen (D14) days after collection. HbA1c was measured in duplicates/triplicates in whole venous blood (WB), capillary blood (capDBS) and venous blood placed on the matrix paper (venDBS), by turbidimetric inhibition immunoassay. Intra-assay coefficients of variation (CV) were calculated. DBS values were compared to WB results using linear regression, Bland-Altman plots and cross-validation models. RESULTS: Eleven and 56 patients had type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus, respectively. Mean HbA1c levels were 6.22 ± 1.11 % for WB samples (n = 115). The median intra-assay CV was lower than 3 % for WB and capDBS on all days. Results from capDBS and venDBS showed high correlation and agreement to WB results, with narrow 95 % limits of agreement (except for results from D14 samples), as observed in Bland-Altman plots. When capDBS values were applied to equations derived from regression analyses, results approached those of WB values. A cross-validation model showed that capDBS results on D0, D4 and D7 were close to the WB results, with prediction intervals that were narrow enough to be clinically acceptable. CONCLUSIONS: The measurement of HbA1c from DBS samples provided results that were comparable to results from WB samples, if measured up to seven days after collection. Intra-assay coefficients of variation were low, results were in agreement with the gold-standard, and prediction intervals were clinically acceptable. The measurement of HbA1c through DBS sampling may be considered in situations where traditional venipuncture is not available.This study was funded by MyHealthTest Pty, including the article-processing charge

    Uso do TSH recombinante humano em dose baixa e única (0,1 mg) associado à atividade ambulatorial (30 mCi) de radioiodo no tratamento do bócio multinodular /

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    Orientador: Hans GrafDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Medicina Interna. Defesa: Curitiba, 2006Inclui bibliografia e anexo