737 research outputs found

    Infancia en el entorno rural: acceso y conocimiento de los servicios de terapia ocupacional

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    [Resumen] Introducción: La infancia es considerada como la etapa del ciclo vital más importante y crítica en el desarrollo de un individuo, a pesar de ello el fenómeno de la diversidad funcional en este periodo se encuentra en auge, sumando sólo en Galicia un total de 7.581 niños/as. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) destaca la importancia que tiene el entorno en la funcionalidad de los/as niño/as; así, el rural se extiende por la mayor parte de Galicia, caracterizándose por su diversidad y heterogeneidad, en donde realizar desplazamientos o acceder a servicios básicos puede resultar complicado para las familias residentes en el mismo. Objetivos: Obtener una perspectiva general de la situación vital de los/as menores con diversidad funcional y sus familias que residen en un entorno rural. Así como determinar cómo el entorno de residencia puede actuar como un factor ambiental, facilitador o barrera, en el acceso a los servicios de Terapia Ocupacional. Metodología: Proyecto de investigación de metodología mixta con un diseño secuencial exploratorio. La metodología cualitativa seguirá un enfoque fenomenológico a través de una entrevista semiestructurada. Mientras que el método cuantitativo será de tipo descriptivo mediante la realización de un cuestionario propio y la Escala de Percepción de Indicadores de Bienestar Infantil (EPIBI).[Resumo] Introdución: A infancia é considerada como a etapa do ciclo vital máis importante e crítica no desenvolvemento dun individuo, a pesar diso o fenómeno da diversidade funcional neste período atópase en auxe, sumando só en Galicia un total de 7.581 nenos/ as. A Organización Mundial da Saúde (OMS) destaca a importancia que ten a contorna na funcionalidade dos/ as neno/ as; así, o rural esténdese pola maior parte de Galicia, caracterizándose pola súa diversidade e heteroxeneidade, onde realizar desprazamentos ou acceder a servizos básicos pode resultar complicado para as familias residentes no mesmo. Obxectivos: Obter unha perspectiva xeral da situación vital dos/as menores con diversidade funcional e as súas familias que residen nunha contorna rural. Así como determinar como a contorna de residencia pode actuar como un factor ambiental, facilitador ou barreira, no acceso aos servizos de Terapia Ocupacional. Metodoloxía: Proxecto de investigación de metodoloxía mixta cun deseño secuencial exploratorio. A metodoloxía cualitativa seguirá un enfoque fenomenolóxico a través dunha entrevista semiestructurada. Mentres que o método cuantitativo será de tipo descritivo mediante a realización dun cuestionario propio e a Escala de Percepción de Indicadores de Benestar Infantil (EPIBI).[Abstract] Introduction: Childhood is considered as the most important and critical stage of the life cycle in a person’s development. Despite this, the phenomenon of functinal diversity in this period is booming, with 7,581 children just in Galicia. The World Health Organization (WHO) highlights the importance of the environment in children’s functionality, which in Galicia is mainly rural and thus, characterized by its diversity and heterogeneity. Goals: To obtain an overview of the life situation of children with functional diversity, and the families, living in a rural environment. To determine as well how the environment of residence can act as an environmental factor, facilitator or barrier, in the access to Occupational Therapy Services. Methodology: Mixed methodology research project with an exploratory sequential design. The qualitative methodology will follow a phenomenological approach through a semi-structured interview, while the quantitative method will be descriptive by means of a questionnaire and the EPIBI Scale (Child Well-Being Indicators Perception Scale).Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FCS). Terapia ocupacional. Curso 2021/202

    Rule base reduction on a self-learning fuzzy controller

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    The linear model of an unknown dynamic process

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    4th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 1998, Buenos Aires, Argentina[Abstract] This work describes a novel algorithmic approach to find the linear model of any dynamic process. Dynamic behaviour as a knowledge concept is acquired by means of proposed learning algorithm, being supported by DAM (deterministic associative memory) system. Depending on the particular use of process model, (system simulation, control design, reproduction of dynamic behaviour, parameter identification, plant diagnosis...) information to and from DAM will be stored and retrieved as demanded from a particular application by applying the proposed algorithmic methodolog

    Hybrid FDI on chemical plants

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    [Abstract] This paper illustrates an alternative implementation to automatic protection and supervision task using the basic principles of model-based fault-detection and isolation associated to the rule-based FDI with subsequent appropriate corrective actions. Hybrid systems may be precisely described by sequential function charts (SFC). Operation supervision of hybrid systems may be carried out simultaneously on the basis of such SFC description. As discrete event and continuous processes operate simultaneously in close cooperation, a strategy to diagnose such hybrid system by means of a structured methodology under SFC description tool on the IEC-848 standard is develope

    SFC++: A tool for developing distributed real time control

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    WESIC'98, Girona, Spain June 10, 11 and 12, 1998This paper describes a visual tool for developing real time software for the control of distributed manufacturing systems. The aim of this project, currently in progress, is to get a visual programming environment which integrates both the advantages of object oriented modelling for the design and simulation of systems and the power of modern distributed control systems (i.e. computers with real time operating systems interconnected by means of industrial real time networks). To bridge the gap between the object oriented system model and the implementation level, at which we have multiple parallel tasks running over a network, Sequential Function Charts are used as a standard formalism (IEC, 1988; UTE, 1992) for the description of system dynamics and control software programmin

    Preliminary design study of a fuzzy tracking controller applied to a crane type manipulator

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    [Abstract] The main purpose of a control system is usually to force the output to follow a reference input with zero steady state error while satisfying certain transient requirements such the settling time for rapid following, overshoot and smoothness of the transient response. This paper is concerned with finding a fuzzy rule-based controller achieved by learning from a virtual feedback (PID) controller capable for satisfying rapid following, zero steady state error and overshoot suppression applied to robotized manipulators dedicated to heavy loads or big container handlin

    Application of simulation to mechanical fault diagnosis by pattern matching with parity equations

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    [Abstract] The operation of technical processes requires increasingly advanced supervision and fault diagnosis procedures to improve reliability, safety and global efficiency. Simulation associated to signal analysis techniques offers an alternative solution to the field of detection and diagnosis. This paper deals with a basic method in supervision and fault diagnosis of mechanical equipment using simulation procedures to determine both, the ideal dynamic pattern and the faulty dynamic pattern. Then comparison of actual vibration spectrum with both patterns for extract a valid conclusion is the aim of thi

    De los reguladores convencionales a los reguladores basados en lógica difusa

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    [Resumen] En este trabajo se revisan los conceptos de control industrial referido a tareas de control típicamente afrontadas por medio de reguladores PID convencionales y que son susceptibles de ser resueltas mediante reguladores basados en reglas. Se proponen estrategias de compensación correctiva a partir de las acciones básicas de regulación mediante reglas difusas, así como la implementación de reguladores basados en reglas a partir del conocimiento adquirido acerca de los reguladores convencionale

    Multivariable fuzzy feedforward compensation

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    This work deals with some practical aspects of fuzzy PID controllers regarding multivariable non-linear feedforward compensation. This contribution concerns to the task of compensation for multivariable disturbances on the controlled variable. The strategy consist in establishing a fuzzy rule base for all disturbance variables and compensate the control variable by feedforward action by means of a fuzzy rule base properly adjuste