611 research outputs found

    Juan Ferraté: Jaime Gil de Biedma. Cartas y artículos

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    Review of: Juan Ferraté. Jaime Gil de Biedma. Cartas y artículos. Barcelona, Quaderns Crema, 1994, 222 pp

    El exemplum: marco narrativo y componentes pragmáticos

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    El objeto de este artículo se centra, fundamentalmente, en la importancia de la escritura en la elaboración y transmisión de las colecciones de exempla entre los siglos XIII y XIV, y en concreto en aquellas que estaban destinadas para la educación de príncipes, a saber, Calila e Dimna, Sendebar, Castigos de Sancho IV o El Conde Lucanor. Estas obras, a diferencia de otras compilaciones de relatos como los utilizados por la Iglesia para la predicación, presentan unas características formales y estructurales condicionadas por la transmisión escrita; pretendemos, pues, analizar dichas peculiaridades.This article centres mainly on the importance of writing for the formation and transmission of collections of exempla during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, and in particular for those devoted to the education of princes, including Calila e Dimna, Sendebar, Castigos de Sancho IV and El Conde Lucanor. These works, unlike other compilations of stories such as those the Church used for preaching, partake of formal and structural characteristics influenced by written transmission. Our aim is thus to analyze these peculiarities.Publicad

    Caza menor and La Regenta: Relationship of intertextuality

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    El objeto de este trabajo es demostrar que la primera novela de Elena Soriano, Caza menor, se revela no sólo entretejida bajo el magisterio de la escuela realista europea sino, muy especialmente, heredera directa de la gran novela de Leopoldo Alas Clarín. Para ello partiremos del fructífero concepto de intertextualidad y llevaremos a cabo un análisis de los protagonistas de Caza menor que pondrá de manifiesto que parte de sus rasgos y la función que éstos cumplen en la trama guardan una estrecha vinculación con la estructura del cuarteto protagonista de La Regenta y las relaciones que sus personajes mantienen entre sí.The aim of this study is to establish relationship between the first narration by Elena Soriano, entitled Caza menor and inspired by the literary models of the big European realist writers, and Clarin’s famous novel, La Regenta. The concept of intertextuality must be use to show that both features of these characters and the relationship established among them are rather similar. In conclusion, we can say that the big realist novel of the XIX century was the most important model for the Spanish narrators of the Fifties generation, in general, and for the writer Elena Soriano, in particular

    The mechanisms of interpretation: the effectiveness of fiction in the reconstruction of memory about Los girasoles ciegos

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    The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the important role that fiction can play in the reconstruction of historical memory. We start from some concepts proposed by phenomenology, and those wisely used by the literary pragmatics and aesthetics of reception, in order to explain the effect that fiction has on the reader regardless of contents or themes. The choice of Los girasoles ciegos is to illustrate the effectiveness of fictional stories in the reconstruction of historical memory through the use of four stories present suitable formal features. These stories allow the reader to interpret the text as own experience.The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the important role that fiction can play in the reconstruction of historical memory. We start from some concepts proposed by phenomenology, and those wisely used by the literary pragmatics and aesthetics of reception, in order to explain the effect that fiction has on the reader regardless of contents or themes. The choice of Los girasoles ciegos is to illustrate the effectiveness of fictional stories in the reconstruction of historical memory through the use of four stories present suitable formal features. These stories allow the reader to interpret the text as own experience

    ¿Por qué lo llaman amor? Un tema universal en manos del sujeto lírico femenino

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    Si algo ha caracterizado la voz de la mujer, singularmente en los últimos años donde los cambios sociales han propiciado la aparición de nuevas formas y nuevos temas de expresión para las creadoras, ha sido precisamente la subversión de un sistema que la relegaba no ya a «ser inferior» sino al «no-ser». El amor, como uno de los temas clave de la poesía de todos los tiempos, no escapa a la mirada subversiva del sujeto lírico femenino; no sólo no escapa sino que aparece como una de las piedras angulares donde dicho sujeto construye su voz diferenciadora

    Study of the Training of Environmentalists through Gamification as A University Course

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    The United Nations Agenda for 2030 lists Sustainable Development Goals which include quality education, which we have pursued in the Undergraduate Final Project of the Environmental Sciences Degree at the University of Granada (Spain). This entailed designing sustainable cities, including the management of natural hazards. We created an innovative didactic model using gamification, in which the student adopted the researcher role using the computer game Cities: Skylines as a simulation tool. Using a design-based method, we conducted a qualitative single-case study in which the professor observed the process and guided the student’s self-learning in a fun way. Under this guidance, the student made decisions alone in order to simulate a sustainable city, and afterwards to analyse the findings. Three variables were considered in order to evaluate the results concerning the quality of the student’s learning: (1) the experiment using the game, (2) motivation, and (3) the skills acquired. In all three, the student earned a high score. Of the 12 skills established as the specific goals of the teaching plan, the student reached a very high level in 10, and a high level in two, implying the overall success of the learning process. The study achieved its main goal, as an innovative didactic methodology was established based on student’s research, using gamification and simulation with a technological tool. Moreover, the case study gave positive results, with the student proving capable of developing scientific and professional competencies at an optimal level

    Lysistrats in 21th Century: treatment of love by lyric subject

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    La mujer ha transformado el discurso poético. Han cambiado el discurso tradicional masculino. Por primera vez, se expresan por sí mismas y revolucionan el papel de la mujer en la poesía del siglo XX. Hablan de sus cuerpos, del cuerpo masculino, de mitos clásicos como Penélope, pero desde una perspectiva completamente distinta. Este artículo proporciona una muestra de este cambio.The woman has altered the poetic word. They have changed the traditional male discourse. They, for the first time, express themselves and they revolutionize the role of the woman in the poetry of the twentieth century. They talk about their body, about the body of the man, about the classic myths, such as Penelope but from a point of view completely different. This article provides a sample of this change