8,577 research outputs found

    Gaussian Decoherence and Gaussian Echo from Spin Environments

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    We examine an exactly solvable model of decoherence -- a spin-system interacting with a collection of environment spins. We show that in this simple model (introduced some time ago to illustrate environment--induced superselection) generic assumptions about the coupling strengths lead to a universal (Gaussian) suppression of coherence between pointer states. We explore the regime of validity of this result and discuss its relation to spectral features of the environment. We also consider its relevance to the experiments on the so-called Loschmidt echo (which measures, in effect, the fidelity between the initial and time-reversed or "echo" signal). In particular, we show that for partial reversals (e.g., when of only a part of the total Hamiltonian changes sign) fidelity will exhibit a Gaussian dependence on the time of reversal. In such cases echo may become independent of the details of the reversal procedure or the specifics of the coupling to the environment. This puzzling behavior was observed in several NMR experiments. Natural candidates for such two environments (one of which is easily reversed, while the other is ``irreversible'') are suggested for the experiment involving ferrocene.Comment: Improved text and figures, to appear in the special issue of Acta Physica Polonica B celebrating the 100th anniversary of Smoluchowski's equation and his paper explaining Brownian motion (in http://th-www.if.uj.edu.pl/acta/vol38/pdf/v38p1685.pdf

    Decoherence and the Loschmidt echo

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    Environment--induced decoherence causes entropy increase. It can be quantified using, e.g., the purity ς=Trρ2\varsigma={\rm Tr}\rho^2. When the Hamiltonian of a quantum system is perturbed, its sensitivity to such perturbation can be measured by the Loschmidt echo Mˉ(t)\bar M(t). It is given by the average squared overlap between the perturbed and unperturbed state. We describe the relation between the temporal behavior of ς(t)\varsigma(t) and Mˉ(t)\bar M(t). In this way we show that the decay of the Loschmidt echo can be analyzed using tools developed in the study of decoherence. In particular, for systems with a classically chaotic Hamiltonian the decay of ς\varsigma and Mˉ\bar M has a regime where it is dominated by the classical Lyapunov exponent

    On fault-tolerance with noisy and slow measurements

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    It is not so well-known that measurement-free quantum error correction protocols can be designed to achieve fault-tolerant quantum computing. Despite the potential advantages of using such protocols in terms of the relaxation of accuracy, speed and addressing requirements on the measurement process, they have usually been overlooked because they are expected to yield a very bad threshold as compared to error correction protocols which use measurements. Here we show that this is not the case. We design fault-tolerant circuits for the 9 qubit Bacon-Shor code and find a threshold for gates and preparation of p(p,g)thresh=3.76×105p_{(p,g) thresh}=3.76 \times 10^{-5} (30% of the best known result for the same code using measurement based error correction) while admitting up to 1/3 error rates for measurements and allocating no constraints on measurement speed. We further show that demanding gate error rates sufficiently below the threshold one can improve the preparation threshold to p(p)thresh=1/3p_{(p)thresh} = 1/3. We also show how these techniques can be adapted to other Calderbank-Shor-Steane codes.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures. v3 has an extended exposition and several simplifications that provide for an improved threshold value and resource overhea

    A two-loop relation between inclusive radiative and semileptonic B-decay spectra

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    A shape-function independent relation is derived between the partial B->X_u+l+nu decay rate with a cut on P_+=E_X-P_X<Delta and a weighted integral over the normalized B->X_s+gamma photon-energy spectrum. The leading-power contribution to the weight function is calculated at next-to-next-to-leading order in renormalization-group improved perturbation theory, including exact two-loop matching corrections at the scale mu_i^2 ~ m_b*Lambda_{QCD}. The overall normalization of the weight function is obtained up to yet unknown corrections of order [alpha_s(m_b)]^2. Power corrections from phase-space factors are included exactly, while the remaining subleading contributions are included at first order in 1/m_b. At this level unavoidable hadronic uncertainties enter, which are estimated in a conservative way. The combined theoretical accuracy in the extraction of |V_{ub}| is at the level of 5% if a value of Delta near the charm threshold can be achieved experimentally.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures; few comments and one reference added; version to appear in JHE

    On the Optimization of Broad-Band Photometry for Galaxy Evolution Studies

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    We have derived the uncertainties to be expected in the derivation of galaxy physical properties (star formation history, age, metallicity, reddening) when comparing broad-band photometry to the predictions of evolutionary synthesis models. We have obtained synthetic colors for a large sample (9000) of artificial galaxies assuming different star formation histories, ages, metallicities, reddening values, and redshifts. The colors derived have been perturbed by adopting different observing errors, and compared back to the evolutionary synthesis models grouped in different sets. The comparison has been performed using a combination of Monte Carlo simulations, a Maximum Likelihood Estimator and Principal Component Analysis. After comparing the input and derived output values we have been able to compute the uncertainties and covariant degeneracies between the galaxy physical properties as function of (1) the set of observables available, (2) the observing errors, and (3) the galaxy properties themselves. In this work we have considered different sets of observables, some of them including the standard Johnson/Cousins (UBVRI) and Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) bands in the optical, the 2 Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) bands in the near-infrared, and the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) bands in the UV, at three different redshifts, z=0.0, 0.7, and 1.4. This study is intended to represent a basic tool for the design of future projects on galaxy evolution, allowing an estimate of the optimal band-pass combinations and signal-to-noise ratios required for a given scientific objective.Comment: 20 pages, 9 postscript figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in A

    DSS-Saltirsoil: un sistema de ayuda a la decisión en internet para la obtención de recomendaciones de gestión del riego y el cultivo en tierras amenazadas por salinización

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    En el presente trabajo se presenta un ejemplo de utilización del sistema de ayuda a la decisión DSS-SALTIRSOIL para la recomendación del riego en una plantación de caqui “Rojo Brillante” en la zona de riegos del Magro de la Ribera del Xúquer (Valencia). De acuerdo con la simulación realizada con datos de la zona representativos de su meteorología (año 2010), suelo (franco arcilloso), calidad de agua (2.3 dS/m) y manejo del riego (goteo) y el cultivo, se esperaría una pérdida del 15% de producción como consecuencia de la salinización. Un incremento de la dotación anual de riego de 140 mm, o una disminución de la salinidad hasta 2.0 dS/m reducirían dicha pérdidas a tan solo un 10% en dicho año de meteorología media. No obstante, la simulación del periodo 2000-2015 indica que una disminución de 100 mm en la precipitación anual media supone una amenaza de pérdida de producción de más del 20% en promedio. En consecuencia una solución satisfactoria a los problemas de salinidad en el cultivo del caqui en la zona pasa necesariamente por usar aguas de riego de salinidad más baja (< 2.0 dS/m), o bien por un cambio del patrón del caqui a uno más tolerante a la salinidad como es el D. virginiana.In this article an example of utilization of the decision support system DSSSALTIRSOIL is shown for the recommendation of irrigation in a persimmon "Rojo Brillante" plantation in the Magro irrigation district in the Ribera del Xúquer (Valencia). According to the simulation carried out with data from the area, which is representative of the meteorology (2010), soil (clay loam), water quality (2.3 dS / m) and irrigation (drip) and crop management, 15% yield losses would be expected as a result of salinization. An increase in the annual irrigation dose of 140 mm, or a decrease in salinity down to 2.0 dS / m would reduce such losses to only 10% in such a year of average meteorology. However, the simulation of the span 2000-2015 indicates that an average decrease of 100 mm in the annual rainfall poses a threat of yield losses over 20% on average. Consequently a satisfactory solution for the salinity problems in persimmon cropping in the area necessarily involves using irrigation water of lower salinity (<2.0 dS / m), or replacing the persimmon rootstock by a more salttolerant one such as the D. virginiana.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación 14592-C02-01Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación CGL2009-14592-C02-0

    Local adsorption structure and bonding of porphine on Cu(111) before and after self-metalation

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    We have experimentally determined the lateral registry and geometric structure of free-base porphine (2H-P) and copper-metalated porphine (Cu-P) adsorbed on Cu(111), by means of energy-scanned photoelectron diffraction (PhD), and compared the experimental results to density functional theory (DFT) calculations that included van der Waals corrections within the Tkatchenko-Scheffler approach. Both 2H-P and Cu-P adsorb with their center above a surface bridge site. Consistency is obtained between the experimental and DFT-predicted structural models, with a characteristic change in the corrugation of the four N atoms of the molecule's macrocycle following metalation. Interestingly, comparison with previously published data for cobalt porphine adsorbed on the same surface evidences a distinct increase in the average height of the N atoms above the surface through the series 2H-P, Cu-P, cobalt porphine. Such an increase strikingly anti-correlates the DFT-predicted adsorption strength, with 2H-P having the smallest adsorption height despite the weakest calculated adsorption energy. In addition, our findings suggest that for these macrocyclic compounds, substrate-to-molecule charge transfer and adsorption strength may not be univocally correlated

    The fate of spiral galaxies in clusters: The star formation history of the anemic Virgo cluster galaxy NGC 4569

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    We present a new method for studying the star formation history of late-type cluster galaxies undergoing gas starvation or a ram pressure stripping event by combining bidimensional multifrequency observations with multizone models of galactic chemical and spectrophotometric evolution. This method is applied to the Virgo Cluster anemic galaxy NGC 4569. We extract radial profiles from recently obtained UV GALEX images at 1530 and 2310 Å, from visible and near-IR narrow (Hα) and broadband images at different wavelengths (u, B, g, V, r, i, z, J, H, and K), from Spitzer IRAC and MIPS images, and from atomic and molecular gas maps. The model in the absence of interaction (characterized by its rotation velocity and spin parameter) is constrained by the unperturbed H-band light profile and by the Hα rotation curve. We can reconstruct the observed total gas radial density profile and the light surface brightness profiles at all wavelengths in a ram pressure stripping scenario by making simple assumptions about the gas removal process and the orbit of NGC 4569 inside the cluster. The observed profiles cannot be reproduced by simply stopping gas infall, thus mimicking starvation. Gas removal is required, which is more efficient in the outer disk, inducing radial quenching in the star formation activity, as observed and reproduced by the model. This observational result, consistent with theoretical predictions that a galaxy cluster-IGM interaction is able to modify structural disk parameters without gravitational perturbations, is discussed in the framework of the origin of lenticular galaxies in cluster