17,055 research outputs found

    Design and flight testing of a nullable compressor face rake

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    A compressor face rake with an internal valve arrangement to permit nulling was designed, constructed, and tested in the laboratory and in flight at the NASA Flight Research Center. When actuated by the pilot in flight, the nullable rake allowed the transducer zero shifts to be determined and then subsequently removed during data reduction. Design details, the fabrication technique, the principle of operation, brief descriptions of associated digital zero-correction programs and the qualification tests, and test results are included. Sample flight data show that the zero shifts were large and unpredictable but could be measured in flight with the rake. The rake functioned reliably and as expected during 25 hours of operation under flight environmental conditions and temperatures from 230 K (-46 F) to greater than 430 K (314 F). The rake was nulled approximately 1000 times. The in-flight zero-shift measurement technique, as well as the rake design, was successful and should be useful in future applications, particularly where accurate measurements of both steady-state and dynamic pressures are required under adverse environmental conditions

    Processing deficits in monitoring analog and digital displays: Implications for attentional theory and mental-state estimation research

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    Subjects performed short term memory tasks, involving both spatial and verbal components, and a visual monitoring task involving either analog or digital display formats. These two tasks (memory vs. monitoring) were performed both singly and in conjunction. Contrary to expectations derived from multiple resource theories of attentional processes, there was no evidence that when the two tasks involved the same cognitive codes (i.e., either both spatial or both verbal/linguistics) there was more of a dual task performance decrement than when the two tasks employed different cognitive codes/processes. These results are discussed in terms of their implications for theories of attentional processes and also for research in mental state estimation

    New Consequences of Induced Transparency in a Double-Lambda scheme: Destructive Interference In Four-wave Mixing

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    We investigate a four-state system interacting with long and short laser pulses in a weak probe beam approximation. We show that when all lasers are tuned to the exact unperturbed resonances, part of the four-wave mixing (FWM) field is strongly absorbed. The part which is not absorbed has the exact intensity required to destructively interfere with the excitation pathway involved in producing the FWM state. We show that with this three-photon destructive interference, the conversion efficiency can still be as high as 25%. Contrary to common belief,our calculation shows that this process, where an ideal one-photon electromagnetically induced transparency is established, is not most suitable for high efficiency conversion. With appropriate phase-matching and propagation distance, and when the three-photon destructive interference does not occur, we show that the photon flux conversion efficiency is independent of probe intensity and can be close to 100%. In addition, we show clearly that the conversion efficiency is not determined by the maximum atomic coherence between two lower excited states, as commonly believed. It is the combination of phase-matching and constructive interference involving the two terms arising in producing the mixing wave that is the key element for the optimized FWM generation. Indeed, in this scheme no appreciable excited state is produced, so that the atomic coherence between states |0> and |2> is always very small.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. A, 7 pages, 4 figure

    Frequency spectrum of gravitational radiation from global hydromagnetic oscillations of a magnetically confined mountain on an accreting neutron star

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    Recent time-dependent, ideal-magnetohydrodynamic (ideal-MHD) simulations of polar magnetic burial in accreting neutron stars have demonstrated that stable, magnetically confined mountains form at the magnetic poles, emitting gravitational waves at ff_{*} (stellar spin frequency) and 2f2 f_{*}. Global MHD oscillations of the mountain, whether natural or stochastically driven, act to modulate the gravitational wave signal, creating broad sidebands (full-width half-maximum 0.2f\sim 0.2f_*) in the frequency spectrum around ff_{*} and 2f2 f_{*}. The oscillations can enhance the signal-to-noise ratio achieved by a long-baseline interferometer with coherent matched filtering by up to 15 per cent, depending on where ff_* lies relative to the noise curve minimum. Coherent, multi-detector searches for continuous waves from nonaxisymmetric pulsars should be tailored accordingly.Comment: 4 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Nuclear Corrections to Hyperfine Structure in Light Hydrogenic Atoms

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    Hyperfine intervals in light hydrogenic atoms and ions are among the most accurately measured quantities in physics. The theory of QED corrections has recently advanced to the point that uncalculated terms for hydrogenic atoms and ions are probably smaller than 0.1 parts per million (ppm), and the experiments are even more accurate. The difference of the experiments and QED theory is interpreted as the effect on the hyperfine interaction of the (finite) nuclear charge and magnetization distributions, and this difference varies from tens to hundreds of ppm. We have calculated the dominant component of the 1s hyperfine interval for deuterium, tritium and singly ionized helium, using modern second-generation potentials to compute the nuclear component of the hyperfine splitting for the deuteron and the trinucleon systems. The calculated nuclear corrections are within 3% of the experimental values for deuterium and tritium, but are about 20% discrepant for singly ionized helium. The nuclear corrections for the trinucleon systems can be qualitatively understood by invoking SU(4) symmetry.Comment: 26 pages, 1 figure, latex - submitted to Physical Review

    The Extended Power Law as Intrinsic Signature For a Black Hole

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    We analyze the exact general relativistic exact integro-differential equation of radiative transfer describing the interaction of low energy photons with a Maxwellian distribution of hot electrons in gravitational field of a Schwarzschild black hole. We prove that due to Comptonization an initial arbitrary spectrum of low energy photons unavoidably results in spectra characterized by an extended power-law feature. We examine the spectral index by using both analytical and numerical methods for a variety of physical parameters as such the plasma temperature and the mass accretion rate. The presence of the event horizon as well as the behaviour of the null geodesics in its vicinity largely determine the dependence of the spectral index on the flow parameters. We come to the conclusion that the bulk motion of a converging flow is more efficient in upscattering photons than thermal Comptonization provided that the electron temperature in the flow is of order of a few keV or less. In this case, the spectrum observed at infinity consists of a soft component produced by those input photons that escape after a few scatterings without any significant energy change and of hard component (described by a power law) produced by the photons that underwent significant upscattering. The luminosity of the power-law component is relatively small compared to that of the soft component. For accretion into black hole the spectral energy index of the power-law is always higher than one for plasma temperature of order of a few keV. This result suggests that the bulk motion Comptonization might be responsible for the power-law spectra seen in the black-hole X-ray sources.Comment: 31 pages, 3 figures; Astrophysical Journal accepte

    Place of death in the Czech Republic and Slovakia:a population based comparative study using death certificates data

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    Place of death represents an important indicator for end-of-life care policy making and is related to the quality of life of patients and their families. The aim of the paper is to analyse the place of death in the Czech Republic and Slovakia in 2011. Research questions were focused on factors influencing the place of death and specifically the likelihood of dying at home

    Charge-Symmetry-Breaking Three-Nucleon Forces

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    Leading-order three-nucleon forces that violate isospin symmetry are calculated in Chiral Perturbation Theory. The effect of the charge-symmetry-breaking three-nucleon force is investigated in the trinucleon systems using Faddeev calculations. We find that the contribution of this force to the 3He - 3H binding-energy difference is approximately 5 keV.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    X-ray Spectral Formation in a Converging Fluid Flow: Spherical Accretion into Black Holes

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    We study Compton upscattering of low-frequency photons in a converging flow of thermal plasma. The photons escape diffusively and electron scattering is the dominant source of opacity. We solve numerically and approximately analytically the equation of radiative transfer in the case of spherical, steady state accretion into black holes. Unlike previous work on this subject, we consider the inner boundary at a finite radius and this has a significant effect on the emergent spectrum. It is shown that the bulk motion of the converging flow is more efficient in upscattering photons than thermal Comptonization, provided that the electron temperature in the flow is of order a few keV or less. In this case, the spectrum observed at infinity consists of a soft component coming from those input photons which escaped after a few scatterings without any significant energy change and of a power law which extends to high energies and is made of those photons which underwent significant upscattering. The luminosity of the power law is relatively small compared to that of the soft component. The more reflective the inner boundary is, the flatter the power-law spectrum becomes. The spectral energy power-law index for black-hole accretion is always higher than 1 and it is approximately 1.5 for high accretion rates. This result tempts us to say that bulk motion Comptonization might be the mechanism behind the power-law spectra seen in black-hole X-ray sources.Comment: 37 pages, LaTex, AAS Macros, 8 ps figures, to appear in Ap