601 research outputs found

    Random interactions and spin-glass thermodynamic transition in the hole-doped Haldane system Y2−x_{2-x}Cax_xBaNiO5_5

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    Magnetization, DC and AC bulk susceptibility of the SS=1 Haldane chain system doped with electronic holes, Y2−x_{2-x}Cax_xBaNiO5_5 (0≤\leqx≤\leq0.20), have been measured and analyzed. The most striking results are (i) a sub-Curie power law behavior of the linear susceptibility, χ(T)\chi (T)∼\sim TT−α^{-\alpha}, for temperature lower than the Haldane gap of the undoped compound (x=0) (ii) the existence of a spin-glass thermodynamic transition at TTg_g = 2-3 K. These findings are consistent with (i) random couplings within the chains between the spin degrees of freedom induced by hole doping, (ii) the existence of ferromagnetic bonds that induce magnetic frustration when interchain interactions come into play at low temperature.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Gauge Invariant Factorisation and Canonical Quantisation of Topologically Massive Gauge Theories in Any Dimension

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    Abelian topologically massive gauge theories (TMGT) provide a topological mechanism to generate mass for a bosonic p-tensor field in any spacetime dimension. These theories include the 2+1 dimensional Maxwell-Chern-Simons and 3+1 dimensional Cremmer-Scherk actions as particular cases. Within the Hamiltonian formulation, the embedded topological field theory (TFT) sector related to the topological mass term is not manifest in the original phase space. However through an appropriate canonical transformation, a gauge invariant factorisation of phase space into two orthogonal sectors is feasible. The first of these sectors includes canonically conjugate gauge invariant variables with free massive excitations. The second sector, which decouples from the total Hamiltonian, is equivalent to the phase space description of the associated non dynamical pure TFT. Within canonical quantisation, a likewise factorisation of quantum states thus arises for the full spectrum of TMGT in any dimension. This new factorisation scheme also enables a definition of the usual projection from TMGT onto topological quantum field theories in a most natural and transparent way. None of these results rely on any gauge fixing procedure whatsoever.Comment: 1+25 pages, no figure

    Evidence for local lattice distortions in giant magnetocapacitive CdCr2S4

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    Raman scattering experiments on CdCr2S4 single crystals show pronounced anomalies in intensity and frequency of optical phonon modes with an onset temperature T*=130 K that coincides with the regime of giant magnetocapacitive effects. A loss of inversion symmetry and Cr off-centering are deduced from the observation of longitudinal optical and formerly infrared active modes for T<T_c=84 K. The intensity anomalies are attributed to the enhanced electronic polarizability of displacements that modulate the Cr-S distance and respective hybridization. Photo doping leads to an annihilation of the symmetry reduction. Our scenario of multiferroic effects is based on the near degeneracy of polar and nonpolar modes and the additional low energy scale due to hybridization.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Anomalous spectral weight in photoemission spectra of the hole doped Haldane chain Y2-xSrxBaNiO5

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    In this paper, we present photoemission experiments on the hole doped Haldane chain compound Y2−xSrxBaNiO5Y_{2-x}Sr_xBaNiO_5. By using the photon energy dependence of the photoemission cross section, we identified the symmetry of the first ionisation states (d type). Hole doping in this system leads to a significant increase in the spectral weight at the top of the valence band without any change in the vicinity of the Fermi energy. This behavior, not observed in other charge transfer oxides at low doping level, could result from the inhomogeneous character of the doped system and from a Ni 3d-O 2p hybridization enhancement due to the shortening of the relevant Ni-O distance in the localized hole-doped regions.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Comparison of S=0 and S=1/2 Impurities in Haldane Chain Compound, Y2BaNiO5Y_{2}BaNiO_{5}

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    We present the effect of Zn (S=0) and Cu (S=1/2) substitution at the Ni site of S=1 Haldane chain compound Y2BaNiO5Y_{2}BaNiO_{5}. 89^{89}Y NMR allows us to measure the local magnetic susceptibility at different distances from the defects. The 89^{89}Y NMR spectrum consists of one central peak and several less intense satellite peaks. The shift of the central peak measures the uniform susceptibility, which displays a Haldane gap DeltaDeltaequivequiv100 K and it corresponds to an AF coupling Jequivequiv260 K between the near-neighbor Ni spins. Zn or Cu substitution does not affect the Haldane gap. The satellites, which are evenly distributed on the two sides of the central peak, probe the antiferromagnetic staggered magnetization near the substituted site, which decays exponentially. Its extension is found identical for both impurities and corresponds accurately to the correlation length xixi(T) determined by Monte Carlo (QMC) simulations for the pure compound. In the case of non-magnetic Zn, the temperature dependence of the induced magnetization is consistent with a Curie law with an "effective" spin S=0.4 on each side of Zn, which is well accounted by Quantum Monte Carlo computations of the spinless-defect-induced magnetism. In the case of magnetic Cu, the similarity of the induced magnetism to the Zn case implies a weak coupling of the Cu spin to the nearest- neighbor Ni spins. The slight reductionin the induced polarization with respect to Zn is reproduced by QMC computations by considering an antiferromagnetic coupling of strength J'=0.1-0.2 J between the S=1/2 Cu-spin and nearest-neighbor Ni-spin.Comment: 15 pages, 18 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Singlet Ground State of the Quantum Antiferromagnet Ba3CuSb2O9

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    We present local probe results on the honeycomb lattice antiferromagnet Ba3CuSb2O9. Muon spin relaxation measurements in zero field down to 20 mK show unequivocally that there is a total absence of spin freezing in the ground state. Sb NMR measurements allow us to track the intrinsic susceptibility of the lattice, which shows a maximum at around 55 K and drops to zero in the low-temperature limit. The spin-lattice relaxation rate shows two characteristic energy scales, including a field-dependent crossover to exponential low-temperature behavior, implying gapped magnetic excitations.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Understanding lactatemia in human sepsis potential impact for early management

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    Rationale: Hyperlactatemia in sepsis may derive from a prevalent impairment of oxygen supply/demand and/or oxygen use. Discriminating between these two mechanisms may be relevant for the early fluid resuscitation strategy. Objectives: To understand the relationship among central venous oxygen saturation (ScvO2), lactate, and base excess to better determine the origin of lactate. Methods: This was a post hoc analysis of baseline variables of 1,741 patients with sepsis enrolled in the multicenter trial ALBIOS (Albumin ItalianOutcome Sepsis). Variableswere analyzed as a function of sextiles of lactate concentration and sextiles of ScvO2.Wedefined the "alactic base excess," as the sum of lactate and standard base excess. Measurements and Main Results: Organ dysfunction severity scores, physiologic variables of hepatic, metabolic, cardiac, and renal function, and 90-day mortality were measured. ScvO2 was lower than 70% only in 35% of patients. Mortality, organ dysfunction scores, and lactate were highest in the first and sixth sextiles of ScvO2. Although lactate level related strongly to mortality, it was associated with acidemia only when kidney function was impaired (creatinine &gt;2 mg/dl), as rapidly detected by a negative alactic base excess. In contrast, positive values of alactic base excess were associated with a relative reduction of fluid balance. Conclusions: Hyperlactatemia is powerfully correlated with severity of sepsis and, in established sepsis, is caused more frequently by impaired tissue oxygen use, rather than by impaired oxygen transport. Concomitant acidemia was only observed in the presence of renal dysfunction, as rapidly detected by alactic base excess. The current strategy of fluid resuscitation could be modified according to the origin of excess lactate

    Magnetization profiles and NMR spectra of doped Haldane chains at finite temperatures

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    Open segments of S=1 antiferromagnetic spin chains are studied at finite temperatures and fields using continuous time Quantum Monte Carlo techniques. By calculating the resulting magnetization profiles for a large range of chain lengths with fixed field and temperature we reconstruct the experimentally measured NMR spectrum of impurity doped Y2_2BaNi1−x_{1-x}Mgx_xO5_5. For temperatures above the gap the calculated NMR spectra are in excellent agreement with the experimental results, confirming the existence of S=1/2S=1/2 excitations at the end of open S=1 chain segments. At temperatures below the gap, neglecting inter chain couplings, we still find well defined peaks in the calculated NMR spectra corresponding to the S=1/2S=1/2 chain end excitations. At low temperatures, inter chain couplings could be important, resulting in a more complicated phase.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, minor correction

    Dynamics and transport in random quantum systems governed by strong-randomness fixed points

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    We present results on the low-frequency dynamical and transport properties of random quantum systems whose low temperature (TT), low-energy behavior is controlled by strong disorder fixed points. We obtain the momentum and frequency dependent dynamic structure factor in the Random Singlet (RS) phases of both spin-1/2 and spin-1 random antiferromagnetic chains, as well as in the Random Dimer (RD) and Ising Antiferromagnetic (IAF) phases of spin-1/2 random antiferromagnetic chains. We show that the RS phases are unusual `spin metals' with divergent low-frequency spin conductivity at T=0, and we also follow the conductivity through novel `metal-insulator' transitions tuned by the strength of dimerization or Ising anisotropy in the spin-1/2 case, and by the strength of disorder in the spin-1 case. We work out the average spin and energy autocorrelations in the one-dimensional random transverse field Ising model in the vicinity of its quantum critical point. All of the above calculations are valid in the frequency dominated regime \omega \agt T, and rely on previously available renormalization group schemes that describe these systems in terms of the properties of certain strong-disorder fixed point theories. In addition, we obtain some information about the behavior of the dynamic structure factor and dynamical conductivity in the opposite `hydrodynamic' regime ω<T\omega < T for the special case of spin-1/2 chains close to the planar limit (the quantum x-y model) by analyzing the corresponding quantities in an equivalent model of spinless fermions with weak repulsive interactions and particle-hole symmetric disorder.Comment: Long version (with many additional results) of Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 84}, 3434 (2000) (available as cond-mat/9904290); two-column format, 33 pages and 8 figure
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