73 research outputs found

    The Big Smoke. New Zealand Cities 1840-1920

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    This substantial book focuses on the social life of the New Zealand city between the 1840s and about 1920. The evocative title is an invitation to the reader, the term originally emerging to portray “the sense of anticipation and excitement” of going to and experiencing the city and city life. Its application historically to New Zealand cities as they began to grow is described as “surely aspirational – or ironical” (p. 29

    Photographs of Invertebrate Megafauna from Abyssal Depths of the North-Eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean

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    Author Institution: Marine Science Department, Deepsea Ventures Inc.; Department of Invertebrate Zoology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian InstitutionA series of RV PROSPECTOR cruises to survey ferromanganese nodule deposits at depths of 4000-5200 meters in the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone of the north-eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean resulted in the acquisition of over 70,000 seafloor images. Real-time television, coupled with 35-mm remotecontrolled still photography, revealed a conspicuous epibenthic invertebrate megafauna of more than 70 species. Approximately 38 species are echinoderms. Porifera and Cnidaria are each represented by approximately 12 species. Several molluscs and arthropods, a bryozoan, a hemichordate, and an ascidian urochordate constitute the remainder

    Using High-Resolution Forward Model Simulations of Ideal Atmospheric Tracers to Assess the Spatial Information Content of Inverse CO2 Flux Estimates

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    Attribution of observed atmospheric carbon concentrations to emissions on the country, state or city level is often inferred using "inversion" techniques. Such computations are often performed using advanced mathematical techniques, such as synthesis inversion or four-dimensional variational analysis, that invoke tracing observed atmospheric concentrations backwards through a transport model to a source region. It is, to date, not well understood how well such techniques can represent fine spatial (and temporal) structure in the inverted flux fields. This question is addressed using forward-model computations with idealized tracers emitted at the surface in a large number of grid boxes over selected regions and examining how distinctly these emitted tracers can be detected downstream. Initial results show that tracers emitted in half-degree grid boxes over a large region of the Eastern USA cannot be distinguished from each other, even at short distances over the Atlantic Ocean, when they are emitted in grid boxes separated by less than five degrees of latitude - especially when only total-column observations are available. A large number of forward model simulations, with varying meteorological conditions, are used to assess how distinctly three types observations (total column, upper tropospheric column, and surface mixing ratio) can separate emissions from different sources. Inferences inverse modeling and source attribution will be drawn

    The Big Smoke. New Zealand Cities 1840-1920

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    This substantial book focuses on the social life of the New Zealand city between the 1840s and about 1920. The evocative title is an invitation to the reader, the term originally emerging to portray “the sense of anticipation and excitement” of going to and experiencing the city and city life. Its application historically to New Zealand cities as they began to grow is described as “surely aspirational – or ironical” (p. 29

    The Influence of the 2006 Indonesian Biomass Burning Aerosols on Tropical Dynamics Studied with the GEOS-5 AGCM

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    The direct and semi-direct effects of aerosols produced by Indonesian biomass burning (BB) during August November 2006 on tropical dynamics have been examined using NASA's Goddard Earth Observing System, Version 5 (GEOS-5) atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM). The AGCM includes CO, which is transported by resolved and sub-grid processes and subject to a linearized chemical loss rate. Simulations were driven by two sets of aerosol forcing fields calculated offline, one that included Indonesian BB aerosol emissions and one that did not. In order to separate the influence of the aerosols from internal model variability, the means of two ten-member ensembles were compared. Diabatic heating from BB aerosols increased temperatures over Indonesia between 150 and 400 hPa. The higher temperatures resulted in strong increases in upward grid-scale vertical motion, which increased water vapor and CO over Indonesia. In October, the largest increases in water vapor were found in the mid-troposphere (~25%) while the largest increases in CO occurred just below the tropopause (80 ppbv or ~50%). Diabatic heating from the Indonesian BB aerosols caused CO to increase by 9% throughout the tropical tropopause layer in November and 5% in the lower stratosphere in December. The results demonstrate that aerosol heating plays an important role in the transport of BB pollution and troposphere-to-stratosphere transport. Changes in vertical motion and cloudiness induced by aerosol heating can also alter the transport and phase of water vapor in the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere

    Atmospheric Constituents in GEOS-5: Components for an Earth System Model

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    The GEOS-S model is being developed for weather and climate processes, including the implementation of "Earth System" components. While the stratospheric chemistry capabilities are mature, we are presently extending this to include predictions of the tropospheric composition and chemistry - this includes CO2, CH4, CO, nitrogen species, etc. (Aerosols are also implemented, but are beyond the scope of this paper.) This work will give an overview of our chemistry modules, the approaches taken to represent surface emissions and uptake of chemical species, and some studies of the sensitivity of the atmospheric circulation to changes in atmospheric composition. Results are obtained through focused experiments and multi-decadal simulations

    Seasonal Variations of Stratospheric Age Spectra in GEOSCCM

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    There are many pathways for an air parcel to travel from the troposphere to the stratosphere, each of which takes different time. The distribution of all the possible transient times, i.e. the stratospheric age spectrum, contains important information on transport characteristics. However, it is computationally very expensive to compute seasonally varying age spectra, and previous studies have focused mainly on the annual mean properties of the age spectra. To date our knowledge of the seasonality of the stratospheric age spectra is very limited. In this study we investigate the seasonal variations of the stratospheric age spectra in the Goddard Earth Observing System Chemistry Climate Model (GEOSCCM). We introduce a method to significantly reduce the computational cost for calculating seasonally dependent age spectra. Our simulations show that stratospheric age spectra in GEOSCCM have strong seasonal cycles and the seasonal cycles change with latitude and height. In the lower stratosphere extratropics, the average transit times and the most probable transit times in the winter/early spring spectra are more than twice as old as those in the summer/early fall spectra. But the seasonal cycle in the subtropical lower stratosphere is nearly out of phase with that in the extratropics. In the middle and upper stratosphere, significant seasonal variations occur in the sUbtropics. The spectral shapes also show dramatic seasonal change, especially at high latitudes. These seasonal variations reflect the seasonal evolution of the slow Brewer-Dobson circulation (with timescale of years) and the fast isentropic mixing (with timescale of days to months)

    The Global Structure of UTLS Ozone in GEOS-5: A Multi-Year Assimilation of EOS Aura Data

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    Eight years of ozone measurements retrieved from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) and the Microwave Limb Sounder, both on the EOS Aura satellite, have been assimilated into the Goddard Earth Observing System version 5 (GEOS-5) data assimilation system. This study thoroughly evaluates this assimilated product, highlighting its potential for science. The impact of observations on the GEOS-5 system is explored by examining the spatial distribution of the observation-minus-forecast statistics. Independent data are used for product validation. The correlation coefficient of the lower-stratospheric ozone column with ozonesondes is 0.99 and the bias is 0.5%, indicating the success of the assimilation in reproducing the ozone variability in that layer. The upper-tropospheric assimilated ozone column is about 10% lower than the ozonesonde column but the correlation is still high (0.87). The assimilation is shown to realistically capture the sharp cross-tropopause gradient in ozone mixing ratio. Occurrence of transport-driven low ozone laminae in the assimilation system is similar to that obtained from the High Resolution Dynamics Limb Sounder (HIRDLS) above the 400 K potential temperature surface but the assimilation produces fewer laminae than seen by HIRDLS below that surface. Although the assimilation produces 5 - 8 fewer occurrences per day (up to approximately 20%) during the three years of HIRDLS data, the interannual variability is captured correctly. This data-driven assimilated product is complementary to ozone fields generated from chemistry and transport models. Applications include study of the radiative forcing by ozone and tracer transport near the tropopause

    Chemical Mechanisms and their Applications in the Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS) Earth System Model

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    NASA's Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS) Earth System Model (ESM) is a modular, general circulation model (GCM) and data assimilation system (DAS) that is used to simulate and study the coupled dynamics, physics, chemistry, and biology of our planet. GEOS is developed by the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. It generates near-real-time analyzed data products, reanalyses, and weather and seasonal forecasts to support research targeted to understanding interactions among Earth-System processes. For chemistry, our efforts are focused on ozone and its influence on the state of the atmosphere and oceans, and on trace-gas data assimilation and global forecasting at mesoscale discretization. Several chemistry and aerosol modules are coupled to the GCM, which enables GEOS to address topics pertinent to NASA's Earth Science Mission. This manuscript describes the atmospheric chemistry components of GEOS and provides an overview of its Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF)-based software infrastructure, which promotes a rich spectrum of feedbacks that influence circulation and climate, and impact human and ecosystem health. We detail how GEOS allows model users to select chemical mechanisms and emission scenarios at run time, establish the extent to which the aerosol and chemical components communicate, and decide whether either or both influence the radiative transfer calculations. A variety of resolutions facilitates research on spatial and temporal scales relevant to problems ranging from hourly changes in air quality to trace gas trends in a changing climate. Samples of recent GEOS chemistry applications are provided