3,507 research outputs found

    Designing and Piloting a Tool for the Measurement of the Use of Pronunciation Learning Strategies

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    What appears to be indispensable to drive the field forward and ensure that research findings will be comparable across studies and provide a sound basis for feasible pedagogic proposals is to draw up a classification of PLS and design on that basis a valid and reliable data collection tool which could be employed to measure the use of these strategies in different groups of learners, correlate it with individual and contextual variables, and appraise the effects of training programs. In accordance with this rationale, the present paper represents an attempt to propose a tentative categorization of pronunciation learning strategies, adopting as a point of reference the existing taxonomies of strategic devices (i.e. O'Malley and Chamot 1990; Oxford 1990) and the instructional options teachers have at their disposal when dealing with elements of this language subsystem (e.g. Kelly 2000; Goodwin 2001). It also introduces a research instrument designed on the basis of the classification that shares a number of characteristics with Oxford's (1990) Strategy Inventory for Language Learning but, in contrast to it, includes both Likert-scale and open-ended items. The findings of a pilot study which involved 80 English Department students demonstrate that although the tool requires considerable refinement, it provides a useful point of departure for future research into PLS

    New neighborhood based rough sets

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    Neighborhood based rough sets are important generalizations of the classical rough sets of Pawlak, as neighborhood operators generalize equivalence classes. In this article, we introduce nine neighborhood based operators and we study the partial order relations between twenty-two different neighborhood operators obtained from one covering. Seven neighborhood operators result in new rough set approximation operators. We study how these operators are related to the other fifteen neighborhood based approximation operators in terms of partial order relations, as well as to seven non-neighborhood-based rough set approximation operators

    Representation of Nelson Algebras by Rough Sets Determined by Quasiorders

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    In this paper, we show that every quasiorder RR induces a Nelson algebra RS\mathbb{RS} such that the underlying rough set lattice RSRS is algebraic. We note that RS\mathbb{RS} is a three-valued {\L}ukasiewicz algebra if and only if RR is an equivalence. Our main result says that if A\mathbb{A} is a Nelson algebra defined on an algebraic lattice, then there exists a set UU and a quasiorder RR on UU such that ARS\mathbb{A} \cong \mathbb{RS}.Comment: 16 page

    Searching for relational patterns in data

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    Autonomous clustering using rough set theory

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    This paper proposes a clustering technique that minimises the need for subjective human intervention and is based on elements of rough set theory. The proposed algorithm is unified in its approach to clustering and makes use of both local and global data properties to obtain clustering solutions. It handles single-type and mixed attribute data sets with ease and results from three data sets of single and mixed attribute types are used to illustrate the technique and establish its efficiency

    Nowe możliwości w leczeniu chorych z niewydolnością serca

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    Heart failure (HF) is the escalating problem, especially in the aging society. Because of increased morbidity, there is still need to search new therapeutic methods. One of the newest medicines included to HF therapy is Entresto (LCZ696) — medicinal product, which comprises angiotensyn II blocker (walsartan) and neprylizyn inhibitor (sakubitryl). Entresto affects vessels dilatation and reduction of the blood pressure, increased excretion of sodium with urine and increased diuresis, inhibition of the RAA system and sympathetic nervous system and prevention of the remodeling of myocardium. Effectiveness and safety have been evaluated in the PARADIGM- HF and TITRATION study. The influence of Entresto was compared in patients with diabetes, CKD and SBP. The risk of hyperkaliemia, changes of concentration AB in CSF, possible signs and symptoms of dementia and prediction of lifespan were also evaluated. According to new guidelines, Entresto is recommended for adult patients with chronic, symptomatic (II–IV in NYHA scale) HF with reduced ejection fraction. It is an alternative therapy to ACEI used to reduce the risk of hospitalization and death.Niewydolność serca (NS) stanowi istotny problem kliniczny, społeczny i ekonomiczny. Duża zapadalność na NS stymuluje do poszukiwania nowych metod terapeutycznych. W ostatnich miesiącach arsenał terapeutyczny niewydolności serca został zwiększony o bardzo interesującą propozycję, jaką stanowi cząsteczka LCZ 696 (Entresto). Produkt leczniczy łączący w sobie działanie inhibitora receptora angiotensyny II (walsartan) oraz inhibitora neprylizyny (sakubitryl). Klinicznie działanie kombinacji tych substancji polega na rozszerzeniu naczyń i obniżeniu ciśnienia krwi, zwiększeniu wydalania sodu z moczem i diurezy, zahamowaniu układu RAA i aktywności układu współczulnego oraz zapobieganiu niekorzystnemu remodelingowi mięśnia sercowego. Skuteczność i bezpieczeństwo Entresto oceniono u chorych ze skurczową NS w badaniach PARADIGM-HF i TITRATION. Działanie produktu porównano również w grupach chorych z cukrzycą, przewlekłą chorobą nerek i skurczowym nadciśnieniem tętniczym. Oceniono ryzyko wystąpienia epizodu hiperkaliemii, zmiany poziomu amyloidu beta w płynie mózgowo-rdzeniowym, wystąpienia objawów otępienia oraz wpływ na przewidywaną długość życia. Produkt leczniczy Entresto według najnowszych wytycznych NS jest zalecany u pacjentów dorosłych, w leczeniu przewlekłej, objawowej (klasa II–IV w skali NYHA) NS z obniżoną frakcją wyrzutową lewej komory jako alternatywa dla inhibitora enzymu konwertującego angiotensyny w celu zmniejszenia ryzyka hospitalizacji i zgonu