349 research outputs found

    Dwa nieznane listy Witkacego do Kazimierza Twardowskiego

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    Letters of Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz to Kazimierz Twardowski, professor of philosophy were published in 1988 in a monograph by Ryszard Jadczak, and later in 2013 – in a new monograph by the author of materials presented herein in volume 17 of Witkiewicz’s Dzieła zebrane. The letter from December 1936 concluded the correspondence between Witkiewicz and Twardowski. While working on Witkacy’s letters to different addressees, I have discovered that two of the letters, which had been previously identified as addressed to professor Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz, were in fact letters to Twardowski from 1937! (the letters were lost, but their photocopies survived).            Determining that professor Twardowski is the addressee of the letters turned out to be extremely difficult, as no envelopes with addresses have survived, and the letters contain salutations “Dear Professor”- which could mean many people. In addition, the content of the letters (concerning mostly the publishing of Witkacy’s articles) did not make it easier to identify the addressee properly, as both Twardowski and Ajdukiewicz were editors of philosophical journals. What is more, Ajdukiewicz was Twardowski’s student and son-in-law, and after World War II he settled in Poznań (the letters were from Poznań), which made unambiguous identification complicated.             What was helpful for the editor were Witkiewicz’s letters written after philosophical congress in Cracow in September 1936, and the letter by from December 1936. Thanks to a thorough analysis of Witkiewicz’s correspondence, it was possible to determine that what was believed to be letters to Ajdukiewicz was in fact letters to Twardowski.Listy Stanisława Ignacego Witkiewicza do profesora filozofii, Kazimierza Twardowskiego, zostały opublikowane w 1988 roku w opracowaniu Ryszarda Jadczaka, a następnie w 2013 roku – w nowym opracowaniu autora prezentowanych materiałów w tomie siedemnastym  Dzieł zebranych Witkiewicza. List z grudnia 1936 roku kończył znaną korespondencję Witkiewicza z Twardowskim. Podczas pracy nad listami Witkacego do różnych adresatów odkryto, że dwa listy identyfikowane dotychczas jako adresowane do profesora Kazimierza Ajdukiewicza są w istocie listami do Twardowskiego z 1937 roku! (Listy zaginęły, jednak zachowały się ich kserokopie).Ustalenie, że prof. Twardowski jest adresatem listów, okazało się niezwykle trudne, nie zachowały się bowiem koperty z adresami, a listy zawierają zwroty grzecznościowe „Wielce Szanowny Panie Profesorze” – co mogło dotyczyć wielu osób. Dodatkowo treść listów (dotyczących głównie publikowania artykułów Witkiewicza) nie ułatwiała właściwej identyfikacji adresata, ponieważ zarówno Twardowski, jak i Ajdukiewicz byli redaktorami pism filozoficznych. Ponadto Ajdukiewicz był uczniem i zięciem Twardowskiego, a po drugiej wojnie światowej osiadł w Poznaniu (listy miały pochodzić właśnie z Poznania), co komplikowało jednoznaczną interpretację.Pomocą dla edytora były listy Witkiewicza pisane po zjeździe filozoficznym w Krakowie we wrześniu 1936 roku oraz list do Twardowskiego z grudnia 1936 roku. Dzięki dogłębnej analizie korespondencji Witkiewicza udało się ustalić, że listy do Ajdukiewicza są w istocie listami do Twardowskiego

    Jalu kurka wodna. Dramat pragmatyczny w 3 tumorach z trupiemi bebechami i wynikające stąd wściekłe nieporozumienia. Recenzja nieistniejącego dramatu Witkacego, z wieloma aluzjami i przypisami

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    The article is an elaboration on the review of one staging of a dramatic play by Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz publishe in “Jadąmośki Literackie” – a one-time publication by “Wiadomości Literackie” in the middle of 1926, which is an auto-anti-Semitic joke of “circumcised editors” gifted with exceptional sense of humor. The issue contained parodies, auto-parodies, texts mocking the pre-war world, with Witkacy himself being strongly referred to. On the first page, there was a portrait of “Miecio” – Mieczysław Grydzewski, the editor of “Wiadomości Literackie”, signed: “Miecio. The amateur photography by St. Pieńkowski was taken in the facilities of »Myśl Narodowa« according to instructions by St. I. Witkiewicz. C+H+A+Ł+A+T”.            The review appeared on page 4 of “Jadąmośki” in the “Theatrical movement” section, and was decorated with a picture of a head resembling Antoni Słonimski (who was most probably the author of the review). Witkacy suspected Tadeusz Sinka, who was a theatre critic known for his malice, which is confirmed, for instance, by Witkacy’s letter to Sinka from 14 July 1927. However, humoristic texts in “Jadąmośki Literackie” were signed with pseudonyms which mostly clearly indicated the authors, for example Tertuljan Tuwim or Jan Lichoń. Tolek Słonimer – the pseudonym of the author of the analyzed review – clearly points to Antoni Słonimski.Artykuł stanowi opracowanie recenzji jednego przedstawienia dramatu Stanisława Ignacego Witkiewicza opublikowanego w „Jadąmośkach Literackich” – jednodniówce wydanej przez redakcję „Wiadomości Literackich” w połowie 1926 roku, będącej autoantysemickim żartem „redaktorów obrzezanych” obdarzonych wyjątkowym poczuciem humoru. Numer zawierał parodie, autoparodie, teksty wyszydzające świat epoki przedwojennej, postać Witkacego została w nim mocno zaznaczona. Na pierwszej stronie widniał portret „Miecia” – Mieczysława Grydzewskiego, redaktora „Wiadomości Literackich”, podpisany: „Miecio. Zdjęcie amatorskie St. Pieńkowskiego wykonane w zakładach »Myśli Narodowej« według typów St. I. Witkiewicza. C+H+A+Ł+A+T”.Tekst recenzji ukazał się na stronie czwartej „Jadąmośków” w rubryce „Ruch teatralny”, został on ozdobiony zdjęciem rzeźby głowy przypominającej Antoniego Słonimskiego (najprawdopodobniej autora recenzji). Witkacy podejrzewał o sprawstwo Tadeusza Sinkę, znanego ze złośliwości krytyka teatralnego, świadczy o tym np. list Witkacego do Sinki z 14 lipca 1927 roku. Jednak humorystyczne teksty w „Jadąmośkach Literackich” były podpisywane pseudonimami, które przeważnie wprost wskazywały autorów, np. Tertuljan Tuwim czy Jan Lichoń. Tolek Słonimer – pseudonim autora analizowanej recenzji – kojarzy się z Antonim Słonimskim

    Samobójstwo w Dolinie Kościeliskiej, czyli prasa o śmierci Jadwigi Janczewskiej

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    The article presents and discusses press cut-outs concerning the suicide of Witkacy’s fiancée, Jadwiga Janczewska. The query involved the journals stored in digital libraries and the journals from the archives of Warsaw University Library.            The first news on the suicide in the Tatra mountains appeared on Sunday 22 February 1914 in “Kurier Warszawski” (on the basis of a telegram by Eastern Telegraphic Agency from 21 February) and in Cracow’s “Nowa Reforma”, in which false information was given (first of all, the name of the deceased was wrong), as a result of which all national dailies published notes on the suicide of “Zofia Janczewska, age 22, from Lithuania”.     The Warsaw “Goniec Poranny”, “Goniec Wieczorny”, Cracow “Czas”, “Kurier Lwowski”, “Ilustrowany Kurier Codzienny”, “Dziennik Poznański”, “Gazeta Lwowska” or “Gazeta Podhalańska” often gave false information concerning the details of that tragic event (mistakes in reference to not only the name, but also surname of the deceased, her age and the place of burial).W artykule zostały przedstawione i omówione wycinki prasowe dotyczące samobójstwa narzeczonej Witkacego, Jadwigi Janczewskiej. Kwerenda objęła dostępne czasopisma znajdujące się w zasobach bibliotek cyfrowych oraz czasopisma ze zbiorów Biblioteki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.Pierwsze doniesienia o samobójstwie w Tatrach ukazały się w niedzielę 22 lutego 1914 roku w „Kurierze Warszawskim” (na podstawie depeszy Wschodniej Ajencji Telegraficznej z 21 lutego) oraz w krakowskiej „Nowej Reformie”, w której podano błędne informacje (przede wszystkim pomylono imię zmarłej), w wyniku czego wszystkie krajowe dzienniki publikowały notki o samobójstwie „Zofii Janczewskiej, lat 22, rodem z Litwy”.Warszawski „Goniec Poranny”, „Goniec Wieczorny”, krakowski „Czas”, „Kurier Lwowski”, „Ilustrowany Kurier Codzienny”, „Dziennik Poznański”, „Gazeta Lwowska” czy „Gazeta Podhalańska” podawały często mylne informacje dotyczące okoliczności tragicznego zdarzenia (pomyłki dotyczyły nie tylko imienia, ale także nazwiska zmarłej, jej wieku oraz miejsca pochówku)

    Analysis of upper and lower limb movement in infants in response to optic flow - preliminary research

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    Introduction: optic flow is studied in many scientific areas such as automation, robotics, biomechanics and neuropsychology. People who are not visually impaired use this mechanism to move around, usually without realising its complexity. It consists of information provided by the sense of sight and analysed in the central nervous system about the speed and direction of a moving object and the direction and amplitude of the angular and linear components of one's body. However, little is known about how this mechanism develops in the young child. Objective: Observation of upper and lower limb movement in infants between 4 and 12 weeks. of age under the influence of optic flow stimulation as a stimulus. Development of an optimal test protocol and adaptation of the author's research station. Material and method: 16 infants aged from 4 to 12 weeks were initially invited to the study, of which 14 infants were finally included in the study group. The motor response test consisted of two stages. Stage I (static trial): the stimulus was a stationary black and white chessboard pattern; stage II (dynamic trial): the chessboard pattern moved toward the child at a speed of 0.17m/s. Cameras recorded the test in both stages. Results: the children showed increased limb movement under the influence of optical flow (test stage II: dynamic test) compared to stimulation with a fixed pattern (test stage I: static test). Conclusions: a response to dynamic versus static stimuli was observed in 11 of 14 children, but testing in one-month-olds is unreliable due to poor head control

    Bucks for Buckets (B4B): Active Defenses Against Stealing Encoders

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    Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS) APIs provide ready-to-use and high-utility encoders that generate vector representations for given inputs. Since these encoders are very costly to train, they become lucrative targets for model stealing attacks during which an adversary leverages query access to the API to replicate the encoder locally at a fraction of the original training costs. We propose Bucks for Buckets (B4B), the first active defense that prevents stealing while the attack is happening without degrading representation quality for legitimate API users. Our defense relies on the observation that the representations returned to adversaries who try to steal the encoder's functionality cover a significantly larger fraction of the embedding space than representations of legitimate users who utilize the encoder to solve a particular downstream task.vB4B leverages this to adaptively adjust the utility of the returned representations according to a user's coverage of the embedding space. To prevent adaptive adversaries from eluding our defense by simply creating multiple user accounts (sybils), B4B also individually transforms each user's representations. This prevents the adversary from directly aggregating representations over multiple accounts to create their stolen encoder copy. Our active defense opens a new path towards securely sharing and democratizing encoders over public APIs.Comment: Accepted at NeurIPS202

    Effect of an 1800 MHz electromagnetic field emitted during embryogenesis on the blood picture of one-day-old domestic hen chicks (Gallus gallus domesticus)

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    Exposure to artificial electromagnetic fields emitted mainly by mobile telephony has been steadily increasing with the development of modern technology. Haematological indices are among the most common indicators of the body’s physiological status. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of an 1800 MHz electromagnetic field emission on the blood picture of one-day-old domestic hen chicks. During the experiment, chick embryos were exposed to artificial electromagnetic fields throughout incubation for 13 ´ 2 min/day, 4 ´ 10 min/day and 1 ´ 40 min/day. After hatching, blood was collected from 10 one-day-old chicks from each group to determine: red blood cell count, haemoglobin concentration, haematocrit, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular haemoglobin, mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration, white blood cell count, and leukocyte differential count. In addition, the heterophil/lymphocyte ratio was calculated. The present study is probably the first to show an increase in the red blood cell count, haemoglobin concentration, haematocrit, white blood cell count, segmented heterophils and the heterophil/lymphocyte ratio, and a decrease in lymphocyte percentage of embryos exposed to an 1800 MHz electromagnetic field. The observed changes may be indicative of the stress-inducing effect of EMF on living organisms

    Indoxyl Sulfate Promotes Arterial Thrombosis in Rat Model via Increased Levels of Complex TF/VII, PAI-1, Platelet Activation as Well as Decreased Contents of SIRT1 and SIRT3

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    Patients suffering from chronic kidney disease (CKD) are at a 20-fold higher risk of dying due to cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), primarily thrombosis following vascular injury. CKD is connected with retention of uremic toxins, especially indoxyl sulfate (IS), which are currently considered as a non-classical CKD-specific risk factor for CVDs. The present study aimed to examine the effect of chronic exposure to IS on the hemostatic system and arterial thrombosis in a model without greater interferences from the uremic milieu consisting of additional uremic toxins. Forty-eight male Wistar Crl:WI (cmdb) rats were divided into three groups: one control group and two experimental groups, which were exposed to 100 or 200 mg/kg of b.w./day of IS in drinking water for a period of 28 days. The control group received water without IS. At the end of the experiment, the induction of arterial thrombosis was performed. We investigated the impact of IS on thrombosis incidence, kinetics and strength of clot formation, platelet activity, aortic contents of sirtuin (SIRT) 1 and sirtuin 3 (SIRT3), hemostatic system, cardiorespiratory parameters, biochemistry of plasma and urine as well as histology of the thrombus, kidney, and liver. Obtained data revealed that chronic exposure to IS promotes arterial thrombosis via increased levels of complex tissue factor/factor VII, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), platelet activation, as well as decreased aortic levels of SIRT1 and SIRT3. Therefore, we hypothesize that IS enhances primary hemostasis leading to augmented formation of platelet plug with increased amounts of fibrin and affects secondary hemostasis through the influence on plasma coagulation and fibrinolysis factors, which results in the increased kinetics and strength of clot formation. The findings described may contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms leading to increased thrombotic events in patients with CKD with elevated levels of IS

    Towards More Realistic Membership Inference Attacks on Large Diffusion Models

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    Generative diffusion models, including Stable Diffusion and Midjourney, can generate visually appealing, diverse, and high-resolution images for various applications. These models are trained on billions of internet-sourced images, raising significant concerns about the potential unauthorized use of copyright-protected images. In this paper, we examine whether it is possible to determine if a specific image was used in the training set, a problem known in the cybersecurity community and referred to as a membership inference attack. Our focus is on Stable Diffusion, and we address the challenge of designing a fair evaluation framework to answer this membership question. We propose a methodology to establish a fair evaluation setup and apply it to Stable Diffusion, enabling potential extensions to other generative models. Utilizing this evaluation setup, we execute membership attacks (both known and newly introduced). Our research reveals that previously proposed evaluation setups do not provide a full understanding of the effectiveness of membership inference attacks. We conclude that the membership inference attack remains a significant challenge for large diffusion models (often deployed as black-box systems), indicating that related privacy and copyright issues will persist in the foreseeable future

    Wywodzący się z nowego urbanizmu tradycyjny model urbanizacyjny jako jedna z zasad odnowy poprzemysłowych centrów miast. Studium porównawcze Lyonu i Łodzi

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    The purpose of this article is to evaluate the role of a Traditional Neighborhood Design (TND), one of New Urbanist principles, in the regeneration of post-industrial city centers. Its structure is the following. First, the contemporary elements of the TND are identified. Then, their actual versus declared use in strategies aimed at the renewal of major post-industrial sites is analyzed. Finally, the elements’ ability to improve the spatial quality of an urban area is assessed. The above purpose is achieved by analyzing the application of the New Urbanist planning tools by two urban regeneration projects at different levels of completion. The sites of the projects are the central areas of the French metropolis of Lyon and of the Polish city of Lodz.Celem autorów artykułu jest ocena roli tradycyjnego modelu urbanizacyjnego (eng. Traditional Neighborhood Design TND), jednej z zasad Nowego Urbanizmu, w regeneracji postindustrialnych centrów miast. Struktura artykułu jest następująca: w pierwszej części przedstawiono współczesne elementy wywodzące się z TND. Następnie przeanalizowano ich faktyczne i zadeklarowane wykorzystanie w strategiach odnowy obszarów poprzemysłowych. Na końcu oceniono ich efektywność – wpływ na poprawę jakości użytkowania przestrzeni. Powyższy cel został osiągnięty poprzez analizę zastosowania narzędzi planowania tradycyjnego modelu urbanizacyjnego (TND) w dwóch projektach rewitalizacji miast na różnych poziomach zaawansowania. Omawianymi przypadkami są obszary centralne metropolii Lyonu we Francji oraz Łodzi w Polsce