220 research outputs found

    Herodes Atticus and the Athenians

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    Herodes Atticus (Lucius Vibullius Hipparchus Tiberius Claudius Atticus Herodes) was a sophist, benefactor, Roman senator and one of the richest men of his time. His behavior often aroused a lot of controversy. He was often in conflict with the Roman officials and even emperors. The aim of this paper is to present complicated relation of Herodes with part of the Athenians. The author tries to explain the reasons for distrus and even dislike of the Athenians to Herodes. The most important part of the paper is an attempt to present the circumstances that led to the famous trial in Sirmium in 174 AD. This is a revised and supplemented version of the paper originally published as Herodes Attyk i Ateńczycy, “Klio” 2015, vol. 33 (2), pp. 3–32, DOI: 10.12775/KLIO.2015.016

    Theophanes, Potamon and Mytilene’s Freedom

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    Theophanes and Potamon of Mytilene, two Greek euergetes who sought to serve their home polis in a rapidly changing political landscape of the late Roman Republic and early Principate, took an active interest in the politics of the day and sought to lobby Roman elites on Mytilene’s behalf. Theophanes befriended and advised Pompey, contributing to Pompey’s decision to pardon and liberate Mytilene after the city’s ignominious participation in the Asiatic Vespers, whereas Potamon served as Mytilene’s ambassador in Rome, adroitly championing its city’s interests. Two politicians bettered Mytilene’s political status in the tumultuous period of transformation from a republic to an autocracy and ensured that the city maintained its freedom until the times of the Flavians

    Pulsed chronopotentiometric membrane electrodes based on plasticized poly(vinyl chloride) with covalently bound ferrocene functionalities as solid contact transducer

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    Ion-selective membrane materials based on poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC)-containing covalently attached redox-active ferrocene (Fc) groups are characterized here as all-solid-state pulsed voltammetric ion sensors. The redox capacity of the membrane increases 7-fold with a doubling of the Fc content and 3-fold with the addition of 10 wt % of the lipophilic electrolyte ETH 500, tetradodecylammonium tetrakis(4-chlorophenyl)borate. This salt improves the ionic conductivity of the membrane and appears to make the Fc groups electrochemically more accessible. A too high content of the two, on the other hand, was found to cause undesired sensitivity to redox-active species present in the sample solution. Dilution of the membrane with a plasticizer eliminated this redox sensitivity while preserving its high redox capacity. A practical application of the designed electrodes in electrochemical analysis was demonstrated with a multi-pulse protocol that includes a current-controlled ion uptake pulse, followed by an open-circuit potential (OCP) measurement and a regeneration pulse. Potentiometric calibration curves obtained with this protocol exhibited a linear response with near-Nernstian slopes for acetate, nitrate, chloride, and perchlorate ions with the selectivity expected for an ion-exchanging membran

    Izdebski A., Średniowieczni Rzymianie i Przyproda. Interdyscyplinarna historia środowiskowa

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    Omówienie pracy A. Izdebskiego, Średniowieczni Rzymianie i Przyroda. Interdyscyplinarna historia środowiskowa

    Konferencja Komisji Historii Starożytnej PTH „Świat starożytny – centrum i peryferie”, Wrocław, 14-16 września 2021 r

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    Sprawozdanie z konferencji Komisji Historii Starożytnej PTH „Świat starożytny – centrum i peryferie”, która odbyła się w dniach 14-16 września 2021 roku we Wrocławiu

    Herodes Atticus and the Athenians

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    Herodes Atticus (Lucius Vibullius Hipparchus Tiberius Claudius Atticus Herodes) was a sophist, benefactor, Roman senator and one of the richest men of his time. His behavior often aroused a lot of controversy. He was often in conflict with the Roman officials and even emperors. The aim of this paper is to present complicated relation of Herodes with part of the Athenians. The author tries to explain the reasons for distrus and even dislike of the Athenians to Herodes. The most important part of the paper is an attempt to present the circumstances that led to the famous trial in Sirmium in 174 AD.   This is a revised and supplemented version of the paper originally published as Herodes Attyk i Ateńczycy, “Klio” 2015, vol. 33 (2), pp. 3–32, DOI: 10.12775/KLIO.2015.016

    Izdebski A., Średniowieczni Rzymianie i Przyproda. Interdyscyplinarna historia środowiskowa

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    Omówienie pracy A. Izdebskiego, Średniowieczni Rzymianie i Przyroda. Interdyscyplinarna historia środowiskowa

    Aegean Greek poleis in the face of the Roman wars in the first century BC. War and the economy

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    First century B.C.E. in the history of Aegean Greece it was an exceptionally gloomy period. Between 88 BC and 31 B.C.E. Rome's first war with Mithridates took place on its lands, and later three Roman civil wars ended here. The article is an attempt to look at these events from a Greek perspective. It shows how the fighting Romans used Greek human, financial and material resources, and what effects it had. First century B.C.E. in the history of Aegean Greece it was an exceptionally gloomy period. Between 88 BC and 31 B.C.E. Rome's first war with Mithridates took place on its lands, and later three Roman civil wars ended here. The article is an attempt to look at these events from a Greek perspective. It shows how the fighting Romans used Greek human, financial and material resources, and what effects it had.

    Corinth after 44 BC: Ethnical and Cultural Changes

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    A few months before his death, Caesar decided to establish a Roman colony on the spot where Corinth, destroyed in 146 BC, used to lie. The population of Roman Corinth was ethnically and socially diverse from the very beginning. This, however, does not change the fact that the city was a Roman colony, whose offi cial name was Colonia Laus Iulia Corinthiensis. With time, natural demographic processes started to take place, which on the one hand increased the original diversity, and on the other hand reinforced the strongest element of this diversity, i.e. Greekness. In this article, the author tries to answer the often-asked question about the circumstances in which Corinth – a Roman colony – started to be perceived as a hellenised city. What exactly does the “hellenisation” of Corinth mean and how does it show

    Herodes Attyk i Ateńczycy

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    Herodes Atticus (Lucius Vibullius Hipparchus Tiberius Claudius Atticus Herodes) was a sophist, benefactor, Roman senator and one of the richest men of his time. His behavior often aroused a lot of controversy. He was often in conflict with the Roman officials and even emperors. The aim of this paper is to present complicated relation of Herodes with part of the Athenians. The author tries to explain the reasons for distrust and even dislike of the Athenians to Herodes. The most important part of the paper is an attempt to present the circumstances that led to the famous trial in Sirmium in 174 AD.Herodes Attyk (Lucius Vibullius Hipparchus Tiberius Claudius Atticus Herodes) był sofistą, dobroczyńcą, rzymskim senatorem i jednym z najbogatszych ludzi swoich czasów. Jego sposób bycia często wzbudzał kontrowersje. Wiadomo, że Herodes wielokrotnie popadał w konflikty z rzymskimi urzędnikami, a nawet władcami. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie skomplikowanych związków Herodesa z mieszkańcami jego rodzinnych Aten. Autor stara się wyjaśnić przyczyny nieufności, a nawet niechęci części Ateńczyków wobec Herodesa. Najważniejszą częścią artykułu jest próba odtworzenia okoliczności, które doprowadziły do słynnego procesu w Sirmium w 174 roku