70 research outputs found

    Application of Mineral Casting for Machine Tools Beds.

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    The article provides state of the art and the latest development trends in the manufacturing of machine tool beds. The emphasis is placed on modern materials whose mechanical and dynamical properties may prove to be a breakthrough in the field of machine tool design

    Modal Identification of Dynamic Properties of the Cylindrical Grinder.

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    In the paper the method of model identification of the cylindrical grinder dynamic properties by means of experimental modal test was described. The method application, hardware solution as well as the procedure of carrying out the identification modal test of the cylindrical grinder was presented. The experiment was performed in order to acquire the frequency response function (FRF) of the cylindrical grinder. Having obtained the experimental FRF, the mathematical model of the response function was created. That mathematical model of the machine tool dynamic behavior can be applied in grinder and grinding holistic model. The conclusions regarding the application aspects of experimental modal analysis in order to identify dynamic properties of the machine tool were drawn

    Worldwide trends in machine tool industry - TMTS 2014.

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    Zrelacjonowano przebieg Międzynarodowej Wystawy Obrabiarek TMTS 2014 w Taichung na Tajwanie, która odbyła się w dniach 5÷9 listopada 2014 r. Opisano najważniejsze punkty tego wydarzenia, przedstawiono nowości produktowe prezentowane podczas targów oraz aktualne trendy w rozwoju różnych gałęzi przemysłu związanego z obrabiarkami i urządzeniami technologicznymi. Zarówno wnioski podsumowujące TMTS 2014, jak i zapowiedzi dotyczące kolejnej wystawy, która odbędzie się w 2016 r., wskazują na ogromny potencjał tej branży przemysłu maszynowego. Uzasadnione wydają się więc nadzieje tajwańskich producentów wysokojakościowych obrabiarek dotyczące ekspansji na rozwijające się rynki azjatyckie, amerykańskie i europejskie, a także długoterminowe plany zakładające ciągły rozwój produkcji obrabiarek na Tajwanie.A report from Taiwan International Machine Tool Show TMTS 2014 is presented in the paper. The Show was held in Taichung, Taiwan from 5th to 9th November 2014. The most important show events are reported. The premieres as well as the vital trends in the field of industry related to machine tools and accessories are illustrated and described. Both conclusions summarizing the Show as well as announcements on the nature of the next exhibition in 2016 indicate a strong potential of the machine builders’ industry. The policy of expansion of high-quality machine tools made by Taiwan is clearly visible not only on Asian but also American and European markets. It justifies long- -term plans for the continuous development of the machine tools industry in Taiwan

    Badanie właściwości dynamicznych cyfrowego modelu zespołu wrzeciennika szlifierki do wałków.

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    New Gasostatic Borehole Bearings - Construction and Research

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    In the article the origin of creation, construction as well as the research of the novel gasostatic borehole bearings are presented. In the first part of the paper the information on the construction of the bearing is outlined whereas in the second part the methodology of the experimental and numerical research as well as obtained results are described. The paper is summarized with the conclusions of the research and suggestions due to commercial application of the bearings

    Experimental tuning of virtual model of internal grinder wheelhead

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    W artykule przedstawiono procedurę dostrajania wirtualnego modelu (cyfrowego prototypu) wrzeciennika ściernicy szlifierki do otworów. Dostrajanie wykonano, przeprowadzając eksperymentalne badania statyczne oraz identyfikacyjny test modalny. W ten sposób otrzymano wiarygodny wirtualny model zespołu obrabiarki, który można zastosować w celu przewidywania dynamicznej odpowiedzi układu na dowolne wymuszenie bez konieczności wykonywania czasochłonnych badań doświadczalnych. Zweryfikowany model może być zastosowany do określenia właściwości statycznych i dynamicznych układu zawierającego konstrukcyjne modyfikacje.In the paper the procedure of tuning the virtual model (digital prototype) of internal grinder wheelhead is presented. The tuning is based on experimental static examination as well as identification modal test. As a result the reliable virtual model of the machine tool unit was obtained. The model can be applied in order to predict the system response to any excitation waveform without laborious and time-consuming additional experimental tests. The verified model can be also utilized in order to investigate the static and dynamic properties of the system subjected to construction modifications

    Mechanical Properties of the Mineral Cast Material at the Macro and Micro Level.

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    The paper presents the results of experimental examination of the mechanical properties at micro and macro scale of the mineral cast composites. Studies have been conducted to verify the literature data about the value of tensile strength, compressive strength and Young’s modulus. Additionally as a part of this research Poisson’s ratio was determined, which has not been encountered in the current literature as deeply as in this work. In the next step, a scanning electron microscopy (SEM) studies have been carried out to analyze fractures of the samples after tensile and compression tests. These results were correlated with mechanical properties such as tensile strength and compressive strength, respectively. During fracture investigations, the contact interface between concrete filler and polymer was studied. As a result of this research the mechanism of deformation was formulated

    Skull fractures in car accidents: Types and Causes

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    Brain injury may be the result of a sudden blow to the head or head impact. The result is damage at the site of application of force and damage of the remote location. The force acting on the head causes not only local effects through the oppression, but also puts in motion the head, which causes the cranial structuresThe aim of the study was to characterize head injuries with special attention to their types.After regaining consciousness, and coming out of immediate danger of life reveals a number of problems the nature of neurological, psychological and neuropsychological, the latter reveal the disorder is sometimes quite late due to their discrete natureA serious problem is post traumatic stress disorder in the form of fear, helplessness, feelings of constant threat. In extreme cases, they represent a permanent team apical or brain death occurs

    Child abuse: will the doctor report?

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    The phenomenon of child abuse is a very important social issue, not only globally, but also in Poland. There is a silent consent in the Polish society for violence against children. The research presents the issues of the children abuse issue and forms. The most important are: physical abuse, mental abuse, sexual abuse and negligence. Also research presents the legal instruments governing the obligation to report cases of violence against children including medical confidentiality It is still necessary to sensitize the doctors, and especially the paediatricians about the abused child issues, as well as to educate and broaden knowledge in the scope of recognizing such phenomena. The doctors’ involvement and their will to act towards the social and legal direction, by helping the family and the child are also important. In the current situation, reporting of abuse cases and non-medical actions regarding this issue is mainly a moral and professional obligation of a doctor, coming mainly from the care about patient’s health

    Epidemiology of road traffic accidents in adults. A systematic review

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    Road accidents are a serious problem of the modern world. They are one of the main causes of injuries and are the third most numerous cause of death. Every year, about one million people, adults and children, die on the roads and several millions are injured. Mortality rate due to injuries from road accidents amounts to 2,2% of all deaths in the world.The research presents a mechanism of traffic accidents, pathophysiology of injury, partition of car accidents and characterized the insults of victims in various types of automobile accidents.Injuries resulting from road accidents have numerous substantial consequences as they are related with releasing large amounts of kinetic energy which must be absorbed. Kinetic energy absorbing is the basic mechanism of injury arising during road accidents.In apprising an automobile accident should take into consideration the type of the car accident and the extent of damage to the vehicle People participating in road accidents of high energy are especially endangered with substantial injuries. There is a close relationship between the rate of vehicle damages and seriousness of casualties' injuries