717 research outputs found

    COVID-19 and pneumonia: a role for the uPA/uPAR system

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    Here, we highlight recent findings on the urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA)/uPA receptor (uPAR) system that suggest its potential role as a main orchestrator of fatal progression to pulmonary, kidney, and heart failure in patients with coronavirus. Patients with prolonged background inflammation can present aberrant inflammatory reactions, well recognized as the main factors that can result in death and probably sustained by a dysregulated uPA/uPAR system. SuPAR, the soluble form of uPAR, represents a biomarker of disease progression, and its levels correlate well with comorbidities associated with the death of patients with coronavirus. New drugs that regulate the uPA/uPAR system could help treat the severe complications of highly pathogenic human coronaviruses (hCoVs), including pandemic coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19)

    Protein multiple sequence alignment by hybrid bio-inspired algorithms

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    This article presents an immune inspired algorithm to tackle the Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) problem. MSA is one of the most important tasks in biological sequence analysis. Although this paper focuses on protein alignments, most of the discussion and methodology may also be applied to DNA alignments. The problem of finding the multiple alignment was investigated in the study by Bonizzoni and Vedova and Wang and Jiang, and proved to be a NP-hard (non-deterministic polynomial-time hard) problem. The presented algorithm, called Immunological Multiple Sequence Alignment Algorithm (IMSA), incorporates two new strategies to create the initial population and specific ad hoc mutation operators. It is based on the ‘weighted sum of pairs’ as objective function, to evaluate a given candidate alignment. IMSA was tested using both classical benchmarks of BAliBASE (versions 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0), and experimental results indicate that it is comparable with state-of-the-art multiple alignment algorithms, in terms of quality of alignments, weighted Sums-of-Pairs (SP) and Column Score (CS) values. The main novelty of IMSA is its ability to generate more than a single suboptimal alignment, for every MSA instance; this behaviour is due to the stochastic nature of the algorithm and of the populations evolved during the convergence process. This feature will help the decision maker to assess and select a biologically relevant multiple sequence alignment. Finally, the designed algorithm can be used as a local search procedure to properly explore promising alignments of the search space

    Las bioeconomías de la provisión de óvulos en Estados Unidos y en España: una comparación de los mercados médicos y las implicaciones en la atención a las donantes

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    Los sistemas reguladores que controlan la reproducción con la participación de terceros determinan el modo en que las personas que donan materiales y trabajo reproductivos –óvulos, esperma y servicios de gestación subrogada– son escogidas y compensadas. Estados Unidos y España tienen regulaciones muy diferentes en lo que concierne a la reproducción con terceros, pero ambos son líderes mundiales en la prestación de tratamientos de fertilidad con donantes de óvulos. En este trabajo, analizamos el modo en que dos diferencias fundamentales entre estos sistemas –cómo son escogidas y cómo son compensadas las donantes– influyen en el mercado más amplio de los óvulos humanos, así como las implicaciones que esto tiene para las mujeres proveedoras. Apoyándonos en entrevistas y en el trabajo de campo realizado en Estados Unidos y en España, este artículo compara cómo la donación de óvulos compensada opera en un sistema público/privado regulado (España) frente al modo en que lo hace en un sistema médico no regulado de libre mercado (Estados Unidos). Exploramos cómo las diferentes bioeconomías reproductivas influyen en la mayor biodisponibilidad de unas mujeres sobre otras en el mercado de los óvulos humanos. Finalmente, hipotetizamos que los avances en las tecnologías de crioconservación de óvulos –y, por ende, el incremento del almacenamiento de óvulos en bancos– puede fomentar una cultura del consumo de los cuidados de la fertilidad en ambos países

    Sacrificio: questioni, interpretazioni, comparazioni. Una introduzione

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    This introduction aims to explain the lines of research of a group of scholars, brought together in a joint project on the history of sacrifice from the late Middle Ages to the modern world. Taking into account the theoretical framework formulated by a long tradition of studies on sacrifice, the group compared different historical contexts, focusing on the emergence of religious sciences, biblical commentaries, self-sacrifice and the idea of martyrdom, sanctity, the global missionary context, European approaches to sacrificial rites in Asia, and the relationship between the idea of crusade and the doctrine of sacrifice

    Rapid decline of fasting glucose in HCV diabetic patients treated with direct-acting antiviral agents

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    Association between HCV infection and diabetes has been widely postulated. Little is known about the impact of direct acting antiviral agents (DAAs) on glycemic control. Aim of our study was to evaluate the glycemic control modifications in a case series of HCV+ diabetic population receiving DAAs. We retrospectively evaluated 149 HCV+ patients in two different institutions affiliated to the Sapienza University: Policlinico Umberto I of Rome and Ospedale Santa Maria Goretti of Latina. We were able to identify 29 patients with T2DM (19% of total population) who were receiving different IFN-free regimens. During-treatment fasting glucose values were available for 21 patients and analysis showed a statistically significant reduction (p=0,007), the reduction mean value was -52,86 mg/dl. An A1C value during treatment (week 4 or week 8 or week 12) was available for 10 patients and the analysis showed a statistically significant reduction (p=0,021) with a reduction mean value of -1,95%. 6 patients (23%) needed to reduce hypoglycemic drugs, 8 of 10 patients showed reduction of A1C, 14 of 21 patients (67%) showed reduced FG during treatment. FG and A1C reductions values were independent from which DAA was present in the regimen, HCV genotype, BMI and HIV status. In order to avoid hypoglycemic events, diabetic patients undergoing DAAs should be closely monitorized for reduction of hypoglycemic drugs. Furthermore, diabetes could be considered, in our opinion, as an element to prioritize treatment in those patients with no apparent liver disease

    Global fertility chains: An integrative political economy approach to understanding the reproductive bioeconomy

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    Over the last two decades, social scientists across disciplines have been researching how value is extracted and governed in the reproductive bioeconomy, which broadly refers to the various ways reproductive tissues, bodies, services, customers, workers, and data are inserted into capitalist modes of accumulation. While many of these studies are empirically grounded in single country–based analyses, this paper proposes an integrative political economy framework, structured around the concept of “global fertility chains.” The latter articulates the reproductive bioeconomy as a nexus of intraconnected practices, operations, and transactions between enterprises, states, and households across the globe, through which reproductive services and commodities are produced, distributed, and consumed. Employing a diffractive reading of the literature on commodity chains and care chains, this unified approach scrutinizes the coproduction of value, biology, and technoscience and their governance mechanisms in the accumulation of capital by taking into account (1) the unevenly developed geographies of global fertility chains, (2) their reliance on women’s waged and unwaged reproductive labor, and (3) the networked role of multiple actors at multiple scales without losing sight of the (4) constitutive role of (supra)national states in creating demand, organizing supply, and accommodating the distribution of surplus value. We empirically ground this integrative political economy approach of the reproductive bioeconomy through collaborative, multisited fieldwork on transnational reproduction networks in Israel/Palestine, Romania, Georgia, and Spain

    Systemic adipokines, hepatokines and interleukin-6 in HCV-monoinfected and HCV/HIV coinfected patients treated with direct antiviral agents (DAAs)

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    In this study, we demonstrated that that altered levels ofadipokines/hepatokines in HCV-infected patients, including HIV coinfected, can be restored by treatment with direct antiviral agents (DAAs), thus indicating the important metabolic changes occurring during the eradication of this viral infection

    Compliance to therapy with Dapoxetine in comparison to a conventional selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (Citalopram) in 118 patients with premature ejaculation.

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    Premature Ejaculation (PE) is a sexual dysfunction that concern 20-30% of the male population. Dapoxetine is a new serotonine re-uptake inhibitor (SSRI)specific for PE treatment.Aim of the study is to assess compliance and effectiveness of the treatment with dapoxetine compared to the treatment with citalopram (a classic SSRI used to treat PE)