5 research outputs found

    Accelular nanofbrous bilayer scafold intrapenetrated with polydopamine network and implemented into a full-thickness wound of a white-pig model afects infammation and healing process

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    Treatment of complete loss of skin thickness requires expensive cellular materials and limited skin grafts used as temporary coverage. This paper presents an acellular bilayer scaffold modified with polydopamine (PDA), which is designed to mimic a missing dermis and a basement membrane (BM). The alternate dermis is made from freeze-dried collagen and chitosan (Coll/Chit) or collagen and a calcium salt of oxidized cellulose (Coll/CaOC). Alternate BM is made from electrospun gelatin (Gel), polycaprolactone (PCL), and CaOC. Morphological and mechanical analyzes have shown that PDA significantly improved the elasticity and strength of collagen microfibrils, which favorably affected swelling capacity and porosity. PDA significantly supported and maintained metabolic activity, proliferation, and viability of the murine fibroblast cell lines. The in vivo experiment carried out in a domestic Large white pig model resulted in the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the first 1-2 weeks, giving the idea that PDA and/or CaOC trigger the early stages of inflammation. Otherwise, in later stages, PDA caused a reduction in inflammation with the expression of the anti-inflammatory molecule IL10 and the transforming growth factor beta (TGF beta 1), which could support the formation of fibroblasts. Similarities in treatment with native porcine skin suggested that the bilayer can be used as an implant for full-thickness skin wounds and thus eliminate the use of skin grafts

    Boj se světovou chudobou v kontextu Rozvojových cílů milénia

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    Cílem práce je stanovit příčiny chudoby a nastínit možná východiska z chudoby. Rozebírá jednotlivé Rozvojové cíle milénia a definuje jednotlivé priority v těchto cílech. Porovnává úspěšnosti tohoto boje podle jednotlivých regionů světové ekonomiky

    Efficiency of the business treaty reinsurances

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    The work is concerned with the comparison of the assurance instruments anchored in the law environment of the Czech Republic. The work is dealing with the importance of the assurance instruments and sets up its own criterions of efficiency used for the main comparison. The following chapters analyze individual reinsurance tools such as lien, right of retention, warranty, bank warranty, penal clause, conveyance of title and recognition of engagements. The most important aspects of the efficiency are the substance of reinsurance instruments, their law power, their area of application, their economic efficiency and some aspects regarding time delays. The last chapter compares all of these assurance tools according to the above mentioned criterions.Práce se zabývá porovnáním zajišťovacích institutů zakotvených v právním prostředí ČR. Práce zdůrazňuje důležitost zajišťovacích instrumentů a dále stanovuje kritéria efektivnosti nutných pro jejich porovnání. Následně analyzuje jednotlivé zajišťovací nástroje, a to především zástavní právo, zadržovací právo, ručení, bankovní záruku, smluvní pokutu, převod práva a uznání závazku. Nejdůležitějšími sledovanými kritérii jsou podstata instrumentu, právní síla instrumentu, šíře jejich použití, ekonomická efektivnost a časové hledisko. Poslední kapitola porovnává všechny zajišťovací prostředky podle výše zmíněných kritérií. Celá práce je doplněna příklady a judikaturou

    Two Novel Mutations in the JAG1 Gene in Pediatric Patients with Alagille Syndrome: The First Case Series in Czech Republic

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    Background: Alagille syndrome (ALGS) is a highly variable multisystem disorder inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern with incomplete penetration. The disorder is caused by mutations in the JAG1 gene, only rarely in the NOTCH2 gene, which gives rise to malformations in multiple organs. Bile duct paucity is the main characteristic feature of the disease. Methods: Molecular-genetic examination of genes JAG1 and NOTCH2 in four probands of Czech origin who complied with the diagnostic criteria of ALGS was performed using targeted next-generation sequencing of genes JAG1 and NOTCH2. Segregation of variants in a family was assessed by Sanger sequencing of parental DNA. Results: Mutations in the JAG1 gene were confirmed in all four probands. We identified two novel mutations: c.3189dupG and c.1913delG. Only in one case, the identified JAG1 mutation was de novo. None of the parents carrying JAG1 pathogenic mutation was diagnosed with ALGS. Conclusion: Diagnosis of the ALGS is complicated due to the absence of clear genotype-phenotype correlations and the extreme phenotypic variability in the patients even within the same family. This fact is of particular importance in connection to genetic counselling and prenatal genetic testing

    CO2-laser photoacoustic detection of gaseous n-pentylacetate

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    The absorption spectra of gaseous n-pentylacetate were investigated by FT IR spectroscopy as well as CO2-laser photoacoustic spectroscopy for simulation of the dispersion of a nerve agent (sarin) within a modeled atmospheric boundary layer. Three CO2-laser emission lines were used for photoacoustic detection of n-pentylacetate with detection limit in the range of 1–3 ppm