4 research outputs found

    The Influence of BYOD Concept on Development of Learning Process in Universities

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    Education is one of the largest markets promoting implementation of Bring Your Own Device BYOD. The BYOD model was originated in colleges and universities, being stimulated by technologically advanced students, who demanded it, and administrators of educational entities, who agreed that allowance to get access to the network using personal devices was a competitive advantage. Nowadays this concept attracts great attention. People depend on their personal devices and want to have the opportunity to use them anywhere in order to make their life simpler and more efficient. While BYOD implementation increases, teachers determine new methods of integration of mobile devices into learning. The use of personal mobile devices of students for learning seems to be attractive for universities, since these devices would help to reduce expenses and to support teaching and learning. The research objective: to detect the level of influence of BYOD concept on learning process. In the conclsuoins authors confirm that BYOD is the dominant model in universities

    Dependence of the Russian Economy on Oil Prices in the Context of Volatility of the Global oil Market: Articulation of Issue

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    At the present stage, oil is not just commodity but also a kind of asset, the value of which is associated with multiple financial processes. The impact of oil prices is particularly strong in the countries where trade in energy commodities has reached a high level in total exports. Russia belongs to such countries as well. Oil industry is one of the most important areas for supporting the economy development in Russia. Therefore, there is a need to develop measures for proper functioning of the oil industry, as it provides a significant share of Russia's GDP and budget revenues. Besides, about 80% of foreign investment goes directly to the oil and gas sector. In addition, the long-term dependence of the Russian economy on energy resources has led to decline in incentives for the development of other industries and creation of new technologies. The article explores the issues of dependence of the Russian economy on global oil prices and factors that influence the situation on the global oil market; the increasing role of the financial market of oil contracts in the context of the current economic development is substantiated. This article examines the situation when the country's export is largely focused on energy, while other industries significantly lag behind; it is described in the economic theory as a phenomenon dubbed "Dutch disease". This phenomenon is described by increase in extraction and export of commodities; besides, the influx of capital from exports stimulates consumer demand, but the industrial sector fails to keep up with the growth of the household income due to the pressure of the "Dutch disease", which ultimately increases inflation. In addition, this results in lagging of the processing sector of the economy behind the extractive sector. Keywords: oil market, World Trade Organization, reserve fund, economy JEL Classifications: O10, F1

    Impact of digital services of hybrid cloud-based learning environment on efficiency of education

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    This paper aims to analyse the impact of the hybrid cloud-based learning environment providing resources and services to implement interdisciplinary projects in the course of studies on the efficiency of education. A combination of modern methods of pedagogical studies was applied to address the set problems. The authors used theoretical methods, such as analysis, generalisation, comparison, synthesis, and systematisation of research literature and teaching aids providing visibility in terms of the current outlook of the analysed problem and developing and introducing a hybrid cloud-based learning environment to support interdisciplinary projects. The authors also used empirical methods, such as pedagogical experiments, to determine the impact of digital services in the hybrid cloud-based learning environment on students' performance in each discipline of interdisciplinary projects and their profiles in the course of the project. For numeric processing of research findings and statistical tests for objectivity, the authors used methods of mathematical statistics. The case is made for using cloud computing in the education of future professionals. Experimental analysis is conducted to determine the impact of the hybrid cloud-based learning environment providing resources and services to implement interdisciplinary projects in the course of studies on the efficiency of education. The positive impact is shown for the hybrid cloud-based learning in terms of students' progress. The results can make the basis for developing and introducing a hybrid cloud-based learning environment to support interdisciplinary projects. The scientific novelty of this study is underscored by the analysis of the impact of digital services of the hybrid cloud-based learning environment on the efficiency of educating future professionals in the course of an interdisciplinary project.Mirar. Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar o impacto do ambiente híbrido de aprendizagem baseado em nuvem, fornecendo recursos e serviços para a implementação de projetos interdisciplinares no curso de estudos sobre a eficiência da educação. Métodos Uma combinação de métodos modernos de estudos pedagógicos foi aplicada para resolver os problemas definidos. Os autores usaram métodos teóricos, como análise, generalização, comparação, síntese e sistematização da literatura de pesquisa e auxiliares de ensino, proporcionando visibilidade em termos da perspectiva atual do problema analisado e desenvolvendo e introduzindo um ambiente deaprendizagem baseado em nuvem híbrido para apoiar a interdisciplinaridade projetos. Os autores também usaram métodos empíricos, como experimentos pedagógicos, para determinar o impacto dos serviços digitais no ambiente de aprendizagem baseado em nuvem híbrida sobre o desempenho dos alunos em cada disciplina de projetos interdisciplinares e seus perfis no decorrer do projeto. Para processamento numérico de resultados de pesquisas e testes estatísticos de objetividade, os autores usaram métodos de estatística matemática. Principais resultados O case é feito para o uso da computação em nuvem na formação de futuros profissionais. A análise experimentalé conduzida para determinar o impacto do ambiente de aprendizagem baseado em nuvem híbrida, fornecendo recursos e serviços para implementar projetos interdisciplinares no curso de estudos sobre a eficiência da educação. O impacto positivo é mostrado para a aprendizagem baseada em nuvem híbrida em termos de progresso dos alunos. Aplicabilidade. Os resultados podem servir de base para o desenvolvimento e introdução de um ambiente de aprendizado híbrido baseado em nuvem para apoiar projetos interdisciplinares. A novidade científica deste estudo é reforçada pela análise do impacto dos serviços digitais do ambiente de aprendizagem baseado em nuvem híbrida sobre a eficiência da formação de futuros profissionais no curso de um projeto interdisciplinar.Apuntar. Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar el impacto del entorno de aprendizaje híbrido basado en la nube, proporcionando recursos y servicios para implementar proyectos interdisciplinarios en el curso de estudios sobre la eficiencia de la educación. Métodos Se aplicó una combinación de métodos modernos de estudios pedagógicos para abordar los problemas planteados. Los autores utilizaron métodos teóricos, como el análisis, la generalización, la comparación, la síntesis y la sistematización de la literatura de investigación y las ayudas didácticas, proporcionando visibilidad en términos de la perspectiva actual del problema analizado y desarrollando e introduciendo un entorno de aprendizaje híbrido basado en la nube para apoyar la interdisciplinariedad proyectos. Los autores también utilizaron métodos empíricos, como experimentos pedagógicos, para determinar el impacto de los servicios digitales en el entorno de aprendizaje híbrido basado en la nube en el desempeño de los estudiantes en cada disciplina de proyectos interdisciplinarios y sus perfiles en el transcurso del proyecto. Para el procesamiento numéricode los resultados de la investigación y las pruebas estadísticas de objetividad, los autores utilizaron métodos de estadística matemática. Resultados principales Se argumenta a favor del uso de la computación en nube en la formación de futuros profesionales. Se realiza un análisis experimental para determinar el impacto del entorno de aprendizaje híbrido basado en la nube que proporciona recursos y servicios para implementar proyectos interdisciplinarios en el curso de estudios sobre la eficiencia de la educación. El impacto positivo se muestra para el aprendizaje basado en la nube híbrida en términos de progreso de los estudiantes. Aplicabilidad. Los resultados pueden sentar las bases para desarrollar e introducir un entorno de aprendizaje híbrido basado en la nube para apoyar proyectos interdisciplinarios. La novedad científica de este estudio se ve subrayada por el análisis del impacto de los servicios digitales del entorno de aprendizaje híbrido en la nube sobre la eficiencia de la formación de futuros profesionales en el transcurso de un proyecto interdisciplinario

    The Influence of BYOD Concept on Development of Learning Process in Universities

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    Education is one of the largest markets promoting implementation of Bring Your Own Device BYOD. The BYOD model was originated in colleges and universities, being stimulated by technologically advanced students, who demanded it, and administrators of educational entities, who agreed that allowance to get access to the network using personal devices was a competitive advantage. Nowadays this concept attracts great attention. People depend on their personal devices and want to have the opportunity to use them anywhere in order to make their life simpler and more efficient. While BYOD implementation increases, teachers determine new methods of integration of mobile devices into learning. The use of personal mobile devices of students for learning seems to be attractive for universities, since these devices would help to reduce expenses and to support teaching and learning. The research objective: to detect the level of influence of BYOD concept on learning process. In the conclsuoins authors confirm that BYOD is the dominant model in universities.La educación es uno de los mercados más grandes que promueve la implementación de Bring Your Own Device BYOD. El modelo BYOD se originó en colegios y universidades, siendo estimulado por estudiantes tecnológicamente avanzados, que lo demandaban, y administradores de entidades educativas, quienes coincidieron en que la concesión para acceder a la red mediante dispositivos personales era una ventaja competitiva. Hoy en día este concepto atrae una gran atención. Las personas dependen de sus dispositivos personales y quieren tener la oportunidad de usarlos en cualquier lugar para hacer su vida más simple y eficiente. Mientras aumenta la implementación de BYOD, los maestros determinan nuevos métodos de integración de dispositivos móviles en el aprendizaje. El uso de dispositivos móviles personales de los estudiantes para el aprendizaje parece ser atractivo para las universidades, ya que estos dispositivos ayudarían a reducir los gastos y apoyar la enseñanza y el aprendizaje. El objetivo de la investigación: detectar el nivel de influencia del concepto BYOD en el proceso de aprendizaje. En las conclusiones, los autores confirman que BYOD es el modelo dominante en las universidades