1,001 research outputs found

    COVID-19 and Social Distancing Implications for Religious Activities and Travel: The case of the Serbian Orthodox Church

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    The COVID-19 pandemic affects peopleā€™s everyday way of life. International tourism is one of the most affected activities today, since one of the key measures in the strategy of keeping control over the new pandemic is preventing closer human contact. This includes restricting and discouraging the movement of people towards tourism destinations. These measures have caused major problems for the tourism industry and no form of tourism has been spared. The COVID-19 outbreak, as a real threat to public life and health, has established a new measure as a mandatory condition in everyday life globally - called social distancing. This measure has various impacts on religious communities and a strong influence on how and under which circumstances religious travel and pilgrimages can take place - it means not only physical distancing but also excluding individuals or groups from participating in one anotherā€™s lives. This paper focuses on social distancing from a religious perspective and its implications for religious activities and travel. Further, the paper points to the role of religious communities in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, considering both criticism and its role in saving lives. This paper examines social distancing measuresā€™ impact on everyday religious activities from the Church point of view. Taking the example of the Serbian Orthodox Churchā€™s standpoint and official announcements, the paper considers the important role and contribution of its religious community - several key elements have been singled out. Furthermore, this paper points out factors of the pandemic which affect the faithful and the Church - official decisions / announcements of the Serbian Orthodox Church as well as the influence of the anti-pandemic measures on religious activities and travel. The example also shows the ā€˜strong pointā€™ of religion (religious community influence and strong mindset) which can be accepted or misunderstood as ā€˜resistanceā€™ to the anti-pandemic measures

    Mehanohemijska sinteza nikal i nikal-cink feritnih prahova sa Nicolson-Ross analizom absorpcionih koeficijenata

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    The interest in finding new methods for the preparation of nickel ferrite (NiFe2O4) and nickel-zinc ferrite (NixZn1-xFe2O4) powders has recently increased, because the physical and chemical properties of these soft magnetic materials depend strongly on the preparation conditions. In this study, powder samples of ferrites were obtained by: 1) a classic sintering procedure (NixZn1-xFe2O4, x = 0.9) and 2) planetary mill synthesis (both NiFe2O4 and the NixZn1-xFe2O4). The mechano-chemical reaction leading to the formation of the spinel phase of NixZn1-xFe2O4 (x = 1 or 0.9) was monitored by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. The values of the real and imaginary parts of the permittivity and permeability were measured for the obtained nickel and nickel-zinc ferrite samples in the 7-12 GHz frequency range. Based on the obtained results, the electromagnetic radiation (EMR) absorption coefficients were calculated for all three types of sample. It was concluded that the method of preparation and the final particle size influence the EMR absorption coefficient of nickel and nickel-zinc ferrites.U novije vreme povećan je interes za pronalaženje novih metoda za sintezu nikal-ferita (NiFe2O4) i nikal-cink-feritnih (NixZn1-xFe2O4) prahova, zbog činjenice da fizička i hemijska svojstva ovih 'mekih' magnetnih materijala u mnogome zavise od uslova pripreme. Dobijeni feritni prahovi, opisani u ovom radu, sintetisani su: 1) klasičnom procedurom sinterovanja (NixZn1-xFe2O4, x = 0,9 ili 2) sintezom u planetarnom mlinu (NiFe2O4 i NixZn1-xFe2O4). Prosečna veličina čestica dobijenih prvom metodom iznosi 3-5 Ī¼m, dok druga metoda daje čestice veličine 10-12 nm. Karakterizacija uzoraka praćena je skenirajućom elektronskom mikroskopijom (SEM), transmisionom elektronskom mikroskopijom (TEM), kao i difrakcionom analizom X-zracima (XRD). Realni i imaginarni delovi koeficijenata permitivnosti i permeabilnosti su mereni na dobijenim uzorcima nikal i nikal-cink-ferita u frekventnom opsegu 7-12 GHz. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, izračunati su EMR apsorpcioni koeficijenti za sve dobijene uzorke. Zaključeno je da je način pripreme, kao i dobijena veličina čestica, utiču na EMR apsorpcione koeficijente nikal i nikal-cink-ferita

    Motorne funkcije i kognicija kod starih osoba

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    The prolonging of a lifespan and the increasing proportion of elderly people in general population are setting new healthcare tasks. One of them is researching and clarifying the relations and links between motoric and cognitive functions in elderly. 'Impoverishment' of cognitive capacities occurs during the aging process. Many studies show a strong link between cognition and the function of walking. There is growing evidence that the decline in cognitive functions is resulting in deterioration of walking. Usually described as characteristic of the later stages of dementia, the distortion of ambulation may also be present in the earlier stages, even before the prodromal stage of mild cognitive impairment. Speed and temporal and spatial variability of steps are the main gait characteristics which are connected to the degree of decline in cognitive processes. Those characteristics are motor phenotype that reflects the deterioration of cognitive performance and which can be used for prediction of dementia. It is assumed that physical activity provides beneficial effects at cognitive and psychological levels, including prevention and improvement of depressive states and anxiety disorders, enhancing stress reduction, improved self-confidence and above all it delays cognitive decline in the elderly. Disruption of axons and myelin in the cerebral white matter is considered one of the primary mechanisms underlying age-related cognitive decline. Therefore, maintaining white matter structural connectivity in the old age may be one of the key factors in preserving brain function and high cognitive performance necessary for independent living. Physical activity also influences cerebrovascular mechanisms, such as preserving higher blood vessel elasticity and wall integrity. Moreover, there is an association between light physical activity and white matter integrity especially in the temporal lobe. The conclusion of some studies shows a relationship between the Īµ4 allele and brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) response to physiologic adaptation which likely impacts the extent of neuroprotective benefit gained from engagement in physical exercise. Some authors propose a program of exercises which consist of a combined aerobic and resistance training. Motoric function and cognition are closely related and using regular physical activity is important for maintaining physical and mental health in the elderly.Produžetak životnog veka i povećanje udela starijih ljudi u opÅ”toj populaciji postavlja nove zadatke za zdravstvene službe. Jedan od njih je istraživanje i razjaÅ”njavanje odnosa i povezanosti između motoričkih i kognitivnih funkcija kod osoba starijeg životnog doba. Tokom procesa starenja odigrava se 'osiromaÅ”enje' kognitivnih kapaciteta. Mnoge studije ukazuju na postojanje izrazite povezanosti između kognitivnih funkcija i funkcije hoda. Postoji sve viÅ”e dokaza da opadanje kognitivnih funkcija rezultuje deterioracijom funkcije hoda. Poremećaj funkcije hoda se obično povezuje sa kasnijim stadijumima demencije, međutim, ona može biti naruÅ”ena i u ranijim stadijumima pa čak i pre nastanka prodromalnog stadijuma tj. blagog kognitivnog poremećaja. Brzina koraka i vremenska i prostorna varijabilnost koraka su glavne karakteristike koje se povezuju sa stepenom pada kognitivnih procesa. Ove karakteristike su motorni fenotip koji reflektuje stepen deterioracije kognitivnog funkcionisanja i koji može biti upotrebljen kao prediktivni pokazatelj nastanka demencija. Pretpostavlja se da fizička aktivnost obezbeđuje pozitivne efekte na kognitivnom i psiholoÅ”kom planu, uključujući prevenciju i poboljÅ”anje depresivnih i anksioznih stanja, da redukuje stres, unapređuje samopouzdanje i konačno, odlaže nastanak procesa opadanja kognitivnih funkcija kod osoba starijeg doba. Prekidi aksonskih puteva i mijelina u beloj masi se smatraju jednim od primarnih mehanizama za nastanak opadanja kognitivnih funkcija tokom procesa starenja. Zbog toga se pretpostavlja da je održavanje strukturalne celovitosti bele mase jedan od ključnih faktora koji doprinose očuvanju viÅ”ih kognitivnih funkcija koje su neophodne za nezavisno funkcionisanje u starijem životnom dobu. Fizička aktivnost takođe deluje preko cerebrovaskulnih mehanizama kao Å”to su očuvanost elastičnosti i integriteta zidova krvnih sudova. Osim pomenutog, postoji povezanost između lagane fizičke aktivnosti i integriteta bele mase posebno u temporalnom lobusu. Zaključci pojedinih istraživanja ukazuju na postojanje odnosa između Īµ4 genskog alela i brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) odgovora na fizioloÅ”ku adaptaciju nastalu fizičkim vežbanjem, za koju se pretpostavlja da pozitivno utiče na neuroprotekciju. Neki autori predlažu program fizičkog vežbanja kao kombinaciju aerobnog i treninga sa primenjenim otporom. Motorička funkcija i kognicija su blisko poezani, a redovna fizička aktivnost i vežbanje je važno za održavanje fizičkog i mentalnog zdravlja

    The Assessment of the Analytic Group Treatment Efficiency According to Yalomā€™s Classification

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    The authors expose the assessment of therapeutic factors during group analytic treatment. In the methodology of research several measuring instruments were applied. In this study it will be exposed the results obtain by Yalom\u27s questionnaire containing 60 items. Three small analytic groups were followed up, encompassing 20 group members. By self-evaluation they ranked the assessment of every of 12 therapeutic factors according to their importance. The variability of results was shown more inside then among groups. The highest-ranking therapeutic factors the group members sorted out were: self-understanding, family re-enactment, cohesiveness and universality. The factor of identification was the lowest ranking in all group

    Proton Magnetic Relaxation in Ethane Diol-Water Solutions of Haemoglobin

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    Ethane diol was added to aqueous solutions of bovine and human met(FeUI)- and CO-haemoglobin in order to extend the temperature range for nuclear magnetict relaxation measurements below freezing point. No significant difference in the relaxation rates was found on adding ethane diol except in the case of human met- and CO-haemog1obin, which may be . ascribed to changĀ·es in the hydration sheath. The energies of activation derived :firom Arrhenius plots of the relaxation rates for bovine Hb are also independent (within Ā± 50/o) of ethane diol. It is concluded that the gross conformation of the haem pocket is not altered by addition of ethane diol, so that measurements can be done down to - 30 Ā°c

    Histamin u ribi dostupnoj na tržiŔtu Srbije u 2018. godini

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    Histamine is a biogen amin, which is formed by decarboxylation of the histidine amino acid, under the action of the L-histidine-decarboxylase enzyme. High level of free histidine in fish meat, bacterial histidin decarboxylase activity and high temperature of storage elevate the level of histamine. Among the most important factors that can affect the level of histamine in fish meat are the type of fish and the method of its preservation. In order to determine this dependence, 1030 samples of frozen fish (tuna, mackerel, sardines and sprat) and 167 samples of canned fish (tuna, sardines and mackerel) were monitored for histamine content by ELISA method. It was determined a lower concentration of histamine in frozen fish (from 5.71 mg/kg to 18.03 mg/kg) compared to canned fish (from 15.03 mg/kg to 110.6 mg/kg). The highest histamine concentrations were found in the mackerel samples, regardless of the preservation method (110.6 mg/kg in canned mackerel and 18.03 mg/kg in frozen mackerel), which were significantly higher compared to the histamine levels found in cans of tuna and sardines (p Ė‚0.0001). Of the total number of samples, three samples (two samples of canned sardines and one sample of canned mackerel) were declared unsafe for human health. In most of the analyzed samples, the level of determined histamine was relatively low, which confirms adequate implementation of control protocols and efficant surveillance of products placed on the Serbian market.Histamin je bioaktivni amin, koji nastaje u reakciji dekarboksilacije aminokiseline histidina, pod dejstvom enzima Lhistidin dekarboksilaze. Visok nivo slobodnog histidina u mesu ribe, aktivnost enzim produkujućih bakterija i visoke temperature skladiÅ”tenja deluju predisponirajuće na sintezu histamina. Među najznačajnije faktore koji utiču na koncentraciju histamina u mesu ribe jesu vrsta ribe i metod njenog konzervisanja. U cilju utvrđivanja ove zavisnosti, uzorci zamrznute ribe (tune, skuÅ”e, sardine i papaline) i ribe u konzervi (tune, sardine i skuÅ”e) su analizirani ELISA metodom. Utvrđene su niže koncentracije histamina u uzorcima zamrznute ribe (od 5.71 mg/kg do 18.03 mg/kg) u poređenju sa konzervama od ribe (od 15.03 mg/kg do 110.6 mg/kg). NajviÅ”e koncentracije histamina su ustanovljene u uzorcima skuÅ”e, bez obzira na metod konzervisanja (110.6 mg/kg u konzervama od skuÅ”e i 18.03 mg/kg u zamrznutoj skuÅ”i), koje su bile i statistički značajno veće u odnosu na konzerve tune i konzerve sardine (p Ė‚0.0001). Od ukupnog broja uzoraka, samo tri uzorka (dva uzorka sardine u konzervi i jedan uzorak skuÅ”e u konzervi) su proglaÅ”eni nebezbednim za zdravlje ljudi. U najvećem broju ispitanih uzoraka izmerene su relativno niske koncentracije histamina, Å”to ukazuje na adekvatno sprovođenje kontrole i nadzora nad proizvodima koji se plasiraju u promet na srpskom tržiÅ”tu

    Influence of mechanical activation on functional properties of barium hexaferrite ceramics

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    Barium hexaferrite ceramics were prepared using mechanically activated mixtures of iron and barium titanate. The 60:40 mass% Fe:BaTiO3 powder mixtures were mechanically activated for different times (100-240 min) and sintered at 1100 and 1200 degrees C in order to determine the influence of mechanical activation of the precursor on the magnetic and dielectric properties of the resulting barium hexaferrite ceramics. The final product contained 84-89 mass% of Ba2Fe22.46O38Ti1.54 phase, with higher content corresponding to longer mechanical activation of the precursor. XRD and Raman measurements indicated that the remainder of the sample consists of leftover BaTiO3 and hematite, which was formed by the oxidation of iron during mechanical activation and sintering in air. Magnetic properties of samples sintered at 1200 degrees C are superior to those sintered at 1100 degrees C, which can be attributed to higher Ba2Fe22.46O38Ti1.54 phase content. The position of the Curie temperature in 350-420 degrees C temperature region is consistent with 0.8:1 ratio of Ti to Ba. Maximum magnetization was observed for samples activated for 120 min. Dielectric properties of samples sintered at 1200 degrees C showed a dependence on frequency, with a significant drop in relative permittivity with an increase in frequency in the low-frequency region, and relatively constant values of relative permittivity in the high-frequency region. The tangent loss showed a decrease with increase in frequency, where peaks corresponding to the resonance of the electron hopping frequency with the external field were observed in the samples corresponding to the longer mechanical activation. Dielectric properties showed relatively small changes for samples activated longer than 150 min

    The influence of thermodynamic parameters on alkaline activators of geopolymers and the structure of geopolymers

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    Thermodynamic parameters (densities, viscosities, speed of sound, and refractive index) of four series of alkaline activators were determined over the temperature range from 15 to 60 degrees C for the process of geopolymerization. Mixtures of Na2SiO3 and NaOH of different molar concentrations ( from 2M to 8M with step 2) were used as an alkaline activator. The sample with the highest NaOH concentration also shows the highest values of all thermodynamic parameters. Metakaolin, obtained by calcination of kaolin at 750 degrees C, was used as the starting material. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), FTIR and Raman spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and Energy-Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) Spectroscopy. Results of FTIR analysis correlated with results of Raman Spectroscopy. Due to the polymerization process, the changes in the phonon spectrum were confirmed. The different concentrations of activators do not notably change the Si/Al ratio
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