2,079 research outputs found

    The phenomenon of negative emotions in the social existence of human

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    Purpose. The research is aimed at determining the influence of negative ethical emotions on social life and the activity of the individual, which involves solving the following problems: a) to find out approaches to the typology of ethical emotions, b) to highlight individual negative ethical emotions and to determine their ability to influence human behaviour. Theoretical basis. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the recognition of the significant influence of negative emotions on human activity in society. In this regard, it is proposed to consider them as a complex multidisciplinary phenomenon, which is predetermined by both social and personal factors of origin and has a certain specificity of objectification. Originality. The authors determined that in addition to destructive effects on a person of negative emotions, they can also have a constructive effect on person’s behaviour, due primarily to the fact that a person does not want to experience these emotions and therefore tries to avoid situations they cause. Conclusions. The ethical emotions of guilt, embarrassment, anger, disgust and contempt can affect, through the cognitive aspect of the emotional process, the decision-making process of people when they predict situations in which they risk to feel such emotions. So the emotion of guilt creates a constructive setup aimed at correcting inappropriate social norms of human behaviour. The emotion of embarrassment motivates a person to behave more benevolently in society in order to integrate in it and get its approval, thus encouraging the person to adhere to social and moral agreements and norms. The emotion of anger motivates a person to act to eliminate injustice, herewith not only in relation to himself, but also in relation to others. Rejecting those people who cause moral and social aversion, society creates a system of punishments and rewards that acts as a strong deterrent to the socio-cultural behaviour. The emotion of contempt performs the function of preventing punishment in relation to the despised individual

    Mathematical modeling of thermal stabilization of vertical wells on high performance computing systems

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    Temperature stabilization of oil and gas wells is used to ensure stability and prevent deformation of a subgrade estuary zone. In this work, we consider the numerical simulation of thermal stabilization using vertical seasonal freezing columns. A mathematical model of such problems is described by a time-dependent temperature equation with phase transitions from water to ice. The resulting equation is a standard nonlinear parabolic equation. Numerical implementation is based on the finite element method using the package Fenics. After standard purely implicit approximation in time and simple linearization, we obtain a system of linear algebraic equations. Because the size of freezing columns are substantially less than the size of the modeled area, we obtain mesh refinement near columns. Due to this, we get a large system of equations which are solved using high performance computing systems.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Asymmetric hybridization of roach Rutilus rutilus and common bream Abramis brama in controlled backcrosses: Genetic and morphological patterns

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    In most cases in natural environments, hybrids of roach Rutilus rutilus L. and bream Abramis brama L. possess mitochondrial DNA of bream. Presumably, the genetic basis for unidirectional hybridization of roach and bream is the high level of divergence in the genes of the mitochondrial electron transport chain (cytochrome b and cytochrome c oxidase subunits I, III). Disruption of the interaction of the products of these genes leads to nuclear-cytoplasmic incompatibility of alien genomes, what is shown in a decrease of viability and developmental abnormalities in hybrids. In the present work we studied the viability and morphology of hybrid underyearlings obtained by crossing of hybrid females of first generation (RA and AR) with males of roach R. rutilus and bream A. brama. The method of genotyping (ITS1 ribosomal DNA, cytochrome b mtDNA) and comparative analysis of the complex of 23 plastic and meristic characteristics of backcrossed hybrids are used. All progenies showed an increase in morphological variability compared to parental species and F1 hybrids. In progenies with introgression of mtDNA, a violation of associations between traits and the formation of transgressive phenotypes that go beyond the parental populations were found. In RAA backcrosses (combining mtDNA of R. rutilus and nuclear genome of A. brama) a decrease in viability with impaired recovery of external traits of bream was found. Conversely, ARR backcrosses (combining mtDNA of A. brama and the nuclear genome of R. rutilus) have a high viability and completely restore the morphotype of roach, which indicates the stable development of hybrids when they include alien genetic material. The differences in viability and morphology between backcrossed hybrids with the mtDNA of R. rutilus and A. brama evidence varying degrees of nuclear-cytoplasmic compatibility of the genomes of roach and bream. The complete interaction between mitochondrial and nuclear DNA from different species (wild-type-like) happens in direction of introgression mtDNA of A. brama, the less polymorphic of the two parental genomes. In the direction of introgression of highly polymorphic mtDNA of R. rutilus the formation of a reproductive barrier occurs. Our results show that the main reason for the asymmetry of hybridization of R. rutilus and A. brama is unequal rates of mitochondrial evolution and the priority of the introgression of mtDNA belongs a species with a lower rate of changes in mtDNA

    Perception of Dynamic Social and Non-social Stimuli in Preterm and Full-term Children: Neurocognitive Correlates in Early Childhood

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    Preterm birth is the leading cause of newborn deaths in almost all countries around the world. Whilst survivors encounter severe motor, cognitive and behavioral impairments during infancy or later in their lives, the studies of the recent years have demonstrated that the social development serving a basis for learning and cognition of the environment in human infants can be severely affected even in normally developing preterm born children (gestational age < 37 weeks). The current article presents a discussion on the behavioral as well as the neuroimaging aspects of the social maturation in preterm and full-term children, depicting complexity of theimpairments and focusing on the involved brain structures. Further, authors perform the design of the longitudinal study of social and non-social perception in early childhood, implemented on the base of the Laboratory for Brain and Neurocognitive Development (Ural Federal University). Keywords: prematurity, social development, early childhood, neurocognitive correlate

    PBr3 adsorption on a chlorinated Si(100) surface with mono- and bivacancies

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    For the most precise incorporation of single impurities in silicon, which is utilized to create quantum devices, a monolayer of adatoms on the Si(100) surface and a dopant-containing molecule are used. Here we studied the interaction of a phosphorus tribromide with a chlorine monolayer with mono- and bivacancies in a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) at 77 K. The combination of different halogens in the molecule and the adsorbate layer enabled unambiguous identification of the structures after PBr3 dissociation on Si(100)-Cl. A Cl monolayer was exposed to PBr3 in the STM chamber, which allows us to compare the same surface areas before and after PBr3 adsorption. As a result of this comparison, we detected small changes in the chlorine layer and unraveled the molecular fragments filling mono- and bivacancies. Using density functional theory, we found that the phosphorus atom occupies a bridge position after dissociation of the PBr3 molecule, which primarily bonds to silicon in Cl bivacancies. These findings provide insight into the interaction of a dopant containing molecule with an adsorbate monolayer on Si(100) and can be applied to improve the process of single impurities incorporation into silicon