10 research outputs found

    Modeling of Investment Attractiveness of Energy Enterprises of Ukraine under Globalization (Coal Industry Case Study)

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    The paper identifies causes of the failure of investment policy at coal-mining enterprises. The study shows that investment is mostly aimed at extensive reproduction and extension projects of time that requires immediate completion. The method suggested allows assessing investment attractiveness of coal-mining enterprises and it highlights a relationship of the industrial and environmental factors that determines a priority of objects for investment in the context of the coal industry sustainable development. A group of natural and industrial factors which determine investment attractiveness of coal mines are selected and grounded on the basis of study of production elements of the mine. Every factor is valued quantitatively with the use of comparative (model) characteristics. The algorithm to determine mutual influence of abovestated factors on the level of economic reliability of the mine is developed. As a result, groups of mines are formed using the grade system in order to ensure that the addressee will be chosen but in accordance with the level of investment attractiveness. There are generalized ideas of coal sector future development as for lifetime of mines, quality of reserves, and information about new construction sites as well as expediency to reconstruct a part of mine stock, and necessity to close unpromising mines which worked out their qualitative recerves.В статі виявлено причини провалу інвестиційної політики на вуглевидобувних підприємствах. Дослідження показує, що інвестиції в основному спрямовані на екстенсивне відтворення підприємств, що є досить тривалим у часі. Запропонована методика дозволяє оцінити інвестиційну привабливість вуглевидобувних підприємств та її основні взаємозв’язки промислових та природних факторів, які визначають пріоритетність об’єктів для інвестування в контексті стійкого розвитку вугільної промисловості. Група природних та технологічних факторів визначають інвестиційну привабливість вугільних підприємств, які обрані та ґрунтуються на основі дослідження виробничих запасів шахти. Кожен фактор оцінюється кількісно з використанням порівняних характеристик. Розроблено алгоритм для визначення взаємного впливу перерахованих факторів на рівень економічної надійності шахті.В статье выявлены причины провала инвестиционной политики на угольных предприятиях. Исследование показывает, что инвестиции в основном направлены на экстенсивное воспроизводство и что долго во времени. Предложенная методика позволяет оценить инвестиционную привлекательность угледобывающих предприятий и ее основные взаимосвязи промышленных и природных факторов, которые определяют приоритетность объектов для инвестиций в контексте устойчивого развития угольной промышленности. Группа природных и технологических факторов, определяющих инвестиционную привлекательность угольных шахт, которые выбраны и обоснованы на основе исследования производственных запасов шахты. Каждый фактор оценивается количественно с использованием сравнительных характеристик. Разработан алгоритм для определения взаимного влияния вышеуказанных факторов на уровень экономической надежности шахты

    Травмы наружных половых органов у девочек

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    BACKGRAUND: The treatment of girls with genital trauma is an urgent problem because of the increased frequency in cases in recent years. This study examines the treatment effectiveness in girls with various types of genital trauma. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Case histories of 126 girls aged one to 17 years with external genital organ injuries and treated from 2016 to 2020 were studied. They included 120 (95%) patients with mechanical injuries and six (5%) girls with intravaginal electrochemical burns. The types of injuries, clinical picture, diagnostic methods, methods of surgical interventions, and treatment outcomes were studied. RESULTS: The data obtained as a result of the analysis showed an increase in the number of injuries of the external genital organs in girls by 2.2 times, with a predominance of victims aged two to 10 years (69%). The structure of injuries was dominated by mechanical damage (95%) due to domestic and street injuries. Most injuries were localized in the external genital area, and deeper injuries accounted for 7.9%. Massive bleeding with the development of severe posthemorrhagic anemia was noted in 4.2% of cases. Surgical treatment was performed in 80.8% of cases. In cases of combined injuries with the rectum (2%), operations were performed jointly with surgeons. Mortality and postoperative complications were not observed. In six patients, one finger and five disc batteries, which caused electrochemical burns, were found and removed from the vagina. The treatment control of these injuries was performed with dynamic vaginoscopy. For more than six months, four girls had pronounced cicatricial changes. CONCLUSION: Therapeutic tactics for mechanical injuries have shown effectiveness due to the absence of complications and a short hospital stay. The rehabilitation of patients with electrochemical burns requires further study since two-thirds of them have long-lasting cicatricial changes.Актуальность. Лечение девочек с травмой половых органов актуальная проблема ввиду увеличения частоты случаев в последние годы и появления новых видов повреждений. Цель изучение эффективности лечения девочек с различными видами генитальной травмы. Материалы и методы. Были изучены истории болезни 126 девочек в возрасте от 1 года до 17 лет с травмами наружных половых органов, находившихся на лечении с 2016 по 2020 г., в том числе 120 (95 %) пациенток с механическими повреждениями и 6 (5 %) девочек с интравагинальными электрохимическими ожогами. Проводилось изучение видов травматизма, клинической картины, методов диагностики, способов оперативных вмешательств и исходов лечения. Результаты. Полученные в результате анализа данные показали рост числа травм наружных половых органов у девочек в 2,2 раза с преобладанием пострадавших в возрасте от 2 до 10 лет (69 %). В структуре травм преобладали механические повреждения (95 %) в результате бытового и уличного травматизма. Большинство травм локализовались в области наружных гениталий, а более глубокие повреждения составили 7,9 %. Массивное кровотечение с тяжелой постгеморрагической анемией отмечено в 4,2 % наблюдений. Оперативное лечение проведено в 80,8 % случаев. При сочетанных повреждениях с прямой кишкой (2 %) операции выполняли совместно с детскими врачами-хирургами. Летальности и послеоперационных осложнений не отмечено. У 6 пациенток обнаружены и удалены из влагалища 5 дисковых и 1 пальчиковая батарейка, вызвавшие электрохимические ожоги. Контроль лечения этих повреждений осуществляли при динамической вагиноскопии. На протяжении свыше 6 мес. у 4 девочек остаются выраженные рубцовые изменения. Заключение. Лечебная тактика при механических повреждениях подтвердила свою эффективность отсутствием осложнений и короткими сроками госпитализации. Реабилитация пациенток с электрохимическими ожогами требует дальнейшего изучения, поскольку у 2/3 из них остаются рубцовые изменения на протяжении длительного времени


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    BACKGRAUND: The treatment of girls with genital trauma is an urgent problem because of the increased frequency in cases in recent years. This study examines the treatment effectiveness in girls with various types of genital trauma. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Case histories of 126 girls aged one to 17 years with external genital organ injuries and treated from 2016 to 2020 were studied. They included 120 (95%) patients with mechanical injuries and six (5%) girls with intravaginal electrochemical burns. The types of injuries, clinical picture, diagnostic methods, methods of surgical interventions, and treatment outcomes were studied. RESULTS: The data obtained as a result of the analysis showed an increase in the number of injuries of the external genital organs in girls by 2.2 times, with a predominance of victims aged two to 10 years (69%). The structure of injuries was dominated by mechanical damage (95%) due to domestic and street injuries. Most injuries were localized in the external genital area, and deeper injuries accounted for 7.9%. Massive bleeding with the development of severe posthemorrhagic anemia was noted in 4.2% of cases. Surgical treatment was performed in 80.8% of cases. In cases of combined injuries with the rectum (2%), operations were performed jointly with surgeons. Mortality and postoperative complications were not observed. In six patients, one finger and five disc batteries, which caused electrochemical burns, were found and removed from the vagina. The treatment control of these injuries was performed with dynamic vaginoscopy. For more than six months, four girls had pronounced cicatricial changes. CONCLUSION: Therapeutic tactics for mechanical injuries have shown effectiveness due to the absence of complications and a short hospital stay. The rehabilitation of patients with electrochemical burns requires further study since two-thirds of them have long-lasting cicatricial changes.Актуальность. Лечение девочек с травмой половых органов актуальная проблема ввиду увеличения частоты случаев в последние годы и появления новых видов повреждений. Цель изучение эффективности лечения девочек с различными видами генитальной травмы. Материалы и методы. Были изучены истории болезни 126 девочек в возрасте от 1 года до 17 лет с травмами наружных половых органов, находившихся на лечении с 2016 по 2020 г., в том числе 120 (95 %) пациенток с механическими повреждениями и 6 (5 %) девочек с интравагинальными электрохимическими ожогами. Проводилось изучение видов травматизма, клинической картины, методов диагностики, способов оперативных вмешательств и исходов лечения. Результаты. Полученные в результате анализа данные показали рост числа травм наружных половых органов у девочек в 2,2 раза с преобладанием пострадавших в возрасте от 2 до 10 лет (69 %). В структуре травм преобладали механические повреждения (95 %) в результате бытового и уличного травматизма. Большинство травм локализовались в области наружных гениталий, а более глубокие повреждения составили 7,9 %. Массивное кровотечение с тяжелой постгеморрагической анемией отмечено в 4,2 % наблюдений. Оперативное лечение проведено в 80,8 % случаев. При сочетанных повреждениях с прямой кишкой (2 %) операции выполняли совместно с детскими врачами-хирургами. Летальности и послеоперационных осложнений не отмечено. У 6 пациенток обнаружены и удалены из влагалища 5 дисковых и 1 пальчиковая батарейка, вызвавшие электрохимические ожоги. Контроль лечения этих повреждений осуществляли при динамической вагиноскопии. На протяжении свыше 6 мес. у 4 девочек остаются выраженные рубцовые изменения. Заключение. Лечебная тактика при механических повреждениях подтвердила свою эффективность отсутствием осложнений и короткими сроками госпитализации. Реабилитация пациенток с электрохимическими ожогами требует дальнейшего изучения, поскольку у 2/3 из них остаются рубцовые изменения на протяжении длительного времени

    Social and philosophic foundations of youth nonconformity in contemporary Russia

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    The purpose of this article is to consider and analyse various approaches to understand nonconformity in general and in the youth environment in particular in order to synthesize and learn from the data and knowledge obtained, and develop a more general and integrated perspective on its essence, determinacy and manifestation specifics. The results discussed in the paper deal with the social-and-philosophical point of view on the various approaches to understanding nonconformity both in a historical retrospect and in modern science. The study revealed that in recent decades the concept of nonconformity has lost its negative connotation. Different conceptual approaches used in studying the phenomenon indicate its significance in the society and personality development, its innovative potential to create and develop new social values, patterns of behaviour and moral standards in the dynamically changing world. Various forms of nonconformity manifestation specify the particularities of contemporary youth subcultures and their socializing potential. The materials of the paper may be of theoretical and practical value to develop programs and teaching materials on social philosophy, sociology and social psychology, as well as the programs connected with prevention of destructive forms of nonconformity in order to bring the processes of young people‘s social adaptation and socialization into compliance. © 2018, Ecozone, OAIMDD. All rights reserved

    Designing a Confortable Educational Environment

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    The problem of preserving the physical health of teachers in educational institutions is considered in the context of prevention of professional “burnout” and conflict. Research methodology. As part of the study of the content and essence of a comfortable educational environment, we were interested in the works, which determine the understanding of the nature of human interaction and reflect the interdependence and style of communication of people who are in direct contact with each other. Research results. The most important factor of the external and internal order, determining the content, direction and intensity of labor activity, has always been a special atmosphere in the team, for which various terms were used in scientific and public discourse: “microclimate”, “moral and psychological microclimate”, “sociological microclimate”, “comfortable educational environment”. Discussion. The design belongs to the category of innovative and creative activities, as at first it implies a deliberate transformation of reality, the need for which arises every time when there is the awareness of the need to transition to a predictive model of the upbrining or the educational system, and the main point of such “educational change” in the fact that man himself was able to learn and change during his whole life, to apply knowledge in solving professional problems. Conclusion. The concept of “comfortable educational environment” is used to denote a special atmosphere in the team, which determines the content, direction and intensity of work and manifests itself in such group effects as the mood and opinion of the team, individual well-being, assessment of living and working conditions of the individual in the team and considered as a result of joint activities of people, their interpersonal interaction

    Athlome project consortium: A concerted effort to discover genomic and other "omic" markers of athletic performance

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    Despite numerous attempts to discover genetic variants associated with elite athletic performance, injury predisposition, and elite/world-class athletic status, there has been limited progress to date. Past reliance on candidate gene studies predominantly focusing on genotyping a limited number of single nucleotide polymorphisms or the insertion/deletion variants in small, often heterogeneous cohorts (i.e., made up of athletes of quite different sport specialties) have not generated the kind of results that could offer solid opportunities to bridge the gap between basic research in exercise sciences and deliverables in biomedicine. A retrospective view of genetic association studies with complex disease traits indicates that transition to hypothesis-free genome-wide approaches will be more fruitful. In studies of complex disease, it is well recognized that the magnitude of genetic association is often smaller than initially anticipated, and, as such, large sample sizes are required to identify the gene effects robustly. A symposium was held in Athens and on the Greek island of Santorini from 14 -17 May 2015 to review the main findings in exercise genetics and genomics and to explore promising trends and possibilities. The symposium also offered a forum for the development of a position stand (the Santorini Declaration). Among the participants, many were involved in ongoing collaborative studies (e.g., ELITE, GAMES, Gene SMART, GENESIS, and POWERGENE). A consensus emerged among participants that it would be advantageous to bring together all current studies and those recently launched into one new large collaborative initiative, which was subsequently named the Athlome Project Consortium. © 2016 the American Physiological Society