24 research outputs found

    Portal Solutions and Information System for Recording of Sporting and Leisure Activities

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    Import 03/11/2016Tato bakalářská práce popisuje portálové řešení pro modul sportovních a volnočasových aktivit, jenž je součástí projektu Gloffer, který se zúčastnil programu na podporu rozvoje podnikání s názvem GREEN LIGHT. Cílem je zanalyzování stavu portálových řešení sportovních a volnočasových aktivit, což vede k vytvoření jedinečného portálu, jenž bude nabízet, vyhledávat a zprostředkovávat aktivity v dané oblasti. Zvolený problém jsem vyřešila pomocí analýzy a následného srovnání jednotlivých portálů, čímž se podařilo dosáhnout úspěšného vytvoření portálu pro modul sportovních a volnočasových aktivit, který vyhledává, nabízí a zprostředkovává možnost nabídky nejen v České republice, ale také na Slovensku a v zahraničí. Přínosem této práce je vytvoření nového portálu, jenž nabízí ostatním uživatelům všeobecné informace k dostupným aktivitám, čímž se podílí na rozvoji sportovních a volnočasových aktivit.This thesis describes the portal solution module for sporting and leisure activities, whichis part of the project Gloffer, who attended the program to promote business development titled GREEN LIGHT. The aim is analyzing the state of portal solutions sports and leisure activities, leading to the creation of a unique portal, which will offer, seek and mediate activity in a given area. Selected problem I solved through analysis and subsequent comparison of different portals, which managed to achieve a successful portal creation module for sporting and leisure activities, which searches for offers and provides a menu option in the Czech Republic, but also in the Slovak Republic and abroad. The contribution of this work is to create a new portal that offers users other general information about the available activities, thereby contributing to the development of sports and leisure activities.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    The Computational Model of Steel Temperature in Casting Ladles

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    Tato diplomová práce popisuje softwarové řešení výpočetního modelu (dále jen VM) pro sledování teploty oceli v licích pánvích závodu 13 - Ocelárny, společnosti ArcelorMittal Ostrava. Cílem je jak zanalyzování stavu sledování teploty v licích pánvích v předdefinovaných stavech tavby, tak také vytvoření softwarového řešení, které vypočítá teplotu oceli a tepelné ztráty v licích pánvích a poté uživateli pomocí grafického rozhraní Windows Presentation Foundation (dále jen WPF) zobrazí tyto informace v jednotlivých modulech. Řešení DP tedy obsahuje několik komponent, které dohromady tvoří celek jak pro výpočet teploty a jednotlivých ztrát, tak pro zobrazení informací uživatelům. Pro výpočet teploty a tepelných ztrát u jednotlivých taveb průchodem procesu tavby bylo nutné vytvořit windows službu, která vypočítá údaje o těchto teplotách, ztrátách a zašle tyto informace do databáze. Tato windows služba se zaregistruje k události s identifikátorem procesu tavby a poté vypočítanou teplotu v jednotlivých stavech zasílá zpět do databáze. Další částí je řešení klient-server, kde komunikační rozhraní Windows Comunication Foundation (dále jen WCF) zajišťuje komunikaci mezi aplikacemi a umožňuje vytvářet servisně orientované aplikace. Klient je vytvořen pomocí WPF a tvoří tak desktopovou aplikaci s celkovou administrací vyvíjeného systému, pomocí něhož je možné sledovat jednotlivé pohledy na proces tavby, ztrát, které jsou zaimplementovány do modulů. DP dále nabízí možnost filtrace, reportů do souborů, mezi které patří soubory typu .pdf nebo .xls. Další možností je vytváření grafů pomocí knihovny OxyPlot a Live Charts.This thesis describes the software solution of the calculation model (just below CM) for monitoring of the steel temperature in the ladle in the steel plant of ArcelorMittal Ostrava company. The aim is both to analyze the temperature monitoring condition in ladles in predefined states of the heat, and to create a software solution that calculates the steel temperature and heat losses in ladles, and then shows this information in specific modules to the user using the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) graphical interface. The solution of the diploma thesis contains several components which together make up a whole, both for calculating the temperature and individual losses, and for displaying of information to the users. To calculate the temperature and heat loss in the individual heats during secondary metallurgy of steel, it was necessary to create a windows service that calculates these and losses and sends this information to the database. The windows service registers to the event with the heat process identifier and then sends the calculated temperature in each state back to the database. The other task is the client-server solution where the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) interface provides communication between applications and enables to create serviceoriented applications. The client is created using WPF to form a desktop application with a total administration of the developed system which can be used to monitor individual views of the heat process and losses that are implemented into the modules. The thesis further includes filtering, the possibility of reports to files, including pdf or excel files. Another option is to create graphs using OxyPlot and Live Charts.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    New Approach to Sustainability in Rural Areas Comprising Agriculture Practices-Analysis of Demonstration Farms in the Czech Republic

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    The research was aimed at an overview and analysis of the demonstration activities in the Czech Republic dealing with the transfer of innovations for agricultural practice. Several methods were used to compile the national inventory, in particular the questionnaire survey method. The Czech part of the research was based on 30 questionnaires conducted among both farmers and agricultural organizations engaged in demonstration activities. The questions were focused on a specialization in agriculture, type of the management, connections with networks and their size, types of demonstration activities according to the types of farms and non-productive activities. The most common topics and purposes for demonstration in the Czech Republic are recorded for the category arable land with combined crops. Highly linked to sustainability are activities such as conservation agriculture on arable land with combined crops, root crops and fodders mainly due to a reduction of soil erosion within crop production and animal health management and welfare for dairy within livestock production. The Ministry of Agriculture has prepared a subsidy program to help farmers in the form of illustrative practical demonstrations of comprehensive sustainable farming practices. The main added values for the end-users, if the generated knowledge is implemented, are to strengthen the knowledge transfer system in agriculture, focusing on practical demonstrations and presentation of sustainable farming systems and soil protection in practice. However, the demonstration activities support mostly technological development and some individual ecological measures whereas the sustainability of agriculture as the complex process unifying the crop and animal production is not in the foreground.O

    Damage liability in the Czech Republic

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    Bakalářská práce na téma Povinné ručení v ČR si klade za cíl porovnat nabídky tohoto druhu pojištění u vybraných pojišťoven. První část práce je věnována zařazení povinného pojištění do pojišťovnictví, jeho vývoji a zákonné úpravě v České republice. Ve druhé části jsou stručně charakterizovány základní pojmy související s povinným ručením. Třetí část je věnována porovnávání vybraných pojišťoven.The bachelor thesis written on the theme Damage liability in the Czech Republic wants to compare the offers of this type of insurance in selected insurance companies. First part of the theses is aimed at subsumption of mandatory insurace into the insurance system, its development and regularization in the Czech Republic. In the second part there are shortly characterized the basic definitions connected with the damage liability. The third part is focused on comparing selected insurance companies.Katedra dopravního managementu, marketingu a logistikyDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Damage liability in ČSOB Pojišťovna a. s.

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    Diplomová práce na téma Povinné ručení u ČSOB Pojišťovny a. s. si klade za cíl porovnat ceny povinného ručení u vybraných pojišťoven a také porovnat statistické hodnoty pojišťovny a nalézt jejich vzájemné závislosti. První část práce je věnována teoretickým aspektům v pojišťovnictví a jejich vymezení. V druhé části je stručně charakterizovaný pojišťovací trh v České republice. Třetí část práce je věnována porovnání cen vybraných pojišťoven. Čtvrtá část je věnována vzájemnými závislostmi mezi statistickými daty z pojišťovny.Thesis with topic Damage liability in ČSOB Pojišťovna a. s. has its goal in comparing prices of damage liability of selected insurance companies and also to compare statistical values of insurance company and to find their interdependence. First part of thesis is devoted to theoretical aspects in insurance system and their definition(s). In second part there is briefly characterized insurance market in Czech Republic. Third part is devoted to comparing prices of selected insurance companies. Fourth part is devoted to interdependences among statistic values of insurance company.Katedra dopravního managementu, marketingu a logistikyProblematiku řešenou ve svém diplomovém projektu dokázala diplomantka odpovídajícím způsobem obhájit. Prokázala schopnost samostatné práce. Odpovědi na připomínky oponenta měla velmi dobře připraveny. Na doplňkové otázky reagovala pohotově, se znalostí věci a bez závažných nepřesností je zodpověděla.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Reasons for the Notice to Terminate the Lease of a Flat

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    Department of Civil LawKatedra občanského právaFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult

    Ground beetles (Carabidae) on quarry terraces in the vicinity of Brno (Czech Republic)

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    The occurrence of ground beetles (Carabidae, Coleoptera) was monitored in the exhausted limestone quarry of massif Hády near Brno using formaldehyde pitfall traps with a monthly interval of collection. Research was conducted from April to October in 2009 and 2010. The obtained material was investigated on some synecological characteristics and species affiliation to bioindication groups. In total for both years, 462 specimens of 43 species were captured. Most species were found in habitats with vegetation cover in the immediate vicinity of cultivated agricultural land – 441 specimens of 39 species. In the quarry itself only a minimal amount of ground beetles was found – 21 specimens of 11 species. Decrease in the abundance of ground beetles towards the center of the quarry was demonstrated. Next, significant species of Brachinus crepitans, Brachinus explodens and Cicindela sylvicola (endangered species pursuant to Decree 395/1992 Coll.) and species listed in the Red List were reported – near threatened Ophonus sabulicola and vulnerable Cylindera germanica (also endangered species pursuant to Decree 395/1992 Coll)

    Carabidae (Coleoptera) of sinkholes in the northern part of Moravian Karst

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    Results of faunistic-ecological research of Carabidae in selected sinkholes of the northern part of the protected landscape area of Moravian Karst are presented. The collection of ground beetles was conducted using pitfall traps in 2010 and 2011. A total of 88 species were caught in both years. In the studied area, there was registered incidence of five endangered species in accordance with Decree No. 395/1992 Coll. as amended: Brachinus crepitans, Brachinus explodens, Carabus ullrichii, Cicindela campestris, and Cylindera germanica. At the monitored sites, occurrence of two species (Carabus cancellatus and Cylindera germanica) included in the Red List of Threatened Species in the Czech Republic was registered. In one species (Cylindera germanica) the Decree 395/1992 Coll. and the Red List of Threatened Species in the Czech Republic meet. All studied sinkholes were dominated by eurytopic and adaptable species, only one relict species (Aptinus bombarda) was discovered

    Carabidae of an Active Limestone Quarry

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    In 2012, a research was conducted on Carabid beetles in the active limestone quarry of Mokrá-Horákov. Collections were carried out on quarry terraces and quarry edges using pitfall traps. A total of 37 species with a total number of 197 specimens were captured. The most abundant species was Cicindela sylvicola (34 specimens) which is protected under Decree No. 395/1992 Coll. as amended by Decree No. 175/2006 Coll., other detected species protected by this Decree included C. campestris (28 specimens) and Cylindera germanica (26 specimens) which also belongs to the category of vulnerable under the Red List of Threatened Species of the Czech Republic. The quarry is mostly settled by eurytopic species preferring open habitats. Species that require unshaded habitats and species indifferent to shading occurred especially on the quarry terraces and on its outskirts. Species of shaded habitats were not reported