402 research outputs found

    What Is the Effect of Long-Term Cutting versus Abandonment on the Vegetation and Chemical Properties in the Soil and the Herbage of a Mountain Hay Meadow (\u3cem\u3ePolygono-Trisetion\u3c/em\u3e)?

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    Polygono-Trisetion meadow communities are endangered in Europe. These meadows are common in the Alps, but in the past, such meadows were also common in the western alpine regions of Central Europe. The aim of our experiment was to find a suitable management regime for the maintenance of these Polygono-Trisetion grasslands and its effect on the vegetation and chemical properties of the soil and in the herbage

    The Effect of Different Grazing Managements on Upland Grassland

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    A transformation process in the Czech economy led to a rapid decrease in livestock numbers in the Czech Republic and an enlarged area of grasslands at the beginning of 1990’s. The result was extensification of grassland management and also abandonment in marginal areas. The main purpose of this study was to reveal how different managements affect plant species diversity of previously abandoned grassland

    The suppresion of mechanical stress impacts in fiber optic transmission systems

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    Práce se zabývá problematikou potlačení mechanických vlivů při přenosu optickým vláknem. V práci je proveden rozbor vlivů, které mají největší vliv na polarizaci v optickém vlákně. Jsou navrženy metody pro zachování polarizace v optickém vlákně. Teoreticky jsou analyzovány metody pro zachování stavu polarizace v optickém vlákně. Vybraná metoda je teoreticky analyzována a experimentálně realizována. Na základě získaných výsledků se tato metoda ukázala jako vhodná pro řešení tohoto problému.This bachelors project deals with the suppresion of mechanical stress impacts in fiber optic transmission systems. Factors that have major influence on the polarization state distortion in optical fiber are discussed. It has been propřed the utilization of orthoconjugate retroreflector (OKR) for the compensation of polarization state degeneration. The theoretical analysis of this method is performed. The OKR method has been experimentally verified in the fiber optic current sensor. On the basis of results which were obtained by experimental verification the experimental results show evidence konvenience of the designed method.

    Numerical study of the fluid motion and mixing processes in the vitreous cavity

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    The vitreous cavity, the largest chamber of the eye, is delimited anteriorly by the lens and posteriorly by the retina and is filled by the vitreous humour. Under normal conditions the vitreous humour has the consistency of a gel, however, typically, with advancing age a disintegration of the gel structure occurs, leading to a vitreous liquefaction. Moreover, after a surgical procedure called vitrectomy the vitreous body may be completely removed and replaced by tamponade fluids. Besides allowing the establishment of an unhindered path of light from the lens to the retina, the vitreous also has important mechanical functions. In particular, it has the role of supporting the retina in contact to the outer layers of the eye, and of acting as a diffusion barrier for molecule transport between the anterior and the posterior segments of the eye. Studying the dynamics of the vitreous induced by eye rotations (saccadic movements) is important in connection of both the above aspects. On the one hand indications exist that the shear stress exerted by the vitreous on the retina may be connected with the occurrence of retinal detachment. On the other hand, if the vitreous motion is intense enough (a situation occurring either when the vitreous is liqueed or when it has been replaced with a uid after vitrectomy), advective transport may be by far more important than diffusion and may have complex characteristics. Advection has indeed been shown to play an important role in the transport phenomena within the vitreous cavity, but, so far, only advection due to the slow overall fluid ux from the anterior to the posterior segments of the eye has been accounted for, while fluid motion due to eye rotations, even if it is generally believed to play an important role, has been invariably disregarded. Some recent contributions have pointed out the importance of accounting for the real vitreous cavity shape in studying uid motion induced by eye rotations. Modelling the vitreous cavity as a deformed sphere, showed that the flow field displays very complex three- dimensional characteristics to which effective fluid mixing is likely to be associated. The purpose of the thesis is to model numerically the motion of the liqueed vitreous within the vitreous cavity induced by different eye movements. Create the model in the Comsol interface, compare the results with theoretical, experimental measurements and do some ow visualizations. Finally show the dependence of the streaming intensity from the amplitude of rotations and the Womersley number .The vitreous cavity, the largest chamber of the eye, is delimited anteriorly by the lens and posteriorly by the retina and is filled by the vitreous humour. Under normal conditions the vitreous humour has the consistency of a gel, however, typically, with advancing age a disintegration of the gel structure occurs, leading to a vitreous liquefaction. Moreover, after a surgical procedure called vitrectomy the vitreous body may be completely removed and replaced by tamponade fluids. Besides allowing the establishment of an unhindered path of light from the lens to the retina, the vitreous also has important mechanical functions. In particular, it has the role of supporting the retina in contact to the outer layers of the eye, and of acting as a diffusion barrier for molecule transport between the anterior and the posterior segments of the eye. Studying the dynamics of the vitreous induced by eye rotations (saccadic movements) is important in connection of both the above aspects. On the one hand indications exist that the shear stress exerted by the vitreous on the retina may be connected with the occurrence of retinal detachment. On the other hand, if the vitreous motion is intense enough (a situation occurring either when the vitreous is liqueed or when it has been replaced with a uid after vitrectomy), advective transport may be by far more important than diffusion and may have complex characteristics. Advection has indeed been shown to play an important role in the transport phenomena within the vitreous cavity, but, so far, only advection due to the slow overall fluid ux from the anterior to the posterior segments of the eye has been accounted for, while fluid motion due to eye rotations, even if it is generally believed to play an important role, has been invariably disregarded. Some recent contributions have pointed out the importance of accounting for the real vitreous cavity shape in studying uid motion induced by eye rotations. Modelling the vitreous cavity as a deformed sphere, showed that the flow field displays very complex three- dimensional characteristics to which effective fluid mixing is likely to be associated. The purpose of the thesis is to model numerically the motion of the liqueed vitreous within the vitreous cavity induced by different eye movements. Create the model in the Comsol interface, compare the results with theoretical, experimental measurements and do some ow visualizations. Finally show the dependence of the streaming intensity from the amplitude of rotations and the Womersley number .

    Petri Net Languages and Their Acceptors

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    Tato práce se zabývá P/T Petriho sítěmi a jazyky Petriho sítí. V práci jsou také uvažovány omega-jazyky a jejich vztak k Petriho sítím. Hlavní náplní práce je navržení akceptoru (rozšířené Petriho sítě) některých tříd jazyků Petriho sítí včetně implementace akceptoru těchto tříd jazyků. V práci jsou popsány algoritmy použité při implementaci (rozlišení typu jazyka, automarické vyhodnocení přijetí řetězce, generování řetězců). Na testech je demonstrována správná funkce akceptoru.In this document P/T Petri nets and Petri nets languages are described. In this document omega-languages and relationship of omega-languages and Petri nets is also described. Main focus is set on design of acceptor (extended Petri net) of some classes of Petri nets languages and implementation of acceptor of this classes. Algorithms (recognition of language type, automatical accepting of string, strings generating) used in implementation of acceptor are described. Correct function of acceptor is demonstrated on tests.

    Financial Performance Evaluation of an Industrial Company

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    Tato bakalářská práce je zaměřena na hodnocení finanční výkonnosti průmyslového podniku. Cílem práce je zhodnotit finanční situaci v průmyslovém podniku za použití metod finanční analýzy. V teoretické části jsou vysvětleny základní pojmy a představeny metody používané pro zhodnocení finanční situace, tj. horizontální a vertikální analýza, analýza pomocí poměrových ukazatelů a soustavy ukazatelů. Praktická část má podobu analýzy vybraného podniku za pomocí metod popsaných v teoretické části. Cílem je zhodnotit finanční situaci a navrhnout řešení pro zlepšení situace.This bachelor thesis is focused on the financial performance evaluation of an industrial company. The aim of the thesis is to evaluate the financial situation in an industrial company using methods of financial analysis. In the theoretical part, basic terms are explained and methods for the evaluation of financial situation are presented, which is horizontal and vertical analysis, ratio analysis and systems of indicators. The empirical part has a form of analysis of the selected company using methods which are described in the theoretical part. The aim is evaluate the financial situation and suggest a solution to improve the situation.152 - Katedra podnikohospodářskádobř

    Machining of Ceramic

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    Import 31/08/2009PAVLŮ, O. Obrábění keramiky. Ostrava: Katedra obrábění a montáže, Fakulta strojní, VŠB – Technická univerzita Ostrava, 2009, Bakalářská práce, vedoucí Doc. Ing. Vladimír Vrba, CSc. Bakalářská práce se zabývá vlivem parametrů obrábění na vznik trhlin v keramickém materiálu pro firmu CeramTec Czech Republic s.r.o. V úvodu je obecně zmíněna charakteristika daného problému. V další části jsou pak popsány vlastnosti materiálů. Dále pak obrábění, které je hlavní náplní bakalářské práce. V praktické části jsou popsány měření a výsledný vliv nastavení na vznik trhlin. Závěr patří zhodnocení této práce.PAVLŮ, O. Machining of Ceramic. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering VŠB – Technical University Ostrava, 2009, Bachelor Thesis, head: Doc. Ing. Vladimír Vrba, CSc. The bachelor theses deals with an influence of shaping parameters on crazing in ceramics for CeramTec Czech Republic s.r.o. The introduction of this bachelor theses includes the common characterization the query. In the other part are given an account of material properties. The next is tooling which is the main subject of this bachelor theses. In the practically part are described measurements and resulting influence of petting on crazing. The conclusion includes evaluation of this bachelor theses.345 - Katedra mechanické technologiedobř

    Models and scenarios of the Neolithic in Central Europe

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    The Neolithic in Central Europe can no longer be characterised as comprising a compact population of a single society in which organisations and subsistence strategies were homogeneous. Despite the apparent uniformity of the pottery, the period was characterised by a mosaic of small communities that differed in both economic and social organisation for almost two millennia. These genetically diverse communities inhabited geographical spaces of varying size, from regions to micro-regions to single settlements. The polymorphous modes of exploiting natural resources ensured successful long-term survival, even when the results of the emerging farming economy were uncertain and unreliable in some groups.Srednjeevropskega neolitika ni več mogoče povezovati z enovito populacijo in homogeno organizirano družbo z enotno strategijo preživetja. Kljub navidezni uniformnosti lončarskih produkcij, so se v času skoraj dveh tisočletji oblikovale majhne skupnostih, ki so se razlikovale tako v družbeni ureditvi kot gospodarskih strategijah. Genetsko različne skupine so bile naseljene v prostorih različnih velikosti, od regije in mikro regije do posameznega naselja. Mnogolična izraba naravnih virov je zagotavljala dolgoročno preživetje, tudi takrat, ko so bili učinki razvijajočega se kmetovanja negotovi