8 research outputs found

    Analysis of Non-Rainfall Periods and Their Impacts on the Soil Water Regime

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    Rainfall and evaporation belong to the basic components of the hydrological cycle. Rainfalls are a decisive natural source of water in the soil. For water replenishment in the natural environment, it is important not only the sum of the rainfall for the balanced period but also the time distribution. In the case of long non-rainfall periods, the soil profile is dried. In the sufficiently long non-rainfall period, the water reserves in the unsaturated zone of the soil profile change and the actual evapotranspiration is reduced. There is a meteorological and then dry soil formation. For the design of adaptation measures, it is necessary to quantify the mentioned hydrological processes. These were investigated in the central area of the Eastern Slovak Lowland between 1970 and 2015. Significant non-rainfall periods, their periodicity and statistical characteristics have been identified. In the course of significant non-rainfall intervals during the vegetation periods the water reserves in the root layer of the soil were analysed up to a depth of 1 m, the actual and potential evapotranspiration, the evapotranspiration deficit, the groundwater level and the air temperature. The longest non-rainfall periods exceeded 30 days

    Public research institution \u2013 taxes, accounting

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    This essay is about new legal entity -public research institution. First chapter is about research and development in Czech republic, about good laws. In these days the situation is being changed due to changes in laws. Second charter is about accounting. As all legal entities in Czech republic public research institution should record information about its assets and liabilities. Third chapter is about taxes. The end is a summary. There are thoughts if Czech laws where adapted in correct way to be prepare for new legal entity. There are some more parts of law which should be modify in future.Cílem práce bylo projít legislativu, kterou se nově vzniklá právnická osoba (veřejná výzkumná instituce) musí řídit, a zhodnotit, zda byly právní předpisy před zavedením veřejné výzkumné instituce dostatečně upraveny. V první kapitole je rozebrán právní rámec výzkumu a vývoje v České republice. Tato oblast prochází v současné době reformou. Druhá kapitola je věnována účetní legislativě, protože veřejná výzkumná instituce jako každá právnická osoba musí vést účetnictví. Ve třetí kapitole jsou rozebrány jednotlivé daně v České republice a jejich dopad na veřejnou výzkumnou instituci. Závěr práce je zhodnocením toho, jak byl český právní systém na vznik veřejných výzkumných institucí připraven, a obsahuje označení oblastí, které by bylo dobré ještě upravit

    Public research institution – taxes, accounting

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    This essay is about new legal entity -public research institution. First chapter is about research and development in Czech republic, about good laws. In these days the situation is being changed due to changes in laws. Second charter is about accounting. As all legal entities in Czech republic public research institution should record information about its assets and liabilities. Third chapter is about taxes. The end is a summary. There are thoughts if Czech laws where adapted in correct way to be prepare for new legal entity. There are some more parts of law which should be modify in future

    Results of water balance measurements in a sandy and silty-loam soil profile using lysimeters

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    Lysimeters represent the ideal tool for direct measurement of soil water balance components in soil profiles. Changes in the water content in a soil monolith can be measured with sufficient accuracy by the precise lysimeter weighing system. Water content changes in soil monolith as derived from lysimeter mass represent one of the basic water balance component. This paper deals with the development and comparison of individual soil water balance components in two different soil profiles from the Easter-Slovakian-Lowland. Two lysimeter vessels were filled monolithically with two different soil profiles covered with grass: one sandy soil profile from locality Poľany and one silty-loam soil profile from locality Vysoká nad Uhom. A constant groundwater level of 1 m below ground level was maintained in both soil profiles. Under the same meteorological conditions, all differences in the development of water balance components were caused only by the differences in soil profiles. The actual evapotranspiration and water flows at the bottom of the soil profiles were compared. Sandy soils are generally considered to be more prone to drought than silty-loam soils. Under the specific conditions of this experiment (maintaining a constant groundwater level) the opposite was shown, when the silty-loam soil profile was more prone to drought than sandy soil profile. Sandy soil profile from Poľany reacted more quickly to precipitation (or evaporation). Due to the higher hydraulic conductivity of the sandy soil compared to the silty-loamy soil, the groundwater level response to external stimuli was much faster

    Quantification of Evapotranspiration by Calculations and Measurements Using a Lysimeter

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    Evapotranspiration is one of the key elements of water balance in nature. It significantly influences the water supply in the unsaturated zone of a soil profile. The unsaturated zone is a water source for the biosphere. The aim of this study is to measure, calculate and analyze the course of actual evapotranspiration, precipitation and dew totals as well as the totals of water flows at the lower boundary of unsaturated zone and the change in water content in specified soil volume. The measurements are used for verifying the results of numerical simulation. The methods used in the study were chosen based on the hypothesis that dynamics of water supply changes in the unsaturated zone is the result of the interactions between atmosphere, soil and plant cover. The elements of water balance were quantified by the methods of water balance, lysimeter measurements and numerical simulation on the model HYDRUS-1D, version 4. The abovementioned parameters were quantified for the East Slovakian Lowland, with an hourly time step during the years 2017, 2018 and 2020. The measurements have shown that evapotranspiration exceeded precipitation during all monitored periods, specifically by 22% in 2017, by 14% in 2019, and by 10% in 2020. The deficit was compensated for by capillary inflow from the groundwater level and the water supply in the unsaturated zone. A verification by measurement has shown that numerical simulation is imprecise in relation to the quantification of water flows at the lower boundary of the unsaturated zone. This inaccuracy is manifested in the higher value of the actual evapotranspiration, which is on average exceeded by 11%. The performance of the mathematical model is assessed as satisfactory for the analysis of the soil water regime

    Evaluation of precipitation measurements using a standard rain gauge in relation to data from a precision lysimeter

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    The construction of modern lysimeters with a precise weighing system made it possible to achieve an unprecedented accuracy of precipitation measurement. This study compares two methods of measuring precipitation in the conditions of the humid continental climate of the Eastern Slovakian Lowland (Slovakia): measurement using a standard tipping-bucket rain gauge vs. precision weighable lysimeter. Data from the lysimeter were used as a reference measurement. The comparison period lasted four years (2019–2022). Only liquid rainfall was compared. The rain gauge was found to underestimate precipitation compared to the lysimeter. Cumulative precipitation for the entire monitored period captured by the rain gauge was 2.8% lower compared to lysimeter measurements. When comparing hourly and daily totals of precipitation and precipitation events, a very high degree of agreement was detected (r2 > 0.99; RMSE from 0.22 to 0.51 mm h–1). A comparison based on precipitation intensity showed a decreasing trend in measurement accuracy with increasing precipitation intensity. This tendency has an exponential course. With increasing intensity of precipitation, increasing intensity of wind was also recorded. In order to correct measurement errors, simple correction method was proposed, which helped to partially eliminate the inaccuracies of the rain gauge measurement

    Geometric Factor as the Characteristics of the Three-Dimensional Process of Volume Changes of Heavy Soils

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    During simulation of a water regime of heavy soils, it is necessary to know the isotropy parameters of any volume changes. Volume changes appear in both vertical and horizontal directions. In vertical directions, they appear as a topsoil movement, and in horizontal directions as the formation of a crack network. The ratio between horizontal and vertical change is described using the geometric factor, rs. In the present paper, the distribution of volume changes to horizontal and vertical components is characterized by the geometric factor, in selected soil profiles, in the East Slovakian Lowland. In this work the effect of soil texture on the value of the geometric factor and thus, on the distribution of volume changes to vertical and horizontal components was studied. Within the hypothesis, the greatest influence of the clay soil component was shown by the geometric factor value. New information is obtained on the basis of field and laboratory measurements. Results will be used as inputs for numerical simulation of a water regime for heavy soils in the East Slovakian Lowland

    Bode and nyquist plots: assistance in soil characterization

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    Climate change is a phenomenon manifested for instance, among other things, by alternating dry and flood episodes with an impact on the environment. Therefore, one must deal with the issues such as: how to retain water in the landscape, protect the soil from erosion or oneself from the consequences of floods. There are used well-known and proven principles supplemented by modern techniques and technologies to understand individual processes and solve their impacts. Electrical impedance spectrometry (EIS), in which a sinusoidal test voltage or current is applied to the sample under test to measure its electrical impedance over a suitable frequency range, is a powerful technique to investigate the electrical properties of a large variety of materials. EIS is used in a broad range of applications as a quick and easily automated technique to characterize solid, liquid, semiliquid, organic as well as inorganic materials. The subject of interest of the paper is the monitoring of selected soil characteristics in the water-soil interaction. Measurement of electrical impedance of soils in the frequency spectrum and processing of results in the form of Bode and Nyquist plots provides information on the water content in the soil and the possibility of estimating its structure. This is very important for various purposes of engineering geological practice, and especially for constructions. Model or limit curves of grain size, table values or indicative standard characteristics are used for the approximate assessment of some soil characteristics. Often, selected soil characteristics are described by the size of their effective grain or this parameter is used in mathematical formulas. In practice, the measured impedance spectra, represent an electrical fingerprint of the sample providing an insight into its properties and behaviour. The selected measurement results are obtained by new apparatus with Z-meter device in field and[...]Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij