76 research outputs found

    Contemporary approaches to teaching EFL grammar in Croatia

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    This study deals with the issues related to English grammar. The purpose of this study was to provide an insight into the current situation of teaching EFL grammar in Croatia and describe possible new trends reflected in the approach that is present in Croatian schools. More precisely, this study investigates the types of presentation and practice of grammatical structures that are available to Croatian teachers and learners in English textbooks. It is based on a qualitative study of grammar-based textbooks used in the majority of high schools in Croatia. The textbooks used for the study are New Headway Intermediate the second edition published in 1996 and New Headway Intermediate the fourth edition published in 2009. In order to collect the necessary data, we formed 6 research questions. The first two referred to the type of presentation in order to determine if there is a balance between inductive, deductive and focus-on-form presentation and if the presentation provides contextualized and authentic examples of grammatical structures. The rest of the questions referred to the types of practice in order to determine if the textbooks provide practice that fosters development of all four skills and balances accuracy and fluency so learners can acquire grammar structures and the ability to use that knowledge for communicative purposes. The analysis has shown that both editions foster contextualized presentation and practice and development of all four skills. However, the fourth edition published in 2009 shows higher percentage of balance of different types of introduction, especially focus on form. There is also a higher percentage of balance of individual, pair and group work and balance between accuracy and fluency. The results show that editions differ in the way they present grammar. The second edition deals with grammar in a way that is more isolated when compared to presentation and practice in the fourth edition. Furthermore, the fourth edition reflects the latest ideas suggested by researchers and CEFR by focusing on form within communicative contexts. This shows that the textbook used by the majority of Croatian high schools keeps up with the changes in the field of teaching foreign languages and fosters an eclectic approach that balances different modes of teaching EFL grammar. This means that a high percentage of both teachers and learners have the opportunity to teach and learn according to their personal styles and strategies

    Alterations of FHIT and P53 genes in keratocystic odontogenic tumor, dentigerous and radicular cyst

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    BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to determine fragile histidine triad (FHIT) and p53 protein expression, and to analyze FHIT and p53 gene status in keratocystic odontogenic tumor (KOT), dentigerous cysts (DC) and radicular cysts (RC). ----- METHODS: The methods used were immunohistochemistry and molecular genetic methods including loss of heterozygosity (LOH) and gene sequencing. ----- RESULTS: FHIT protein expression was different among groups. Aberrant expression was the highest in KOT, then in RC and DC. p53 protein expression was different among groups. LOH in paraffin-embedded specimens was detected in 22.6% and 12.9% for FHIT and p53 respectively. Mutation of p53 gene at codon 237 was observed in only two specimens (one KOT and one DC). Of the six frozen specimens, three exhibited FHIT gene LOH (two RC and one KOT). KOT showed loss of exons 6-7 at FHIT locus and mutation at codon 237 at p53 locus, but this could be a chance result. ----- CONCLUSION: Aberrations of FHIT and p53 genes/proteins could be considered markers responsible for the development of odontogenic lesions

    El papel de la gramática en el enfoque comunicativo – las actitudes de los profesores croatas de ELE

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    Gramatika je često bila problematična tema u poučavanju stranih jezika. Razvoj lingvističkih ideja o jeziku i pojmu gramatike utjecao je i na metode poučavanja stranih jezika te stavove profesora o samoj gramatici. U uvodnom dijelu ovoga rada donosimo pregled tih događanja te rezultate i zaključke raznih istraţivanja o gramatici u poučavanju stranih jezika. Predstavili smo implicitno i eksplicitno poučavanje gramatičkih struktura, deklarativno i proceduralno znanje, komunikacijsku kompetenciju i tipove gramatičkih zadataka. Nakon toga, predstavili smo naše istraţivanje. Ovo je istraţivanje imalo dva cilja. Prvi cilj je istraţiti kakve stavove imaju hrvatski profesori španjolskog kao stranog jezika o ulozi gramatike u komunikacijskom poučavanju jezika. Drugi cilj je usporediti stavove profesora s njihovim stvarnim ponašanjem u učionicama kada poučavaju gramatiku španjolskog jezika. Potrebne podatke smo dobili koristeći anonimnu internetsku anketu napravljenu u programu Google Docs. Anketa se sastojala od 29 izjava s Likertovom skalom te dva otvorena pitanja gdje su ispitanici dali svoja mišljenja o gramatici i vlastitom radu. U istraţivanju je sudjelovalo 27 profesora sa srednjih škola, škola stranih jezika te fakulteta. Rezultati su pokazali da hrvatski profesori imaju pozitivan stav prema gramatici u komunikacijskom poučavanju odnosno da definiraju gramatiku kao skup pravila koji pomaţe u boljoj komunikaciji. Također smatraju da bi trebala postojati ravnoteţa između točnosti i tečnosti komunikacije.Iako daju prednost induktivnom poučavanju, ne izostavljaju deklarativno znanje. Naime, većina ih smatra de se deklarativno znanje moţe pretvoriti u proceduralno dovoljnim vjeţbanjem i komunikacijskim aktivnostima. Također smatraju da je deklarativno znanje potrebno kako bi učenici napredovali te razvijali svoj međujezik. Prema njihovom mišljenju, to je moguće ako se gramatika uvodi i uvjeţbava kontekstualizirano. Ipak, nakon analize njihovih ponašanja, uočene su razlike između stavova i stvarnog ponašanja profesora. Naime, u svojoj praksi ne primjenjuju eklektičan stav kojeg su zagovarali u prvom dijelu istraţivanja. Iako podrţavaju deklarativno znanje, ne poučavaju na način da takvo znanje omoguće svojim učenicima. Vaţno je da profesori budu svjesni vlastitih stavova i ponašanja te problema u poučavanju gramatike te da poznaju moguće načine i metode kako bi brzo, primjereno i korisno odgovorili na učenikove probleme u učenju gramatike španjolskog kao stranog jezika.La gramática fue a menudo un tópico problemático en la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras. El desarrollo de las ideas lingüísticas sobre idiomas y sus gramáticas había afectado los métodos de la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras y las actitudes de los profesores hacia la gramática en general. Asimismo, en la parte introductoria de este trabajo hemos presentado el cuadro histórico de esos acontecimientos y los resultados y conclusiones de diferentes investigaciones y estudios sobre la gramática en la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras. Por consiguiente, hemos presentado la enseñanza implícita y explícita, los conocimientos declarativo y procedural, competencia comunicativa y tipos de ejercicios gramaticales. Después, hemos presentado nuestra investigación. Esta investigación ha tenido dos objetivos. El primero ha sido investigar actitudes de los profesores hacia el papel de la gramática en el enfoque gramatical. Segundo objetivo ha sido comparar las actitudes con los comportamientos de los profesores para obtener una imagen de la situación en escuelas croatas en cuanto a la enseñanza de la gramática española. Los datos necesarios hemos obtenido a través de un cuestionario creado en el programa Google Docs. El cuestionario contiene 27 constataciones con la escala de Likert y dos preguntas abiertas donde los participantes daban sus opiniones sobre la gramática y su trabajo. En nuestra investigación participaron 27 profesores croatas de escuelas secundarias, escuelas de lenguas extranjeras y facultades. Los resultados han mostrado que los profesores tienen una actitud positiva hacia la gramática en el enfoque comunicativo, es decir, definen la gramática como conjunto de reglas que ayuda alcanzar una comunicación más eficaz. También, opinan que hay que establecer un equilibrio entre la corrección gramatical y la fluidez en comunicación. Así, no excluyen la importancia del conocimiento declarativo. Según su opinión, el conocimiento declarativo se puede transformar en el procedural a través de una enseñanza contextualizada y numerosos actividades comunicativas. Por otra parte, el análisis de sus comportamientos ha mostrado que, en sus presentaciones, no posibilitan que sus alumnos alcancen conocimiento declarativo. Es importante ser consciente de sus propios comportamientos y actitudes hacia la gramática para poder encontrar los métodos de enseñanza que van a dar una respuesta rápida, adecuada y útil a las preguntas e incertidumbres de los alumnos

    Percepcija stresa i oboljenja medicinskih sestara i tehničara u psihijatriji

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    Homeostasis is important for maintaining balance and normal functioning of the organism. Allostatic mechanisms further help to establish this balance. If the body is under stress for a longer period, a complex condition in the body called allostatic load occurs. If such a load lasts longer, the risk of developing diseases increases significantly. This study was conducted anonymously with the aim of determining the health status of male and female nurses in the Neuropsychiatric hospital “Dr. Ivan Barbot” in Popovača and their exposure to everyday stressors in the workplace. The main purpose was to examine the relationship between stress and the health status of nurses in relation to gender, age, and seniority. A total of 142 nurses participated. The Health Questionnaire and Workplace Stress Questionnaire were used. The results showed that the most common diseases nurses suffer from are cardiovascular diseases, thyroid diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, and allergies. Women showed higher sensitivity to stress than men. The most common stressors faced by nurses in the workplace are inadequate personal income, inadequate workspace and material resources for work, lack of staff, daily contingencies, 24-hour responsibility, and administrative work. This study found an association between age and, consequently, work experience with the likelihood of illness, although both the healthy and the sick perceive equal levels of stress. One disadvantage of this study is that it covers a large area and deals with general issues, but it can certainly be a starting point for further research. Many questions remain open, which means there is a need for further research and study of the link between stress and illness.Homeostaza u našem organizmu pokušava održavati stabilnost koja je važna za normalno funkcioniranje organizma. Alostatski mehanizmi dodatno pomažu u uspostavljanju te ravnoteže. Kronični stres izaziva složeno stanje u organizmu koje se naziva alostatsko opterećenje. Ako takvo opterećenje potraje, znatno se povećava rizik od nastanka neke bolesti. Ovo istraživanje provedeno je anonimno u cilju utvrđivanja zdravstvenog stanja medicinskih tehničara i medicinskih sestara u Neuropsihijatrijskoj bolnici „Dr. Ivan Barbot” u Popovači i njihova izloženost svakodnevnim stresorima na radnom mjestu. Glavna svrha bila je ispitati vezu između stresa i zdravstvenog stanja medicinskih sestara u odnosu na spol, dob i staž. Sudjelovale su ukupno 142 medicinske sestre. Primijenjeni su zdravstveni upitnik i upitnik za stres na radnom mjestu. Rezultati su pokazali da su najčešće bolesti od kojih boluju medicinske sestre kardiovaskularne bolesti, bolesti štitnjače, gastrointestinalne bolesti i alergije. Žene su pokazale veću osjetljivost na stres od muškaraca. Najčešći stresori s kojima se medicinske sestre susreću na radnom mjestu jesu neadekvatna osobna primanja, neadekvatni radni prostor i materijalna sredstva za rad, nedostatak broja djelatnika, svakodnevne nepredviđene situacije, 24-satna odgovornost i administrativni poslovi. Najčešće bolesti ispitanika jesu kardiovaskularne bolesti, bolesti štitnjače, gastrointestinalne bolesti i alergijske bolesti. Ovo istraživanje utvrdilo je povezanost dobi, posljedično i radnog staža s vjerojatnošću oboljenja, iako i zdravi i bolesni percipiraju podjednaku razinu stresa. Manjkavost je ovog istraživanja što obuhvaća veliko područje i bavi se općenitim stvarima, ali svakako može biti polazište za daljnja preciznija istraživanja. I dalje ostaje mnogo otvorenih pitanja, što otvara potrebu za daljnjim istraživanjima i proučavanjem poveznice između stresa i bolesti

    Prijeoperacijska procjena bolesnika s osteogenesis imperfecta

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    Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is an inherited disorder of the connective tissue the primary manifestation of which is an increased susceptibility to fractures. Patients often require orthopaedic treatment of fractures and resultant deformities. Commonly encountered intraoperative complications include diffi cult airway with easily fractured teeth, patient positioning problems, intraoperative bleeding, hypothermia, respiratory compromise due to skeletal deformity, cardiac problems or basilar invagination caused by congenital anomalies, and very rarely development of perioperative hyperthermia. Therefore, multidisciplinary approach to preoperative assessment of patients with OI, including identifi cation of risk factors and optimization of health before surgery is needed.Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) je nasljedna bolest vezivnog tkiva, a njezina glavna manifestacija je povećana sklonost prijelomima. Ovi bolesnici često zahtijevaju ortopedsko liječenje prijeloma i posljedičnih deformiteta. Česte intraoperacijske komplikacije su otežani dišni put s lako lomljivim zubima, problemi pozicioniranja bolesnika, intraoperacijsko krvarenje, hipotermija, respiracijski poremećaji zbog koštanih deformacija, srčani problemi ili bazilarna invaginacija uzrokovana prirođenim anomalijama te vrlo rijetko razvoj perioperacijske hipertermije. Stoga je neophodan multidisciplinski pristup prijeoperacijskoj procjeni bolesnika s OI, uključujući utvrđivanje rizičnih čimbenika i postizanje optimalnog zdravstvenog stanja prije operacije

    Postendodontic Tooth Restoration - Part I: The Aim and the Plan of the Procedure

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    Endodontskim zahvatom uklanjamo pulpu, nekrotičan dentin i dio zdrava tvrdoga zubnog tkiva. Time smanjujemo otpornost preostala zubnoga tkiva na sile vlaka i tlaka koje nastaju pri okluzijskim dodirima zuba. Zato restaurativna opskrba endodontski liječena zuba mora zadovoljiti zahtjeve retencije restorativnoga nadomjestka, otpornosti nadomjestka i zubnoga tkiva na sile unutar žvačnoga sustava, dobra koronarnog i intraradikularnoga brtvljenja te estetske zahtjeve. Poslijeendodontska opskrba uključuje sljedeće postupke: nadoknadu izgubljena zubnoga tkiva aloplastičnim materijalima u izravnoj ili neizravnoj izvedbi (ispunom amalgamom, kompozitom, stakleno ionomernim cementom, ili izradbom inleja, onleja ili overleja); uporabom intrakanalnih i parapulpnih kolčića uz nadoknadu zubne krune aloplastičnim materijalom; izradbu batrljka zuba aloplastičnim materijalom s uporabom intrakanalnih i parapulpnih kolčića ili bez njih uz nadoknadu zubne krune protetskim nadomjestkom; laboratorijski izrađenom nadogradnjom uz nadoknadu zubne krune protetskim nadomjestkom. U nekim slučajevima bit će dovoljno samo zabrtviti pristupni kavitet nekim od aloplastičnih materijala, a u drugim bit će potrebno osigurati okomitu stabilizaciju preostaloj kruni u obliku intraradikularne nadogradnje i izraditi protetski nadomjestak. Izbor postupka ovisit će o stupnju razorenosti zubne krune, smještaju zuba u zubnome luku, okluzijskim dodirima zuba, morfologiji korijenskih kanala, funkcijskim i estetskim zahtjevima, materijalnim mogućnostima te o vremenu koje imamo na raspolaganju. Pravilno prepoznata indikacija uz poštivanje svih faza izabranog postupka poslijeendodontske opskrbe osigurat će opskrbljenom zubu punopravnu ulogu u stomatognatom sustavu.Endodontic procedure requires removal of the pulp tissue and necrotic dentine, as well as a significant amount of healthy hard dental tissue, which results in reducing the resistance of the tooth to the occlusal loading forces. Restoration of such a tooth needs to satisfy requirements for retention of the restorative material, its resistance, as well as the resistance of the remaining dental tissue to occlusal forces, good coronal and intraradicular obturation and also aesthetic requirements. Postendodontic treatment includes the following procedures: replacement of lost tissues using alloplastic materials directly or indirectly (amalgam, composite resin and glass-ionomer cement fillings or inlay, onlay or overlay restorations); the alloplastic material crown restorations using intracanal posts and parapulpal pins; the alloplastic material core buildup with or without intracanal posts and parapulpal pins covered with prosthetic crown; restoration of lost tooth structure using laboratory made post and core covered with prosthetic crown. Sealing of endodontic cavity using one of the alloplastic materials would be the treatment of choice in uncomplicated cases, whereas in severely damaged teeth ensuring remaining tooth structure by vertical stabilization and the prosthetic crown would be necessary. The choice of procedure depends on the severity of crown damage, the tooth position in the arch, occlusal contacts, morphology of root canal spaces, functional and aesthetic aspects, financial ability and available time for performing the procedure. The correct indication evaluation respecting all steps of the chosen procedure will provide long term survival of the postendodontically treated tooth in the stomatognathic system

    Surgical Treatment of Neuralgia as a Result of Ossification of the Mental Orifice

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    Prikazan je slučaj bolesnika s osteomom donje čeljusti koji je svojim rastom izazivao kompresiju mentalnoga živca i neuralgiformne boli. Intraoralnim pregledom nisu nađeni koštani deformiteti čeljusti, a dijagnoza je potvrđena rentgenskim nalazom, što govori da se radi o enostozi ili središnjem osteomu. U prikazu je opisana i operativna tehnika eksterne dekompresije kojom je epineuralna ovojnica živca oslobođena od pritiska nastalog rastom benigne koπtane tvorbe. Šest mjeseci nakon zahvata pacijent je bio bez simptoma, s normalnim senzibilitetom u donjoj čeljusti i urednim rentgenskim nalazom.A case of a patient with osteoma of the lower jaw is presented. Osteoma caused compression of the mental nerve and neuralgiform pain. During an intraoral examination, osseous deformity of the mandibula was not found. Diagnosis was confirmed by X-ray, which showed enostosis or a central osteoma. The presentation describes the surgical technique of external decompression by which the nerve epineural integument is released from the pressure caused by the benign osseous formation. Six months after the surgery the patient had no symptoms and had normal sensibility in the lower jaw and no irregularities

    Stavovi zdravstvenih djelatnika i djelatnika osnovnih škola prema izdvajanju djece iz obitelji i udomiteljstvu

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    In Croatia, the process of deinstitutionalization of childcare is underway, and it should increase the placement of children in non institutional forms of care such as foster care. The aim of the study was to examine attitudes towards foster care and child separation among school and adult mental health professionals. The sample consisted of 159 respondents (employees of elementary schools in Kutina, Popovača and Velika Ludina and employees of the Neuropsychiatric Hospital “Dr. Ivan Barbot” in Popovača). The survey covered all relevant sociodemographic variables, and the Scale of Attitudes Towards Separation of Children from Family and the Attitudes Towards Foster Care Scale were used to examine attitudes [Kamenov, Sladovic Franz & Ajdukovic, 2005]. In the sample examined, attitudes to foster care and separation are slightly positive, indicating that there is plenty of room for activities aimed at empowering these views. If further attitudes are to be strengthened, therefore the population of potential future foster parents is also expected to expand. It is important to highlight the role of healthcare professionals involved in the mental health care of foster children and to consider their role in modifying general attitudes towards foster care for children and their role in building an optimal foster care system.U Hrvatskoj je u tijeku proces deinstitucionalizacije skrbi za djecu u sklopu kojeg treba povećati smještaj djece u izvaninstitucijske oblike skrbi poput udomiteljstva. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati stavove prema udomiteljstvu i izdvajanju djece među školskim djelatnicima i djelatnicima sektora mentalnog zdravlja odraslih, kao i razlike u stavovima između dvije skupine stručnjaka. Uzorak je sačinjavalo ukupno 159 ispitanika (djelatnici osnovnih škola u Kutini, Popovači i Velikoj Ludini te djelatnici Neuropsihijatrijske bolnice „Dr. Ivan Barbot” u Popovači). Istraživanjem su obuhvaćene sve relevantne sociodemografske varijable, a za ispitivanje stavova primijenjena je Skala stavova prema izdvajanju djece iz obitelji te Skala stavova prema udomiteljstvu (Kamenov, Sladović Franz i Ajduković, 2005). U ispitanom uzorku stavovi o udomiteljstvu i izdvajanju blago su pozitivni, što govori da ima prostora za provođenje aktivnosti usmjerenih na osnaživanje ovih stavova. Ako bi se radilo na dodatnom osnaživanju stavova, za očekivati je i širenje populacije potencijalnih budućih udomitelja. Važno je istaknuti ulogu zdravstvenih djelatnika koji su uključeni u skrb za mentalno zdravlje udomljene djece te razmotriti njihovu ulogu u modificiranju općih stavova prema udomljavanju djece, kao i njihovu ulogu u izgradnji optimalnog sustava udomljavanja

    Postextraction pain treatment possibilities

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    Postekstrakcijska bol je komplikacija koja se javlja nakon vađenja zuba. Najčešće nastaje u molarnoj regiji donje čeljusti. U ovome radu uspoređene su dvije metode liječenja postekstrakcijske boli: konzervativna i kirurško - konzervativna metoda. Svrha rada bila je odrediti najdjelotvorniji način liječenja te komplikacije. Istraživanje je provedeno na trideset pacijenata sa simptomima postekstrakcijske boli. Petnaest pacijenata liječeno je konzervativnom metodom, a petnaest kirurško - konzervativnom metodom. Pacijenti su klinički praćeni do prestanka simptoma. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da je kirurško - konzervativna metoda liječenja djelotvornija jer u kraćem vremenu smiruje simptome boli.Postextraction pain or alveolitis sicca dolorosa is a complication which appears after tooth extraction, usually in the molar region of the lower jaw. In this paper two methods were compared: conservative and surgical-conservative method. The research was carried in order to establish which method is more advantageous and more effective. The pain treatment lasted for one year. Thirty patients were treated and each of them were separately conducted during three weeks after the treatment. Fifteen patients were submitted to conservative therapy, and fifteen others to surgical-conservative therapy. The results (tables and charts) show that both methods are effective and that both methods lead to symptom termination. However, surgical- conservative method appeared to be more effective, because in the first seven days after the therapy, approximately 75% of the patients no longer had alveolitis symptoms