68 research outputs found

    Middle-Agents Organized in Fault Tolerant and Fixed Scalable Structure

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    Agents in a multi-agent system usually use middle-agents to locate service providers. Since one central middle-agent represents a single point of failure and communication bottleneck in the system, therefore a structure of middle-agents is used to overcome these issues. We designed and implemented a structure of middle-agents called dynamic hierarchical teams that has user-defined level of fault-tolerance and is moreover fixed scalable. We prove that the structure that has teams of size lambda has vertex and edge connectivity equal to lambda, i.e., the structure stays connected despite lambda-1 failures of middle-agents or lambda-1 communication channels. We focus on social knowledge management describing several methods that can be used for social knowledge propagation and search in this structure. We also test the fault-tolerance of this structure in practical experiments

    Measurement of cultivated cells' viability with fluorescence

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    Tato práce se zabývá možnostmi měření viability kultivovaných živočišných buněk pomocí jejich barvení flourescenčními indikátory. A to calceinem AM a ethidium homodimerem-1. Jsou zde také uvedeny podmínky a možnosti kultivace živočišných buněk. Dále byly vytvořeny programy v Matlabu pro detekci viability zvolenými metodami.This work is aimed to explain to possibilities of measuring viability of cultivated animal cells by staining cells with fluorescent probes. Flourescent probes described in this work are calcein AM and ethidium homodimer-1. There are also mentioned conditions and possibilities of cell cultivation. Additionaly there were created programs for cell´s viabillity detection in Matlab.

    Detached house, Topolná

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá vypracováním projektové dokumentace pro novostavbu rodinného domu. Objekt je umístěn v obci Topolná v mírně svažitém terénu a je koncipován pro 4 člennou rodinu. Rodinný dům je navržen jako samostatně stojící, dvoupodlažní, s plochou střechou. Součástí domu je i garáž. Nad garáží je umístěna terasa a zelená střecha. Svislé konstrukce jsou vyzděny z vápenopískových tvárnic, stropní konstrukce je monolitická z železobetonu. Dům je zateplen kontaktním zateplovacím systémem ETIC s izolační vrstvou z pěnového polystyrenu.The bachelor thesis deals with the elaboration of project documentation for a new family home. The building is located in the village Topolná in gently sloping terrain and is designed for a family of 4 members. House is designed as a freestanding, two-floored, with flat roof. The house has a garage. Above the garage there is a terrace and green roof. Vertical structures are bricked of lime-sand bricks, ceiling construction is monolithic reinforced concrete. The house is insulated contact system ETIC with an insulating layer of foamed polystyrene.

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    Detection of ischemia in ECG

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    V této práci jsou popsány projevy ischemie srdce v EKG signálu a shrnuty některé metody umožňující automatickou detekci ischemie. Dále byly vypočteny morfologické parametry EKG ze záznamů dostupných na UBMI a provedeno jejich statistické zhodnocení pro následnou automatickou klasifikaci. Pro vlastní klasifikaci srdečních cyklů byla použita vícevrstvá neuronová síť vytvořená v Matlabu. Na dostupných datech bylo dosaženo úspěšnosti klasifikace až 99,9%.This paper describes the manifestations of ischemia in the ECG signals and summarizes some methods allowing automatic detection of ischemia. Morphological features were then calculated from ECG signals available from UBMI and statistically evaluated to select features appropriate for further automatic classification. Multilayer feedforward neural network was used for classification of heart beats. The neural network was designed in Matlab. Classification performance up to 99.9% was obtained on available dataset.


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    Diplomová práce se zabývá vypracováním projektové dokumentace pro novostavbu mateřské školy. V budově jsou navrženy 2 samostatné třídy, každá s kapacitou 24 dětí, zázemí pro učitele a učebny pro výuku menších kroužků. Části budovy je pro potřeby školky navržena kuchyně. Objekt je dvoupodlažní, zděný nosný systém. Zateplení kontaktní zateplovacím systémem s izolační vrstvou z polystyrenu. Zastřešení budovy plochou střechou.The thesis deals with drafting project documentation for the new building of the kindergarten. The building is designed in two separate classes, each with a capacity of 24 children, facilities for teachers and classroom for smaller rings. Parts of the building is designed for the needs of kindergarten kitchen. The building has two floors, brick bearing system. Warmth contact insulation system with an insulating layer of polystyrene. Roofing flat roof of the building.

    Creating of Monitoring Software for Operation of Laboratory Electric Resistance Furnace

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    Import 05/08/2014Hlavní náplní této práce bylo vytvořit program "PEC", který zajišťuje monitoring a měření chodu pece MP05-01 a tím poukázat na využití kombinace stolního počítače, měřicí karty PCA-7228AS a vývojového prostředí Visual Basic jako plnohodnotného měřicího přístroje. Dále se v této práci řeší problematika měření el. energie při pulzní regulaci. Jsou zde popsány metody výpočtu el. energie a v závěru této práce je popsáno měření, které porovnává několik měřičů el. energie a jejich chování při pulzní regulaci.The main concern of this work was to develop a software "PEC", which provides monitoring and measuring operation of the furnace MP05-01 and pointed out that the use of a combination of a desktop computer, measuring card PCA-7228AS and development environment Visual Basic as a full meter. Furthermore, this work addresses the issue of measuring el. energy in the pulse control. There are described methods of calculating el. energy and at the conclusion of this work is described measurement which compares a few meters el. energy and their behavior during the pulse control.410 - Katedra elektroenergetikyvýborn

    Generated heat by different targets irradiated by 660 MeV protons

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    Calorimetric experiments have been performed to analyze different thick targets of natU, C, Pb material, irradiated by 660 MeV protons at the Phasotron accelerator facility, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna, Russia. The method of online temperature measurement has been compared with MCNPX 2.7.0 simulation and selected with Ansys Transient Thermal Simulation to compare measured temperature with the simulated one. Thermocouples type T and E have been used as a temperature probe. Many different positions have been measured for each target. Temperature results are following very well the processes inside of the cylinders. Changes of heat deposition caused by drops of the proton beam intensity are displayed very well as a jagged line shown in almost every chart. Accurate temperature changing measurement is a very modest variation of how to observe inner macroscopic behavior online

    Ablation of single-crystalline cesium iodide by extreme ultraviolet capillary-discharge laser

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    Extreme ultraviolet (XUV) capillary-discharge lasers (CDLs) are a suitable source for the efficient, clean ablation of ionic crystals, which are obviously difficult to ablate with conventional, long-wavelength lasers. In the present study, a single crystal of cesium iodide (CsI) was irradiated by multiple, focused 1.5-ns pulses of 46.9-nm radiation delivered from a compact XUV-CDL device operated at either 2-Hz or 3-Hz repetition rates. The ablation rates were determined from the depth of the craters produced by the accumulation of laser pulses. Langmuir probes were used to diagnose the plasma plume produced by the focused XUV-CDL beam. Both the electron density and electron temperature were sufficiently high to confirm that ablation was the key process in the observed CsI removal. Moreover, a CsI thin film on MgO substrate was prepared by XUV pulsed laser deposition; a fraction of the film was detected by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.Web of Science65421020

    Experimental investigation and Monte Carlo simulations of radionuclide production inside the Uranium spallation target QUINTA irradiated with a 660-MeV proton beam

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    The accelerator-Driven-System (ADS) is very important to study the neutron field and radionuclide production inside simple-geometry uranium subcritical setups irradiated with high energy particle beams. A subcritical setup QUINTA was irradiated with the 660-MeV proton beam from Phasotron accelerator at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR). The radionuclide production in the region along the beam axis was investigated by the activation technique. The aim was to compare (n,x) with (p,x) reactions using activation detectors of 59Co and natPb, and compare experimental results with the calculated results using Monte Carlo simulation code MCNPX 2.7