81 research outputs found

    Landslide and its complex investigation

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    Geophysical survey methods bring information on the rock environment in real time, i.e. already during the geophysical survey.A geologist or a geotechnician provides such obtained information to a designer for the purpose of designing and implementation workat construction sites. Also, information on the effect of the rock environment or its properties (changing with time) on stabilization workare very significant. Repeated geophysical measurements (gravimetric, magnetometric, seismic, geoelectrical, radiometric and logging)provide necessary information on the rock environment from the moment of making measurements either periodically or continuously.The paper presents some of our experience gained during repeated measurements

    Total Productive Maintenance in the Sector of Energy

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    Import 02/11/2016Předmětem bakalářské práce „Totální produktivita údržby TPM“ je zvýšit celkovou efektivnost výrobních zařízení pomocí implementace moderních metod řízení výroby do provozu konkrétního podniku. Teoretická část bakalářské práce vymezuje základní pojmy metod Just in time, Štíhlého podniku a TPM a souvisejících metod řízení výroby a uvádím je do vzájemných souvislostí. V praktické části se zabývám implementací TPM do energetiky vč. navrhovaných opatření a doporučení.Na základě zjištěných údajů bylo možné analyzovat a popsat systém údržby na zařízeních elektro, který je zaveden v elektrárně Ledvice a podařilo se navrhnout některá řešení, která by mohla vést k zefektivnění této údržby.Thesis "Total Productivity Maintenance TPM" is to increase the overall efficiency of production facilities through the implementation of modern methods of production to the operation of a particular enterprise. The theoretical part defines the basic concepts of methods Just in time, TPM and Lean Enterprise and related methods of manufacturing and puts them into context. The practical part deals with the implementation of TPM in energy inc. proposed measures and recommendations. Based on the data to analyze and describe the system maintenance on electrical equipment that is introduced in Ledvice power plant and managed to suggest some solutions that could lead to a streamlining of maintenance.Prezenční545 - Institut ekonomiky a systémů řízenívelmi dobř

    Design of dedicated manipulator for automatic tool change with the three cam generator duty cycle

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    Tato práce se zabývá návrhem konstrukce jednoúčelového manipulátoru pro automatickou výměnu nástrojů s třívačkovým generátorem pracovního cyklu. Na začátku práce jsou stručně sepsány obecné základní informace o zásobnících nástrojů a o manipulátorech pro výměnu nástrojů. Součástí této práce je návrh kinematického schématu manipulátoru. Práce dále obsahuje výpočet tvarů drážek ve vačkách. Výsledkem této práce je konstrukční řešení manipulátoru, včetně animace vyměňování nástrojů.This thesis deals with the design of a single-purpose manipulator for automatic tool changing with a three-cams generator of the working cycle. At the beginning of the paper, general background information about tool trays and manipulators for the change of tools is briefly described. The scheme of the kinematic manipulator is proposed in this work as well. The thesis also includes the calculation of the shapes of the grooves in the cams. The result of this work is the design of the manipulator, including an animation of tool changing.

    Geophysics for underground engineering

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    The growth of underground engineering brought a need for the use of geophysical methods for research of underground constructions rather different in approach compared to that of civil engineering. These changes relate to surface measurement on the one hand and the development of new specialised methods used for underground work on the other. The results of a complete documentation of mining work, the application of the resistivity methods used underground and also the use of 3D electrical resistivity tomography, are all presented here

    Proměna prostorové organizace rodinných příslušníků v moderní společnosti

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    Příspěvek vznikl v rámci projektu UJEP-SGS-2023-53-004-2

    On scaling of human body models

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    Abstract Human body is not an unique being, everyone is another from the point of view of anthropometry and mechanical characteristics which means that division of the human body population to categories like 5%-tile, 50%-tile and 95%-tile from the application point of view is not enough. On the other hand, the development of a particular human body model for all of us is not possible. That is why scaling and morphing algorithms has started to be developed. The current work describes the development of a tool for scaling of the human models. The idea is to have one (or couple of) standard model(s) as a base and to create other models based on these basic models. One has to choose adequate anthropometrical and biomechanical parameters that describe given group of humans to be scaled and morphed among

    Rock massif changes caused by undermining

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    Classical observation of surface deformation in undermined territories use repeated geodetic surveying. Results from these surveying do not offer data about physical changes that happen in the rock massif. To find out these changes, a complex of repeated geodetic and geophysical measurements of surface, borehole and surface-borehole system was used from 2002 to 2006. These measurements pointed out (beside the well known surface deformations) also that the changes inside the rock massif do not affect the massif as whole, but the “faulty zones” are formed there

    Geophysics for underground engineering

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    The growth of underground engineering brought a need for the use of geophysical methods for research of underground constructions rather different in approach compared to that of civil engineering. These changes relate to surface measurement on the one hand and the development of new specialised methods used for underground work on the other. The results of a complete documentation of mining work, the application of the resistivity methods used underground and also the use of 3D electrical resistivity tomography, are all presented here