7 research outputs found

    Infrastructure for Deployment of Heterogeneous Component-based Applications

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    Deployment is a process which involves all actions performed with an application after it is released. Traditionally, deployment has been addressed for each component model separately (if at all), even though most of the concepts are the same. The Deployment and Configuration of Component-based Applications Specification released by OMG proposes a unified approach that can be tailored to different component models. This thesis focuses on the execution phases of the deployment process. It presents a generic deployment runtime based on the OMG specification. The main objective is to elaborate support for multiple component models and subsequently support for heterogeneous applications consisting of components implemented in different component models. This has been achieved through a system of extensions which allows isolating component model specifics from the runtime. Even though the OMG specification was not originally intended to support heterogeneous applications, the implementation deviates from it only in a few points. In all such cases, the thesis presents an analysis of the situation and rationale for the deviation.Nasazení aplikace je proces zahrnující všechny činnosti prováděné s aplikací od momentu jejího vydání. Různé komponentové modely řeší tyto aktivity odděleně (pokud vůbec), přestože koncepce je většinou stejná. Formální kodument Deployment and Configuration of Component-based Distributed Applications Specification vydaný organizací OMG navrhuje jednotné řešení, které může být přizpůsobeno pro různé komponentové modely. Tato práce se soustředí na část problému týkající se spouštění aplikací a prezentuje jednotnou infrastrukturu založenou na uvedené specifikaci. Hlavním cílem je prozkoumat možnosti podpory více komponentových modelů a následně heterogenních aplikací, které sestávají z komponent implementovaných v různých komponentových modelech. Toho bylo dosaženo navržením systému rozšíření umožňujících odstínit specifika jednotlivých komponentových modelů od společné infrastruktury. Přestože zmíněná specifikace nebyla určena pro podporu heterogenních aplikací, implementace se od ní odchyluje jen v několika málo bodech. Ve všech takových případech je prezentována analýza situace a odůvodnění příslušné odchylky.Katedra softwarového inženýrstvíDepartment of Software EngineeringFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult

    Studying the possibility of improving the frost resistance of concrete

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    Předmětem této práce je shrnutí teoretických i praktických poznatků v oblasti mrazuvzdornosti betonu. Z nich plyne, že na odolnost proti cyklickému působení mrazu má vliv celá řada činitelů. Jedná se o vstupní suroviny, technologii výroby, dobu a způsob ošetřování. Vliv příměsí, provzdušnění a velikosti provzdušnění je zpracován a vyhodnocen experimentálně. Pro hodnocení trvanlivosti je podstatný způsob zkoušení, proto je obsahem práce rešerše používaných metod a také praktické porovnání některých z nich. Práce je přínosná z důvodu zavedení požadavku na mrazuvzdornost betonu v prostředí XF1 a XF3 v normě ČSN EN 206 (2014).The purpose of this study is to summarize theoretical and practical knowledge of frost resistance of concrete. It suggests, that there are numerous factors affecting the freeze-thaw resistence of concrete. These are especially raw materials, production technology, time and method of curing. The influence of addition, air entrainment and air void structure is complied and evaluated experimentally. The testing method is crucial for the evaluation of durability of concrete. Hence, this thesis includes a research of methods used around the world and practical comparison of some of them. This thesis is valuable because of implementation of the requirement in the standard ČSN EN 206 (2014) for the frost resistence of concrete in exposure classes XF1 and XF3.

    Infrastructure for Deployment of Heterogeneous Component-based Applications

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    Deployment is a process which involves all actions performed with an application after it is released. Traditionally, deployment has been addressed for each component model separately (if at all), even though most of the concepts are the same. The Deployment and Configuration of Component-based Applications Specification released by OMG proposes a unified approach that can be tailored to different component models. This thesis focuses on the execution phases of the deployment process. It presents a generic deployment runtime based on the OMG specification. The main objective is to elaborate support for multiple component models and subsequently support for heterogeneous applications consisting of components implemented in different component models. This has been achieved through a system of extensions which allows isolating component model specifics from the runtime. Even though the OMG specification was not originally intended to support heterogeneous applications, the implementation deviates from it only in a few points. In all such cases, the thesis presents an analysis of the situation and rationale for the deviation

    Study of the influence of feedstock composition and the values of the modulus of elasticity of concrete

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    Kromě pevnosti v tlaku betonu se v současnosti významně projevuje při statických výpočtech i modul pružnosti. U subtilních skeletových konstrukcí může díky nedostatečnému modulu pružnosti docházet k nepřípustným průhybům. Vycházet z empirických vztahů je v této situaci přinejmenším nezodpovědné, jelikož se při výrobě betonu používá široké spektrum surovin, příměsí a přísad. Cílem práce je studium vlivu hrubého kameniva na statický a dynamický modul pružnosti betonu v tlaku a doporučení vhodných opatření k výrobě betonu s vysokým modulem pružnosti. Experimentální část se dále zabývá vlivem obsahu vzduchu v betonu na výsledné moduly pružnosti.Modulus of elasticity is significantly reflected feature of concrete, besides the compressive strength in static design nowadays. Low modulus of elasticity can cause unacceptable deflections for subtle skeletal structures. It is at least irresposible to count with empirical formulas since there is a wide range of materials and additives in production of concrete. The aim of this thesis is to study the influence of large fraction aggregate on static and dynamic modulus of elasticity of concrete and recommendation for appropriate measures to produce concrete with high modulus of elasticity. The experimental part is further following up the influence of air content in concrete on the modulus of elasticity.

    Experimental investigation and performance of timber-concrete composite floor structure with non-metallic connection system

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    This paper presents results of an experimental study implemented with the goal to verify performance of an innovative type of a timber-concrete composite floor structure. It is unique because the connections of both parts of the composite T-cross-section are assembled from non-metallic materials only. The connection element is a glued board made of plywood. Experimentally, by a shear test, values of secant slip modulus were determined at 12 samples in total. Results of shear tests were analysed by exploratory statistical methods. This method of connection has a medium level of rigidity when loaded with shear force and compared to other types of connection. However, at the same time it manifests a significant area of plastic deformations at higher levels of load. Part tests were carried out with 3 samples, each of which was subject to various levels of environmental effects and a load time before the test. Results were compared with results of the test performed with a reference sample - a non-composite structure of identical dimensions. Experimental data were compared with data provided by the theoretical design model as stated in Eurocodes. The comparison relates to short-term behaviour of the structure. This article also includes consideration of a comparison with the performance of the HBV (R) System type structure. With the part span of 6.5 m, the final maximum short-term resistance of the timber-concrete composite structure was approximately 200 kN and the maximum average mid-span deflection was approximately 54 mm. For a structure exposed for the period of 12 months to an outdoor environment with the load action for 166 days with the intensity of 10 kN/m(2), the final short-term resistance of the timber-concrete composite structure was higher by 21% than that of a non-composite structure of identical dimensions.Web of Science19321820

    Affordances and level-of-detail AI for virtual humans

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    Anyone who aims at developing a virtual reality application featuring a large artificial world inhabited by intelligent virtual humans will face two problems—the problem with simulation speed, and the problem with adding new components to the simulation both during the development and after the release. We have developed a framework that copes with these issues. The solution is based on augmentation of the level-of-detail AI technique and theories of affordances and practical reasoning. Contrary to existing approaches, our solution is theoretically well-founded, robust and deals with both these issues at once. In this paper, we present the key concepts of our framework and evaluate a test scenario