8 research outputs found

    Kancerigeno djelovanje lana

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    Poursuivant les recherches sur le cancer de la lèvre inférieure apparaissant chez les fileuses du lin, les auteurs ont entrepris plusieurs séries d\u27expériences sur les animaux et ont réussi par l\u27injection de fils de lin broyés et suspendus dans la solution physiologique, à provoquer des tumeurs, dont la nature néoplasique ne peut pas être contestée.Opažanje, da naročito često na raku donje usne obole žene, koje predu lan i kod toga nit provlače kroz usta, da bi je navlažile slinom, bilo je povod za sistematsko istraživanje kancerigenog djelovanja lana. Suspenzija razdrobljenih niti lana u fiziološkoj otopini uštrcana je pod kožu bijelim miševima. Alkoholični ekstrakt te suspenzije pokazuje jasnu fluorescenciju u modrom dijelu spektra. Fluorescencije nestaje pod utjecajem svijetla, što upućuje na to, da se u suspenziji odigravaju procesi fotooksidacije. Kod tri pokusne životinje izazvani su injekcijom te suspenzije tumori. Prvi od tumora nađen je mjesec dana nakon injekcije kod autopsije uginule životinje, dok klinički nije pravio simptoma. Histološkom pretragom je utvrđeno, da je taj tumor bio·adenom. Istovremeno primijećen je drugi tumor kod druge životinje, i on je operativno odstranjen. Histološkom pretragom nađeni su u tom tumoru znakovi početne kancerizacije, dok je u oba tumora utvrđena nazočnost lanenih vlakanaca, i to upravo na mjestima najizrazitije proliferacije epitelnih stanica. Treći tumor primijećen je tri mjeseca nakon injekcije, a histološki je pretražen mjesec dana kasnije. Histološkom pretragom utvrđena je u tom tumoru završena kancerizacija, te on histološki predstavlja adenocarcinoma mammae. Njegova malignost očituje se u tom, što je stvorio metastazu u plućima. Kod drugog od opaženih tumora također postoje klinički nesumnjivi znakovi malignosti, jer je on recidivirao neposredno nakon toga, što je kirurški bio odstranjen. Taj recidiv pretražen je histološki četiri mjeseca nakon injekcije lana, te i on daje histološku sliku potpuno razvijenog karcinoma

    Leukemoidna reakclja tumora izazvanih lanom

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    Les auteurs ont observé une réaction leucémoïde chez une souris après la disparition d\u27un greffon provenant d\u27une tumeur attribuée à l\u27action du linKod miša, na kojega je bio transplantiran maligni tumor izazvan lanom, razvila se nakon resorpcije transplantata leukemoidna reakcija. Značenje leukemoidne reakcije kod malignih tumora još nije potpuno protumačeno, ali njeno postojanje upućuje na veze između malignih tumora i leukemije

    Transplantati tumora izazvanih lanom

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    En poursuivant les recherches sur les tumeurs néoplasiques provoquées par l\u27implantation du lin les auteurs ont réussi à greffer une de ces tumeurs d\u27un animal à un autre.U nastavku proučavanja neoplastičnih tumora izazvanih na mišu implantacijom lana uspjelo je takav tumor prenijeti s jedne životinje na drugu. U transplantiranom tumoru epitel više sliči vezivnom tkivu nego u primarnom. a to je u skladu s opažanjem, da karcinomi u toku sukcesivnih transplantacija prelaze u sarkome. Premda samo kod jedne životinje, ipak ovaj uspjeh transplantacije pokazuje izrazitu malignost tumora izazvanih lanom. Kod tumora izazvanih katranom transplantati rijetko uspijevaju i zavisni su od genetske konstitucije obiju životinja. Osim toga i kod spontanih tumora malo transplantata uspijeva pri prvoj pasaži. Tek nakon više pasaža dolazi do neke vrste adaptacije tumora, te broj uspješnih transplantata postaje sve veći. Poredba tumora izazvanih lanom sa spontanim tumorima pokazuje da postoje izvjesne razlike, ali one su u granicama varijacija histološke slike malignih tumora kod miša. Međutim, tumori izazvani lanom nalaze se na jednoj krajnosti tih varijacija. a spontani tumori na drugoj. te ovo dokazuje, da su tumori doista izazvani lanom, a nisu slučajni spontani tumori na životinjama, kojima je lan uštrcan

    Krebsalter und Industrialisation

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    Winning solutions and post-challenge analyses of the ChaLearn AutoDL challenge 2019

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    International audienceThis paper reports the results and post-challenge analyses of ChaLearn’s AutoDL challenge series, which helped sorting out a profusion of AutoML solutions for Deep Learning (DL) that had been introduced in a variety of settings, but lacked fair comparisons. All input data modalities (time series, images, videos, text, tabular) were formatted as tensors and all tasks were multi-label classification problems. Code submissions were executed on hidden tasks, with limited time and computational resources, pushing solutions that get results quickly. In this setting, DL methods dominated, though popular Neural Architecture Search (NAS) was impractical. Solutions relied on fine-tuned pre-trained networks, with architectures matching data modality. Post-challenge tests did not reveal improvements beyond the imposed time limit. While no component is particularly original or novel, a high level modular organization emerged featuring a “meta-learner”, “data ingestor”, “model selector”, “model/learner”, and “evaluator”. This modularity enabled ablation studies, which revealed the importance of (off-platform) meta-learning, ensembling, and efficient data management. Experiments on heterogeneous module combinations further confirm the (local) optimality of the winning solutions. Ourchallenge legacy includes an ever-lasting benchmark (http://autodl.chalearn.org), the open-sourced code of the winners, and a free “AutoDL self-service”

    Dosage, Intensity, and Frequency of Language Therapy for Aphasia: A Systematic Review-Based, Individual Participant Data Network Meta-Analysis

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Optimizing speech and language therapy (SLT) regimens for maximal aphasia recovery is a clinical research priority. We examined associations between SLT intensity (hours/week), dosage (total hours), frequency (days/week), duration (weeks), delivery (face to face, computer supported, individual tailoring, and home practice), content, and language outcomes for people with aphasia. METHODS: Databases including MEDLINE and Embase were searched (inception to September 2015). Published, unpublished, and emerging trials including SLT and >= 10 individual participant data on aphasia, language outcomes, and time post-onset were selected. Patient-level data on stroke, language, SLT, and trial risk of bias were independently extracted. Outcome measurement scores were standardized. A statistical inferencing, one-stage, random effects, network meta-analysis approach filtered individual participant data into an optimal model examining SLT regimen for overall language, auditory comprehension, naming, and functional communication pre-post intervention gains, adjusting for a priori-defined covariates (age, sex, time poststroke, and baseline aphasia severity), reporting estimates of mean change scores (95% CI). RESULTS: Data from 959 individual participant data (25 trials) were included. Greatest gains in overall language and comprehension were associated with >20 to 50 hours SLT dosage (18.37 [10.58-26.16] Western Aphasia Battery-Aphasia Quotient; 5.23 [1.51-8.95] Aachen Aphasia Test-Token Test). Greatest clinical overall language, functional communication, and comprehension gains were associated with 2 to 4 and 9+ SLT hours/week. Greatest clinical gains were associated with frequent SLT for overall language, functional communication (3-5+ days/week), and comprehension (4-5 days/week). Evidence of comprehension gains was absent for SLT <= 20 hours, <3 hours/week, and <= 3 days/week. Mixed receptive-expressive therapy, functionally tailored, with prescribed home practice was associated with the greatest overall gains. Relative variance was <30%. Risk of trial bias was low to moderate; low for meta-biases. CONCLUSIONS: Greatest language recovery was associated with frequent, functionally tailored, receptive-expressive SLT, with prescribed home practice at a greater intensity and duration than reports of usual clinical services internationally. These exploratory findings suggest critical therapeutic ranges, informing hypothesis-testing trials and tailoring of clinical services. Registration: URL: ; Unique identifier: CRD42018110947.N

    Utilising a systematic review-based approach to create a database of individual participant data for meta- and network meta-analyses: the RELEASE database of aphasia after stroke

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    Background: Collation of aphasia research data across settings, countries and study designs using big data principles will support analyses across different language modalities, levels of impairment, and therapy interventions in this heterogeneous population. Big data approaches in aphasia research may support vital analyses, which are unachievable within individual trial datasets. However, we lack insight into the requirements for a systematically created database, the feasibility and challenges and potential utility of the type of data collated. Aim: To report the development, preparation and establishment of an internationally agreed aphasia after stroke research database of individual participant data (IPD) to facilitate planned aphasia research analyses. Methods: Data were collated by systematically identifying existing, eligible studies in any language (>= 10 IPD, data on time since stroke, and language performance) and included sourcing from relevant aphasia research networks. We invited electronic contributions and also extracted IPD from the public domain. Data were assessed for completeness, validity of value-ranges within variables, and described according to pre-defined categories of demographic data, therapy descriptions, and language domain measurements. We cleaned, clarified, imputed and standardised relevant data in collaboration with the original study investigators. We presented participant, language, stroke, and therapy data characteristics of the final database using summary statistics. Results: From 5256 screened records, 698 datasets were potentially eligible for inclusion; 174 datasets (5928 IPD) from 28 countries were included, 47/174 RCT datasets (1778 IPD) and 91/174 (2834 IPD) included a speech and language therapy (SLT) intervention. Participants' median age was 63 years (interquartile range [53, 72]), 3407 (61.4%) were male and median recruitment time was 321 days (IQR 30, 1156) after stroke. IPD were available for aphasia severity or ability overall (n = 2699; 80 datasets), naming (n = 2886; 75 datasets), auditory comprehension (n = 2750; 71 datasets), functional communication (n = 1591; 29 datasets), reading (n = 770; 12 datasets) and writing (n = 724; 13 datasets). Information on SLT interventions were described by theoretical approach, therapy target, mode of delivery, setting and provider. Therapy regimen was described according to intensity (1882 IPD; 60 datasets), frequency (2057 IPD; 66 datasets), duration (1960 IPD; 64 datasets) and dosage (1978 IPD; 62 datasets). Discussion: Our international IPD archive demonstrates the application of big data principles in the context of aphasia research; our rigorous methodology for data acquisition and cleaning can serve as a template for the establishment of similar databases in other research areas