563 research outputs found

    Agame-theoretical approach to network capacity planning under competition

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    The paper discusses the dimensioning strategies of two network providers (operators) that supply channels to the same population of users in a competitive environment. Usersare assumed to compete for best service (lowest blocking probability of new request), while operators wishto maximize their profits. This setting gives rise to two interconnected, noncooperative games: a) a users game, in which the partition of primary traffic between operators is determined by the operators' channel capacities and by the users' blocking-avoidance strategy; and b) a network dimensioning game between operators in which the players alternate dimensioning decisions thatmaximize their profit rate under the current channel capacity of his/her opponent. At least for two plausible users' blocking avoidance strategies discussed in the paper, the users game will always reach some algorithmic equilibrium. In the operators' game, the player strategies are given by their numbers of deployed chanels, limited by their available infrastructure resources. If the infrastrucutre is under-dimensioned with respect to the traffic rate, the operators game willreach a Nash equilibrium when both players reach full use of their available infrastructures. Otherweise, a Nash equilibrium may also arise if both operators incur the same deployment costs. If costs are asymmetric, though, the alternating game may enter a loop. If the asymmetry is modest, both players may then try to achieve a competitive monopoly in which the opponent is forced to leave the game or operate with a loss (negative profit). However, if the asymmetry is high enough, only the player with the lower costs can force his opponent to leave the game while still holding a profitable operation. --network dimensioning,game theory,duopoly,Nash equilibrium,circuit switching,blocking probability

    Training spatial hearing skills in virtual reality through a sound-reaching task

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    Sound localization is crucial for interacting with the surrounding world. This ability can be learned across time and improved by multisensory and motor cues. In the last decade, studying the contributions of multisensory and motor cues has been facilitated by the increased adoption of virtual reality (VR). In a recent study, sound localization had been trained through a task where the visual stimuli were rendered through a VR headset, and the auditory ones through a loudspeaker moved around by the experimenter. Physically reaching to sound sources reduced sound localization errors faster and to a greater extent if compared to naming sources’ positions. Interestingly, training efficacy extended also to hearing-impaired people. Yet, this approach is unfeasible for rehabilitation at home. Fullyvirtual approaches have been used to study spatial hearing learning processes, performing headphones-rendered acoustic simulations. In the present study, we investigate whether the effects of our reaching-based training can be observed when taking advantage of such simulations, showing that the improvement is comparable between the full-VR and blended VR conditions. This validates the use of training paradigms that are completely based on portable equipment and don’t require an external operator, opening new perspectives in the field of remote rehabilitation

    An Adaptive Technique to Predict Heart Disease Using Hybrid Machine Learning Approach

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    cardiovascular disease is amongby far prevalent fatalities in today's society. Cardiovascular disease is extremely hard to predict using clinical data analysis. Machine learning (ML) hasproved to be useful for helping in judgement and predictions with the enormous amount data produced by the healthcare sectorbusiness. Furthermore, latest events in other IoT sectors have demonstrated that machine learning is used (IOT). Several studies have examined the use of MLa heart disease prediction. In this research, we describe a novel method that, by highlighting essential traits, can improvethe precision of heart disease prognosis. Numerous data combinations and well-known categorization algorithms are used to create the forecasting models. Using a decent accuracy of 88.7%, we raise the level of playusing a heart disease forecasting approach that incorporates a88.7% absolute certainty in a combination random forest and linear model. (HRFLM)

    NGC2180: a disrupting open cluster

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    The spatial dependence of luminosity and mass functions of evolved open clusters is discussed in this work using J and H 2MASS photometry. The target objects are the overlooked open cluster NGC2180 and the intermediate-age open cluster NGC3680. We conclude that, although in an advanced dynamical state (mass segregated), NGC3680 does not present strong signs of dissolution. On the other hand, NGC2180 presents flat, eroded LFs throughout its structure, indicating that in addition to mass segregation, Galactic tidal stripping has been effective in depleting this cluster of stars. Accordingly, NGC2180 may be the missing link between evolved open clusters and remnants. We study both clusters in the context of dynamical states estimated from diagnostic-diagrams involving photometric and structural parameters. Both clusters are dynamically evolved systems. In particular, NGC2180 is closer to open cluster remnants than NGC3680.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Open Cluster Characterization via Cross-Correlation with Spectral Library

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    We present a characterization method based on spectral cross-correlation to obtain the physical parameters of the controversial stellar aggregate ESO442-SC04. The data used was obtained with GMOS at Gemini-South telescope including 17 stars in the central region of the ob ject and 6 standard-stars. FXCOR was used in an iterative process to obtain self-consistent radial velocities for the standard-stars and averaged radial velocities for the science spectra. Spectral types, effective temperature, suface gravity and metallicities parameters were determined using FXCOR to correlate cluster spectra with ELODIE spectral library and selecting the best correlation matches using the Tonry and Davis Ratio (TDR). Analysis of the results suggests that the stars in ESO442-SC04 are not bound and therefore they do not constitute a physical system.Comment: 4-page paper from IAU symposium 266. Contains 3 eps figures and IAU document class file 'iau.cls

    Mini-implants, mega solutions: a review

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    Dental implants have evolved as a standard treatment option for the replacement of missing teeth. Though this treatment modality provides a high level of patient satisfaction and success, it cannot be performed in all cases. Implant use is also restricted when the quality and quantity of bone at the edentulous site is limited, in addition to medically impaired patients. Among the conditions are remaining ridges with reduced interdental spacing, atrophic edentulous maxillary and mandibular ridges, and narrow ridges such as the mandibular incisor and maxillary lateral incisor area. A proper augmentation method for the placement of a regular diameter implant (3.75 to 7 mm) can improve the height and width of bone at such sites. However, bone augmentation and bone grafting procedures are rarely undertaken due to financial constraints, the risk of subjecting the patient to additional surgical procedures, the added time factor, or the guarded prognosis of the grafted site. In such cases, mini-implants are the choice of treatment. Mini-implants have the potential to be a viable alternative to standard-diameter implants in some circumstances. Benefits of mini-implants can be gained by replacing a single missing tooth, or preferably they must be used in multiples to retain fixed dental prostheses and might serve as an inexpensive, and efficient solution for retaining overdentures in selected cases

    Management of dental office during COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a deadly protein molecule devastating the humankind and has brought down the life to a standstill. Its effect is determined by the interaction among the agent, the host and the environment. The proven fact that the spread of COVID-19 is air-borne has made it mandatory for the dental fraternity to follow a systematic protocol in clinical practice. A proper history of travel and exposure, thermal scanning, symptoms of sore throat, dry cough and difficulty in breathing makes you suspect an individual with COVID-19. It is imperative to consider only emergency and essential dental procedures to be carried out under strict aseptic measures, not only for suspects but also for routine patients. COVID-19 and dentistry are very closely related to each other as dental professionals are directly working in the oral cavity. Although the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare has issued comprehensive guidance to prevent the occurrence of hospital-acquired infection (HAI) in health facilities, the practice of universal precautions might still be lacking in many dental professionals due to improper knowledge. Data acquisition was carried out using the keywords, COVID-19, control of infection, and patient management in dental offices in PubMed, Medline, ProQuest, etc., electronic databases. There was also a manual scan of many journals and books, and highly relevant papers were considered for the present study


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    lepra sempre foi vista pela sociedade como uma ameaça e, por muito tempo, a única solução para o problema era o isolamento compulsório. No Brasil, Getúlio Vargas (1934) lança o Plano Nacional de Combate à Lepra que previa a construção de leprosários em todos os estados brasileiros. Tal plano se alicerçava no tripé: leprosários (para os infectados), dispensários (para os comunicantes) e preventórios (para os filhos indenes). No Espírito Santo foram construídos o Hospital Colônia Pedro Fontes, também conhecido como Colônia de Itanhenga e o Educandário Alzira Bley, localizados em Cariacica. O Educandário foi inaugurado em 11 de abril de 1937 com a finalidade de acolher os filhos indenes encaminhados para lá por meio de medidas regulamentares que estabeleciam a segregação imediata dos filhos dos leprosos logo após o nascimento nos hospitais-colônia. O isolamento compulsório das pessoas atingidas pela lepra e de seus filhos nos preventórios baseou-se em teorias científicas (sanitarismo/higienismo/eugenismo) que o legitimavam, e em um contexto de maior controle estatal sobre os assuntos nacionais. A partir de 1980, o uso da Poliquimioterapia (PQT) foi aconselhado para o tratamento de todas as pessoas com hanseníase no mundo, chegando ao fim o isolamento dos leprosos. Dentro deste contexto houve também o fim do isolamento compulsório dos filhos indenes que habitavam os educandários. Estes, por sua vez, foram (re) introduzidos na sociedade. O relatório preliminar da Secretaria de Direitos Humanos da Presidência da República (25/09/2012), sobre os filhos segregados de pais portadores de lepra submetidos à política de isolamento compulsório, mais de 33.689 crianças foram isoladas ao longo de 59 anos, período que durou o isolamento dos filhos. No Espírito Santo são mais de mil crianças. A hipótese que norteia este estudo é que a implantação de uma política pública de segregação pelo Estado transformou de maneira profunda e irreversível a vida social e violou os direitos de muitas crianças e adolescentes internados compulsoriamente no Educandário Alzira Bley. O objetivo deste trabalho foi demonstrar as estratégias políticas e espaciais utilizadas para a segregação social da população leprosa e sua prole sadia no Espírito Santo; apresentar aspectos da vida dos internos dentro das instituições preventoriais, caracterizar a população dos egressos na atualidade e as consequências da segregação na vida deles. A metodologia empregada para odesenvolvimento da pesquisa envolve as pesquisas bibliográfica, documental e pesquisa empírica com aplicação de questionários e os relatos das histórias de vida dos ex-internos do Educandário Alzira Bley. A partir destas informações pudemos traçar o perfil desta população que foi (re) introduzida na sociedade após o fim da internação compulsória: são pessoas com baixo grau de escolaridade; dispostas a ocupar subempregos ou empregos com baixa remuneração; que se estabeleceram majoritariamente em bairros próximos ao Educandário ou na RMGV, apresentando baixa autoestima e dificuldades para manter os relacionamentos familiares

    O Isolamento no Hospital Colônia Pedro Fontes - Itanhenga/ES e a Característica da População do Educandário Alzira Bley no Período de 1937 a 2012.

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    Utiliza um banco de dados como fonte de pesquisa para a caracterização da população do Educandário Alzira Bley, localizado na BR 101 - km 9, bairro de Itanhenga, Cariacica/ES.desde, a sua fundação em 1937 até 2012. Caracteriza e analisa a população do Educandário, com as informações provenientes de uma fonte de dados documental e histórica contida nos dois livros de registros do Educandário e seus arquivos fotográficos. As informações sobre as 3.432 pessoas compõem um banco de dados e as fotografias foram digitalizadas. No estudo foram feitas entrevistas semi-estruturadas com funcionários e ex-internos do Educandário, que deram vida e movimento às análises dos gráficos e tabelas elaborados a partir do banco de dados. Para o embasamento teórico do estudo da população são empregados conceitos pertinentes à transição demográfica e à transição epidemiológica, às migrações forçadas, às redes migratórias e às características da população (sexo, idade, cor, origem e suas variações) que forneceram os elementos para a análise do estado da população em diferentes momentos históricos. A Geografia Histórica completa os referenciais teóricos desta investigação, pois muitas características geográficas requerem estudos históricos para uma explicação satisfatória de como chegaram ao que são hoje. O estudo do passado de um determinado lugar requer fontes que permitam recompor, mesmo que parcialmente, sua história. As fotografias, os depoimentos e livros de registros do Educandário propiciaram a caracterização da população que passou e/ou viveu no Educandário Alzira Bley ao longo destes 75 anos. Palavras-chave: Hanseníase. Hospital Colônia Pedro Fontes. Geografia da População. Geografia Histórica. Educandário Alzira Ble