46 research outputs found

    La incidencia de los procesos de desarrollo en la creación de la fonología de una segunda lengua

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    Studies on the processes that shape the learning/acquisition of a second language phonology mainly deal with defining the nature of transfer processes and internal developmental processes and clarifying the roles played by these two different influences. There seems to be disagreement with respect to the importance that should be given to each of these processes. In our opinion, any research to be carried out in this field must take into account the learner's new phonological system, particularly in terms of the existence of clear systematic and structured characteristics. If attention is paid to the nature of the regular properties of interlanguage (IL) phonology, it should be possible to analyze more accurately the influence of the mother tongue (L1), the target language (L2) and the learner's own systematic phonological development. It is our intention, then, to point out the need to study the sometimes neglected, internal developmental processes in the explanation of how interlanguage phonology is created

    Resultados de aprendizaje de los programas CLIL: una comparación entre contextos urbanos y rurales

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    After approximately two decades of implementing CLIL programmes in Spain, there is still a lack of solid grounding on the effects of this kind of approach in areas other than the development of the foreign language being used as the vehicle of instruction. This study combines an analysis of the learning outcomes of the language classes of both the foreign language and the mother tongue, of science subjects, of the relationship between psycho-affective factors such as verbal reasoning, motivation, anxiety, indifference and self -demand, and of the role of extramural exposure, in two distinct contexts, rural vs. urban schools. 295 students from two different grades (in Primary Education and in Compulsory Secondary Education) have been investigated in order to examine the relative influence of all these dimensions on the success rate of the CLIL programme under implementation, with the idea that students from rural and urban schools may perform differently. Results show that even though urban students seem to perform better in some of the above dimensions, there are not many apparent differences between students in rural and urban schools and, when existing, differences are not significant in the majority of the dimensions evaluated. Data suggests that the dissimilarity of results between schools is caused by a mixture of factors in the teaching and learning process but cannot be solely accredited to the characteristics of the two distinct school settings.Tras casi dos décadas de programas AICLE en España todavía existe una falta de estudios que avalen sus resultados en otros ámbitos que no sea el de la mejora de la lengua extranjera utilizada como vehículo de instrucción. Este estudio combina el análisis de resultados en la lengua extranjera y la lengua materna (español) como asignaturas curriculares, la asignatura de ciencias, la influencia de factores afectivos tales como la motivación, la ansiedad, el desinterés y la autoexigencia, y el papel de factores extramurales, en dos ámbitos distintos: el rural y el urbano. En el estudio han participado 295 alumnos de dos cursos diferentes: 6º de educación primaria y 4º de educación secundaria obligatoria, con el fin de estudiar la influencia relativa de todas esas dimensiones para el éxito del AICLE, en la idea de que los resultados pueden ser distintos ya se trate de alumnos de entornos rurales o urbanos. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que aunque estos pueden ser más positivos a favor de los alumnos de entornos urbanos en algunas de las dimensiones estudiadas, no existen diferencias significativas entre los alumnos de ambos entornos y que, cuando existen las diferencias, no son tampoco significativas en la mayoría de las dimensiones. Estos datos, por tanto, sugieren que las diferencias encontradas entre los alumnos de los dos cursos se deben a una mezcla de factores relacionados con el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje más que a las características propias de los contextos rural y urbano.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, under Grant FFI2012-32221, and by the Junta de Andalucía, under Grant P12-HUM-23480

    Enhancing the quality of clil: making the best of the collaboration between language teachers and content teachers

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    Success in CLIL depends on making students able to understand and express academic material. In theory, a high linguistic competence will enable students to smoothly deal with the content, although there might be occasions in which the students are not equipped with a solid command of the basic linguistic skills. The idea posited in this article is that, in parallel with other procedures and measures brought up to promote a correct employment of the language, the construction of a structure of collaboration between the language and the content teachers could contribute to attain positive results in CLIL, and may help mitigate the consequences of a possible linguistic deficit. In particular, the collaboration between the language and content teachers, the collaboration between the content teachers themselves, and the collaboration between all the languages present in the curriculum (mother tongue, language of instruction/foreign language, and any other languages) may result in a better ability to work with academic material on the part of the students, and may provide them with the necessary linguistic support to understand and express this content. We will discuss the theoretical foundations behind this proposal, and we will put forward a series of recommendations aiming at establishing and carrying out this structure of collaboration and coordination.El éxito de AICLE depende en gran medida de si el alumnado es capaz de comprender y expresar el material académico. Así, en teoría una competencia lingüística alta asegura fluidez en el tratamiento de los contenidos, aunque en algunos casos el alumnado puede no llegar a contar con unas capacidades lingüísticas adecuadas. En este artículo propondremos que, junto con algunas de las medidas tradicionales encaminadas a promover un uso correcto de la lengua, el diseño de una estructura de colaboración entre el profesorado de lenguas y el de contenidos puede contribuir a la mejora de los resultados en AICLE, e incluso a mitigar un posible problema de insuficiente dominio lingüístico. En particular, la colaboración entre el profesorado de lengua y de contenidos, la colaboración entre el profesorado de contenidos y la colaboración entre el profesorado de las lenguas implicadas en el programa (lengua materna, lengua de instrucción y otras lenguas, si las hubiere) redundará en un aumento en la facilidad para trabajar con el material académico y le proporcionará al alumnado un necesario apoyo lingüístico para facilitar su comprensión y su expresión. Analizaremos los fundamentos teóricos que se encuentran detrás de esta propuesta y ofreceremos una serie de indicaciones para llevar a cabo esta estructura de colaboración

    Beginners’ Attitude towards Doing and Using Translation Exercises in Reading Comprehension Classes

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    Due to the dominance of the monolingual approaches to foreign language teaching, translation was either marginalized or definitely banned. The role of translation has been criticized for being inappropriate, developing laziness and causing interference which are regarded detrimental to foreign language learning. However, with the technological advancement and the great need for communication, the role of translation started to grow steadily. Nowadays, translation is being perceived differently from the past. Theorists, scholars and pedagogues are currently reconsidering the facilitative role which translation can play in foreign language teaching in general and the EFL in specific. The main purpose of this study was to investigate Moroccan beginner learners’ attitudes towards the use of translation exercises in reading comprehension classes. To do this all, the study employed a quantitative method. For this purpose, 63 Moroccan middle school beginner learners of English were asked to answer a five-point Likert scale questionnaire after going through the experience of doing translation activities in reading comprehension classes for a school year. Data analysis and statistical calculations revealed that beginner learners appreciated doing translation exercises. Analysis also showed that the students have a positive attitude towards incorporating translation exercises in the teaching of reading comprehension. Keywords: foreign language learning, reading comprehension, translation exercises DOI: 10.7176/JEP/13-32-02 Publication date: November 30th 202

    Preocupaciones del profesorado ante la implantación de programas AICLE

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    The implementation of content and language integrated learning (CLIL) means significant changes in the way in which teaching is planned, sequenced and carried out. The adoption of a new curriculum, which integrates linguistic and nonlinguistic material, as well as the linguistic and methodological needs that come with the introduction of this type of teaching, have generated feelings of concern and uncertainty. This paper reports those concerns and uncertainties in the Andalusian context, and strives for clarifying issues related to the theoretical assumptions, teaching implementation and creation of teaching units in CLIL.La implantación de la enseñanza integrada de lengua y contenidos (AICLE) supone la adopción de cambios significativos en la forma en la que la enseñanza es planificada, organizada y llevada a cabo. La adopción de un nuevo currículo basado en la integración de las áreas lingüísticas y de contenidos, así como los requisitos lingüísticos y metodológicos derivados de su implantación generan cierta preocupación y desconfianza. Este artículo aborda las causas que producen esta preocupación en el contexto de Andalucía, revisando los principios de la enseñanza AICLE en lo relativo a sus fundamentos teóricos y la problemática derivada de su aplicación


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    AbstractStudies on the processes that shape the learning/acquisition of a second language phonology mainly deal with defining the nature of transfer processes and internal developmental processes and clarifying the roles played by these two different influences. There seems to be disagreement with respect to the importance that should be given to each of these processes. In our opinion, any research to be carried out in this field must take into account the learner's new phonological system, particularly in terms of the existence of clear systematic and structured characteristics. If attention is paid to the nature of the regular properties of interlanguage (IL) phonology, it should be possible to analyze more accurately the influence of the mother tongue (L1), the target language (L2) and the learner's own systematic phonological development. It is our intention, then, to point out the need to study the sometimes neglected, internal developmental processes in the explanation of how interlanguage phonology is created

    La formación del profesorado de educación primaria para CLIL: innovación por medio de la colaboración

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    The escalating number of bilingual schools in Spain has provoked an unsustainable demand of field professionals. As a result, higher education is implementing bilingual teacher training programs at the bachelor level, which are aimed at preparing primary education teachers for bilingual contexts. These degrees usually train prospective educators from a linguistic standpoint and may not guide students in methodological principles that promote successful integration of subject and language work. A shift of focus on the training of these future teachers could be adopted based on the development of student teachers’ linguistic and methodological professional capacities in order to qualify them to be successfully incorporated in a bilingual professional context. This study analyzes the implementation of a framework of collaboration between university teachers and experienced bilingual teachers. The data extracted from the opinions of the participants have resulted in a comprehensive approach constructing bilingualism on an expanded collaborative philosophy. The results obtained from the over-all experience point to the benefits of incorporating in-service teachers in the training of future bilingual teachers through the establishment of a sustainable connection in higher education.El considerable aumento de los centros bilingües en España ha provocado una gran demanda de profesionales especializados. Como resultado, las universidades están comenzando a ofrecer titulaciones para formar al profesorado de centros bilingües. Normalmente se trata de estudios de Grado en los que el ámbito lingüístico ocupa un lugar preponderante pero que no suelen incluir una tención expresa a los principios metodológicos que animan y promueven la integración de lengua y contenido. Este tipo de formación debería cambiar el foco para centrarse en el desarrollo de las capacidades lingüísticas y también metodológicas del futuro profesorado bilingüe con el objetivo de formarlos convenientemente para estos contextos. En el presente estudio se analiza la puesta en marcha de una estructura de colaboración entre profesores universitarios y profesores experimentados de centros bilingües a través de datos obtenidos de las opiniones de profesorado de ambos niveles partipantes en el proyecto. Los resultados atestiguan los beneficios de incorporar al profesorado en activo en centros bilingües en la formación de los futuros profesores para este tipo de enseñanza

    La internacionalización lingüística en la educación superior: un estudio sobre la existencia de políticas lingüísticas y titulaciones bilingües en las universidades españolas

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    The process of internationalization at university has become one of the objectives in the strategic plans of these institutions in Spain. During the last two decades this objective has included the offer of studies in English as a means of furthering the international profile of universities. This interest has led to two alternative models ideated to achieve this goal. That is, on the one hand, the motivation to increase the number of credits taught through English may have originated in the Faculties or Schools, stemming from highly motivated groups of teachers; whereas, on the other, the university as a global institution may have opted for designing an educational policy aiming at expanding this particular proposal. However, we can observe that there is a lack of identification in scientific literature of the presence of global language policies at the university level, and of the general tendencies in the offer of credits in a foreign language. In this paper, we will try to cover this gap by reviewing the current situation of Spanish universities with regards to the delineation of language policies in general and in particular regarding the implementation of bilingual degrees.El proceso de internacionalización de las universidades ha sido uno de los objetivos recurrentes en los planes estratégicos de las instituciones universitarias y, desde hace algunos años particularmente, este proceso ha desembocado en el interés por ofertar estudios en inglés como un medio para fomentar el perfil internacional de las universidades. Este interés ha dado lugar a dos modelos diferentes para conseguir este objetivo. Así, el incremento del número de créditos ofertados en inglés puede haber nacido directamente en los propios centros y facultades a partir de grupos de profesores altamente motivados, mientras que, por otro lado, han sido las propias universidades quienes de forma global han optado por diseñar políticas educativas encaminadas a aumentar esta oferta docente. Sin embargo, se puede observar una escasez de estudios relacionados con la presencia de políticas lingüística globales a nivel universitario y con las tendencias en la implantación de estudios bilingües. En este artículo intentaremos cubrir esta carencia mediante la revisión dela situación actual de las universidades españolas con respecto al diseño de políticas lingüísticas en general y en particular las encaminadas a la implantación de grados bilingües

    La visión del profesorado y alumnado sobre el uso de la interacción mediante el uso de tareas en AICLE

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    Task-based learning is a methodological strategy which can be of use in the integrated learning of language and subject matter, and its appropriateness for CLIL has been reported in different contexts (Cendoya & di Bin, 2010; Escobar & Sánchez, 2009; Poisel, 2012; Tardieu & Doltisky, 2012). This study investigates the perceptions that teachers and students have of the use of task-based learning as an instrument to favour participation and interaction in CLIL. Particularly, the objective is to analyse these areas in a special context, with students exhibiting a low linguistic proficiency in a language school specifically oriented to the application of CLIL.La enseñanza por tareas constituye una herramienta pedagógica adecuada para la enseñanza integrada de lengua y contenidos (AICLE), y su efectividad ha sido demostrada en diferentes contextos (Cendoya y di Bin, 2010; Escobar y Sánchez, 2009; Poisel, 2012; Tardieu y Doltisky, 2012). Este estudio se propone investigar las opiniones de profesores y alumnos sobre la relación entre la enseñanza por tareas y el fomento de la participación y la interacción en AICLE. Su objetivo es analizar estas áreas en un contexto diferente, un centro de idiomas, y con alumnos con una capacidad comunicativa no ideal en la lengua extranjera

    Training primary student teachers for CLIL: innovation through collaboration

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    The escalating number of bilingual schools in Spain has provoked an unsustainable demand of field professionals. As a result, higher education is implementing bilingual teacher training programs at the bachelor level, which are aimed at preparing primary education teachers for bilingual contexts. These degrees usually train prospective educators from a linguistic standpoint and may not guide students in methodological principles that promote successful integration of subject and language work. A shift of focus on the training of these future teachers could be adopted based on the development of student teachers’ linguistic and methodological professional capacities in order to qualify them to be successfully incorporated in a bilingual professional context. This study analyzes the implementation of a framework of collaboration between university teachers and experienced bilingual teachers. The data extracted from the opinions of the participants have resulted in a comprehensive approach constructing bilingualism on an expanded collaborative philosophy. The results obtained from the over-all experience point to the benefits of incorporating in-service teachers in the training of future bilingual teachers through the establishment of a sustainable connection in higher education