794 research outputs found

    The prediction of wake wash in the towing tank

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    The wash or ship-generated waves from high speed craft has become a common subject in research and development of marine transportation. Since some time now the wake wash of high speed craft has become a problem in particular on inland or confined waterways. This wake wash has an impact on safety and environment such as bank/shoreline erosion, risk to people on shore and small boats in harbors and changes in the local ecology. This paper describes the results of model test of a high speed patrol, together with theoretical prediction of wake wash

    The Effect Of Chemical Treatment On The Pulp And Paper Properties Of Banana (Musa Sp.) Stem And Its Effect On Blending With Secondary Fibers

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    Batang pisang (Musa sp.) dikaji untuk digunakan sebagai alternatif bagi menggantikan kayu untuk pengeluaran pulpa dan kertas. Pemulpaan separa kimia batang pisang melibatkan tiga pembolehubah pemulpaan (suhu: 30-90 °C, masa: 25- 75 min, kepekatan alkali: 5-15%) dalam rawatan kimia. Banana (Musa sp.) stem is studied to be used as the alternative to replace wood for the production of pulp and paper. Semichemical pulping of banana stem involved three pulping variables (temperature: 30–90°C, time: 25-75 min, alkali concentration: 5-15%) in chemical treatment


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    Electrical transmission line is it medium to carry power loads from one station to another station, therefore, it is one of the most important projects in power business. To maintain the reliability and safety of' the structure, the dynamic and static load acting on transmission structure should be thoroughly studied before an efficient design may be obtained. I ligh standard of design to cater effect of wind load must be implemented to preclude any structural Ihilure which will interrupt the national grid supply of power. The main objective of this study is to identify the behavior of electrical transmission tower due to lateral wind forces. In addition, this study aims to evaluate current design practice adopted by Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) on its adequacy and in optimization of their design. The study begins with comprehensive research and literature review on behavior of transmission tower and conductor under wind loads. A 132kV electrical transmission tower is identified for the purpose of analysis. The calculation of design wind loads are in accordance with American Society of* Civil Engineers (ASCE) 7-05 Minimum Design Loads for Building and Other Structures. The electrical transmission tower is assumed located at mountainous area with it wind speed of' 38 m/s and assessed as a global structure under normal situation as well as under broken conductor situation. As the outcome of the analysis, it design assessment of the transmission tower is provided. Subsequently, the reliability of' TNB current practice of design and the design adequacy is evaluated

    Brain Analysis While Playing 2D and 3D Video Games of Nintendo 3DS Using Electroencephalogram (EEG)

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    To be able to gain knowledge of human brain and study tbe perception of human towards stimulated events, emotions and sense, scientists have been using few main methods. They are Electroencephalograph (EEG), Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT) scans, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) and Magnetoencephalograph (MEG). These technologies, up to this date are able to help scientists, researchers and doctors to understand how brain works and doing analysis upon tbem. [1]. Meanwhile tbis prqject will be focusing on the usage of EEG to do tbe analysis on human brain. The EEG shows electrical impulses of tbe brain and can be recorded in form of waves. Recently, tbe emerging of auto stereoscopic 3D technology of Nintendo 3DS has bring new gaming experience as players can see 3D. The objective of this project is to use EEG equipment to analyse tbe activity of human brain when playing console game Nintendo 3DS in 2 dimensions (2D) mode and 3 dimensions (3D) mode. The purpose of this project is also to study and compare on human brain perception of 2D and 3D gaming. Our brain perceives 2D and 3D moving images of video games differently, and we would want to study how different tbey are. In tbe end, tbis project will be able to explain and conclude how human brain responds to 2D and 3D gaming of Nintendo 3DS console game and what difference tbey make in human visual system of brain

    A study on the cause of job stress among employees in Human Resource Department of Bank Rakyat / Nathira Hidzir Pauzi

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    The study is about the cause of job stress among employees in Human Resource Department of Bank Rakyat. The objectives of this study are to investigate the relationship between work overload, career progression, and long working hours as the cause of job stress. The research was carried out at the Human Resource Department of Bank Rakyat at Jalan Tangsi. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data using the SPSS version 17.0. Correlation analyses were conducted to test the relationship between job stress with work overload, career progression, and long working hours; whereas descriptive analysis was conducted to analyze demographic characteristics of respondents. The findings showed that all three factors have significant and positive relationship with job stress. Findings of this study also resulted in the strong relationship between work overload and job stress, career progression and job stress, and moderate relationship between long working hours and job stress. However, the finding shows that work overload have the strongest relationship with job stress


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    Novotel Hotel Bandung merupakan salah satu hotel bintang empat berskala internasional yang berlokasi di Kota Bandung. Hotel ini merupakan bagian dari Accor Hotels Group yang memilik masalah terkait kepuasan karyawan. Masalah kepuasan karyawan ini diukur oleh tingginya labour turnover karyawan dan tingginya tingkat absensi karyawan yang terjadi di Novotel Hotel Bandung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh temuan mengenai pengaruh pelatihan (X1) dan kompensasi non finansial (X2) sebagai variabel bebas terhadap kepuasan karyawan (Y) sebagai variabel terikat di Novotel Hotel Bandung. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif. Data ini diperoleh dari 80 karyawan yang merupakan karyawan kontrak dan tetap di Novotel Hotel Bandung melalui kuesioner yang telah disebarkan. Pengambilan sampel ini dilakukan menggunakan Teknik Purposive Sampling. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pelatihan dan kompensasi non finansial memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kepuasan karyawan sebesar 52,8%. Teknik analisis dan uji hipotesis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu regresi linear berganda karena penelitian ini menggunakan 3 variabel dengan 2 variabel bebas dan 1 variabel terikat serta menggunakan skala ordinal. Hasil dari analisis regresi linear berganda dalam penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa Pelatihan dan kompensasi non finansial secara signifikan berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan karyawan di Novotel Hotel Bandung baik secara simultan atau bersama maupun secara parsial atau masing-masing. Kata Kunci : pelatihan, kompensasi non finansial, dan kepuasan karyawan. Novotel Hotel Bandung is one of the international four stars hotel that located on Bandung City. The hotel is part of the Accor Hotels Group that has employee satisfaction issues. The problem of employee satisfaction is measured by the employee’s labour turnover and the emplyee’s attendance rate in Novotel Hotel Bandung. The study aims to find out the effect of training (X1) and non-financial compensation (X2) as independent variable towards employee's satisfaction (Y) as dependent variable in Novotel Hotel Bandung.The method used in this study is quantitative method. The data was obtained from 80 employees who are contract employees and remain in Novotel Hotel Bandung through questionnaires that have been shared. The sample was collected using purposive sampling. The result shows that training and non-financial compensation have the significant effect towards employee's satisfaction with 52.8% value. Analysis techniques and Hypothetical test used in the study was mulptile linear regression due to the study using 3 variables with 2 independent variables and 1 dependent variable with using the ordinal scale. The result of linear regression analysis in the study state that training and non-financial compensation significantly effect the employee's satisfaction in Novotel Hotel Bandung either simultaneously or jointly nor partially or individually. Keywords : training, non-financial compensation, and employee satisfaction

    Analisis Implementasi Kompensasi Lingkungan Pembangunan Infrastruktur: Studi Kasus di Kota Makassar

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    Environmental compensation was the project’s executive obligation to be implemented. This was according to government policies both central and regional to achieve sustainable development. This research aimed to analyze the implementation of the environmental compensation on Andi Pangeran Pettarani Makassar highway construction. This research was conducted at the location of Andi Pangeran Pettarani highway construction project, which was located in Makassar. The key informants were the project’s executive, as well as the community who were the complementary informants. This research used qualitative approach, focused on the implementation of environmental compensation of Andi Pangeran Pettarani highway construction. As for the research design, the researcher used Case Study Research Design. The result of the research showed that the implementation of environmental compensation of Andi Pangeran Pettarani highway construction had been running optimally. Furthermore, (1) The availability of time was already established by terms and resources commitment from PT Bosowa Marga Nusantara that had budgeted 1.5 billion for the provision of new Green Open Space (Ruang Hijau Terbuka) and PT Nusantara Infrastruktur (NI) that had  planted 2000 trees collaborated with the Ward Service of Makassar. (2) The implemented policies based on provisions of act 26 in 2007 about space governance, The Minister of Public Works Reguation Number 5 on 2008 and The Makassar Mayor’s rules number 69 in 2016 about User License (3) The comprehension and agreement only occurs between the project executive and the Makassar’s government, but there was no agreement involving the community. It could be seen that there was no public consultation and the rise of complaints from environmental observers. Keywords: Implementation; Compensation; Green Open Spac

    Peristiwa Bukit Kepong dalam Novel Bukit Kepong dan Filem Bukit Kepong Berdasarkan Pendekatan Historisme Baru

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    Kajian ini bertitik tolak daripada pertikaian Ismail Johari terhadap apa yang didakwa oleh beliau sebagai ketidaktepatan fakta tentang peristiwa Bukit Kepong dalam filem “Bukit Kepong”. Pertikaian ini yang mendorong Ismail Johari menulis novel Bukit Kepong yang didasarkan kepada matlamat-matlamat penulisannya. Matlamat ini berlegar sekitar hasratnya untuk memperbetulkan fakta-fakta tentang peristiwa Bukit Kepong dalam filem tersebut. Ini menimbulkan persoalan tentang sejauh manakah Ismail Johari berhasil merealisasikan matlamat-matlamat penulisan yang digariskannya itu. Dengan latar belakang dan persoalan ini, kajian ini disasarkan untuk mencapai 3 objektif, iaitu menganalisis fakta-fakta tentang peristiwa Bukit Kepong dalam novel Bukit Kepong karya Ismail Johari, membandingkan fakta-fakta tentang peristiwa Bukit Kepong dalam novel Bukit Kepong, filem “Bukit Kepong” dan sumber-sumber sejarah, dan seterusnya, menilai ketepatan penghasilan novel Bukit Kepong berdasarkan matlamat penulisan Ismail Johari. Dalam usaha mencapai objektif-objektif ini, kajian ini memanfaatkan Historisisme Baru sebagai pendekatan kajian. Untuk itu, prinsip penting Historisisme Baru digunapakai, iaitu prinsip “sejarah terdedah kepada pentafsiran semula”. Dengan memanfaatkan prinsip ini, kajian ini berhasil memperolehi beberapa penemuan penting. Pertama, novel didapati menonjolkan peranan dan sumbangan semua anggota polis yang terlibat dalam peristiwa serangan terhadap Balai Polis Bukit Kepong, tanpa memperagakan watak-watak tertentu sebagai wira tunggal. Kedua, novel didapati meletakkan watak SJN 3493 Jamil b. Mohd. Shah sebagai seorang ketua balai polis yang berkaliber, bijak mengatur strategi serta pandai memanfaatkan kelebihan yang ada pada pasukannya untuk mempertahankan Balai Polis Bukit Kepong, dan maruah pasukan polis secara keseluruhannya. Ketiga, novel didapati mengiktiraf sumbangan anggota polis bantuan (AP) serta penduduk kampung di bawah pimpinan Penghulu Ali, yang membantu anggota polis untuk menafikan kemenangan mudah pihak komunis. Dan keempat, novel didapati menonjolkan keberanian dan pengorbanan kaum keluarga anggota polis yang terlibat dalam peristiwa serangan itu. Berdasarkan penemuan-penemuan di atas juga, kajian ini mendapati bahawa Ismail Johari dapat merealisasikan matlamat-matlamat penulisan yang digariskannya dalam penulisan novel Bukit Kepong

    Isolation of potential Trichoderma spp. as biological control agents against rice blast Pathogen, Pyricularia oryzae / Siti Faridah Pauzi

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    Rice is most important source to worldwide, especially in Malaysia in term of economic and as source of food. Moreover, rice is becoming sources of income for smallholder farmers. However, in this globalization the production of rice unable to fulfil the population demand because of the present of diseases. Rice blast is one of major diseases that causes by Pyricularia oryae and known as the most destruction disease that potential to cause 100% loss of yield under a favorable conditions. Although there have a lot of methods to control P. oryzae included use resistant varieties, applying fungicide and rotation farming unfortunately all of those method not long lasting. The aims of these study were to isolate Trichoderma spp. as a biological control agents against P. oryzae and to observe the inhibition of P. oryzae by Trichoderma spp. in vivo assays. Meanwhile, for species level of identify of Trichoderma spp. were done based on colony color and shape of conidia. There five of isolates of Trichoderma spp. which is TH1, TH2, TH3, TH4 and TM1. The potential of Trichoderma spp. to control P. oryzae was observed using dual culture technique. As biological control agent, isolates of Trichoderma spp. showed more than 50% growth inhibition of P. oryzae on the seven days of incubation in dual culture method and TM1 is the most effective among five isolates