67 research outputs found

    How does Latin America fit into high technology?

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    Industrial policies in a changing world: Brazilian transition to the new paradigm

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    Globalization and E-Commerce V: Environment and Policy in Brazil

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    In Brazil, high inflation rates and public policies for local information technology (IT) development encouraged the early adoption of IT, including electronic data interchange (EDI), especially in the banking industry. Starting in the early 1970s, Brazil developed capabilities both in the production and use of information technologies. Mexico and Brazil are the only Latin American countries with substantial IT hardware production. Since inflation control became the highest priority in economic policy in the 1990s, the Brazilian economy has grown at a relatively slow pace compared to historical growth rates. Brazil ranks third in the Americas in GDP value. However, in per capita terms, it falls behind the top five wealthiest countries in Latin America. Education levels increased substantially in the last decade. Primary education is almost universal (95.7%). 78.5% of the population in the secondary education age group is enrolled, compared to less than 60% in 1992. In 2000, investments in telecommunications as a percentage of the GDP were the highest in Latin America. In the last four years, fixed line teledensity doubled while cellular subscribers quintupled. In per capita terms, Brazil is now at the Latin American average, both in fixed lines and cellular phones. In 2000, teledensity was about 23 fixed lines per 100 people, 15% of whom were connected to the Internet. The development of the Internet in Brazil was somewhat similar to the NSF Net program in the United States. The National Research Network (RNP) began to operate a national backbone in 1991. In 1996, the backbone became available for commercial purposes. The government is active in promoting e-commerce diffusion, especially through the e-government initiative. This initiative includes on-line purchasing, government information, tax collection, and other applications. However, government programs lack coordination and resources. The use of the Internet as a business tool is most advanced in information- related sectors such as finance, communications, information services, and other services that can easily be digitized. The banking sector leads e-commerce diffusion, followed by government and retailing. Consumers in countries such as Brazil are increasingly demanding products from Web sites located in their own countries. To succeed in the Brazilian e-commerce market, multinational Internet companies need to invest in local content and distribution networks. Although the diffusion of the Internet presents many opportunities for social development, notably in the fields of education, health, and information, the future growth of e-commerce in Brazil may be limited by social and economic factors such as income level, income distribution, and education

    Liberalismo, protecionismo e difusão de tecnologia: o caso da indústria de equipamentos de automação industrial de base microeletrônica

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    Unavailable.O presente trabalho pretende discutir a questão da difusão de tecnologia, a luz da experiência brasileira em projetar de base microeletrônica. Em particular pretendemos verificar a relevância de ter ou não uma indústria local, com razoável nível de endogenização do processo decisório e capacitação tecnológica sucesso do processo de difusão

    Economia da informação: implicações para o terceiro mundo

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    O Brasil e a indústria mundial de informática

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    Inovação e teorias da firma em três paradigmas

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    Desde os tempos de Alfred Marshall, a teoria econômica procura criar modelos que capturem a lógica do comportamento das firmas e dos mercados. Os resultados destes esforços não resultaram em um quadro analítico convergente, já que persistem controvérsias importantes acerca do papel das diferentes forças que influenciam o crescimento e os objetivos da firma. Winter (1993), ao se perguntar sobre o que a economia tem a dizer sobre o papel das empresas em uma economia de mercado, conclui que a resposta seria o silêncio, seguido de uma “babel de respostas significativamente conflitivas”. A origem destes desencontros deriva de importantes diferenças conceituais, metodológicas e ideológicas entre as principais correntes teóricas que estudam a firma. No entanto, ao se analisar a evolução das teorias da firma, é possível perceber uma grande carência de análises empíricas do funcionamento da firma ao longo da história, um recurso que, devidamente explorado, poderia contribuir para elucidar a origem destas divergências

    Como a América Latina se enquadra na alta tecnologia?

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    Departing from the idea that there are opportunities, as well as obstacles, for the technological development in Latin America, the article supports the thesis that the introduction in the region of new sectors or technologies may create more effective conditions for the promotion of economic development than just the reproduction of activities that are already technologically mature. As a result, the selective introduction of new technologies, by means of the strengthening of local activities of Research and Development, is considered an adequate strategy for countries that already have a minimal basis in terms of industry and human resources, capable of enabling them to profit from the new opportunities created by the revolution of microelectronics. The brazilian experience is examined, being emphasized the results attained by the industries of "professional electronics" - in which there is government intervention to promote inovation - and "consumption-goods electronics" - where both foreign investments and technology are easily accesible. The importance of independent development in Research and Development is emphasized, due to its importance for creating the preconditions for the absortion and efficient use of advanced imported technologies.Departing from the idea that there are opportunities, as well as obstacles, for the technological development in Latin America, the article supports the thesis that the introduction in the region of new sectors or technologies may create more effective conditions for the promotion of economic development than just the reproduction of activities that are already technologically mature. As a result, the selective introduction of new technologies, by means of the strengthening of local activities of Research and Development, is considered an adequate strategy for countries that already have a minimal basis in terms of industry and human resources, capable of enabling them to profit from the new opportunities created by the revolution of microelectronics. The brazilian experience is examined, being emphasized the results attained by the industries of "professional electronics" - in which there is government intervention to promote inovation - and "consumption-goods electronics" - where both foreign investments and technology are easily accesible. The importance of independent development in Research and Development is emphasized, due to its importance for creating the preconditions for the absortion and efficient use of advanced imported technologies

    Perspectivas da indústria brasileira de computadores na 2ª metade da década de 80

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    Political economy of Latin American telecommunications : multilateral agreements and national regulatory systems

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    This paper looks at how recent trends in international telecommunication services agreements impact Latin America. It starts by developing a framework for analysis of conflicts, challenges and local interests in the service industry. It then reviews major regional and international agreements concerning regulation of telecommunication services, namely GATS/WTO, Mercosur and NAFTA, and discusses how these agreements affect telecommunication regulation in Latin America. Finally, the paper enquires into main areas of conflicts and national and subregional reactions in response to the new agenda