240 research outputs found

    Atrial Fibrillation Diagnosis using ECG Records and Self-Report in the Community:Cross-Sectional Analysis from ELSA-Brasil

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    FUNDAMENTO: A fibrilação ou flutter atrial (FFA) é a arritmia cardíaca sustentada mais comum. Existem poucos dados sobre a epidemiologia da FFA na América do Sul. OBJETIVO: O presente estudo procurou descrever a epidemiologia clínica da FFA e o uso de anticoagulantes na avaliação da linha de base do Estudo Longitudinal da Saúde do Adulto (ELSA-Brasil). MÉTODOS: Foram analisados dados de 13.260 participantes do ELSA-Brasil. A FFA foi definida pelo eletrocardiograma ou por autorrelato. Modelos de regressão logística foram construídos para analisar fatores associados à FFA. Este estudo também analisou se idade e sexo estavam associados ao uso de anticoagulantes para evitar acidente vascular cerebral. O nível de significância foi de 5%. RESULTADOS: A idade mediana foi de 51 anos, e 7.213 (54,4%) participantes eram mulheres. A FFA foi detectada em 333 (2,5%) participantes. O aumento da idade (razão de chances [RC]:1,05; intervalo de confiança de 95% [IC95%]: 1,04-1,07), hipertensão (RC:1,44; IC95%:1,14-1,81) coronariopatia (RC: 5,11; IC95%:3,85–6,79), insuficiência cardíaca (RC:7,37; IC95%:5,00–10,87) e febre reumática (RC:3,38; IC95%:2,28–5,02) foram associadas à FFA. Dos 185 participantes com FFA e pontuação no CHA(2)DS(2)-VASc≥2, apenas 20 (10,8%) usavam anticoagulantes (50,0% entre aqueles com FFA no eletrocardiograma de linha de base). O uso de anticoagulantes nesse grupo foi associado a maior idade (1,8% vs 17,7% naqueles com idade ≤ 54 e ≥ 65 anos, respectivamente; p=0,013). Observou-se uma tendência ao menor uso de anticoagulantes em mulheres (7,1% vs. 16,4% em mulheres e homens, respectivamente; p=0,055). CONCLUSÕES: No recrutamento do ELSA-Brasil, 2,5% dos participantes tinham FFA. O baixo uso de anticoagulantes era comum, o que representa um desafio para os cuidados de saúde nesse cenário

    Cardamonin, a schistosomicidal chalcone from Piper aduncum L. (Piperaceae) that inhibits Schistosoma mansoni ATP diphosphohydrolase

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    AbstractBackground: Schistosomiasis is one of the world's major public health problems, and praziquantel (PZQ) is the only available drug to treat this neglected disease with an urgent demand for new drugs. Recent studies indicated that extracts from Piper aduncum L. (Piperaceae) are active against adult worms of Schistosoma mansoni, the major etiological agent of human schistosomiasis.Purpose: We investigated the in vitro schistosomicidal activity of cardamonin, a chalcone isolated from the crude extract of P. aduncum. Also, this present work describes, for the first time, the S. mansoni ATP diphosphohydrolase inhibitory activity of cardamonin, as well as, its molecular docking with S. mansoni ATPDase1, in order to investigate its mode of inhibition.Methods: In vitro schistosomicidal assays and confocal laser scanning microscopy were used to evaluate the effects of cardamonin on adult schistosomes. Cell viability was measured by MTT assay, and the S. mansoni ATPase activity was determined spectrophotometrically. Identification of the cardamonin binding site and its interactions on S. mansoni ATPDase1 were made by molecular docking experiments.Results: A bioguided fractionation of the crude extract of P. aduncum was carried out, leading to identification of cardamonin as the active compound, along with pinocembrin and uvangoletin. Cardamonin (25, 50, and 100 µM) caused 100% mortality, tegumental alterations, and reduction of oviposition and motor activity of all adult worms of S. mansoni, without affecting mammalian cells. Confocal laser scanning microscopy showed tegumental morphological alterations and changes on the numbers of tubercles of S. mansoni worms in a dose-dependent manner. Cardamonin also inhibited S. mansoni ATP diphosphohydrolase (IC50 of 23.54 µM). Molecular docking studies revealed that cardamonin interacts with the Nucleotide-Binding of SmATPDase 1. The nature of SmATPDase 1–cardamonin interactions is mainly hydrophobic and hydrogen bonding.Conclusion: This report provides evidence for the in vitro schistosomicidal activity of cardamonin and demonstrated, for the first time, that this chalcone is highly effective in inhibiting S. mansoni ATP diphosphohydrolase, opening the route to further studies of chalcones as prototypes for new S. mansoni ATP diphosphohydrolase inhibitors

    Eficiência de síntese microbiana, pH e concentrações ruminais de amônia em novilhos F1 Limousin x Nelore alimentados com dietas contendo cinco níveis de concentrado

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    Conduziu-se um ensaio com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos de níveis de concentrado nas rações sobre a eficiência de síntese microbiana, o balanço de compostos nitrogenados, a concentração de amônia e o pH do fluido ruminal e a taxa de passagem da digesta ruminal. Foram utilizados cinco novilhos F1 Limousin x Nelore fistulados no rúmen, abomaso e íleo, alimentados à vontade com dietas que continham 25,0; 37,5; 50,0; 62,5; e 75,0% de concentrados e distribuídos em delineamento quadrado latino 5 x 5. As concentrações de amônia e o pH ruminal foram determinados em amostras de fluido ruminal coletadas imediatamente antes do fornecimento das rações e às 2, 4, 6, e 8 horas após. A taxa de passagem foi determinada pelo modelo unicompartimental utilizando-se o óxido crômico como indicador. A eficiência de síntese microbiana, expressa de diferentes formas, não foi influenciada pelo uso de concentrado, obtendo-se valores médios de 35,17 g Nmic/kg MODR, 33,01 g Nmic/kg CHODR e 355,66 g MSmic/kg CHODR. As concentrações máximas de amônia, para todos os tratamentos, ocorreram 2,92 horas após o fornecimento da ração. O pH do fluido ruminal decresceu linearmente com os níveis de concentrado e os tempos de coleta. As taxas de passagem de 0,065; 0,081; 0,064; 0,049; e 0,046.h-1 foram verificadas para os tratamentos com 25,0; 37,5; 50,0; 62,5; e 75,0% de concentrado, respectivamente. A adição de concentrado nas rações reduziu o pH e não alterou a eficiência microbiana.A trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of five concentrate levels in the diet on the efficiency of microbial synthesis, balance of nitrogen compounds, ammonia concentrate and pH ruminal fluid. Five rumen, abomasum and ileum fistulated F1 Limousin x Nellore bulls were full fed diets containing 25.0, 37.5, 50.0, 62.5, and 75.0% of concentrate and allotted to a 5 x 5 latin square design. The ammonia concentrations and ruminal pH were determined in ruminal fluid samples collected right after the diets supply and 2, 4, 6, and 8 hours after. The unicompartimental model using chromic oxide as marker determined the passage rate. The efficiency of microbial synthesis, expressed by different forms, was not influenced by the use of concentrate, obtaining average values of 35.17 g Nmic/kg MODR, 33.01 g Nmic/kg CHODR, and 355.66 g MSmic/kg CHODR. The maximum ammonia concentrations, for all treatments, were 2.92 hours after the diet supply. The ruminal pH fluid linearly decreased with the concentrate levels and the collection times. The passage rates of .065, .081, .064, .049, and .046.h-1 were verified for the treatments with 25.0, 37.5, 50.0, 62.5, and 75.0% of concentrate, respectively. The addition of concentrate in the diets reduced the pH and did not alter the microbial efficiency

    Factors related to transmission of and infection with Schistosoma mansoni in a village in the South-eastern Region of Brazil

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    In this transversal study, factors related to infection with and transmission of Schistosoma mansoni were explored. Based on stool examinations of two Kato-Katz smears of a single sample, the prevalences of schistosomiasis and geohelminths were established. In a multivariable analysis, sets of demographic, socio-economic and water contact pattern variables were tested for strength of relation with infection. Males presented a 3.39-times higher risk for infection than females. The age groups between 10-19 years and 20-30 years showed risks of infection 7.1- and 7.5-times higher, respectively, than the control age group between 0-10 years. Individuals practicing leisure activities had a 1.96-times higher risk than those without these activities. The malacological survey identified snails of the species Biomphalaria glabrata, Biomphalaria straminea and Biomphalaria tenagophila. Two exemplars of B. glabrata (0.53%) proved positive for S. mansoni. The socio-economic improvements observed in the locality suggest a protective and preventive effect towards infection with schistosomiasis, which requires further investigation with a longitudinal and more detailed study design. Considering our findings, a proposal for an integrated control program should be based on two pillars: one horizontal, which involves social empowerment and health education, and another more vertical, which delivers treatment and infrastructure improvements

    Evaluation of Colloids and Activation Agents for Determination of Melamine Using UV-SERS

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    UV-SERS measurements offer a great potential for environmental or food (detection of food contaminats) analytics. Here, the UV-SERS enhancement potential of various kinds of metal colloids, such as Pd, Pt, Au, Ag, Au-Ag core-shell, and Ag-Au core-shell with different shapes and sizes, were studied using melamine as a test molecule. The influence of different activation (KF, KCl, KBr, K 2SO 4) agents onto the SERS activity of the nanomaterials was investigated, showing that the combination of a particular nanoparticle with a special activation agent is extremely crucial for the observed SERS enhancement. In particular, the size dependence of spherical nanoparticles of one particular metal on the activator has been exploited. By doing so, it could be shown that the SERS enhancement increases or decreases for increasing or decreasing size of a nanoparticle, respectively. Overall, the presented results demonstrate the necessity to adjust the nanoparticle size and the activation agent for different experiments in order to achieve the best possible UV-SERS results
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