365 research outputs found

    An application of the Modern Portfolio Theory to the optimization of the European Union power generation mix from an environmental perspective

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Análise Económica e Estratexia Empresarial. 5033V01[Abstract] The application of the financial Modern Portfolio Theory to energy planning has been proven to be a useful and efficient tool for the design of the medium- and long-term portfolios of generation technologies. Energy planning i8 one of the most important drivers of energy security, which can be defined as the possibility of accessing electricity without disruptions, at a reasonable cost, and with the lowest possible environmental impacto In this work, we tackle energy security from three different, albeit related, points of view: generation risk reduction through diversification, Renewable Energy SauTces generation and Carbon Capture and Storage technologies for coal and natural gas. At the core of the Modern Portfolio Theory lies the concept of diversification as a way to reduce risk. In 2014, the European Unían energy strategy considered the importance of diversifying the energy BaUTees and resources tú reduce its high level of energy dependence. It also considered the social benefits of an environmentally-friendly energy poliey. The European Union's energy poliey ealls for the gradual substitution of traditional fossil-fuel generation teehnologies with cleaner teehnologies, sueh as those from Renewable Energy Sourees, and introducing Carbon Capture and Storage teehnologies for eoal and natural gas to reduce earbon emissions. Furthermore, including Renewable Energy Sourees -whieh have an autoehthonous eharacter--· in the portfolio also has the advantage of eontributing to inerease the level of energy seeurity and to reduee the need to import external fossil fuels. In this work, we present a eompilation of our published articles aimed at assessing the effects of those policies and improving the set of tools available to decision-makers.[Resumen] La aplicación de la teoría de carteras al campo de la planificación energética se ha convertido en una eficaz ayuda para el diseño de carteras de generación de electricidad a medio y largo plazo. La planificación energética es una pieza clave para la seguridad energética. Podemos definir la seguridad energética como la posibilidad de acceso a la electricidad sin interrupciones, a un coste razonable y con el menor impacto medioambiental posible. En esta compilación de artículos, tratamos la seguridad energética desde tres diferentes, aunque relacionados entre sí, puntos de vista: la reducción del riesgo de generación a través de la diversificación de tecnologías de generación de electricidad, mediante el uso de tecnologías de generación renovables y mediante el uso de tecnologías de captura y almacenamiento de carbono para las plantas de carbón y gas natural. La propia teoría de carteras incorpora la reducción del riesgo a través de la diversificación como una parte fundamental de su desarrollo. Desde 2014, la estrategia energética de la Unión Europea está orientada a la diversificación de fuentes y recursos energéticos para reducir su extremadamente alta dependencia energética. Además, tiene muy presentes los beneficios sociales de una política energética respetuosa con el medio ambiente. La política energética de la Unión Europea impulsa la substitución gradual de las tecnologías tradicionales de generación eléctrica, basadas en combustibles fósiles, por tecnologías renovables. También apuesta por el desarrollo y la introducción de la captura y almacenamiento de carbono para la generación en base a carbón o gas natural como medio para reducir las emisiones. La inclusión de energías renovables en el mix de generación tiene además la ventaja de incrementar el nivel de seguridad energético al reducir la necesidad de importar combustibles fósiles, gracias al carácter autóctono de dichas fuentes energéticas. En este trabajo, presentamos una serie de artículos publicados de nuestra propia autoría cuyo objetivo es evaluar los efectos de estas políticas y mejorar las herramientas para la toma de decisiones en ese ámbito.[Resumo] A aplicación da teoría de carteiras ó campo da planificación enerxética converteuse nunha eficaz axuda para o deseño de carteiras de xeración de electricidade a medio e longo prazo. A planificación enerxética é unha peza clave para a seguridade enerxética, que pode ser definida como a posíbilidade de acceder á electricidade sen interrupcións, a un custo razoable e ca menor impacto medioambiental posible. Nesta compilación contemplamos a seguridade enerxética dende tres puntos de vista diferentes, aínda que relacionados entre si: a redución do risco de xeración mediante a diversificación de tecnoloxías, mediante o uso de tecnoloxías de xeración renovables e mediante o uso de tecnoloxÍas de captura e almacenamento de carbono para as plantas de carbón e gas natural. A propia teoría de carteiras incorpora a redución do risco mediante a diversificación como unha parte fundamental do seu desenvolvemento'. Dende 2014, a estratexia enerxética da Unión Europea está orientada á diversificación de fontes e recursos enerxéticos para reducir a súa extremadamente alta dependencia enerxética. Por outra banda, ten moi en conta os beneficios socias dunha política enerxética respectuosa ca medio ambiente. A política enerxética da Unión Europea impulsa a substitución gradual das tecnoloxías tradicionais de xeración eléctrica, baseadas en combustibles fósiles, por tecnoloxías renovables. Ademais, tamén aposta polo desenvolvemento e a efectiva introdución da captura e almacenamento de carbono para a xeración en base a carbón ou gas natural coma medio para reducir as emisións. A inclusión de enerxías renovables no mix de xeración ten, ademais, a vantaxe de incrementar o nivel de seguridade enerxético, ó reducir a necesidade de importar combustibles fósiles, por mor do carácter autóctono destas fontes de enerxía. Neste traballo, presentamos unha compilación de artigos publicados e de elaboración propia que teñen o obxectivo de avaliar os efectos desas políticas e de mellorar as ferramentas para a toma de decisións nese ámbito

    Genomics advances for boosting aquaculture breeding programs in Spain

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    Spain is among the main seafood consumer countries in the world and an important aquaculture industry has been developed to satisfy its demands. Rearing facilities of aquatic species exist in Spain since Roman times, and in the Middle Age more sophisticated hatcheries were developed in Monasteries and Abbeys for freshwater species. Galicia (NW Spain) is the main productive region due to the special characteristics of its coasts. Different fish and mollusk species are produced in intensive or semi-extensive systems in this region. The leader species of Spanish aquaculture is the Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis), and within fish, sea bream (Sparus aurata), sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and turbot (Scopthalmus maximus). Breeding programs started in the 90's in turbot, currently in the fifth generation of selection, and more recently in sea bass and sea bream. Microsatellite traceability tools have been developed to assist breeding programs and to estimate heritabilities for potential selective traits in fish and, to a minor extent, in mollusks. Genomic resources and tools arrive to Spanish aquaculture through flatfish (turbot and Senegalese sole, Solea senegalensis) and later, this know-how has been transferred to other fish and mollusk species. The first transcriptomic databases, microarrays and genetic maps were developed in turbot and Senegalese sole. The last main achievement has been the whole assembling of turbot genome, which is being used as reference for new genotyping (RAD-seq) and gene expression (RNA-seq) methodologies. It is time to apply the huge amount of information accumulated in broad multidisciplinary research consortia to boost production to a higher level in collaboration with industryS

    Mudando o enfoque: da sesión maxistral aos grupos cooperativos en Matemáticas Financeiras

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    [Resumo] O nivel de control e supervisión do proceso de ensino-aprendizaxe na materia de Análise das Operacións Financeiras na Facultade de Economía e Empresa da UDC baséase na formulación puntual de probas. O período de avaliación continua segue un ritmo mensual. Os autores propoñen aplicar un cambio no método de aprendizaxe para cubrir a posible ausencia de “tempos” académicos (presenciais e non presenciais) nos que constatar o traballo dos conceptos da materia e a asimilación dos mesmos. A reflexión presenta tres grandes eixos: metodoloxía, planificación e organización da docencia. A proposta metodolóxica reside na aplicación de grupos cooperativos como facilitadora dun papel activo do estudante, de responsabilidade e esixibilidade persoal cara á aprendizaxe e cara ao grupo, que permite a interacción entre iguais para asimilar mellor os conceptos e que ten na autoanálise crítica da actuación dos membros do grupo unha das súas bases fundamentais. O traballo propón un primeiro achegamento a esta metodoloxía de aprendizaxe a través da aplicación práctica ao tema “Operacións Financeiras de Préstamo”. A percepción do cambio metodolóxico é positiva tanto en docentes como en alumnos consultados. A dinámica reflexiva é enriquecedora, e anima aos autores para seguir propoñendo novas actuacións no marco da docencia nesta materia.[Abstract] The level of control and supervision of the teaching-learning process in “Analysis of Financial Operations” in the Faculty of Economics and Business of the UDC is based on exam-tests, with a monthly rhythm. The authors propose to apply a change in the learning method to cover the possible absence of academic "time" (on-site class and non in-person class) in order to observe the assimilation of theoretical and practical concepts. The reflection proposal presents three main axes: methodology, planning and teaching organization. The proposed methodology is based on the application of "cooperative learning groups": the student has an active role, and responsibility and personal demand towards learning and trough the group is developed, which allows the interaction between equals to better assimilate the concepts. The methodology also includes the self-analysis of the member performance´s as one of its foundations. Besides, a first approach to this learning methodology through practical application to the topic "Financial Loan Operations" is also proposed by the authors. The perception of methodological change is positive both in teachers and students. The proposal dynamic is enriching and encourages authors to continue exposing new activities within the framework of teaching in this subject

    Activación e dixitalización nas aulas de Matemáticas Financeiras: a revolución de construír o proceso de aprender

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    [Resumo] O nivel de atención e de asimilación dos conceptos da materia Análise das Operacións Financeiras impartida na Facultade de Economía e Empresa da UDC non son satisfactorios. A proposta reside nun cambio metodolóxico a través da combinación da aula invertida, da aprendizaxe baseada en proxectos (ABPy) e o traballo cooperativo. Búscase unha maior asimilación da materia a través do desenvolvemento de habilidades metacognitivas derivadas das estratexias das metodoloxías activas propostas. O cuadrimestre dividirase en dúas partes: Nas primeiras catro semanas do curso o docente explica e propón exercicios sobre os conceptos básicos da materia (capital financeiro, tipos de xuro, leis de capitalización e desconto, concepto de renda e préstamo). Preténdese provocar a participación activa, motivada e crítica na aula a través do emprego de accións publicitarias (anuncios). Nas seguintes dez semanas procédese a crear cinco grupos cooperativos. Estes deben: (1) afondar nos conceptos teórico-prácticos da materia, (2) elaborar un mapa conceptual e exercicios dixitais, ademais de (3) crear un vídeo didáctico da materia. Cada grupo vai subindo os materias creados ao google classroom, o que permite o control de actividade. A avaliación establécese por competencias. ¿O cambio? Radical, apaixoante e motivador.[Abstract] The level of attention and assimilation of the concepts of the subject “Financial Operations Analysis” taught at Faculty of Economics and Business (UDC) are not satisfactory. The proposal is based on a methodological change through the combination of the inverted classroom, project-based learning (ABPy) and cooperative groups. A greater assimilation of the subject is sought through the development of metacognitive skills derived from the strategies of the proposed active methodologies. The semester will be divided in two parts: In the first four weeks of the course the teacher explains and proposes exercises on the basic concepts of the subject (financial capital, interest rates, laws of capitalization and discount, concept of income and loan). It is intended to provoke active motivated and critical participation in the classroom through the use of advertising actions (announcements). In the following ten weeks five cooperative groups are created. These should: (1) deepen in the theoretical and practical concepts of the subject, (2) elaborate a conceptual map and digital exercises, as well as (3) create a didactic video of the subject. Each group is raising the subjects created on google classroom, which allows the control of activity. The evaluation is established by competencies. The change? Radical, exciting and motivating..

    Bullying, a moral issue: Representations of self and moral disconnects

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    Understanding and evaluating the scope of psychological aspects in actions of violence called bullying can contribute to the discussion of educational interventions that promote the type of moral education desired by educational institutions to overcome the problem in question. Therefore, This paper analyzed the possible relationships between the participation of adolescents in bullying, their self-representations, and the way in which they self-regulate to morally connect or disconnect (to judge situations where a moral content is at stake). 2,600 students aged between 14 and 15 years attending public and private schools in the state of São Paulo, Brazil participated in this exploratory research. Students responded to a questionnaire that sought to identify their involvement in bullying; learn what representations they admire, identify connections and disconnections pertaining to moral dilemmas of everyday life regarding bullying. Finally, the correlations between these three were analyzed. The results show that victims of bullying are not the most morally disconnected even though they have connections and disconnections. They also show that subjects whose choices lack ethical values disconnect morally in bullying situations, and, though with significant differences, are themselves bullies. It was also found that subjects who hold less value in their self-representations, have more moral disconnections. Thus, we conclude that the representations that subjects have of themselves, whether admiring ethical values or not, correlate with connections or disconnections in moral scenarios of violence. The educational implications suggest public policies that consider bullying as a moral problem and invest in ethical training of individuals to overcome it.Comprender y evaluar el alcance de los aspectos psicológicos presentes en las acciones de la violencia llamada bullying, puede contribuir para a discusión de intervenciones educativas que promuevan la formación moral deseada por parte de las instituciones educativas con el fin de superar el problema en cuestión. Por lo tanto, en el artículo se analizan las relaciones que existen entre la participación de los y las adolescentes en el bullying, sus representaciones del yo y la forma por la que se autorregulan para conectarse o desconectarse moralmente, (juzgar momentos en los que están en juego contenidos morales en situaciones de bullying). En esta investigación de carácter exploratorio, participaron 2600 estudiantes entre 14 y 15 años de escuelas públicas y privadas del Estado de São Paulo en Brasil que contestaron a un cuestionario que pretendía constatar su participación en el bullying; conocer sus representaciones de lo que admiran; identificar las conexiones o desconexiones morales a partir de dilemas cotidianos referidos al bullying, y las relaciones entre esos tres constructos. Los resultados muestran que las victimas de bullying no son quienes más se desconectan moralmente, aunque presentan conexiones y desconexiones. Muestran también que los sujetos cuyas elecciones (sus representaciones del yo) carecen de valores éticos se desconectan moralmente en situaciones de bullying y son, con diferencias significativas, autores de acoso. Se encontró también que los sujetos que conservan menos valores en sus representaciones del yo tienen más desconexiones morales. De este modo, se concluye que las representaciones que los sujetos tienen de sí mismos, admirando valores éticos o no, correlacionan con sus conexiones o desconexiones morales en situaciones hipotéticas de violencia. Las implicaciones pedagógicas resultantes hacen pensar en políticas públicas que consideren el bullying como un problema moral e inviertan en formación ética de los sujetos para superarlo.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Learn to mentor: reflective journals of mentors in an induction program

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    El periodo de inducción es una etapa diferenciada en el camino de convertirse en docente. Los programas de inducción a la enseñanza están progresivamente instalándose en la mayoría de sistemas educativos. La figura del mentor ha recibido una considerable atención por parte de la investigación sobre formación del profesorado. El mentor es un docente con experiencia y saber docente reconocido y con formación especializada como formador, que ofrece su apoyo al profesorado principiante. En este artículo describimos el proceso de mentoría que se ha llevado a cabo a lo largo del desarrollo de un programa de inducción para el profesorado principiante en la República Dominicana. Los mentores que han participado en esta investigación son 32, distribuidos por varias zonas de todo el país. Los datos que analizamos en este artículo lo configuran los diarios que los mentores redactaron a lo largo del programa. Se solicitó a los mentores que redactaran un diario de actividades. El total de datos lo componen 1.176 páginas de texto, agrupadas en 32 diarios de mentores. Los resultados muestran una realidad que es consistente con la mayoría de los resultados de las investigaciones sobre profesorado principiante y programas de inducción. La prevalencia de los problemas relacionados con la metodología, la disciplina y la motivación son constantes en todos los trabajos que abordan los primeros años de enseñanza. Estos problemas los analizamos desde el punto de vista de los propios mentores que realizan el apoyo al profesorado principiante.Induction period is a stage differential on the way of becoming a teacher. Induction teaching programs are gradually settling in most educational systems. The figure of the mentor has received considerable attention from the investigation into teacher training. The mentor is a teacher with experience and expertise recognized and specialized training as a trainer, which provides support to novice teachers teaching. In this article we describe the process of mentoring has been conducted throughout the development of an induction program for novice teachers in the Dominican Republic. Mentors who have participated in this research are 32, distributed by several areas across the country. The data analyzed in this article was the reflective diaries that mentors wrote during the program. The total data make it up 1,176 pages of text, grouped in 32 reflective diaries of mentors. We ask mentors to write a reflective diary of activities. The results show a reality that is consistent with the majority of the results of research on novice teachers and induction programs. The prevalence of problems related to the methodology, discipline and motivation are constants in all the works that address the first years of teaching. These problems are analyzed from the point of view of the mentors themselves who perform support for novice teachers

    Integration of host-pathogen functional genomics data into the chromosome-level genome assembly of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus)

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    Disease resilience is of utmost relevance for turbot aquaculture. Several infective diseases, covering a broad spectrum from viruses, bacteria to different parasites, have been identified by industry. Since they increase mortality rates, reduce feed conversion ratios and slow down growth rate, genetic breeding programs for increasing disease resilience are recognized as a useful alternative for controlling pathologies. For this, knowledge of the genetic basis underlying resilience using genomic tools is essential to develop the best effective breeding strategies. In the present study, we compiled the existing genomic information generated in the last decade to construct an integrated atlas of candidate genes and genomic regions involved in pathogen resistance against the main turbot industrial pathogens (Aeromonas salmonicida, Philasterides dicentrarchi, Enteromyxum scophthalmi and the VHS virus) within the chromosome-level turbot genome assembly recently released. Information comprehends reannotated differentially expressed genes (DEG) in different tissues along temporal series, QTL markers associated with important productive traits (disease resistance and growth) and signatures of domestic or wild selection, represented by runs of homozygosity (ROHi) islands and outlier markers for divergent selection. Most genetic features were successfully relocated in the turbot assembly including 81.1% of the total DEGs, plus all QTL markers, ROHi and outlier markers. The updated annotation of DEGs for resistance to each pathology demonstrated significant changes. While the new annotation of 53–83% of the DEGs was coherent with the original, roughly 10–24% showed imprecise annotations in both assembly versions, ∼5% lost their original annotation and 2–24% were now annotated. Functional enrichment revealed mostly functions related to immune response, such as chemotaxis, apoptosis regulation, leukocyte differentiation, cell adhesion, iron homeostasis and vascular permeability. Some DEGs, such as celsr1a (cadherin EGF LAG seen-pass G-type receptor 1), fgg (fibrinogen gamma chain) and c1qtnf9 (C1q and TNF related 9) were found near pathogen-associated QTL markers. Also, some shared DEGs for resistance to all pathogens were positioned near QTL markers or ROHi, such as hamp (hepcidin-1), plg (plasminogen) and a fibrinogen alpha chain-like gene. Overall, our results provide an integrative insight into the genetic architecture of turbot response to a range of pathogens that could prove useful for future genomic studies to benefit aquaculture breeding programsS

    Use of chromatin stability assay, mitochondrial stain JC-1, and fluorometric assessment of plasma membrane to evaluate frozen-thawed ram semen

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    P. 121-133Cryopreservation of semen imposes deleterious effects on spermatozoa, either killing a certain proportion of cells or causing subtle damages on sperm function in the surviving population, changes not easily revealed by conventional assays. We have tested three functional assessment techniques in frozen-thawed ram semen from six adult rams, cryopreserved following eight different protocols (four extenders, and glycerol being added at two temperatures). Semen samples were thawed and the following analyses were carried out: motility (CASA), membrane integrity (Hoescht 33258 and fluorometry), chromatin status (chromatin stability test and fluorescence-assisted cell sorting, FACS) and mitochondrial activity (JC-1 and FACS). Fluorometry outcome did not correlate with the other parameters and showed large variation, albeit discriminating among cryopreservation techniques (P<0.01). Mitochondrial activity correlated, but with low values, with total and progressive motility. However, good sperm motility and high velocity values were associated to high mitochondrial membrane potential. The chromatin stability assay was also successfully carried out, and had a good relationship with male factor (%COMP αt and SD αt parameters). In conclusion, fluorometric assessment of membrane integrity albeit rendering poor results, merits improvement, being a low-cost and handy technique, especially for work in the field. On the other hand, both assessments of chromatin stability and mitochondrial status (JC-1 staining), combined with FACS, are reliable techniques that can be used for the functional assessment of frozen-thawed ram semen.S