17 research outputs found

    Transferts culturels à la télévision francoallemande Arte

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    The increasingly intensive cultural, information, language, political and economic contacts and exchanges between countries and the developement of different new technologies make it necessary to foresee some media communications which from the beginning are addressed to recipients of different cultures. The Franco-German channel Arte, a European company is an example of this conception. It is responsible for the production and diffusion of cultural programmes which are aimed at various national audiences. Part of that as Arte broadcasts simultaneously all its programmes in two languages: French and German, it is necessary to use translators and interpreters who make it possible for the French audience to watch the German version and vice versa. In the following article, the results of our study about the translation of sociocultural aspects via Arte will be presented. First we will talk about the specific characteristic of the translation in the media -which apart from words also includes images. We will also show that sometimes an extra explanation is required to understand what is shown in the programme. Eventually, we will introduce the different procedures of translation used by translators when they are confronted with a term related to sociocultural aspects. Some samples from Arte TV news will be provided as a support for this article.The increasingly intensive cultural, information, language, political and economic contacts and exchanges between countries and the developement of different new technologies make it necessary to foresee some media communications which from the beginning are addressed to recipients of different cultures. The Franco-German channel Arte, a European company is an example of this conception. It is responsible for the production and diffusion of cultural programmes which are aimed at various national audiences. Part of that as Arte broadcasts simultaneously all its programmes in two languages: French and German, it is necessary to use translators and interpreters who make it possible for the French audience to watch the German version and vice versa. In the following article, the results of our study about the translation of sociocultural aspects via Arte will be presented. First we will talk about the specific characteristic of the translation in the media -which apart from words also includes images. We will also show that sometimes an extra explanation is required to understand what is shown in the programme. Eventually, we will introduce the different procedures of translation used by translators when they are confronted with a term related to sociocultural aspects. Some samples from Arte TV news will be provided as a support for this article

    Transferts culturels à la télévision francoallemande Arte

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    The increasingly intensive cultural, information, language, political and economic contacts and exchanges between countries and the developement of different new technologies make it necessary to foresee some media communications which from the beginning are addressed to recipients of different cultures. The Franco-German channel Arte, a European company is an example of this conception. It is responsible for the production and diffusion of cultural programmes which are aimed at various national audiences. Part of that as Arte broadcasts simultaneously all its programmes in two languages: French and German, it is necessary to use translators and interpreters who make it possible for the French audience to watch the German version and vice versa. In the following article, the results of our study about the translation of sociocultural aspects via Arte will be presented. First we will talk about the specific characteristic of the translation in the media -which apart from words also includes images. We will also show that sometimes an extra explanation is required to understand what is shown in the programme. Eventually, we will introduce the different procedures of translation used by translators when they are confronted with a term related to sociocultural aspects. Some samples from Arte TV news will be provided as a support for this article.The increasingly intensive cultural, information, language, political and economic contacts and exchanges between countries and the developement of different new technologies make it necessary to foresee some media communications which from the beginning are addressed to recipients of different cultures. The Franco-German channel Arte, a European company is an example of this conception. It is responsible for the production and diffusion of cultural programmes which are aimed at various national audiences. Part of that as Arte broadcasts simultaneously all its programmes in two languages: French and German, it is necessary to use translators and interpreters who make it possible for the French audience to watch the German version and vice versa. In the following article, the results of our study about the translation of sociocultural aspects via Arte will be presented. First we will talk about the specific characteristic of the translation in the media -which apart from words also includes images. We will also show that sometimes an extra explanation is required to understand what is shown in the programme. Eventually, we will introduce the different procedures of translation used by translators when they are confronted with a term related to sociocultural aspects. Some samples from Arte TV news will be provided as a support for this article

    L’exploitation de la multimodalité du message filmique dans le sous-titrage

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    Audiovisual programs are meant to be seen and heard simultaneously. Screen translators have to take the verbal, acoustic and visual elements of audiovisual works into consideration. However they translate only the verbal content of the message. In the following article we focus on one of the main modalities for audiovisual translation, namely the subtitling. Our aim is to describe the specificity of screen translation and to think about the impact of subtitling process on the final product, that is on translation. We will show how translators take advantage of the presence of the verbal (dialogues) and the visual (screen) codes with the aim of reducing an original text.Audiovisual programs are meant to be seen and heard simultaneously. Screen translators have to take the verbal, acoustic and visual elements of audiovisual works into consideration. However they translate only the verbal content of the message. In the following article we focus on one of the main modalities for audiovisual translation, namely the subtitling. Our aim is to describe the specificity of screen translation and to think about the impact of subtitling process on the final product, that is on translation. We will show how translators take advantage of the presence of the verbal (dialogues) and the visual (screen) codes with the aim of reducing an original text

    Specyfika pracy tłumacza audiowizualnego na przykładzie wybranych komunikatów audiowizualnych

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    The aim of the paper is to show the specificity and the complexity of audiovisual translation process. In the expository part of the paper I present the difference between translator of texts and audiovisual translator. I explain what elements take part in the construction of sense in audiovisual message and I show what kind of difficulties occur during the process of audiovisual translation (like technical restrictions). The Franco-German channel Arte is an example of a European company where the translation is used every day. The theoretical discussion is illustrated with the examples in which we can see how the translator use the informations from the screen to make polish subtitles shorter

    From equivalence to adaptation

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    The aim of this paper is to illustrate in which cases the translators use the adaptation when they are confronted with a term related to sociocultural aspects. We will discuss the notions of equivalence and adaptation and their limits in the translation. Some samples from Arte TV news and from the American film Shrek translated into Polish, German and French will be provided as a support for this article.The aim of this paper is to illustrate in which cases the translators use the adaptation when they are confronted with a term related to sociocultural aspects. We will discuss the notions of equivalence and adaptation and their limits in the translation. Some samples from Arte TV news and from the American film Shrek translated into Polish, German and French will be provided as a support for this article

    Teoria skoposu a rola tłumacza-dialogisty w filmach dubbingowanych

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    The article focuses on the comparison of the role of the audiovisual translator in dubbed films with the role which the translator plays in the Skopos theory (German: Skopostheorie) that was established by the German linguists Hans Vermeer and Katharina Reiss; this approach propagates the functional theory of translation. Both in the Skopos theory and in dubbed films the process of translation is determined by the function of the final product. Translation is an act of intercultural mediation and thus the translator of dubbed films considers the needs of recipients and the function that a given film is to fulfill in the target culture. Localisation (adaptation), reflected in translating a variety of culture-related situations and jokes into the target language with the objective to make them contextually and culturally fitting and suitable, is applied to achieve the assumed goal in dialogue translation.W niniejszym artykule skupiam się na roli tłumacza-dialogisty w filmach dubbingowanych, którą porównuję do roli tłumacza w teorii skoposu (niem. Skopostheorie), czyli podejścia propagującego funkcjonalną teorię przekładu. Opierając się na założeniu, że tłumaczenie jest aktem międzykulturowym oraz biorąc pod uwagę potrzeby odbiorcy oraz funkcję, jaką dany film ma spełniać w kulturze docelowej, tłumacz filmów dubbingowanych tworzy przekład funkcjonalny względem oryginału. Aby osiągnąć zamierzony cel w tłumaczonych dialogach na języki docelowe, tłumacze stosują tzw. lokalizację, czyli przekładają rozmaite sytuacje kulturowe i żarty na lokalne realia

    La nature du commentaire explicatif dans la traduction des toponymes et des anthroponymes – étude comparative

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    In the following article we will present the results of our study on the translation of toponyms and anthroponyms for instance at Arte TV news. First, we will introduce and define the notion of explication, one of translation procedures. And then, we will show the semantic content of explication commentary in translation of the names of people and places from French into German and vice versa. Our study has a comparative nature.In the following article we will present the results of our study on the translation of toponyms and anthroponyms for instance at Arte TV news. First, we will introduce and define the notion of explication, one of translation procedures. And then, we will show the semantic content of explication commentary in translation of the names of people and places from French into German and vice versa. Our study has a comparative nature

    Les différentes relations entre le verbal et le visual sur l'exemple des journaux télévisés

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    The article presents that the sense of verbal-visual messages is a result of various relations between text and images (parallel, supplementing and interpretative meaning, equivalence and contradiction). The author tries to show what type of relations is present in the French-German news that has to be translated for foreign recipient and to observe how images can influence the decisions of a translator in this type of texts

    How does the presence of image influence the translator’s decisions? A study of the relations between words and image through the example of film translation

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    The audiovisual text constitutes an inherent and obvious whole, the components of which, being linked to each other and entering into different types of relations and interactions, contribute to the construction of its meaning. This article presents a study of cases where visual information influences decisions made by the translator and ultimately sometimes changes the translation of dubbed dialogues. In the analysis, the following examples are distinguished:– those in which, under the influence of the image, the translator modifies the source text (compared to the original version) by adapting it to the visual contents of the audiovisual document, or by adding information to the target text;– one in which, under the influence of the image, both the author of the original version and the translator modify one of the elements of a given idiomatic expression.In this regard, contemporary computer-animated films (such as « Shrek 2 », « Madagascar » and « Monsters, Inc. »), aimed at all types of audiences and translated for dubbing, where the visual component plays a prominent role, represent interesting cases.The audiovisual text constitutes an inherent and obvious whole, the components of which, being linked to each other and entering into different types of relations and interactions, contribute to the construction of its meaning. This article presents a study of cases where visual information influences decisions made by the translator and ultimately sometimes changes the translation of dubbed dialogues. In the analysis, the following examples are distinguished:– those in which, under the influence of the image, the translator modifies the source text (compared to the original version) by adapting it to the visual contents of the audiovisual document, or by adding information to the target text;– one in which, under the influence of the image, both the author of the original version and the translator modify one of the elements of a given idiomatic expression.In this regard, contemporary computer-animated films (such as « Shrek 2 », « Madagascar » and « Monsters, Inc. »), aimed at all types of audiences and translated for dubbing, where the visual component plays a prominent role, represent interesting cases

    Učinak fermentacije pomoću suhog kvasca na kemijski sastav i svojstva proteina u sjemenkama plave lupine

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    The eff ect of 24-hour fermentation of lupin seeds by different yeast strains on their chemical composition was determined. After fermentation, the mass fraction of proteins increased and their in vitro digestibility and biological activity significantly improved. The amino acid profi le of fermented products was similar to that of raw lupin seeds. The significant reduction in the mass fraction of oligosaccharides and phytate, but not of alkaloids was found. The pH level of fermented products decreased as a consequence of the increase of lactic and propionic acid mass fractions. The most favourable changes in the Chemical composition of blue lupin seeds were obtained in fermentation with Saccharomyces cerevisiae baker’s yeast and Fermivin 7013 strain.Određen je učinak 24-satne fermentacije sjemenki lupine pomoću različitih sojeva kvasca na njihov kemijski sastav. Nakon fermentacije se bitno povećao maseni udjel proteina, njihova probavljivost in vitro i biološka aktivnost. Aminokiselinski profil fermentiranih proizvoda bio je sličan onom sirovih sjemenki lupine. Pronađen je bitno manji maseni udjel oligosaharida i fitata, ali ne i alkaloida. Povećali su se udjeli mliječne i propionske kiseline, što je bitno smanjilo pH-vrijednost fermentiranih proizvoda. Najbolji kemijski sastav imale su sjemenke plave lupine fermentirane pomoću pekarskog kvasca (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) i soja Fermivin 701