279 research outputs found

    Orientation of the opposition axis in mentally simulated grasping

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    Five normal subjects were tested in a simulated grasping task. A cylindrical container filled with water was placed on the center of a horizontal monitor screen. Subjects used a precision grip formed by the thumb and index finger of their right hand. After a preliminary run during which the container was present, it was replaced by an image of the upper surface of the cylinder appearing on the horizontal computer screen on which the real cylinder was placed during the preliminary run. In each trial the image was marked with two contact points which defined an opposition axis in various orientations with respect to the frontal plane. The subjects’ task consisted, once shown a stimulus, of judging as quickly as possible whether the previously experienced action of grasping the container full of water and pouring the water out would be easy, difficult or impossible with the fingers placed according to the opposition axis indicated on the circle. Response times were found to be longer for the grasps judged to be more difficult due to the orientation and position of the opposition axis. In a control experiment, three subjects actually performed the grasps with different orientations and positions of the opposition axis. The effects of these parameters on response time followed the same trends as during simulated movements. This result shows that simulated hand movements take into account the same biomechanical limitations as actually performed movements

    Prehension movements in a patient (AC) with posterior parietal cortex damage and posterior callosal section

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    Prehension movements of the right hand were recorded in a right-handed man (AC), with an injury to the left posterior parietal cortex (PPC) and with a section of the left half of the splenium. The kinematic analysis of AC’s grasping movements in direct and perturbed con- ditions was compared to that of Wve control subjects. A novel eVect in prehension was revealed—a hemispace eVect—in healthy controls only. Movements to the left hemispace were faster, longer, and with a smaller grasp aperture; perturbation of both object position and distance resulted in the attenuation of the direction eVect on movement time and the time to velocity peak, with a reverse pattern in the time to maximum grip aperture. Nevertheless, the correlation between transport velocity amplitude and grasp aperture remained stable in both perturbed and non-perturbed movements, reXecting the coordination between reaching and grasping in control subjects. In contrast, transport and grasp, as well as their coordination in both direct and perturbed conditions, were negatively aVected by the PPC and sple- nium lesion in AC, suggesting that transport and grasp rely on two functionally identiWable subsystems

    Разработка функциональной модели автоматизированной информационной системы анализа и прогнозирования работы доменного цеха

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    Отражены технологические особенности применения методологии функционального моделирования IDEF0, использованные авторами в ходе создания автоматизированной информационной системы анализа и прогнозирования производственных ситуаций доменного цеха ОАО "Магнитогорский металлургический комбинат"

    At the interface between action verbs and grip force

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    Action verbs and motor actions activate similar cortical brain areas (Price et al., 1994; Grafton et al., 1998). An increasing number of studies reveal that the sensorimotor components of word meaning activate cortical regions overlapping with the neural systems involved in the perception and execution of actions described by the words. For example, processing verbally presented actions activates corresponding sectors of the motor system, depending on the effector (face, hand or foot) used in the listened-to action (Floël et al., 2003; Hauk & Pulvermüller, 2004; Buccino et al., 2005). Moreover, in sign language there is a close semantic relationship between the gestures and the function of the object expressed, suggesting that transmodal processes are implicated in pragmatic representations. These studies and numerous observations strongly suggest that the brain areas subtending object-oriented actions are closely related to the brain areas involved with language (e.g., Gentilucci & Dalla Volta, 2008). Recently, Boulanger et al. (2006) showed that verbs related to manual action could perturb reaching movements. Since reaching and grasping are intimately linked (Jeannerod & Biguer, 1981; Frak et al., 2006) manual action verbs could also alter aspects of grasp, such as prehension force. Reaching is a process with a recognized bi-hemispheric activity involving the proximal musculature. Thus, the influence of language on grasp is a highly pertinent subject of study: action with the preferred hand is under control by left cerebral areas, as is the case with language. A novel approach examining the relationship between language and prehension force is presented using a tactile sensing paradigm. Using their preferred hand, subjects seized and held with a precision grasp a 300 g cylinder with an integrated force sensor. With eyes closed and arm extended, subjects listened to words related or not related to a manual action. There was an increase in grasp force when subjects heard words related to manual action only. This increase began at about 100 ms following word presentation, peaked at 300-400 ms and fell abruptly after 400 ms, signalling a possible inhibition of the motor simulation of the action evoked by the words. These observations reveal the intimate relationship that exists between language and prehension force and show that it is possible to elucidate online new aspects of sensorimotor interaction. They also reveal that there is a continuum between lexical access and motor simulation. Figure 1 shows the grand average of normalized grasp force amplitude of action words (AT) and non-action words (NAT) when they are targets. A paired t-test was done on the data defining both curves. The gray part of the graph, starting at 260 msec and ending at 430 msec, shows where there’s a significative difference (p<0.05)

    Online monitoring of the impact of language processing on motor processes: prehensile grip-force measures during passive listening of manual action.

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    A large number of recent behavioural studies have established that processing linguistic descriptions of motor actions affect overt motor behaviour. For instance, when participants are asked to make sensibility judgments on sentences that describe action toward the body (“Mark gave the book to yo

    Action relevance in linguistic context drives word-induced motor activity

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    Many neurocognitive studies on the role of motor structures in action-language processing have implicitly adopted a “dictionary-like” framework within which lexical meaning is constructed on the basis of an invariant set of semantic features. The debate has thus been centered on the question of whether motor activation is an integral part of the lexical semantics (embodied theories) or the result of a post-lexical construction of a situation model (disembodied theories). However, research in psycholinguistics show that lexical semantic processing and context-dependent meaning construction are narrowly integrated. An understanding of the role of motor structures in action-language processing might thus be better achieved by focusing on the linguistic contexts under which such structures are recruited. Here, we therefore analyzed online modulations of grip force while subjects listened to target words embedded in different linguistic contexts. When the target word was a hand action verb and when the sentence focused on that action (John signs the contract) an early increase of grip force was observed. No comparable increase was detected when the same word occurred in a context that shifted the focus toward the agent's mental state (John wants to sign the contract). There mere presence of an action word is thus not sufficient to trigger motor activation. Moreover, when the linguistic context set up a strong expectation for a hand action, a grip force increase was observed even when the tested word was a pseudo-verb. The presence of a known action word is thus not required to trigger motor activation. Importantly, however, the same linguistic contexts that sufficed to trigger motor activation with pseudo-verbs failed to trigger motor activation when the target words were verbs with no motor action reference. Context is thus not by itself sufficient to supersede an “incompatible” word meaning. We argue that motor structure activation is part of a dynamic process that integrates the lexical meaning potential of a term and the context in the online construction of a situation model, which is a crucial process for fluent and efficient online language comprehension

    Automatic correction of hand pointing in stereoscopic depth

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    In order to examine whether stereoscopic depth information could drive fast automatic correction of hand pointing, an experiment was designed in a 3D visual environment in which participants were asked to point to a target at different stereoscopic depths as quickly and accurately as possible within a limited time window (≤300 ms). The experiment consisted of two tasks: "depthGO" in which participants were asked to point to the new target position if the target jumped, and "depthSTOP" in which participants were instructed to abort their ongoing movements after the target jumped. The depth jump was designed to occur in 20% of the trials in both tasks. Results showed that fast automatic correction of hand movements could be driven by stereoscopic depth to occur in as early as 190 ms.This work was supported by the Grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (60970062 and 61173116) and the Doctoral Fund of Ministry of Education of China (20110072110014)

    Online control of prehension predicts performance on a standardized motor assessment test in 8- to 12-Year-old children

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    Goal-directed hand movements are guided by sensory information and may be adjusted 'online,' during the movement. If the target of a movement unexpectedly changes position, trajectory corrections can be initiated in as little as 100 ms in adults. This rapid visual online control is impaired in children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD), and potentially in other neurodevelopmental conditions. We investigated the visual control of hand movements in children in a 'center-out' double-step reaching and grasping task, and examined how parameters of this visuomotor control co-vary with performance on standardized motor tests often used with typically and atypically developing children. Two groups of children aged 8-12 years were asked to reach and grasp an illuminated central ball on a vertically oriented board. On a proportion of trials, and at movement onset, the illumination switched unpredictably to one of four other balls in a center-out configuration (left, right, up, or down). When the target moved, all but one of the children were able to correct their movements before reaching the initial target, at least on some trials, but the latencies to initiate these corrections were longer than those typically reported in the adult literature, ranging from 211 to 581 ms. These later corrections may be due to less developed motor skills in children, or to the increased cognitive and biomechanical complexity of switching movements in four directions. In the first group (n = 187), reaching and grasping parameters significantly predicted standardized movement scores on the MABC-2, most strongly for the aiming and catching component. In the second group (n = 85), these same parameters did not significantly predict scores on the DCDQ'07 parent questionnaire. Our reaching and grasping task provides a sensitive and continuous measure of movement skill that predicts scores on standardized movement tasks used to screen for DCD

    Similarities between digits’ movements in grasping, touching and pushing

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    In order to find out whether the movements of single digits are controlled in a special way when grasping, we compared the movements of the digits when grasping an object with their movements in comparable single-digit tasks: pushing or lightly tapping the same object at the same place. The movements of the digits in grasping were very similar to the movements in the single-digit tasks. To determine to what extent the hand transport and grip formation in grasping emerges from a synchronised motion of individual digits, we combined movements of finger and thumb in the single-digit tasks to obtain hypothetical transport and grip components. We found a larger peak grip aperture earlier in the movement for the single-digit tasks. The timing of peak grip aperture depended in the same way on its size for all tasks. Furthermore, the deviations from a straight line of the transport component differed considerably between subjects, but were remarkably similar across tasks. These results support the idea that grasping should be regarded as consisting of moving the digits, rather than transporting the hand and shaping the grip

    Grip Force Reveals the Context Sensitivity of Language-Induced Motor Activity during “Action Words

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    Studies demonstrating the involvement of motor brain structures in language processing typically focus on \ud time windows beyond the latencies of lexical-semantic access. Consequently, such studies remain inconclusive regarding whether motor brain structures are recruited directly in language processing or through post-linguistic conceptual imagery. In the present study, we introduce a grip-force sensor that allows online measurements of language-induced motor activity during sentence listening. We use this tool to investigate whether language-induced motor activity remains constant or is modulated in negative, as opposed to affirmative, linguistic contexts. Our findings demonstrate that this simple experimental paradigm can be used to study the online crosstalk between language and the motor systems in an ecological and economical manner. Our data further confirm that the motor brain structures that can be called upon during action word processing are not mandatorily involved; the crosstalk is asymmetrically\ud governed by the linguistic context and not vice versa