546 research outputs found

    A 8-tételes Szenzoros Élménykeresés Skála (BSSS-8) magyarországi adaptálása = Hungarian adaptation of the 8-item Sensation Seeking Scale (BSSS-8)

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    Kutatómunkánk azzal a céllal készült, hogy az eddig még csak néhány — köztük angol, spanyol és olasz — mintán validált Rövidített Szenzoros Élménykeresés Skálát (BSSS-8) magyarországi használatra is adaptáljuk. Hazánkban ez a mérőeszköz még nem használatos, nincsenek rá vonatkozóan pszichometriai adatok. Különösen fontos a BSSS-8 hazai adaptálása, mivel ez a mérőeszköz — szemben a hazánkban is validált 7-tételes Szenzoros Élménykeresés Kérdőívvel (SSS-7-HU) — az általános szenzoros élménykeresés vonás mellett az alskálákat is mérhetővé teszi. Vizsgáltunkban összesen 495 vizsgálati személy vett részt, ebből 170 fő proszociális kockázatvállaló (tűzoltó), 194 fő antiszociális kockázatvállaló (erőszakos bűncselekmény elkövetője), 71 fő extrém sportoló és 60 fő kontrollszemély (akik semmilyen kockázatos tevékenységgel nem foglalkoznak). A kérdőív lingvisztikai validálását és pszichometriai tulajdonságainak vizsgálatát végeztük el. A vizsgálat során mértük a kérdőív belső megbízhatóságát (Cronbach-α = 0,748), teszt-reteszt reliabilitását (r = 0,868; p < 0,001), továbbá komfirmatív faktoranalízist is végeztünk (CFI = 0,955; RMSEA = 0,065; 90%-os konfidenciaintervallum = 0,034—0,08). A BSSS-8 kérdőívet a SSS-IV kérdőívvel is összevetettük (r = 0,868; p < 0,001). A kapott eredmények alapján megállapíthatjuk, hogy ez a 8 itemből álló, szenzoros élménykeresés dimenzióját mérő személyiség-kérdőív jól használható és alkalmas a magyar populáció vizsgálatára. | Our study aimed at adapting the Brief Sensation Seeking Scale (BSSS-8) for Hungarian use. This scale has so far been validated on samples of a few languages, including English, Spanish and Italian, it is not yet in use in Hungary, no psychometric data can be found about it. The adaptation of BSSS-8 is particularly important as this inventory, unlike the 7-item Sensation Seeking Scale already validated for Hungarian use (SSS-7-HU), enables us to measure not only the sensation seeking trait in general, but each of its subscales as well. The study was conducted with 495 individuals, consisting of 170 prosocial risk takers (firemen), 194 antisocial risk takers (violent criminals), 71 extreme sportsmen and 60 control subjects (who do not participate in any risky activities). The scale was subjected to linguistic validation and psychometric property analysis. Internal (Cronbach-α = 0.748) and test-retest reliability (r = 0.868; p < 0.001) were evaluated, further a confirmatory factor analysis were carried out (CFI = 0.955; RMSEA = 0.065, 90% confidence interval = 0.034—0.08). The BSSS-8 scale was compared with the SSS-IV (r = 0.868; p < 0.001). According to our findings we can conclude that this 8-item personality inventory, measuring the dimension of sensation seeking, is well useable and appropriate for examinations in Hungarian population

    SCOPES: Sparking curiosity through Open-Source platforms in education and science

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    Scientific research is to date largely restricted to wealthy laboratories in developed nations due to the necessity of complex and expensive equipment. This inequality limits the capacity of science to be used as a diplomatic channel. Maker movements use open-source technologies including additive manufacturing (3D printing) and laser cutting, together with low-cost computers for developing novel products. This movement is setting the groundwork for a revolution, allowing scientific equipment to be sourced at a fraction of the cost and has the potential to increase the availability of equipment for scientists around the world. Science education is increasingly recognized as another channel for science diplomacy. In this perspective, we introduce the idea that the Maker movement and open-source technologies have the potential to revolutionize science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education worldwide. We present an open-source STEM didactic tool called SCOPES (Sparking Curiosity through Open-source Platforms in Education and Science). SCOPES is self-contained, independent of local resources, and cost-effective. SCOPES can be adapted to communicate complex subjects from genetics to neurobiology, perform real-world biological experiments and explore digitized scientific samples. We envision such platforms will enhance science diplomacy by providing a means for scientists to share their findings with classrooms and for educators to incorporate didactic concepts into STEM lessons. By providing students the opportunity to design, perform, and share scientific experiments, students also experience firsthand the benefits of a multinational scientific community. We provide instructions on how to build and use SCOPES on our webpage: http://scopeseducation.org

    Generation and isolation of single cells from mouse brain with mosaic analysis with double markers-induced uniparental chromosome disomy

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    Mosaic analysis with double markers (MADM) technology enables concomitant fluorescent cell labeling and induction of uniparental chromosome disomy (UPD) with single-cell resolution. In UPD, imprinted genes are either overexpressed 2-fold or are not expressed. Here, the MADM platform is utilized to probe imprinting phenotypes at the transcriptional level. This protocol highlights major steps for the generation and isolation of projection neurons and astrocytes with MADM-induced UPD from mouse cerebral cortex for downstream single-cell and low-input sample RNA-sequencing experiments. For complete details on the use and execution of this protocol, please refer to Laukoter et al. (2020b)

    As escolhas lexicais dos conjuntos de vestuários nas obras O conto da aia e Os testamentos, de Margaret Atwood

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    Investigaremos, neste estudo, as escolhas lexicais e os efeitos de sentidos causados por elas nos nomes dos vestuários das principais castas citadas nos livros O conto da aia e Os testamentos, de Atwood (2006; 2019). Para isso, lançamos mão de uma metodologia quanti-qualitativa que consistiu na seleção dos contextos de aparição das vestimentas citadas nos romances; no cotejo das lexias em dicionários gerais e especializados; e, na discussão dos resultados. Tais dados registram que as seleções lexicais relacionadas às vestimentas classificam os personagens em classe sociais e emitem efeitos de sentido que dialogam com acontecimentos da humanidade e acontecimentos bíblicos

    Preoperative CYFRA 21-1 and CEA as Prognostic Factors in Patients with Stage I Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

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    Objective: To validate the prognostic value of preoperative levels of CYFRA 21-1, CEA and the corresponding tumor marker index (TMI) in patients with stage I non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Methods: Two hundred forty stage I NSCLC patients (80 in pT1 and 160 in pT2; 100 squamous cell carcinomas, 91 adenocarcinomas, 32 large-cell carcinomas, 17 with other histologies; 171 males and 69 females) who had complete resection (R0) between 1986 and 2004 were included in the analysis. CYFRA 21-1 and CEA were measured using the Elecsys system (Roche) and AxSym-System (Abbott), respectively. Univariate analysis was performed using the Kaplan-Meier method to identify potential associations between survival and age, gender, CYFRA 21-1, CEA and TMI. Results: Overall 3- and 5-year survival rates were 74 and 64%, respectively. Male gender (p = 0.0009) and age 1 70 years (p = 0.0041) were associated with a worse prognosis; there were no differences between pT1 and pT2 nor between histological subtypes. Three- year survival was 72% for CYFRA 21-1 levels > 3.3 ng/ml versus 75% for levels 6.7 ng/ ml versus 75% for CEA 70 years were associated with a worse outcome, but elevated levels of CEA and CYFRA 21-1, and TMI risk were not. Copyright (C) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Inducible uniparental chromosome disomy to probe genomic imprinting at single-cell level in brain and beyond

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    Genomic imprinting is an epigenetic mechanism that results in parental allele-specific expression of ~1% of all genes in mouse and human. Imprinted genes are key developmental regulators and play pivotal roles in many biological processes such as nutrient transfer from the mother to offspring and neuronal development. Imprinted genes are also involved in human disease, including neurodevelopmental disorders, and often occur in clusters that are regulated by a common imprint control region (ICR). In extra-embryonic tissues ICRs can act over large distances, with the largest surrounding Igf2r spanning over 10 million base-pairs. Besides classical imprinted expression that shows near exclusive maternal or paternal expression, widespread biased imprinted expression has been identified mainly in brain. In this review we discuss recent developments mapping cell type specific imprinted expression in extra-embryonic tissues and neocortex in the mouse. We highlight the advantages of using an inducible uniparental chromosome disomy (UPD) system to generate cells carrying either two maternal or two paternal copies of a specific chromosome to analyze the functional consequences of genomic imprinting. Mosaic Analysis with Double Markers (MADM) allows fluorescent labeling and concomitant induction of UPD sparsely in specific cell types, and thus to over-express or suppress all imprinted genes on that chromosome. To illustrate the utility of this technique, we explain how MADM-induced UPD revealed new insights about the function of the well-studied Cdkn1c imprinted gene, and how MADM-induced UPDs led to identification of highly cell type specific phenotypes related to perturbed imprinted expression in the mouse neocortex. Finally, we give an outlook on how MADM could be used to probe cell type specific imprinted expression in other tissues in mouse, particularly in extra-embryonic tissues

    Liszt et la Hongrie

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