397 research outputs found

    Disposition toward critical thinking and creative confidence beliefs in higher education students: The mediating role of openness to diversity and challenge

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    Creative thinking and critical thinking are complementary cognitive processes that are important for dealing with complex challenges. The primary aim of this study was to examine the mediating role of openness to diversity and challenge in the relationship between disposition toward critical thinking and creative confidence beliefs in higher education students. Participants were 1,627 students from two universities in Spain (Mondragon Unibertsitatea and Florida Universit`aria), ranging in age from 17 to 44 years (Mage = 20.35, SD = 2.62; 53.05% female). Results showed not only a direct, positive relationship between critical thinking disposition and students’ creative confidence beliefs but also that this relationship was mediated by openness to diversity and challenge. Thus, those students more disposed toward critical thinking are also more open to diversity and challenge and have a stronger creative self-concept. These results highlight the importance of enhancing students’ disposition to use critical thinking so as to strengthen their creative self-concept. Higher education institutions also need to develop teaching strategies and contexts that promote students’ openness to diversity and challenge as a step towards their becoming active and responsible citizens

    Entrepreneurial self-efficacy among first-year undergraduates: Gender, creative self-efficacy, leadership self-efficacy, and field of study

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    Objective: To contribute to a better understanding of the factors that influence university students’ confidence in their ability to engage in entrepreneurial behaviours. Research Design & Methods: Participants were 1741 first-year students (792 women, 949 men) from two Spanish universities (Mage = 18.76, SD = 1.82). They were enrolled in degree programmes in two broad fields: engineering and architecture, and social sciences and law. Using a quantitative cross-sectional design, we obtained measures of creative self-efficacy, leadership self-efficacy, and entrepreneurial self-efficacy. Findings: Results showed that both leadership self-efficacy and creative self-efficacy predicted entrepreneurial self-efficacy, although creative self-efficacy was the variable that contributed most to the expected change in entrepreneurial self-efficacy. There were also differences in entrepreneurial self-efficacy according to gender and field of study, with students enrolled in a technical field and men in general scoring higher. Mediation-moderation analysis showed that creative self-efficacy mediated the relationship between gender and entrepreneurial self-efficacy, and also that the field of study buffered the effect of gender on entrepreneurial self-efficacy. Implications & Recommendations: The results of this study showed that entrepreneurial self-efficacy is predicted by creative self-efficacy and leadership self-efficacy, and hence both these variables should be addressed by training initiatives aimed at promoting entrepreneurship among undergraduates, particularly among young women. Moreover, our results highlighted the importance of taking into consideration individuals’ educational backgrounds when analysing students’ entrepreneurial self-efficacy. Contribution & Value Added: This research contributes to the literature on entrepreneurship by identifying factors that influence the entrepreneurial self-efficacy of university students. The findings highlight the importance of considering creative self-efficacy when analysing students’ entrepreneurial development. Furthermore, we show that creative self-efficacy has a mediating effect on the association between gender and entrepreneurial self-efficacy, and also that this relationship is moderated by students’ fields of study. Overall, these results suggest that reinforcing the creative self-efficacy of women could help to close the gender gap in entrepreneurial self-efficacy. It might also be useful to design specific training initiatives for undergraduates enrolled in social sciences, the aim of which would be to foster an entrepreneurial culture and encourage them to recognize their potential role as entrepreneurs

    Las bóvedas de arcos entrecruzados en Armenia

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    Analysis and demolition of some vaults of the church of La Peregrina in Sahagún (Spain)

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    The Franciscan church of La Peregrina in Sahagún (Spain) was founded in the 13th Century. It has undergone many transformations and additions throughout its history. The most important were carried out in the 17th Century when the church was converted to the Baroque style. The apse vaults were demolished and new timbrel vaults were built hiding the Mudéjar windows. In the nave, the transverse arches that supported the modern roof were also demolished, internal counterforts were built and new barrel timbrel vaults with lunettes, erected. Eventually, an oval dome was built on the transept. Recent restoration work will give the building a new use. The project aims to recover the Mudéjar apse with its windows providing natural light to the presbytery. This involves the demolition of the Baroque vaults above the presbytery (a barrel vault terminated with a semi-dome). The oval dome will lose some buttressing to the side of the apse and an expertise was required to assess the feasibility of the operation. In the present paper the structure of the church will be described and the analysis of the oval dome with and without the presbytery vaults will be explained

    Informe sobre la estabilidad de las bóvedas, fachada y sistema de contrarresto de la iglesia de Sant Miquel, Palma de Mallorca.

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    La iglesia de Sant Miquel en Palma de Mallorca tiene un origen gótico pero sufrió importantes reformas en el siglo XVII. Al parecer, del gótico sólo se conservan las capillas laterales. Se trata de una iglesia de una gran nave única, con capillas laterales. La gran bóveda se compone de grandes arcos fajones, de unos 14 m de luz, espaciados unos 4 m, entre los cuales hay una delgada bóveda de cañón de libaña de marés de 13 cm de espesor y 14,65 m de luz. En los pies hay un coro alto sobre una bóveda de crucería muy rebajada y con un arco de cabeza carpanel, también muy rebajado hacia la nave. En la zona de los pies se aprecian grietas en los plementos de la bóveda del coro, en el arco de cabeza, y en las bóvedas de cañón entre los arcos fajones. La gran bóveda presenta una grieta de separación en el lado sur del muro de fachada; el segundo tramo desde los pies presenta también una grieta transversal. El enlucido de la gran bóveda está bastante deteriorado y ha habido pequeños desprendimientos. Los citados agrietamientos y el desprendimiento de pequeños trozos del enlucido han causado preocupación en el Obispado. El objetivo del presente informe es estudiar el origen de estos agrietamientos y su posible influencia en la estabilidad de la iglesia así como sugerir, en su caso, medidas de refuerzo o consolidación

    Islamic domes of crossed-arches: Origin, geometry and structural behavio

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    Crossed-arch domes are one of the earliest types of ribbed vaults. In them the ribs are intertwined forming polygons. The earliest known vaults of this type are found in the Great Mosque of Córdoba in Spain built in the mid 10th century, though the type appeared later in places as far as Armenia or Persia. This has generated a debate on their possible origin; a historical outline is given and the different hypotheses are discussed. Geometry is fundamental part and the different patterns are examined. Though geometry has been thoroughly studied in Hispanic-Muslim decoration, the geometry of domes has very rarely been considered. The geometrical patterns in plan will be examined and afterwards, the geometric problems of passing from the plan to the three-dimensional space will be considered. Finally, a discussion about the possible structural behaviour of these domes is sketched

    Crossed-arch vaults in late-gothic and early Renaissance vaulting: a problem in building technology transfer

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    Crossed-arch vaults are a particular type of ribbed vaults. Their main feature is that the ribs that form the vault are intertwined, forming polygons or stars and leaving an empty space in the middle. The firsts appear in Córdoba in the second half of the 10th Century. Afterwards, the type diffused through Spain and North Africa, 11th_13th Centuries. These vaults reappear in Armenia in the 13th Century. In the 14th and 15th Century a few examples are found both in England (Durham, Raby) and Central Europe (Prague, Landshut, Vienna). At about the same time, Leonardo da Vinci produced designs for the Tiburio (Ciborium) of Milan cathedral with a cross-arched structure and proposed tests to assess the strength; he also, made use of the same pattern of vault for Renaissance centralized churches. Eventually, the type can be tracked through the 17th (Guarini) and 18th (Vittone) Centuries, until Spanish post war architecture in the 1940-60s (Moya). Some questions arose, which so far, have not been answered. How was it possible that a particular type of vault had such enormous geographical spread? How was it transmitted from Córdoba to the Caucasus? The matter is one of transfer of knowledge, ideas, and technology; it relates both aesthetics and construction

    First-year university students entrepreneurial competence: Exploring the relationship between grit, creative self-efficacy and entrepreneurial self-efficacy

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    [EN] Grit, creative self-efficacy and entrepreneurial self-efficacy have been associated with the development of entrepreneurial behaviours that can prepare students for a rapidly changing world of work. The main purpose of this study is to analyse the relationship between the three variables amongst first-year university students. A positive relationship, albeit modest, was found between grit and the two measures of self-efficacy. Furthermore, findings suggest that grit can be considered a predictor variable for student self-efficacy beliefs in the context of entrepreneurship. However, this relationship was found to be weak and not to offer significant opportunities for the improvement of student creative and entrepreneurial self-perception, beyond those already contemplated in social cognitive theory. Moreover, results revealed a significant and robust positive relationship between creative and entrepreneurial self-perceptions in university students. The strong relationship found between creative and entrepreneurial self-efficacy renders an opportunity to develop informed interventions directed towards improving student entrepreneurial self-perceptions. In this regard, the results suggest the importance of cultivating creativity in educational institutions.Álvarez-Huerta, P.; Larrea, I.; Muela, A. (2021). First-year university students entrepreneurial competence: Exploring the relationship between grit, creative self-efficacy and entrepreneurial self-efficacy. En 7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'21). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1295-1302. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd21.2021.12830OCS1295130