5,836 research outputs found

    Severe stress urinary incontinence: pelvic floor muscle training program

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    International guidelines recommend a first line therapy in the treatment of female stress urinary incontinence (SUI), the pelvic floor muscle (PFM) training. This case report assesses the effects of the PFM training program in treating women with severe SUI. The urodynamic parameters allow diagnosed intrinsic sphincter deficiency and urethral hypermobility. The subjective and objective parameters were assessed at the beginning and after six-month of PFM training program. This case report confirms the efficiency of the intensive training program in severe SUI. The medical implications of the PFM training as first treatment option reflect favourable individual results and additionally contribute to the selection of the non-invasive treatment, the reduction of the incidence collateral effects, low costs and that does not prevent future treatment options

    Optimization models to support sustainable electricity planning decisions

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    Over the last decades, models and concepts related to sustainable electricity planning decisions have been changed according to the society, energy policy objectives and concerns. New and clean energy technologies are emerging as major contributors for the achievement of a set of imposed goals, being the energy efficiency combined with renewable energy sources (RES) a key strategy for a sustainable future. Power planning based on optimization models plays an important role for, not only electricity industry decision making process, but also for all processes where complex decision must be made. Following the idea of sustainability combined with the emergence of RES, this study aims to present an on-going research project that involves the development of a set of mathematical models to be used on the electricity planning. Assuming a time period of 10 years and through scenario analysis, the expected impacts in terms of costs and CO2 emissions were evaluated. The behaviour of system when coal and gas fuel price varies is observed. The results put evidence the significant wind power and hydro power impacts on the electricity sector performance and demonstrate importance of these technologies to achieve the European Union goals for the sector.This work was financed by: the QREN – Operational Programme for Competitiveness Factors, the European Union – European Regional Development Fund and National Funds- Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, under Project FCOMP-01- 0124-FEDER-011377 and Project Pest-OE/EME/UI0252/2011

    Short-term scheduling model for a wind-hydro-thermal electricity system

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    This study addresses the problem of the self-scheduling of an electricity system mainly based on hydro, fossil fuel thermal and wind power plants. A binary mixed integer non-linear optimization model is described and applied to short-term electricity planning of a system close to the expected Portuguese one on the year 2020. The model is written in a GAMS code and a global optimization solver is used to obtain the numerical results. The objective function encompasses the minimization of total system production costs through a centralized unit commitment. Different constraints, essentially related to operating parameters that characterize the power plants available for dispatch, are included in the model. The obtained results show the importance of the renewable energy sources seasonality on the thermal power plants operating conditions and on the total cost of the system.QREN, COMPETE, FCT, under Project FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-01137

    Strategic electricity planning decisions

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    Sustainable electricity power planning involves trade-offs between multiple goals. The different attributes of each technology or generation portfolio in terms of the attainment of society goals must be assessed and included in the planning models. Optimization models always played an important role for supporting complex planning decision making, from which the particular case of the electricity industry stands out. This study addresses energy policy and strategic central decisions, presenting a long-term model for electricity planning. A MILP problem is described, which addresses a mixed hydro-thermal-wind power system close to the Portuguese electricity case. Through scenario analysis, the expected impacts in terms of costs, CO2 emissions and external energy dependence are evaluated for a 10 years planning period. Based on the assumed cost information and on the imposed technical restrictions, the obtained results put in evidence the importance of coal power plants combined with new hydro power investments for minimum cost scenarios.This work was financed by: the QREN – Operational Programme for Competitiveness Factors, the European Union – European Regional Development Fund and National Funds- Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, under Project FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-011377 and Project Pest-OE/EME/UI0252/2011

    Banks’ corporate control and relationship lending: evidence from retail loans

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    Universal banks can have control over borrowers by holding equity stakes in the borrower firm. Banks’ corporate control is likely to increase the likelihood of providing a future loan as they mitigate information asymmetry and agency costs of debt. Using panel data on Portuguese companies, we find that a bank corporate control enhances the probability of providing a future loan by 10 percentage points relative to a relationship lender with no control. This finding is robust to the inclusion of many firm-level controls, including firm fixed effects, and to instrumental variable methods to correct for the potential endogeneity of banks’ equity stakes in borrower firms. Consistent with our hypotheses, the effect is significantly higher for borrowers with greater information asymmetry, while the effect is lower when the borrower has multiple lending relationships or multiple banks as shareholders. Our results suggest banks’ corporate control affect the choice of the lender in the corporate loan market.

    Exploratory study on maturation and competition level in young karate practitioners

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    Emparelhar crianças propicia sucesso e reduz lesões no desporto. Apesar das diferenças de maturação entre crianças, a idade cronológica mantém-se o principal critério para equalizar os níveis de competição, mas com uma eficiência limitada. No entanto, no karaté, o peso também é considerado. Fomos verificar se existe associação entre a idade cronológica e os indicadores maturacionais e, encontrar modelos simples que permitam colocar em reflexão novas formas de avaliação da maturação. Foram recolhidos dados em 54 jovens praticantes de karaté (idade: 12,67 ± 2,49 anos; experiência: 4,99 ± 2,44 anos; altura: 150,45 ± 15,25cm; peso: 43,09 ± 14,17 kg, 20 raparigas). A idade correlacionou-se significativamente com auto-observação da maturação sexual (rho = 0,838; p < 0,01), e foi possível encontrar modelos de regressão simples que têm uma explicação moderada na maturação, apenas utilizando variáveis de medição simples, tal como a altura, o peso e o perímetro do braço. Estes resultados devem levar as entidades competentes a refletir acerca do modo de emparelhamento dos atletas nas competições de uma forma justa em termos de maturação.Paring children improve the chance for success and reduce injury in sport. Despite the maturity differences between children, chronological age remains the main criterion to equalize competition levels, but with limited efficiency. However, in Karate, weight is also considered. We went to investigate the association between chronological age and maturational indicators and find simple models to put on reflection new ways to assess the maturity. Data were collected in 54 young Karate practitioners (age: 12.67 ± 2.49 years, experience: 4.99 ± 2.44 years, height: 150.45 ± 15.25 cm, weight: 43.09 ± 14, 17 kg, 20 girls). Age correlated significantly with self-observation of sexual maturation (rho = 0.838; p < 0.01), and it was possible to find simple regression models that have a moderate explanation in maturation, using only simple measurable variables such as the height, weight and arm circumference. These results should lead the competent entities to reflect on the way of pairing of the athletes in the competitions, in a fair way in terms of maturation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mead production: Fermentative performance of yeasts entrapped in different concentrations of alginate

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    Mead is an alcoholic drink known since ancient times, produced by yeast fermenting diluted honey. However, the production of mead has suffered in recent years, partially owing to the lack of scientific progress in this field. In this study, two strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, QA23 and ICVD47, were immobilized in 2 or 4% (w/v) alginate beads to assess the most effective alginate concentration for yeast immobilization to produce mead. Neither of the alginate concentrations was able to prevent cell leakage from the beads. The fermentation length was 120h for both yeast strains. In all cases, at the end of the fermentation, the number of cells entrapped in the beads was higher than the number of free cells, and the total 4% alginate bead wet weight was significantly higher than the 2% alginate bead wet weight. In addition, the evaluation of mead quality showed that the yeast strain had significantly more influence on the physicochemical characteristics than the alginate concentration. Although the yeasts immobilized in the two alginate concentrations were able to perform the fermentation, further research is needed in order to understand the evolution of the yeast population inside the beads throughout the fermentative process.The research presented in this paper was partially funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, and by the PTDC project (contract PTDC/AGR-ALI/68284/2006). A.P.P. is the recipient of a PhD grant from FCT (SFRH/BD/45820/2008).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A review of co-optimization approaches for operational and planning problems in the energy sector

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    This paper contributes to a comprehensive perspective on the application of co-optimization in the energy sector – tracking the frontiers and trends in the field and identifying possible research gaps – based on a systematic literature review of 211 related studies. The use of co-optimization is addressed from a variety of perspectives by splitting the studies into ten key categories. Research has consistently shown that co-optimization approaches can be technically challenging and it is usually a data-intensive procedure. Overall, a set of techniques such as relaxation, decomposition and linear approaches have been proposed for reducing the inherent nonlinear model's complexities. The need to coordinate the necessary data from multiples actors might increase the complexity of the problem since security and confidentiality issues would also be put on the table. The evidence from our review seems to suggest a pertinent role for addressing real-case systems in future models instead of using theoretical test cases as considered by most studies. The identified challenges for future co-optimization models include (i) dealing with the treatment of uncertainties and (ii) take into account the trade-offs among modelling fidelity, spatial granularity and geographical coverage. Although there is also a growing body of literature that recognizes the importance of co-optimization focused on integrating supply and demand-side options, there has been little work in the development of co-optimization models for long-term decision-making, intending to recognize the impact of short-term variability of both demand and RES supply and well suited to systems with a high share of RES and under different demand flexibility conditions. The research results represent a further step towards the importance of developing more comprehensive approaches for integrating short-term constraints in future co-optimized planning models. The findings provide a solid evidence base for the multi-dimensionality of the co-optimization problems and contriThis work is supported by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), Brazil. This work has been supported by FCT – Fundaça˜o para a Ciˆencia e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020
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