6,998 research outputs found

    The Effects of a Currency Union on Trade: The Case of the Euro-System

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    The decision of a preferential trading agreement (PTA) to form a currency union adds a new dimension to the debate over whether PTA’s are a step forward or backwards in the quest for world wide free trade. This paper looks at the effects the introduction of the euro has had on trade within the European Union (EU). Using trade data for the twenty-three industrialized countries as classified by the International Monetary Fund, ordinary least-squares was applied to a gravity model of bilateral trade. Independent variables included: gross domestic product (GDP), per capita GDP, a distance measure, adjacency, common language, membership in the EU, and membership in the euro-zone. Parameter estimates show that membership in the Euro-zone increased trade nearly one and a half times over nonmembers. Tests on data from subsequent years will be needed before definite conclusions can be reached, but these initial results are consistent with other researchers

    Continued monitoring of LMXBs with the Faulkes Telescopes

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    The Faulkes Telescope Project is an educational and research arm of the Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network (LCOGTN). It has two 2-metre robotic telescopes, located at Haleakala on Maui (FT North) and Siding Spring in Australia (FT South). It is planned for these telescopes to be complemented by a research network of eighteen 1-metre telescopes, along with an educational network of twenty-eight 0.4-metre telescopes, providing 24 hour coverage of both northern and southern hemispheres. We have been conducting a monitoring project of 13 low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) using FT North since early 2006. The introduction of FT South has allowed us to extend this to monitor a total of 30 LMXBs (see target list, Section 4). New instrumentation will allow us to expand this project to include both infrared wavelengths (z and y band) and spectroscopy. Brighter targets (~ 16 - 18 mag.) are imaged weekly in V, R and i’ bands (SNR ~ 50), while fainter ones (> 18 mag.) are observed only in i’ band (SNR ~ 20). We alter this cadence in response to our own analysis or Astronomers Telegrams (ATels)

    The Stochastic Dynamics of Rectangular and V-shaped Atomic Force Microscope Cantilevers in a Viscous Fluid and Near a Solid Boundary

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    Using a thermodynamic approach based upon the fluctuation-dissipation theorem we quantify the stochastic dynamics of rectangular and V-shaped microscale cantilevers immersed in a viscous fluid. We show that the stochastic cantilever dynamics as measured by the displacement of the cantilever tip or by the angle of the cantilever tip are different. We trace this difference to contributions from the higher modes of the cantilever. We find that contributions from the higher modes are significant in the dynamics of the cantilever tip-angle. For the V-shaped cantilever the resulting flow field is three-dimensional and complex in contrast to what is found for a long and slender rectangular cantilever. Despite this complexity the stochastic dynamics can be predicted using a two-dimensional model with an appropriately chosen length scale. We also quantify the increased fluid dissipation that results as a V-shaped cantilever is brought near a solid planar boundary.Comment: 10 pages, 15 images, corrected equation (8

    Using Subset Log-Likelihoods to Trim Outliers in Gaussian Mixture Models

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    Mixtures of Gaussian distributions are a popular choice in model-based clustering. Outliers can affect parameters estimation and, as such, must be accounted for. Predicting the proportion of outliers correctly is paramount as it minimizes misclassification error. It is proved that, for a finite Gaussian mixture model, the log-likelihoods of the subset models are distributed according to a mixture of beta distributions. An algorithm is then proposed that predicts the proportion of outliers by measuring the adherence of a set of subset log-likelihoods to a beta mixture reference distribution. This algorithm removes the least likely points, which are deemed outliers, until model assumptions are met

    The stochastic dynamics of micron and nanoscale elastic cantilevers in fluid: fluctuations from dissipation

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    The stochastic dynamics of micron and nanoscale cantilevers immersed in a viscous fluid are quantified. Analytical results are presented for long slender cantilevers driven by Brownian noise. The spectral density of the noise force is not assumed to be white and the frequency dependence is determined from the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. The analytical results are shown to be useful for the micron scale cantilevers that are commonly used in atomic force microscopy. A general thermodynamic approach is developed that is valid for cantilevers of arbitrary geometry as well as for arrays of multiple cantilevers whose stochastic motion is coupled through the fluid. It is shown that the fluctuation-dissipation theorem permits the calculation of stochastic quantities via straightforward deterministic methods. The thermodynamic approach is used with deterministic finite element numerical simulations to quantify the autocorrelation and noise spectrum of cantilever fluctuations for a single micron scale cantilever and the cross-correlations and noise spectra of fluctuations for an array of two experimentally motivated nanoscale cantilevers as a function of cantilever separation. The results are used to quantify the noise reduction possible using correlated measurements with two closely spaced nanoscale cantilevers.Comment: Submitted to Nanotechnology April 26, 200

    Quantum mutual information of an entangled state propagating through a fast-light medium

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    Although it is widely accepted that classical information cannot travel faster than the speed of light in vacuum, the behavior of quantum correlations and quantum information propagating through actively-pumped fast-light media has not been studied in detail. To investigate this behavior, we send one half of an entangled state of light through a gain-assisted fast-light medium and detect the remaining quantum correlations. We show that the quantum correlations can be advanced by a small fraction of the correlation time while the entanglement is preserved even in the presence of noise added by phase-insensitive gain. Additionally, although we observe an advance of the peak of the quantum mutual information between the modes, we find that the degradation of the mutual information due to the added noise appears to prevent an advancement of the leading edge. In contrast, we show that both the leading and trailing edges of the mutual information in a slow-light system can be significantly delayed

    Probiotics for preventing acute otitis media in children

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    This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (Intervention). The objectives are as follows: to assess the effects of probiotics to prevent the occurrence and reduce the severity of acute otitis media in children.</p

    Indentation and self-healing mechanisms of a self-assembled monolayer:a combined experimental and modeling study

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    A combination of in situ vibrational sum-frequency generation (SFG) spectroscopy and molecular-dynamics (MD) simulations has allowed us to study the effects of indentation of self-assembled octadecylphosphonic acid (ODPA) monolayers on α-Al2O3(0001). Stress-induced changes in the vibrational signatures of C–H stretching vibrations in SFG spectra and the results of MD simulations provide clear evidence for an increase in gauche-defect density in the monolayer as a response to indentation. A stress-dependent analysis indicates that the defect density reaches saturation at approximately 155 MPa. After stress is released, the MD simulations show an almost instantaneous healing of pressure-induced defects in good agreement with experimental results. The lateral extent of the contact areas was studied with colocalized SFG spectroscopy and compared to theoretical predictions for pressure gradients from Hertzian contact theory. SFG experiments reveal a gradual increase in gauche-defect density with pressure before saturation close to the contact center. Furthermore, our MD simulations show a spatial anisotropy of pressure-induced effects within ODPA domains: molecules tilted in the direction of the pressure gradient increase in tilt angle while those on the opposite side form gauche-defects

    Multiple equilibria in Tullock contests

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    We find the sufficient conditions for the existence of multiple equilibria in Tullock-type contests, and show that asymmetric equilibria arise even under symmetric prize and cost structures. We then present existing contests where multiple equilibria exist under reasonably weak conditions