195 research outputs found

    What are we really evaluating when we rank journals : Comparisons of views

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    This paper examines differences in academics perceptions of how journals should be evaluated in terms of their prestige, contribution to theory, contribution to practice and contribution to teaching. Comparisons are made between individual and institutional weightings, regional variations and whether an individual works at an institution offering a PhD/DBA. Some differences were identified, suggesting that that evaluative criteria used to rank journal may be influenced by employment situations.<br /

    A grouping journals using multi-dimensional perceptual criteria of North American marketing academics

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    This paper seeks to develop groupings of journals (A, B, C) using multi-dimensional perceptual rankings, based on North American respondents&rsquo; evaluation of a journal&rsquo;s prestige, contribution to theory, contribution to practice and contribution to teaching. Nonparametric comparisons of criterion mean values indicate that there are generally statistically significant correlations between criteria. Cluster analysis identifies A, B, and C \u27categorisations\u27 of journals are different in regards to all four evaluative criteria.<br /

    CYRI/ Fam49 proteins represent a new class of Rac1 interactors

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    Fam49 proteins, now referred to as CYRI (CYFIP-related Rac Interactor), are evolutionarily conserved across many phyla. Their closest relative by amino acid sequence is CYFIP, as both proteins contain a domain of unknown function DUF1394. We recently showed that CYRI and the DUF1394 can mediate binding to Rac1 and evidence is building to suggest that CYRI plays important roles in cell migration, chemotaxis and pathogen entry into cells. Here we discuss how CYRI proteins fit into the current framework of the control of actin dynamics by positive and negative feedback loops containing Rac1, the Scar/WAVE Complex, the Arp2/3 Complex and branched actin. We also provide data regarding the interaction between Rac1 and CYRI in an unbiassed mass spectrometry screen for interactors of an active mutant of Rac1

    GARP and EARP are required for efficient BoHV-1 replication as identified by a genome wide CRISPR knockout screen

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    The advances in gene editing bring unprecedented opportunities in high throughput functional genomics to animal research. Here we describe a genome wide CRISPR knockout library, btCRISPRko.v1, targeting all protein coding genes in the cattle genome. Using it, we conducted genome wide screens during Bovine Herpes Virus type 1 (BoHV-1) replication and compiled a list of pro-viral and anti-viral candidates. These candidates might influence multiple aspects of BoHV-1 biology such as viral entry, genome replication and transcription, viral protein trafficking and virion maturation in the cytoplasm. Some of the most intriguing examples are VPS51, VPS52 and VPS53 that code for subunits of two membrane tethering complexes, the endosome-associated recycling protein (EARP) complex and the Golgi-associated retrograde protein (GARP) complex. These complexes mediate endosomal recycling and retrograde trafficking to the trans Golgi Network (TGN). Simultaneous loss of both complexes in MDBKs resulted in greatly reduced production of infectious BoHV-1 virions. We also found that viruses released by these deficient cells severely lack VP8, the most abundant tegument protein of BoHV-1 that are crucial for its virulence. In combination with previous reports, our data suggest vital roles GARP and EARP play during viral protein packaging and capsid re-envelopment in the cytoplasm. It also contributes to evidence that both the TGN and the recycling endosomes are recruited in this process, mediated by these complexes. The btCRISPRko.v1 library generated here has been controlled for quality and shown to be effective in host gene discovery. We hope it will facilitate efforts in the study of other pathogens and various aspects of cell biology in cattle.</p

    The Motives of Ambassadors in Bidding for International Association Meetings and Events

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    As destinations contest the rights to host international association-based meetings and events, competitive points of difference in the bidding process can mean the success or loss of a bid. One of these points of difference has been the growth of ambassador programs worldwide. These programs consist of influential, high-profile individuals, representing their particular industry body or association. Ambassadors work together with destination marketing organizations (DMOs) and meetings/conference professionals in putting forward bids to their association for future events. To understand the motivations of ambassadors in bidding for international meetings and events, an exploratory study employing an online survey was conducted with ambassadors from three programs, one based in Australia, one based in Southeast Asia, and one in the Middle East. The results provide a demographic profile of ambassadors and highlight their motives for actively bidding for international meetings and events. The study adds to knowledge on a topic for which limited research has been undertaken—that of the bidding process for business events—and expands understanding of how ambassador programs, together with DMOs, can contribute to a professional bidding process for globally roaming international association meetings and events

    Modelling neurological diseases in large animals: criteria for model selection and clinical assessment

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    Issue: The impact of neurological disorders is recognised globally, with one in six people affected in their lifetime and few treatments to slow or halt disease progression. This is due in part to the increasing ageing population, and is confounded by the high failure rate of translation from rodent-derived therapeutics to clinically effective human neurological interventions. Improved translation is demonstrated using higher order mammals with more complex/comparable neuroanatomy. These animals effectually span this translational disparity and increase confidence in factors including routes of administration/dosing and ability to scale, such that potential therapeutics will have successful outcomes when moving to patients. Coupled with advancements in genetic engineering to produce genetically tailored models, livestock are increasingly being used to bridge this translational gap. Approach: In order to aid in standardising characterisation of such models, we provide comprehensive neurological assessment protocols designed to inform on neuroanatomical dysfunction and/or lesion(s) for large animal species. We also describe the applicability of these exams in different large animals to help provide a better understanding of the practicalities of cross species neurological disease modelling. Recommendation: We would encourage the use of these assessments as a reference framework to help standardise neurological clinical scoring of large animal models
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