95 research outputs found

    A relação entre o nível voluntário de transparência e o custo de capital próprio das empresas brasileiras não-financeiras

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    O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é verificar empiricamente a existência de relação significativa entre o nível de disclosure voluntário de informações e custo de capital próprio de empresas brasileiras não financeiras. É esperado que um maior nível de disclosure esteja relacionado a um menor custo de capital próprio pela redução do risco percebido pelos investidores. A fim de medir o nível de disclosure voluntário das empresas foi utilizado um questionário desenvolvido para este fim. O custo de capital próprio foi obtido com base em informações publicamente disponíveis das empresas. Foi encontrada uma relação negativa e significante entre as variáveis de interesse, indicando que as empresas que mais divulgam informações voluntariamente conseguem captar capital próprio a uma taxa mais barata

    Non-Standard Errors

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    In statistics, samples are drawn from a population in a data-generating process (DGP). Standard errors measure the uncertainty in estimates of population parameters. In science, evidence is generated to test hypotheses in an evidence-generating process (EGP). We claim that EGP variation across researchers adds uncertainty: Non-standard errors (NSEs). We study NSEs by letting 164 teams test the same hypotheses on the same data. NSEs turn out to be sizable, but smaller for better reproducible or higher rated research. Adding peer-review stages reduces NSEs. We further find that this type of uncertainty is underestimated by participants

    Bid, ask and transaction prices in a specialist market with heterogeneously informed traders

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    The presence of traders with superior information leads to a positive bid-ask spread even when the specialist is risk-neutral and makes zero expected profits. The resulting transaction prices convey information, and the expectation of the average spread squared times volume is bounded by a number that is independent of insider activity. The serial correlation of transaction price dif-ferences is a function of the proportion of the spread due to adverse selection. A bid-ask spread implies a divergence between observed returns and realizable returns. Observed returns are approximately realizable returns plus what the uninformed anticipate losing to the insiders. 1

    Бюджетное право Российской Федерации : учебное пособие

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    Загл. с экранаТомск : Изд-во Том. ун-та, 2009Получено из издательств

    Short Selling and the News: A Preliminary Report on Empirical Study

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    No subject in securities regulation has generated more heat and less light than short selling. A short sale is the sale of a share that is borrowed from a third party rather than owned by the seller. At a later time, the short seller extinguishes her obligation to this third party by “covering” – purchasing an identical share in the market and then returning it to the third party. If the share price drops, the cost of covering will be less than the proceeds received earlier from the sale and the short seller will make money. Politicians and CEOs rail against short selling as a manipulative tool that artificially pushes share prices below their fundamental values. Most finance theorists, in contrast, extol short selling’s virtues as a practice that helps to quickly incorporate new information into share prices, and thus enhances price accuracy. Short selling, in their view, also provides valuable liquidity to the market and aids investors in hedging against risk. Short sales account for 31% of all sales for NASDAQ listed stocks and 24% of all New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) listed stocks. They are thus an important phenomenon, certainly big enough to affect prices