746 research outputs found

    A parallel three stranded α-helical bundle at the nucleation site of collagen triple-helix formation

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    AbstractA short stretch of 35 amino acids is identified as the structural motif responsible for the tight parallel association and trimerization of the three identical polypeptide chains of lung surfactant protein D, which contains both collagen regions and C-type lectin domains. This ‘neck-region’ is located at the nucleation site at which the collagenous sequences fold into a staggered triple-helix and is shown, by CD, NMR, and cross-linking of recombinant peptides, to consist of a triple-stranded parallel α-helical bundle in a non-staggered, and extremely strong, non-covalent association. This type of association between three polypeptide chains may represent a common structural feature immediately following the C-terminal end of the triple-helical region of collagenous proteins

    An evaluation of the complement-regulating activities of human complement factor H (FH) variants associated with age-related macular degeneration

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    PURPOSE: Factor H (FH, encoded by CFH) prevents activation of the complement system's alternative pathway (AP) on host tissues. FH impedes C3 convertase (C3bBb) formation, accelerates C3bBb decay, and is a cofactor for factor I (FI)–catalyzed C3b cleavage. Numerous CFH variants are associated with age-related macular degeneration (AMD), but their functional consequences frequently remain undetermined. Here, we conduct functional comparisons between a control version of FH (not AMD linked) and 21 AMD-linked FH variants. METHODS: Recombinantly produced, untagged, full-length FH versions were assayed for binding to C3b and decay acceleration of C3bBb using surface-plasmon resonance, FI-cofactor activity using a fluorescent probe of C3b integrity, suppression of C5b-9 assembly on an AP-activating surface, and inhibition of human AP-mediated lysis of sheep erythrocytes. RESULTS: All versions were successfully purified despite below-average yields for Arg2Thr, Arg53Cys, Arg175Pro, Arg175Gln, Ile221Val, Tyr402His, Pro503Ala, Arg567Gly, Gly1194Asp, and Arg1210Cys. Compared to control FH, Arg2Thr, Leu3Val, Ser58Ala, Asp90Gly, Asp130Asn, Gln400Lys, Tyr402His, Gly650Val, Ser890Ile, and Thr965Met showed minimal functional differences. Arg1210C, Arg53His, Arg175Gln, Gly1194Asp, Pro503Ala, Arg53Cys, Arg576Gly, and Arg175Pro (in order of decreasing efficacy) underperformed, while Ile221Val, Arg303Gln, and Arg303Trp were “marginal.” We newly identified variants toward the center of the molecule, Pro503Ala and Arg567Gly, as potentially pathogenic. CONCLUSIONS: Our approach could be extended to other variants of uncertain significance and to assays for noncanonical FH activities, aiming to facilitate selection of cohorts most likely to benefit from therapeutic FH. This is timely as recombinant therapeutic FH is in development for intravitreal treatment of AMD in patients with reduced FH functionality

    Structural Models of Human eEF1A1 and eEF1A2 Reveal Two Distinct Surface Clusters of Sequence Variation and Potential Differences in Phosphorylation

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    BACKGROUND:Despite sharing 92% sequence identity, paralogous human translation elongation factor 1 alpha-1 (eEF1A1) and elongation factor 1 alpha-2 (eEF1A2) have different but overlapping functional profiles. This may reflect the differential requirements of the cell-types in which they are expressed and is consistent with complex roles for these proteins that extend beyond delivery of tRNA to the ribosome. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:To investigate the structural basis of these functional differences, we created and validated comparative three-dimensional (3-D) models of eEF1A1 and eEF1A2 on the basis of the crystal structure of homologous eEF1A from yeast. The spatial location of amino acid residues that vary between the two proteins was thereby pinpointed, and their surface electrostatic and lipophilic properties were compared. None of the variations amongst buried amino acid residues are judged likely to have a major structural effect on the protein fold, or to affect domain-domain interactions. Nearly all the variant surface-exposed amino acid residues lie on one face of the protein, in two proximal but distinct sub-clusters. The result of previously performed mutagenesis in yeast may be interpreted as confirming the importance of one of these clusters in actin-bundling and filament disorganization. Interestingly, some variant residues lie in close proximity to, and in a few cases show differences in interactions with, residues previously inferred to be directly involved in binding GTP/GDP, eEF1Balpha and aminoacyl-tRNA. Additional sequence-based predictions, in conjunction with the 3-D models, reveal likely differences in phosphorylation sites that could reconcile some of the functional differences between the two proteins. CONCLUSIONS:The revelation and putative functional assignment of two distinct sub-clusters on the surface of the protein models should enable rational site-directed mutagenesis, including homologous reverse-substitution experiments, to map surface binding patches onto these proteins. The predicted variant-specific phosphorylation sites also provide a basis for experimental verification by mutagenesis. The models provide a structural framework for interpretation of the resulting functional analysis

    Structural basis for complement factor H-linked age-related macular degeneration

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.Nearly 50 million people worldwide suffer from age-related macular degeneration (AMD), which causes severe loss of central vision. A single-nucleotide polymorphism in the gene for the complement regulator factor H (FH), which causes a Tyr-to-His substitution at position 402, is linked to approximately 50% of attributable risks for AMD. We present the crystal structure of the region of FH containing the polymorphic amino acid His402 in complex with an analogue of the glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) that localize the complement regulator on the cell surface. The structure demonstrates direct coordination of ligand by the disease-associated polymorphic residue, providing a molecular explanation of the genetic observation. This glycan-binding site occupies the center of an extended interaction groove on the regulator's surface, implying multivalent binding of sulfated GAGs. This finding is confirmed by structure-based site-directed mutagenesis, nuclear magnetic resonance-monitored binding experiments performed for both H402 and Y402 variants with this and another model GAG, and analysis of an extended GAG-FH complex.B. Prosser is funded by the Wellcome Trust Structural Biology Training Program (075415/Z/04/Z). S. Johnson and P. Roversi were funded by grants to S.M. Lea from the Medical Research Council (MRC) of the United Kingdom (grants G0400389 and G0400775). D. Uhrin and P.N. Barlow were funded by the Wellcome Trust (078780/ Z/05/Z). S.J. Clark was funded by an MRC Doctoral Training Account (G78/7925), and R.B. Sim and A.J. Day were funded by MRC core funding to the MRC Immunochemistry Unit

    The Evolution of Quasar CIV and SiIV Broad Absorption Lines Over Multi-Year Time Scales

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    We investigate the variability of CIV 1549A broad absorption line (BAL) troughs over rest-frame time scales of up to ~7 yr in 14 quasars at redshifts z>2.1. For 9 sources at sufficiently high redshift, we also compare CIV and SiIV 1400A absorption variation. We compare shorter- and longer-term variability using spectra from up to four different epochs per source and find complex patterns of variation in the sample overall. The scatter in the change of absorption equivalent width (EW), Delta EW, increases with the time between observations. BALs do not, in general, strengthen or weaken monotonically, and variation observed over shorter (<months) time scales is not predictive of multi-year variation. We find no evidence for asymmetry in the distribution of Delta EW that would indicate that BALs form and decay on different time scales, and we constrain the typical BAL lifetime to be >~30 yr. The BAL absorption for one source, LBQS 0022+0150, has weakened and may now be classified as a mini-BAL. Another source, 1235+1453, shows evidence of variable, blue continuum emission that is relatively unabsorbed by the BAL outflow. CIV and SiIV BAL shape changes are related in at least some sources. Given their high velocities, BAL outflows apparently traverse large spatial regions and may interact with parsec-scale structures such as an obscuring torus. Assuming BAL outflows are launched from a rotating accretion disk, notable azimuthal symmetry is required in the outflow to explain the relatively small changes observed in velocity structure over times up to 7 yr

    Estimation of interdomain flexibility of N-terminus of factor H using residual dipolar couplings

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    Characterization of segmental flexibility is needed to understand the biological mechanisms of the very large category of functionally diverse proteins, exemplified by the regulators of complement activation, that consist of numerous compact modules or domains linked by short, potentially flexible, sequences of amino acid residues. The use of NMR-derived residual dipolar couplings (RDCs), in magnetically aligned media, to evaluate interdomain motion is established but only for two-domain proteins. We focused on the three N-terminal domains (called CCPs or SCRs) of the important complement regulator, human factor H (i.e. FH1-3). These domains cooperate to facilitate cleavage of the key complement activation-specific protein fragment, C3b, forming iC3b that no longer participates in the complement cascade. We refined a three-dimensional solution structure of recombinant FH1-3 based on nuclear Overhauser effects and RDCs. We then employed a rudimentary series of RDC datasets, collected in media containing magnetically aligned bicelles (disk-like particles formed from phospholipids) under three different conditions, to estimate interdomain motions. This circumvents a requirement of previous approaches for technically difficult collection of five independent RDC datasets. More than 80% of conformers of this predominantly extended three-domain molecule exhibit flexions of < 40 °. Such segmental flexibility (together with the local dynamics of the hypervariable loop within domain 3), could facilitate recognition of C3b via initial anchoring and eventual reorganization of modules to the conformation captured in the previously solved crystal structure of a C3b:FH1-4 complex