563 research outputs found

    Analysis of Deformation Data at Parkfield, California: Detection of a Long-Term Strain Transient

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    Analysis of more than a decade of high-quality data, particularly those from the two-color electronic distance meter (EDM), in the Parkfield, California, area reveals a significant transient in slip rate along the San Andreas Fault. This transient consists of an increase in fault slip rate of 3.3 ± 0.9 mm/yr during 1993.0 to 1998.0. The most reliable fault creep instruments show a comparable increase in slip rate, suggesting that the deformation is localized to the fault which breaks the surface. There was also an increase in precipitation around 1993. It is unlikely, however, that this anomaly is due directly to hydrology, as its spatial distribution is what would be expected for increased slip on the San Andreas Fault. The increase in slip rate corresponds temporally to a dramatic increase in seismicity, including the four largest earthquakes in the period 1984-1999 that occurred along a 6-km segment of the fault just to the north of the EDM network. There was also a previously reported anomaly in borehole shear strain [Gwyther et al., 1996] that closely corresponds temporally to the transient in EDM data. Solely on the basis of EDM data the transient can be modeled as a slip event on a 10-km-long segment of the fault. The calculated shear strains from this model, however, are not consistent with the observed ones. A compatible model can be found if there is increased aseismic slip to the northwest in conjunction with the four earthquakes. Support for this northwestern slip is provided by a recent study of slip rate based on microearthquake activity. We speculate that this northwestern event served to load the fault to the southeast, with the stress being partially released by the observed slip

    Mantle Discontinuities beneath Southern Africa

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    Seismic velocity discontinuities within the top 1000 km of the Earth beneath southern Africa are imaged by stacking about 1300 source-normalized broadband seismograms recorded by the Southern African Seismic Experiment. The Moho, 410, and 660 kilometer discontinuities are clearly detected. The mean mantle transition zone thickness is 245 km, essentially the same as the global average, suggesting that the transition zone is not anomalously warm. Thus, the lower-mantle \u27African Superplume\u27 beneath our study area has no discernible effect on transition zone temperature and is consequently confined to the lower mantle. Variations in transition zone thickness appear to be related to the presence or absence of thick lithosphere. We do not detect several previously-reported discontinuities beneath continents, such as the Hales or Lehmann discontinuities, and find no evidence for a 520 km discontinuity, nor do we detect a previously proposed low-velocity zone just above the transition zone

    Southern African Crustal Evolution and Composition: Constraints from Receiver Function Studies

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    Stacking of approximately 1500 radial receiver functions recorded at about 80 broadband seismic stations deployed in southern Africa reveals systematic spatial variations in the ratio of crustal P and S wave velocities (Φ), crustal thickness (H), and the amplitude of the converted Moho phases (R). The eastern Zimbabwe and the southern Kaapvaal cratons are characterized by small H (~38 km), small Φ (~1.73), and large R (~0.15) values, suggesting that the relatively undisturbed Archean crust beneath southern Africa is separated from the mantle by a sharp Moho and is felsic in composition. The Limpopo belt, which was created by a collisional event at 2.7 Ga, displays large H (~43 km) but similar Φ and R values relative to the cratonic areas. The Bushveld Mafic Intrusion Complex and its surrounding areas show large Φ (~1.78), large H (~43 km), and small R (~0.11) values, reflecting the intrusion of mafic material into the original crust as a result of the Bushveld event at 2.05 Ga. Excluding the Bushveld, the spatially consistent and age-independent low Φ accentuate the difference between felsic crustal composition and more mafic island arcs that are thought to be the likely source of continental material. Within such an island arc model, our data, combined with xenolith data excluding mantle delamination in cratonic environments, suggest that the modification to a felsic composition (e.g., by the partial melting of basalt and removal of residue by delamination) is restricted to have occurred during the collision between the arcs and the continent

    Mantle Deformation beneath Southern Africa

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    Seismic anisotropy from the southern African mantle has been inferred from shear-wave splitting measured at 79 sites of the Southern African Seismic Experiment. These data provide the most dramatic support to date that Archean mantle deformation is preserved as fossil mantle anisotropy. Fast polarization directions systematically follow the trend of Archean structures and splitting delay times exhibit geologic control. The most anisotropic regions are Late-Archean in age (Zimbabwe craton, Limpopo belt, western Kaapvaal craton), with delay times reduced dramatically in off-craton regions to the southwest and Early-Archean regions to the southeast. While thin lithosphere can account for weak off-craton splitting, small or vertically incoherent anisotropy is a more likely explanation for the Early-Archean region. We speculate that this difference in on-craton anisotropic structure is the result of two different continent-forming processes operating

    Mantle Layering across Central South America

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    Imaging of seismic velocity discontinuities along a 3000 km profile across central South America at 20°S suggests that the depth variations of the 410-km (d410) and 660-km (d660) discontinuities are closely associated with the high-velocity Nazca slab and juxtaposed low-velocity oceanic mantle beneath the slab. The mantle transition zone thickness ranges from 220 km in the oceanic mantle to 270 km in a 600-km-wide area occupied by the deflected Nazca slab. The slab deflection has also been suggested by previous studies of seismic tomography and seismicity. This 50 km difference in the thickness corresponds to a lateral temperature variation of about 370°C between the two areas. The depth of d410 shows a gradual eastward decrease of about 10 km along the profile, corresponding to a temperature that is about 75°C cooler to the east. This variation is probably related to changes in the upper mantle geotherms associated with the transition from tectonically active to stable upper mantle. A low-velocity anomaly in the upper mantle and mantle transition zone beneath eastern Brazil, previously detected by seismic tomography and interpreted as a fossil plume, produced no detectable perturbation in transition zone thickness. It is thus unlikely to extend to the transition zone or alternatively is not thermal in origin. Finally, we have observed several possible second-order discontinuities at the depths of 230, 500, 600, 840, and 915 km beneath the western part of the study area

    Structure and morphology of ACEL ZnS:Cu,Cl phosphor powder etched by hydrochloric acid

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    © The Electrochemical Society, Inc. 2009. All rights reserved. Except as provided under U.S. copyright law, this work may not be reproduced, resold, distributed, or modified without the express permission of The Electrochemical Society (ECS). The archival version is available at the link below.Despite many researches over the last half century, the mechanism of ac powder electroluminescence remains to be fully elucidated and, to this end, a better understanding of the relatively complex structure of alternate current electroluminescence (ACEL) phosphors is required. Consequently, the structure and morphology of ZnS:Cu,Cl phosphor powders have been investigated herein by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) on hydrochloric acid-etched samples and X-ray powder diffraction. The latter technique confirmed that, as a result of two-stage firing during their synthesis, the phosphors were converted from the high temperature hexagonal (wurtzite) structure to the low temperature cubic (sphalerite) polymorph having a high density of planar stacking faults. Optical microscopy revealed that the crystal habit of the phosphor had the appearance of the hexagonal polymorph, which can be explained by the sphalerite pseudomorphing of the earlier wurtzite after undergoing the hexagonal to cubic phase transformation during the synthesis. SEM micrographs of the hydrochloric-etched phosphor particles revealed etch pits, a high density of planar stacking faults along the cubic [111] axis, and the pyramids on the (111) face. These observations were consistent with unidirectional crystal growth originating from the face showing the pyramids.EPSRC, DTI, and the Technology Strategy Board-led Technology Program

    Shear wave splitting across the Iceland hot spot: Results from the ICEMELT experiment

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    We report on observations of upper mantle anisotropy from the splitting of teleseismic shear waves (SKS, SKKS, and PKS) recorded by the ICEMELT broadband seismometer network in Iceland. In a ridge-centered hot spot locale, mantle anisotropy may be generated by flow-induced lattice-preferred orientation of olivine grains or the anisotropic distribution of magma. Splitting measurements of teleseismic shear waves may thus provide diagnostic information on upper mantle flow and/or the distribution of retained melt associated with the Iceland mantle plume. In eastern Iceland, fast polarization directions lie between N10°W and N45°W and average N24°W; delay times between the fast and slow shear waves are generally 0.7–1.35 s. In western Iceland, in contrast, the fast polarization directions, while less well constrained, yield an average value of N23°E and delay times are smaller (0.2–0.95 s). We propose that splitting in eastern Iceland is caused by a 100- to 200-km-thick anisotropic layer in the upper mantle. The observed fast directions in eastern Iceland, however, do not correspond either to the plate spreading direction or to a pattern of radial mantle flow from the center of the Iceland hot spot. We suggest that the relatively uniform direction and magnitude of splitting in eastern Iceland, situated on the Eurasian plate, may therefore reflect the large-scale flow field of the North Atlantic upper mantle. We hypothesize that the different pattern of anisotropy beneath western Iceland, part of the North American plate, is due to the different absolute motions of the two plates. By this view, splitting in eastern and western Iceland is the consequence of shear by North American and Eurasian plate motion relative to the background mantle flow. From absolute plate motion models, in which the Eurasian plate is approximately stationary and the North American plate is moving approximately westward, the splitting observations in both eastern and western Iceland can be satisfied by a background upper mantle flow in the direction N34°W and a velocity of 3 cm/yr in a hot spot reference frame. This inference can be used to test mantle flow models. In particular, it is inconsistent with kinematic flow models, which predict southward flow, or models where flow is dominated by subduction-related sources of mantle buoyancy, which predict westward flow. Our observations are more compatible with the flow field predicted from global seismic tomography models, which in particular include the influence of the large-scale lower mantle upwelling beneath southern Africa. While the hypothesized association between our observations and this upwelling is presently speculative, it makes a very specific and testable prediction about the flow field and hence anisotropy beneath the rest of the Atlantic basin.This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under grants EAR-9316137, OCE-9402991, and EAR-9707193.Peer Reviewe

    Global mantle flow and the development of seismic anisotropy : differences between the oceanic and continental upper mantle

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2007. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research 112 (2007): B07317, doi:10.1029/2006JB004608.Viscous shear in the asthenosphere accommodates relative motion between Earth's surface plates and underlying mantle, generating lattice-preferred orientation (LPO) in olivine aggregates and a seismically anisotropic fabric. Because this fabric develops with the evolving mantle flow field, observations of seismic anisotropy can constrain asthenospheric flow patterns if the contribution of fossil lithospheric anisotropy is small. We use global viscous mantle flow models to characterize the relationship between asthenospheric deformation and LPO and compare the predicted pattern of anisotropy to a global compilation of observed shear wave splitting measurements. For asthenosphere >500 km from plate boundaries, simple shear rotates the LPO toward the infinite strain axis (ISA, the LPO after infinite deformation) faster than the ISA changes along flow lines. Thus we expect the ISA to approximate LPO throughout most of the asthenosphere, greatly simplifying LPO predictions because strain integration along flow lines is unnecessary. Approximating LPO with the ISA and assuming A-type fabric (olivine a axis parallel to ISA), we find that mantle flow driven by both plate motions and mantle density heterogeneity successfully predicts oceanic anisotropy (average misfit 13°). Continental anisotropy is less well fit (average misfit 41°), but lateral variations in lithospheric thickness improve the fit in some continental areas. This suggests that asthenospheric anisotropy contributes to shear wave splitting for both continents and oceans but is overlain by a stronger layer of lithospheric anisotropy for continents. The contribution of the oceanic lithosphere is likely smaller because it is thinner, younger, and less deformed than its continental counterpart.NSF grants EAR-0509882 (M.D.B. and C.P.C.), EAR-0609590 (C.P.C.), and EAR- 0215616 (P.G.S.