50 research outputs found

    Accelerating V2X Cryptography through Batch Operations

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    The increasing communication capabilities of vehicles are paving the way for promising road safety and traffic management applications. But the rise of connected vehicles also potentially introduces many security and privacy concerns. Thus, a vision of a successful cooperative vehicular network relies on strong security properties. Proposals such as the Security Credential Management System (SCMS) fulfil these security requirements with the concept of pseudonym certificates, relying on large-scale PKI. But since the on-board units performing these cryptographic operations are usually resource-constrained devices, it is important to consider ways to optimize and devise efficient implementations of the proposed algorithms. In this work, we study optimizations on the mathematical and algorithmic aspects of the validation of implicit certificates and the verification of ECDSA signatures used in the SCMS. We propose efficient algorithms to validate batches of implicit certificates, providing significant savings compared to the sequential validation of the individual certificates. We also propose optimizations to the verification of ECDSA signatures when the verification is performed with an implicit certificate. Although we focus our work on the SCMS and V2X communications, our contributions are more general and apply to every system combining ECQV and ECDSA

    Computational Aspects of Correlation Power Analysis

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    Since the discovery of simple power attacks, the cryptographic research community has developed significantly more advanced attack methods. The idea behind most algorithms remains to perform a statistical analysis by correlating the power trace obtained when executing a cryptographic primitive to a key-dependent guess. With the advancements of cryptographic countermeasures, it is not uncommon that sophisticated (higher-order) power attacks require computation on many millions of power traces in order to find the desired correlation. In this paper, we study the computational aspects of calculating the most widely used correlation coefficient: the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient. We study various time-memory trade-off techniques which apply specifically to the cryptologic setting and present methods to extend already completed computations using incremental versions. Moreover, we show how this technique can be applied to second-order attacks, reducing the attack cost significantly when adding new traces to an existing dataset. We also present methods which allow one to split the potentially huge trace set into smaller, more manageable chunks in order to reduce the memory requirements. Our concurrent implementation of these techniques highlights the benefits of this approach as it allows efficient computations on power measurements consisting of hundreds of gigabytes on a single modern workstation

    Clues to Nuclear Star Cluster Formation from Edge-on Spirals

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    We find 9 nuclear cluster candidates in a sample of 14 edge-on, late-type galaxies observed with HST/ACS. These clusters have magnitudes (M_I ~ -11) and sizes (r_eff ~ 3pc) similar to those found in previous studies of face-on, late-type spirals and dE galaxies. However, three of the nuclear clusters are significantly flattened and show evidence for multiple, coincident structural components. The elongations of these three clusters are aligned to within 10 degrees of the galaxies' major axes. Structurally, the flattened clusters are well fit by a combination of a spheroid and a disk or ring. The nuclear cluster disks/rings have F606W-F814W (~V-I) colors 0.3-0.6 magnitudes bluer than the spheroid components, suggesting that the stars in these components have ages < 1 Gyr. In NGC 4244, the nearest of the nuclear clusters, we further constrain the stellar populations and provide a lower limit on the dynamical mass via spectroscopy. We also present tentative evidence that another of the nuclear clusters (in NGC 4206) may also host a supermassive black hole. Based on our observational results we propose an in situ formation mechanism for nuclear clusters in which stars form episodically in compact nuclear disks, and then lose angular momentum or heat vertically to form an older spheroidal structure. We estimate the period between star formation episodes to be 0.5 Gyr and discuss possible mechanisms for tranforming the disk-like components into spheroids. We also note the connection between our objects and massive globular clusters (e.g. ω\omega Cen), UCDs, and SMBHs. (Abridged)Comment: Accepted for publication in the A

    Discovery of Candidate H2_2O Disk Masers in AGN and Estimations of Centripetal Accelerations

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    Based on spectroscopic signatures, about one-third of known H2_2O maser sources in active galactic nuclei (AGN) are believed to arise in highly inclined accretion disks around central engines. These "disk maser candidates" are of interest primarily because angular structure and rotation curves can be resolved with interferometers, enabling dynamical study. We identify five new disk maser candidates in studies with the Green Bank Telescope, bringing the total number published to 30. We discovered two (NGC1320, NGC17) in a survey of 40 inclined active galaxies (v_{sys}< 20000 kms^{-1}). The remaining three disk maser candidates were identified in monitoring of known sources: NGC449, NGC2979, NGC3735. We also confirm a previously marginal case in UGC4203. For the disk maser candidates reported here, inferred rotation speeds are 130-500 kms^{-1}. Monitoring of three more rapidly rotating candidate disks (CG211, NGC6264, VV340A) has enabled measurement of likely orbital centripetal acceleration, and estimation of central masses (2-7x10^7 M_\odot) and mean disk radii (0.2-0.4pc). Accelerations may ultimately permit estimation of distances when combined with interferometer data. This is notable because the three AGN are relatively distant (10000<v_{sys}<15000 kms^{-1}). As signposts of highly inclined geometries at galactocentric radii of \sim0.1-1pc, disk masers also provide robust orientation references that allow analysis of (mis)alignment between AGN and surrounding galactic stellar disks, even without interferometric mapping. We find no preference among published disk maser candidates to lie in high-inclination galaxies, providing independent support for conclusions that central engines and galactic plane orientations are not correlated. (ABRIDGED)Comment: 7 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ, Dec. 10, 200

    The Dark SIDH of Isogenies

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    Many isogeny-based cryptosystems are believed to rely on the hardness of the Supersingular Decision Diffie-Hellman (SSDDH) problem. However, most cryptanalytic efforts have treated the hardness of this problem as being equivalent to the more generic supersingular e\ell^e-isogeny problem --- an established hard problem in number theory. In this work, we shine some light on the possibility that the combination of two additional pieces of information given in practical SSDDH instances --- the image of the torsion subgroup, and the starting curve\u27s endomorphism ring --- can lead to better attacks cryptosystems relying on this assumption. We show that SIKE/SIDH are secure against our techniques. However, in certain settings, e.g., multi-party protocols, our results may suggest a larger gap between the security of these cryptosystems and the e\ell^e-isogeny problem. Our analysis relies on the ability to find many endomorphisms on the base curve that have special properties. To the best of our knowledge, this class of endomorphisms has never been studied in the literature. We informally discuss the parameter sets where these endomorphisms should exist. We also present an algorithm which may provide information about additional torsion points under the party\u27s private isogeny, which is of independent interest. Finally, we present a minor variation of the SIKE protocol that avoids exposing a known endomorphism ring

    A Spitzer c2d Legacy Survey to Identify and Characterize Disks with Inner Dust Holes

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    Understanding how disks dissipate is essential to studies of planet formation. However, identifying exactly how dust and gas dissipates is complicated due to difficulty in finding objects clearly in the transition of losing their surrounding material. We use Spitzer IRS spectra to examine 35 photometrically-selected candidate cold disks (disks with large inner dust holes). The infrared spectra are supplemented with optical spectra to determine stellar and accretion properties and 1.3mm photometry to measure disk masses. Based on detailed SED modeling, we identify 15 new cold disks. The remaining 20 objects have IRS spectra that are consistent with disks without holes, disks that are observed close to edge-on, or stars with background emission. Based on these results, we determine reliable criteria for identifying disks with inner holes from Spitzer photometry and examine criteria already in the literature. Applying these criteria to the c2d surveyed star-forming regions gives a frequency of such objects of at least 4% and most likely of order 12% of the YSO population identified by Spitzer. We also examine the properties of these new cold disks in combination with cold disks from the literature. Hole sizes in this sample are generally smaller than for previously discovered disks and reflect a distribution in better agreement with exoplanet orbit radii. We find correlations between hole size and both disk and stellar masses. Silicate features, including crystalline features, are present in the overwhelming majority of the sample although 10 micron feature strength above the continuum declines for holes with radii larger than ~7 AU. In contrast, PAHs are only detected in 2 out of 15 sources. Only a quarter of the cold disk sample shows no signs of accretion, making it unlikely that photoevaporation is the dominant hole forming process in most cases.Comment: 24 pages, 18 figures and 8 tables. Fixed a typo in Table

    The Hubble Space Telescope Extragalactic Distance Scale Key Project XXIII. The Discovery of Cepheids In NGC 3319

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    The distance to NGC 3319 has been determined from Cepheid variable stars as part of the Hubble Space Telescope Key Project on the Extragalactic Distance Scale. Thirteen and four epochs of observations, using filters F555W (V) and F814W (I) respectively, were made with the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2. Thirty-three Cepheid variables between periods of 8 and 47 days were discovered. Adopting a Large Magellanic Cloud distance modulus of 18.50 +- 0.10 mag and extinction of E(V-I)=0.13 mag, a true reddening-corrected distance modulus (based on an analysis employing the ALLFRAME software package) of 30.78 +- 0.14 (random) +- 0.10 (systematic) mag and the extinction of E(V-I) = 0.06 mag were determined for NGC 3319. This galaxy is the last galaxy observed for the HST H0 Key Project.Comment: 22 pages. A gzipped tar file containing 16 figures can be obtained from http://www.ipac.caltech.edu/H0kp/n3319/n3319.htm

    The c2d Spitzer Spectroscopic Survey Of Ices Around Low-Mass Young Stellar Objects. I. H2O And The 5-8 Mu M Bands

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    To study the physical and chemical evolution of ices in solar-mass systems, a spectral survey is conducted of a sample of 41 low-luminosity YSOs (L similar to 0.1-10 L-circle dot) using 3-38 mu m Spitzer and ground-based spectra. The sample is complemented with previously published Spitzer spectra of background stars and with ISO spectra of well-studied massive YSOs (L similar to 10(5) L-circle dot). The long-known 6.0 and 6.85 mu m bands are detected toward all sources, with the Class 0-type YSOs showing the deepest bands ever observed. The 6.0 mu m band is often deeper than expected from the bending mode of pure solid H2O. The additional 5-7 mu m absorption consists of five independent components, which, by comparison to laboratory studies, must be from at least eight different carriers. Much of this absorption is due to simple species likely formed by grain surface chemistry, at abundances of 1%-30% for CH3OH, 3%-8% for NH3, 1%-5% for HCOOH, similar to 6% for H2CO, and similar to 0.3% for HCOO- relative to solid H2O. The 6.85 mu m band has one or two carriers, of which one may be less volatile than H2O. Its carrier(s) formed early in the molecular cloud evolution and do not survive in the diffuse ISM. If an NH4+- containing salt is the carrier, its abundance relative to solid H2O is similar to 7%, demonstrating the efficiency of low-temperature acid-base chemistry or cosmic-ray-induced reactions. Possible origins are discussed for enigmatic, very broad absorption between 5 and 8 mu m. Finally, the same ices are observed toward massive and low-mass YSOs, indicating that processing by internal UV radiation fields is a minor factor in their early chemical evolution.NWO SpinozaNOVAEuropean Research Training Network PLANETS HPRN-CT-2002-00308NASA Origins NAG5-13050NASA Hubble Fellowship 01201.01NASA NAS 5-26555Astronom

    On the nature of the compact sources in IRAS 16293-2422 seen in at centimeter to sub-millimeter wavelengths

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    We present multi-epoch continuum observations of the Class 0 protostellar system IRAS 16293-2422 taken with the Very Large Array (VLA) at multiple wavelengths between 7 mm and 15 cm (41 GHz down to 2 GHz), as well as single-epoch Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) continuum observations covering the range from 0.4 to 1.3 mm (700 GHz down to 230 GHz). The new VLA observations confirm that source A2 is a protostar driving episodic mass ejections, and reveal the complex relative motion between A2 and A1. The spectrum of component B can be described by a single power law (Sνν2.28S_\nu \propto \nu^{2.28}) over the entire range from 3 to 700 GHz (10 cm down to 0.4 mm), suggesting that the emission is entirely dominated by dust even at λ\lambda = 10 cm. Finally, the size of source B appears to increase with frequency up to 41 GHz, remaining roughly constant (at 0.390''.39 \equiv 55 AU) at higher frequencies. We interpret this as evidence that source B is a dusty structure of finite size that becomes increasingly optically thick at higher frequencies until, in the millimeter regime, the source becomes entirely optically thick. The lack of excess free-free emission at long wavelengths, combined with the absence of high-velocity molecular emission indicates that source B does not drive a powerful outflow, and might indicate that source B is at a particularly early stage of its evolution

    The Hubble Space Telescope Extragalactic Distance Scale Key Project. X. The Cepheid Distance to NGC 7331

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    The distance to NGC 7331 has been derived from Cepheid variables observed with HST/WFPC2, as part of the Extragalactic Distance Scale Key Project. Multi-epoch exposures in F555W (V) and F814W (I), with photometry derived independently from DoPHOT and DAOPHOT/ALLFRAME programs, were used to detect a total of 13 reliable Cepheids, with periods between 11 and 42 days. The relative distance moduli between NGC 7331 and the LMC, imply an extinction to NGC 7331 of A_V = 0.47+-0.15 mag, and an extinction-corrected distance modulus to NGC 7331 of 30.89+-0.14(random) mag, equivalent to a distance of 15.1 Mpc. There are additional systematic uncertainties in the distance modulus of +-0.12 mag due to the calibration of the Cepheid Period-Luminosity relation, and a systematic offset of +0.05+-0.04 mag if we applied the metallicity correction inferred from the M101 results of Kennicutt et al 1998.Comment: To be published in The Astrophysical Journal, 1998 July 1, v501 note: Figs 1 and 2 (JPEG files) and Fig 7 (multipage .eps file) need to be viewed/printed separatel