438 research outputs found

    Markovian modelling in business risk analysis

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    Risk analysis in a business context is largely intangible, allowing limited opportunity for the development of means by which the risk can be more securely assured, and in the long run, appropriately managed. This paper proposes that by means ofMarkovian analysis a basis can be established for the development of appropriate models. From the analysis, differential equations are established to solve into meaningful formulae for the system and solved via numerical methods . The use and development ofthis approach is' further illustrated by means of an example .Risiko-analise, in die besigheidsomgewing, is 'n relatiefwasige vakgebied wat beperkte geleentheid bied vir die ontwikkeling van prosedures waarmee die risiko met groter sekerheid bepaal kan word en oor die langtermyn toepaslik bestuur kan word . In hierdie artikel word voorgestel dat Markovanal ise gebruik kan word om 'n basis te verskafvir die ontwikkeling van bruikbare modelle. Uitgaande van die analise kan differensiaalvergelykings opgestel word waarmee die gedrag van die stelsel beskryfkan word . Hierdie differensiaalvergelyking Ian met behulp van numeriese metodes opgelos word. Die gebruik en ontwikkeling van hierdie metodiek word geillustreer deur ' n voorbeeld.http://sajie.journals.ac.z

    Enterocolitis: an adverse event in refractory epilepsy patients treated with levetiracetam?

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    AbstractIntroduction: Levetiracetam (LEV) is a recently marketed novel anti-epileptic drug with a promising efficacy and safety profile. In this report we describe two patients who presented with enterocolitis and discuss the possible relationship with concurrent LEV intake.Patients: In two patients, LEV was initiated to control refractory complex partial seizures (CPS). The first patient was treated with 1500mg/day and complained of abdominal pain and weight loss 6 months later. Internal examination and colonoscopy revealed a punctate colitis. The second patient presented with bloody stool 1 month after LEV initiation. Colonoscopy showed punctate colitis. In both patients gastrointestinal symptoms disappeared following tapering of LEV.Discussion: There are no reports in the literature describing colitis related to LEV intake. Three possible mechanisms of action are discussed. Colitis may be part of a hypersensitivity syndrome caused by LEV. Pharmacodynamic interactions with other anti-epileptic drugs, for example, carbamazepine may play a role. A haematological adverse event is another possibility since piracetam, a related molecule, has a known impact on erythrocytes and platelets.Conclusion: The close temporal relationship between initiation of LEV intake, symptomatic colitis and clinical improvement following LEV tapering, suggests that colitis may be a possible and previously undescribed adverse effect of LEV

    The pharmacokinetics, safety, and tolerability of mirabegron in children and adolescents with neurogenic detrusor overactivity or idiopathic overactive bladder and development of a population pharmacokinetic model-based pediatric dose estimation

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    Introduction: Mirabegron, a selective β3-adrenoreceptor agonist, is a well-established alternative to antimuscarinics in adults with overactive bladder (OAB) symptoms and is under development for use in pediatric patients. Understanding drug pharmacokinetics (PK) in pediatric patients is needed to determine appropriate dosing. Conducting these studies is ethically complex, particularly as regulatory guidance requires that PK is assessed in pediatric patients with a therapeutic need for the drug. It is also vital to evaluate the safety/tolerability and palatability/acceptability of pediatric formulations. Purpose: The purpose of the study was to characterize the PK of mirabegron in pediatric patients with neurogenic detrusor overactivity or idiopathic OAB, to provide a basis for a weight-based dosing algorithm, and to evaluate the safety, tolerability, and palatability/acceptability of the formulations. Materials and methods: A preliminary population PK model constructed from adult data with allometric scaling was used to predict single weight-adjusted mirabegron doses. This was developed to achieve exposures in pediatric patients in two phase 1 studies that were consistent with steady state in adults following once-daily 25 mg (‘low dose’) and 50 mg (‘high dose’) dosing. In study 1, adolescents (12–<18 years) and children (5–<12 years) received a single tablet under fed or fasted conditions. In study 2, children (3–<12 years) received a single oral suspension dose under fed conditions. The PK data were used to assess the predictive value of the preliminary PK model and to update it to analyze mirabegron PK in pediatric patients. The safety/tolerability and palatability/acceptability of the formulations were evaluated. Results: Forty-three patients comprised six study cohorts: adolescents, low-dose tablets, fed (n = 7); children, low-dose tablets, fed (n = 7); adolescents, high-dose tablets, fed (n = 8); children, high-dose tablets, fed (n = 6); children, high-dose tablets, fasted (n = 6); and children, high-dose oral suspension, fed (n = 9). The population PK model–based doses for tablets and oral suspension achieved exposures that were typically consistent with steady state in adults. The final population PK model was used to describe the PK for mirabegron in pediatric patients (Table). Both formulations were well tolerated, and there were no reports of bad taste or swallowing difficulties for the tablets, although some found the oral suspension unpleasant. Conclusions: The single, weight-adjusted pediatric mirabegron doses were successfully predicted by population PK modeling to achieve drug exposures comparable with steady state in adults. The finalized PK model used to characterize the pediatric PK of mirabegron will be utilized to develop a weight-based dosing algorithm. The single mirabegron doses were well tolerated.publishedVersio

    Postmortem redistribution of morphine in humans:Important variables that might be influencing the central blood/peripheral blood ratio

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    INTRODUCTION: In the field of forensic toxicology, many unexpected deaths are investigated as to whether toxicological substances may have caused or contributed to someone's death. One of the factors that makes interpretation of the results of quantitative analysis in postmortem toxicology challenging, is that measured postmortem drugs levels may vary according to the sampling site and the interval between death and specimen collection. These site- and time-dependent variations are caused by 'postmortem redistribution' (PMR). Literature shows that there are several factors that determine the degree of PMR, such as cell and tissue changes after death, decomposition and the physicochemical characteristics of drugs. Blood from peripheral sites seems to be less affected by PMR than cardiac blood. Therefore, the ratio of cardiac blood concentration/peripheral blood concentration (C/P) of a drug is often used as a marker of the extent of postmortem redistribution. In this study, we investigated the relationship between different potentially important variables and the C/P ratio of morphine in humans in order to provide new insights that might assist in the interpretation of quantitative results in forensic casework. METHOD: Toxicological results of all morphine positive postmortem cases investigated by the Netherlands Forensic Institute between January 1, 2010 and July 31, 2020 were reviewed. Morphine was quantified in both femoral and cardiac blood in a total of 103 cases. The C/P ratios were determined for all selected cases. To collect data for this study, all corresponding files were reviewed. C/P ratios were compared between subgroups by performing either a Mann-Whitney U test or a Kruskal-Wallis test, followed by a post-hoc Mann-Whitney U test. Bonferroni correction was performed to correct for the likelihood of a significant result by chance due to multiple testing. After Bonferroni correction, a p-value< 0.004 was considered statistically significant. RESULTS: The data suggests a relationship between grade of decomposition at autopsy, position of the corpse at discovery, route of administration, attempted resuscitation and the C/P ratio of morphine with p-values of 0.010, 0.026, 0.035 and 0.046, respectively. CONCLUSION: Grade of decomposition at autopsy, position of the corpse at discovery, route of administration and attempted resuscitation seem to be influencing the C/P ratio of morphine. Of these four variables, the route of administration seems to have the greatest impact

    Site-Specific Multi-Functionalization of the Carrier Protein CRM197 by Disulfide Rebridging for Conjugate Vaccine Development

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    Conjugation of an antigen to a carrier protein is widely used for vaccine development. To develop the next generation of conjugate vaccines, we describe here a method for the controlled multi-functionalization of the widely employed carrier protein CRM197 with a carbohydrate-based antigen and an immune potentiator. The approach is based on the selective reduction of one of the disulfides of CRM197 followed by disulfide rebridging employing an appropriately functionalized dibromopyridazinedione. Efficient protein modification required that the reduction and functionalization with a dibromopyridazinedione was performed as a one-step procedure with control over the reaction temperature. Furthermore, ligations were most successful when dibromopyridazinediones were employed having a functional entity such as a TLR7/8 agonist and a cyclooctyne for further modification. Site-specific conjugation avoids modification of T-epitopes of the carrier protein and covalent attachment of an immune potentiator will ensure that cytokines are produced where the vaccine interacts with relevant immune cells resulting in efficient immune potentiation

    Next Generation Metrics for Scientific and Scholarly Research in Europe:LERU report of an Expert Working Group

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    The field of evaluating academic activities is vast, complex, and highly dynamic, as are the roles of any data and indicators used to support these evaluations This Next Generation Metrics for Scientific and Scholarly Research in Europe paper, explores how universities can and should use currently available metrics and data to assess their research evaluation processes, in conjunction with qualitative expertise and information

    Multi-centre evaluation of real-time multiplex PCR for detection of carbapenemase genes OXA-48, VIM, IMP, NDM and KPC

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    Background: Resistance to carbapenem antibiotics is emerging worldwide among Enterobacteriaceae. To prevent hospital transmission due to unnoticed carriage of carbapenemase producing micro-organisms in newly admitted patients, or follow-up of patients in an outbreak setting, a molecular screening method was developed for detection of the most prevalent carbapenemase genes; blaOXA-48, blaVIM, blaIMP, blaNDM and blaKPC.Methods: A real-time multiplex PCR assay was evaluated using a collection of 86 Gram negative isolates, including 62 carbapenemase producers. Seven different laboratories carried out this method and used the assay for detection of the carbapenemase genes on a selection of 20 isolates.Results: Both sensitivity and specificity of the multiplex PCR assay was 100%, as established by results on the strain collection and the inter-laboratory comparisons.Conclusions: In this study, we present a multiplex real-time PCR that is a robust, reliable and rapid method for the detection of the most prevalent carbapenemases blaOXA-48, blaVIM, blaIMP, blaNDM and blaKPC, and is suitable for screening of broth cultured rectal swabs and for identification of carbapenemase genes in cultures
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