5,406 research outputs found

    Discovery of a Possibly Relict Outbreeding Morphotype of Sparrow's-egg Lady's-slipper Orchid, Cypripedium passerinum, in Southwestern Yukon

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    An outbreeding morphotype of Cypripedium passerinum with separate anthers and stigma was discovered in the Beringian region of southwestern Yukon. The occurrence of this breeding system in Beringia is attributed to the persistent advantage of outbreeding over hundreds of thousands of years in this unglaciated area, whereas the widespread occurrence of exclusively self-pollinating races elsewhere in Canada is attributed to advantages in colonization of recently deglaciated territory which first became available less than 10,000 years ago, and/or to a changing and more forested habitat

    The phenotype of circulating follicular-helper T cells in patients with rheumatoid arthritis defines CD200 as a potential therapeutic target

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    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic autoimmune disease primarily affecting synovial joints in which the development of autoantibodies represents a failure of normal tolerance mechanisms, suggesting a role for follicular helper T cells (TFH) in the genesis of autoimmunity. To determine whether quantitative or qualitative abnormalities in the circulating TFH cell population exist, we analysed by flow cytometry the number and profile of these cells in 35 patients with RA and 15 matched controls. Results were correlated with patient characteristics, including the presence of autoantibodies, disease activity, and treatment with biologic agents. Circulating TFH cells from patients with RA show significantly increased expression of the immunoglobulin superfamily receptor CD200, with highest levels seen in seropositive patients (P=0.0045) and patients treated with anti-TNFα agents (P=0.0008). This occurs in the absence of any change in TFH numbers or overt bias towards Th1, Th2, or Th17 phenotypes. CD200 levels did not correlate with DAS28 scores (P=0.887). Although the number of circulating TFH cells is not altered in the blood of patients with RA, the TFH cells have a distinct phenotype. These differences associate TFH cells with the pathogenesis of RA and support the relevance of the CD200/CD200R signalling pathway as a potential therapeutic target

    Analysis of Imperfections in Practical Continuous-Variable Quantum Key Distribution

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    As quantum key distribution becomes a mature technology, it appears clearly that some assumptions made in the security proofs cannot be justified in practical implementations. This might open the door to possible side-channel attacks. We examine several discrepancies between theoretical models and experimental setups in the case of continuous-variable quantum key distribution. We study in particular the impact of an imperfect modulation on the security of Gaussian protocols and show that approximating the theoretical Gaussian modulation with a discrete one is sufficient in practice. We also address the issue of properly calibrating the detection setup, and in particular the value of the shot noise. Finally, we consider the influence of phase noise in the preparation stage of the protocol and argue that taking this noise into account can improve the secret key rate because this source of noise is not controlled by the eavesdropper.Comment: 4 figure

    A Closed-Form Expression for the Gravitational Radiation Rate from Cosmic Strings

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    We present a new formula for the rate at which cosmic strings lose energy into gravitational radiation, valid for all piecewise-linear cosmic string loops. At any time, such a loop is composed of NN straight segments, each of which has constant velocity. Any cosmic string loop can be arbitrarily-well approximated by a piecewise-linear loop with NN sufficiently large. The formula is a sum of O(N4)O(N^4) polynomial and log terms, and is exact when the effects of gravitational back-reaction are neglected. For a given loop, the large number of terms makes evaluation ``by hand" impractical, but a computer or symbolic manipulator yields accurate results. The formula is more accurate and convenient than previous methods for finding the gravitational radiation rate, which require numerical evaluation of a four-dimensional integral for each term in an infinite sum. It also avoids the need to estimate the contribution from the tail of the infinite sum. The formula has been tested against all previously published radiation rates for different loop configurations. In the cases where discrepancies were found, they were due to errors in the published work. We have isolated and corrected both the analytic and numerical errors in these cases. To assist future work in this area, a small catalog of results for some simple loop shapes is provided.Comment: 29 pages TeX, 16 figures and computer C-code available via anonymous ftp from directory pub/pcasper at alpha1.csd.uwm.edu, WISC-MILW-94-TH-10, (section 7 has been expanded, two figures added, and minor grammatical changes made.

    The final COS-B database now publicly available

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    The data obtained by the gamma ray satellite COS-B was processed, condensed and integrated together with the relevant mission and experiment parameters into the Final COS-B Database. The database contents and the access programs available with the database are outlined. The final sky coverage and a presentation of the large scale distribution of the observed Milky Way emission are given. The database is announced to be available through the European Space Agency

    The relationship between members of the canonical NF-κB pathway, components of tumour microenvironment and survival in patients with invasive ductal breast cancer

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    The aim of the present study was to examine the relationship between tumour NF-κB activation, tumour microenvironment including local inflammatory response (LIR) and cancer-specific survival in patients with operable ductal breast cancer. Immunohistochemistry (tissue microarray of 376 patients) and western blotting (MCF7 and MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells) was performed to assess expression of key members of the canonical NF-κB pathway (inhibitory kappa B kinase (IKKβ) and phosphorylated p65 Ser-536 (p-p65)). Following silencing of IKKβ, cell viability and apoptosis was assessed in both MCF7 and MDA-MB-231 cell lines. P-p65 was associated with cancer-specific survival (CSS) (nuclear P=0.042 and total P=0.025). High total p-p65 was associated with increase grade tumour grade (P=0.010), ER positivity (P=0.023), molecular subtype (P=0.005), lower Klintrup- Makinen grade (P=0.013) and decreased CD138 count (P=0.032). On multivariate analysis, total p-p65 expression independently associated with poorer CSS (P=0.020). In vitro work demonstrated that the canonical NF-κB pathway was inducible by exposure to TNFα in ER-positive MCF7 cells and to a lesser extent in ER-negative MDAMB- 231 cells. Reduction of IKKβ expression by siRNA transfection increased levels of apoptosis and reduced cell viability in both MCF7 (P= 0.001, P=0.002, respectively). This is consistent with the hypothesis that canonical IKKβ-NF-κB signalling drives tumour survival. These results suggest that activation of the canonical NF-κB pathway is an important determinant of poor outcome in patients with invasive ductal breast cancer

    Quality and Severity of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms among African American Elders

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    Lack of population-based data on lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) among African American men represents a significant gap in understanding. This study examined LUTS among a racially over-sampled, mixed urban/rural, elderly cohort of African Americans and whites in the South to discern whether racial differences exist in the prevalence, severity, and associated risk factors of LUTS. Longitudinal analyses using generalized estimating equations (GEE) were conducted on the 1994–1998 EPESE dataset for 5 North Carolina counties. In 1994, the analytic cohort included 482 African Americans and 407 whites; by 1998, 249 and 222, respectively. In 1994, 49.4% of African Americans reported LUTS compared to 56.8% of whites. By 1998, percentages increased to 60.6% and 70.3%, respectively. LUTS was associated with being African American, married, having poor health status and disability, delaying care quite often, being in a nursing home or in a rural area, and having a male physician

    New Records of Vascular Plants in the Yukon Territory VIII

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    Forty-seven taxa, 35 native and 12 introduced, are reported as new to the flora of Yukon and nine taxa previously reported are deleted. The new native taxa are: Artemisia arctica ssp. comata, Botrychium alaskense, Botrychium minganense, Bromus richardsonii, Calamagrostis holmii, Carex incurviformis, Carex mackenziei, Carex microchaeta ssp. nesophila, Carex ramenskii, Carex rariflora var. androgyna, Carex tahoensis, Carex xerantica, Carex × flavicans, Deschampsia sukatschewii, Eleocharis erythropoda, Eleocharis macrostachya, Eleocharis mamillata, Erigeron ochroleucus, Impatiens noli-tangere, Limnorchis huronensis, Nymphaea tetragona, Polygonum douglasii ssp. douglasii, Potamogeton natans, Potentilla crebridens ssp. hemicryophila, Puccinellia tenella ssp. langeana, Rumex beringensis, Salix farriae, Salix glauca ssp. Stipuli fera, Saussurea nuda, Saxifraga hyperborea, Saxifraga rivularis ssp. arctolitoralis, Silene soczavana var. macrosperma, Symphyotrichum subspicatum, Taraxacum hyparcticum, and Zannichellia palustris. The new introduced taxa are: Acer negundo, Avena fatua, Camelina microcarpa, Crepis capillaris, Hippophae rhamnoides, Lamium amplexicaule, Linaria dalmatica, Medicago lupulina, Prunus padus, Rumex pseudonatronatus, Valeriana officinale, and Viola tricolor. Deleted taxa are: Aster laevis var. geyeri, Carex athrostachya, Elatine triantha, Camelina sativa, Erysimum cheiri, Galium palustre, Impatiens capensis, Platanthera hyperborea, and Sonchus oleraceus. Vouchers are cited and general notes on distribution and identification are provided. Four of the native taxa reported here are new to Canada: Botrychium alaskense, Carex microchaeta ssp. nesophila, Potentilla crebridens ssp. hemicryophila and Rumex beringensis

    Limited population structure, genetic drift and bottlenecks characterise an endangered bird species in a dynamic, fire-prone ecosystem

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    Fire is a major disturbance process in many ecosystems world-wide, resulting in spatially and temporally dynamic landscapes. For populations occupying such environments, fire-induced landscape change is likely to influence population processes, and genetic patterns and structure among populations. The Mallee Emu-wren Stipiturus mallee is an endangered passerine whose global distribution is confined to fire-prone, semi-arid mallee shrublands in south-eastern Australia. This species, with poor capacity for dispersal, has undergone a precipitous reduction in distribution and numbers in recent decades. We used genetic analyses of 11 length-variable, nuclear loci to examine population structure and processes within this species, across its global range. Populations of the Mallee Emu-wren exhibited a low to moderate level of genetic diversity, and evidence of bottlenecks and genetic drift. Bayesian clustering methods revealed weak genetic population structure across the species\u27 range. The direct effects of large fires, together with associated changes in the spatial and temporal patterns of suitable habitat, have the potential to cause population bottlenecks, serial local extinctions and subsequent recolonisation, all of which may interact to erode and homogenise genetic diversity in this species. Movement among temporally and spatially shifting habitat, appears to maintain long-term genetic connectivity. A plausible explanation for the observed genetic patterns is that, following extensive fires, recolonisation exceeds in-situ survival as the primary driver of population recovery in this species. These findings suggest that dynamic, fire-dominated landscapes can drive genetic homogenisation of populations of species with low-mobility and specialised habitat that otherwise would be expected to show strongly structured populations. Such effects must be considered when formulating management actions to conserve species in fire-prone systems