27 research outputs found

    Initial nitrogen enrichment conditions determines variations in nitrogen substrate utilization by heterotrophic bacterial isolates

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    Background The nitrogen (N) cycle consists of complex microbe-mediated transformations driven by a variety of factors, including diversity and concentrations of N compounds. In this study, we examined taxonomic diversity and N substrate utilization by heterotrophic bacteria isolated from streams under complex and simple N-enrichment conditions. Results Diversity estimates differed among isolates from the enrichments, but no significant composition were detected. Substrate utilization and substrate range of bacterial assemblages differed within and among enrichments types, and not simply between simple and complex N-enrichments. Conclusions N substrate use patterns differed between isolates from some complex and simple N-enrichments while others were unexpectedly similar. Taxonomic composition of isolates did not differ among enrichments and was unrelated to N use suggesting strong functional redundancy. Ultimately, our results imply that the available N pool influences physiology and selects for bacteria with various abilities that are unrelated to their taxonomic affiliation. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12866-017-0993-7) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    YbV3_3Sb4_4 and EuV3_3Sb4_4, vanadium-based kagome metals with Yb2+^{2+} and Eu2+^{2+} zig-zag chains

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    Here we present YbV3_3Sb4_4 and EuV3_3Sb4_4, two new compounds exhibiting slightly distorted vanadium-based kagome nets interleaved with zig-zag chains of divalent Yb2+^{2+} and Eu2+^{2+} ions. Single crystal growth methods are reported alongside magnetic, electronic, and thermodynamic measurements. YbV3_3Sb4_4 is a nonmagnetic metal with no collective phase transitions observed between 60mK and 300K. Conversely, EuV3_3Sb4_4 is a magnetic kagome metal exhibiting easy-plane ferromagnetic-like order below TCT_\text{C}=32K with signatures of noncollinearity under low field. Our discovery of YbV3_3Sb4_4 and EuV3_3Sb4_4 demonstrate another direction for the discovery and development of vanadium-based kagome metals while incorporating the chemical and magnetic degrees of freedom offered by a rare-earth sublattice

    Removal of a subset of non-essential genes fully attenuates a highly virulent mycoplasma strain

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    Mycoplasmas are the smallest free-living organisms and cause a number of economically important diseases affecting humans, animals, insects, and plants. Here, we demonstrate that highly virulent Mycoplasma mycoides subspecies capri (Mmc) can be fully attenuated via targeted deletion of non-essential genes encoding, among others, potential virulence traits. Five genomic regions, representing approximately 10% of the original Mmc genome, were successively deleted using Saccharomyces cerevisiae as an engineering platform. Specifically, a total of 68 genes out of the 432 genes verified to be individually non-essential in the JCVI-Syn3.0 minimal cell, were excised from the genome. In vitro characterization showed that this mutant was similar to its parental strain in terms of its doubling time, even though 10% of the genome content were removed. A novel in vivo challenge model in goats revealed that the wild-type parental strain caused marked necrotizing inflammation at the site of inoculation, septicemia and all animals reached endpoint criteria within 6 days after experimental infection. This is in contrast to the mutant strain, which caused no clinical signs nor pathomorphological lesions. These results highlight, for the first time, the rational design, construction and complete attenuation of a Mycoplasma strain via synthetic genomics tools. Trait addition using the yeast-based genome engineering platform and subsequent in vitro or in vivo trials employing the Mycoplasma chassis will allow us to dissect the role of individual candidate Mycoplasma virulence factors and lead the way for the development of an attenuated designer vaccine

    Treatment of Dermatological Conditions Associated with HIV/AIDS: The Scarcity of Guidance on a Global Scale

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    abstrak Background. Skin diseases associated with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection are associated with significantmorbidity andmortality. In resource-limited settings, nondermatologists and lay health care providers on the front line of HIV careprovide much of the treatment for these conditions. Objective. To evaluate guidelines for treatment of HIV-related skin conditionsand assess their accessibility, comprehensiveness, and quality of evidence employed. Methods. A review was undertaken of allnational and society guidelines which included treatment information on the ten highest burden HIV-related skin conditions. Thesearch strategy included gray and peer-reviewed literature. Results. Of 430 potential guidelines, 86 met inclusion criteria, and only2 were written specifically to address HIV-related skin diseases as a whole. Treatment information for HIV-related skin conditionswas embedded within guidelines written for other purposes, primarily HIV/AIDs treatment guidelines (49%). Development ofguidelines relied either partially or completely on expert opinion (62%). Only 16% of guidelines used gradation of evidence qualityand these were primarily from high-income countries