611 research outputs found

    Black Hole - Moving Mirror I: An Exact Correspondence

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    An exact correspondence is shown between a new moving mirror trajectory in (1+1)D and a spacetime in (1+1)D in which a black hole forms from the collapse of a null shell. It is shown that the Bogolubov coe cients between the \in" and \out" states are identical and the exact Bogolubov coe cients are displayed. Generaliza- tion to the (3+1)D black hole case is discusse

    Generating mass and topological terms to the antisymmetric tensor matter field by Higgs mechanism

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    The interaction between the complex antisymmetric tensor matter field and a scalar field is constructed. We analyze the Higgs mechanism and show the generation of mass and topological terms by spontaneous symmetry breaking.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Lett.


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    Kelelahan kerja adalah fenomena kompleks pada populasi pekerja yang disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor, seperti lama waktu kerja, kapasitas kerja, maupun lingkungan fisik tempat kerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara shift kerja dengan kelelahan kerja pada karyawan PT. Matahari Department Store TBK, Manado Town Square Kota Manado. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian bersifat survey deskriptif dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional. Sampel penelitian adalah 80 orang karyawan PT. Matahari Departmen Store TBK, Manado Town Square kota manado, pengambilan jumlah sampel menggunakan Rumus Slovin. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara untuk mengetahui karakteristik responden dan pengisian kuesioner shift kerja serta kelelahan kerja. Analisis data dilakukan dengan Chi Square Test dan menggunakan bantuan SPSS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara shift kerja dengan kelelahan kerja pada karyawan PT. Matahari Department Store TBK, Manado Town Square Kota Manado, berdasarkan hasil uji statistik nilai probabilitas 8,000 Pvalue = 0,001. Saran bagi pihak perusahaan agar melakukan evaluasi terus menerus mengenai mekanisme pengaturan shift kerja yang disesuaikan dengan usia, jenis kelamin serta beban kerja dari karyawan agar dapat meminimalkan kelelahan kerja yang timbul, juga menciptakan lingkungan dan suasana kerja yang baik serta nyaman agar dapat menjaga motivasi kerja dari karyawan. Bagi karyawan dapat memperhatikan kondisi tubuh, asupan gizi serta istirahat yang cukup sebelum melakukan pekerjaan.Kata Kunci: Shift Kerja, Kelelahan Kerja ABSTRACT Work fatigue is a complex phenomenon in the working population caused by various factors, such as length of working time, work capacity, and workplace physical environment. This study aims to determine the relationship between work shifts with work fatigue at employees of PT. Matahari Department Store TBK, Manado Town Square Manado City. This research is a descriptive survey with Cross Sectional approach. The sample of research is 80 employees of PT. Matahari Department Store TBK, Manado Town Square city manado, taking samples using Slovin Formulas. Data collection was done by interview to know the characteristics of respondents and filling the work shift questionnaire and work fatigue. Data analysis was done with Chi Square Test and using SPSS. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between work shift with work fatigue on the employees of PT. Matahari Department Store TBK, Manado Town Square Manado City, based on the statistical test probability value 8,000 Pvalue = 0.001. Suggestion for company to do continuous evaluation about work shift arrangement mechanism adjusted to age, sex and work load from employees in order to minimize work fatigue arising, also create environment and working atmosphere good and comfortable in order to keep motivation of work from employees. For employees can pay attention to the condition of the body, nutritional intake and adequate rest before doing the job.Keyword: Work Shift, Work Fatique

    Efficacy and safety of Botulinum toxinA for improving esthetics in facial complex: A systematic review

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    Aim: To evaluate efficacy and safety of Botulinum toxinA for improving esthetics in the facial complex and correlating them to the dosage and side effects through a systematic review. Methods: A literature search was performed using PubMed, Medline, Web of Sciences, and Scopus databases. Quality of studies was appraised through the GRADE system. This review follows the ‘Preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis protocols’ (PRISMA-P) 2015 statement. Efficacy was analyzed through improvement rate and effect sizes. Graphical comparison of efficacy and ocular adverse effects (adverse effects around the eye) at various anatomical locations was made by calculating the average improvement rate and adverse events. Results: Twenty-five studies were included in this systematic review after application of the inclusion criteria. Moderate to severe cases in glabellar, lateral canthal, and forehead regions showed higher improvement rates between 20U to 50U, with an effect lasting up to 120 days. Gender and age seemed to have a direct effect on efficacy. Headaches were the most common adverse effect, followed by injection site bruising; all adverse effects resolved within 3-4 days. Conclusions: Treatment with Botulinum toxinA to enhance esthetics of facial complex is efficient and safe at all recommended dosages. Presence of complexing proteins influenced the efficacy of BoNT-A. undesirable muscular adverse effects around the eyes were more predominant when treating the glabellar region. There was no correlation found between the BoNT-A dosage and side effects, however, an increase in dosage did not always lead to an increase in efficacy

    Falls in Older People: Comparing Older and Younger Fallers in a Developing Country

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    Purpose While falls are common in older people, causing significant mortality and morbidity, this phenomenon has not been extensively studied in the Caribbean. This study aimed to compare falls in older and younger people in this setting. Methods We conducted a prospective observational study of older trauma patients in Trinidad, comparing older and younger patients sustaining falls. Results 1432 adult trauma patients were included (1141 aged 18 - 64 years and 291 aged 65 years and older). Older fallers were more likely to be female (66.7% vs 47.2%; p <.001), suffer from multiple pre-existing diseases (24.7% vs 2.4%; p <.001) and take multiple medications (16.1% vs 0.8%; p <.001). They also sustained more severe injuries and presented with higher acuity than younger fallers. Admission rates were higher among older fallers (29.9% vs 13.1%; p <.001). Conclusions In our study, older patients who fell were a distinct group from younger falls victims, with unique demographic, clinical and injury related characteristics. Their increased risk of injury within the home, coupled with their propensity for more severe injuries made them a high risk patient group. More research is needed to better understand this patient group and plan specific preventive interventions

    Are older fallers different? Comparing older fallers and non-fallers in a developing country

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    Objectives: Falls are common in older people, causing significant mortality and morbidity, but little is known about this phenomenon in developing countries. This study aimed to investigate falls in older people in the developing world, comparing fallers with other trauma patients. Methods: We conducted a prospective observational study of older trauma patients in Trinidad over a four-month period, comparing falls victims with other trauma patients, in relation to their demographic, pre-morbid and injury characteristics. Results: A total of 439 older trauma patients (aged 65 years) were included. Fallers were older (median age 75 years (interquartile range 65–89 years) vs. 70 years (interquartile range 65–79 years) in non-fallers). Overall, 65.2% of fallers were female, compared to 43.7% of non-fallers. Fallers were more likely to suffer from multiple pre-existing diseases, with 29.8% having comordibities, compared to 9.7% of non-fallers. Fallers were also more likely to be on multiple medications: 7.1% were on five medications, compared to no non-fallers. Fallers also sustained more severe injuries and presented with higher acuity than non-fallers. Admission and referral rates were higher among fallers compared to other trauma patients (59.9% vs. 30.4%). Conclusions: Older patients who fall are a distinct group from other older trauma patients, with unique demographic, clinical and injury-related characteristics. This information is useful in planning preventive and management strategies for these patients

    Resistive Random Access Memories (RRAMs) Based on Metal Nanoparticles

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    It is demonstrated that planar structures based on silver nanoparticleshosted in a polymer matrix show reliable and reproducible switching properties attractive for non-volatile memory applications. These systems can be programmed between a low conductance (off-state) and high conductance (on-state) with an on/off ratio of 3 orders of magnitude, large retention times and good cycle endurance. The planar structure design offers a series of advantages discussed in this contribution, which make it an ideal tool to elucidate the resistive switching phenomena

    New electronic memory device concepts based on metal oxide-polymer nanostructures planer diodes

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    Nanostructure silver oxide thin films diodes can exhibit resistive switching effects. After an electroforming process the device can be programmed between a low conductance (off-state) and high conductance (on- state) with a voltage pulse and they are already being considered for non-volatile memory applications. However, the origin of programmable resistivity changes in a network of nanostructure silver oxide embedded in polymer is still a matter of debate. This work provides some results on a planer diode which may help to elucidate resistive switching phenomena in nanostructure metal oxide diodes. The XRD pattern after switching appears with different crystalline planes, plus temperature dependent studies reveal that conduction of both on and off states is weak thermal activated. Intriguing the carrier transport is the same for both on and off-states. Difference between states comes from the dramatic changes in the carrier density. The main mechanism of charge transport for on-state is tunneling. The charge transport leads to SCLC in higher voltages pulse for the off state. The mechanism will be explained based on percolation concepts