13 research outputs found

    Rice blast forecasting models and their practical value: a review

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    Rice, after wheat, is the second largest cereal crop, and is the most consumed major staple food for more people than any other crop. Rice blast (caused by Pyricularia oryzae, teleomorph Magnaporthe grisea) is the most destructive of all rice diseases, causing multi-million dollar losses every year. Chemical control of this disease remains the most effective rice blast management method. Many attempts have been made to develop models to forecast rice blast. A review of literature of the rice blast forecasting models revealed that 52 studies have been published, with the majority capable of predicting only leaf blast. The most frequent input variable has been air temperature, followed by relative humidity and rainfall. Critical factors for the pathogenesis, such as leaf wetness, nitrogen fertilization and variety resistance have had limited integration in the development of these models. This review reveals low rates of model application due to inaccuracies and uncertainties in the predictions. Five models are part of current operational forecasting systems in Japan, Korea and India. Development of in-field rice-specific weather stations, along with integration of leaf wetness and end-user interactive inputs should be considered. This review will be useful for modelers, users and stakeholders, to assist model development and selection of the most suitable models for the effective rice blast forecasting

    Rice blast forecasting models and their practical value: a review

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    Rice, after wheat, is the second largest cereal crop, and is the most consumed major staple food for more people than any other crop. Rice blast (caused by Pyricularia oryzae, teleomorph Magnaporthe grisea) is the most destructive of all rice diseases, causing multi-million dollar losses every year. Chemical control of this disease remains the most effective rice blast management method. Many attempts have been made to develop models to forecast rice blast. A review of literature of the rice blast forecasting models revealed that 52 studies have been published, with the majority capable of predicting only leaf blast. The most frequent input variable has been air temperature, followed by relative humidity and rainfall. Critical factors for the pathogenesis, such as leaf wetness, nitrogen fertilization and variety resistance have had limited integration in the development of these models. This review reveals low rates of model application due to inaccuracies and uncertainties in the predictions. Five models are part of current operational forecasting systems in Japan, Korea and India. Development of in-field rice-specific weather stations, along with integration of leaf wetness and end-user interactive inputs should be considered. This review will be useful for modelers, users and stakeholders, to assist model development and selection of the most suitable models for the effective rice blast forecasting

    Estimating patterns of leaf herbivory along an altitudinal transect in NE Queensland rainforests : might global warming increase leaf herbivory in tropical rainforests?

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    Climate change has been taking place at unprecedented rates over the past decades. These fast alterations caused by human activities are leading to a global warming of the planet. Warmer temperatures are going to have important effects on vegetation and especially on tropical forests. Insects as well will be affected by climate change. This study tested the hypothesis that higher temperatures lead to a higher insect pressure on vegetation. Visual estimations of leaf damage were recorded and used to assess the extent of herbivory in nine 0.1ha plots along an altitudinal gradient, and therefore a temperature gradient. These estimations were made at both a community level and a species level, on 2 target species. Leaf toughness tests were performed on samples from the target species from each plot. Results showed a strong evidence of increasing insect damage along increasing temperature, with no significant effect from the leaf toughness.El canvi climàtic està tenint lloc des de fa dècades a un ritme sense precedents. Aquestes ràpides alteracions causades per l'activitat humana comporten un escalfament global del planeta. Temperatures més altes tindran efectes importants sobre la vegetació i en especial sobre els boscos tropicals. Els insectes també es veuran afectats pel canvi climàtic. Aquest estudi ha testat la hipòtesi que temperatures més altes comporten una major pressió dels insectes sobre la vegetació. Es van anotar i fer servir estimacions visuals del dany a les fulles en nou parcel·les de 0.1ha en un gradient altitudinal, i per tant, en un gradient de temperatura. Aquestes estimacions varen ser fetes tant a nivell de comunitat com a nivell d'espècies, a dues espècies objectiu. Es van fer proves de duresa foliar en mostres de les espècies objectiu de cada parcel·la. Els resultats mostren una forta evidència d'augment del dany per part dels insectes al mesura que augmenta la temperatura, amb cap afecte significatiu de la duresa foliar.El cambio climático está teniendo lugar desde hace décadas a un ritmo sin precedentes. Estas rápidas alteraciones causadas por la actividad humana conllevan un calentamiento global del planeta. Temperaturas más altas tendrán efectos importantes sobre la vegetación, y en especial, sobre los bosques tropicales. Los insectos también se verán afectados por el cambio climático. Este estudio ha testado la hipótesis que temperaturas más altas conllevan una mayor presión de los insectos sobre la vegetación. Se anotaron estimaciones visuales del daño en las hojas en nueve parcelas de 0.1ha en un gradiente altitudinal y por lo tanto, de temperatura. Estas estimaciones fueron hechas tanto a nivel de comunidad como a nivel de especies, con dos especies objetivo. Se hicieron pruebas de dureza foliar en muestras de las especies objetivo de cada parcela. Los resultados muestran una fuerte evidencia de aumento del daño por parte de los insectos a medida que aumenta la temperatura, sin ningún efecto significativo de la dureza foliar

    Guia per a la implementació territorial de projectes de millora en l’atenció a la complexitat

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    Pacients crònics complexos; Atenció a la cronicitat avançada; Ruta assistencial de la complexitatPacientes crónicos complejos; Atención a la cronicidad avanzada; Ruta asistencial de la complejidadComplex chronic patients; Attention to advanced chronicity; Complexity care routeEls objectius d’aquesta guia són: definir les característiques, les estratègies d’identificació i el model genèric d’atenció de PCC i MACA i aportar una visió pragmàtica de la implementació d’iniciatives de base territorial per a l’atenció d’aquests pacients

    Estimating patterns of leaf herbivory along an altitudinal transect in NE Queensland rainforests: might global warming increase leaf herbivory in tropical rainforests?

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    Climate change has been taking place at unprecedented rates over the past decades. These fast alterations caused by human activities are leading to a global warming of the planet. Warmer temperatures are going to have important effects on vegetation and especially on tropical forests. Insects as well will be affected by climate change. This study tested the hypothesis that higher temperatures lead to a higher insect pressure on vegetation. Visual estimations of leaf damage were recorded and used to assess the extent of herbivory in nine 0.1ha plots along an altitudinal gradient, and therefore a temperature gradient. These estimations were made at both a community level and a species level, on 2 target species. Leaf toughness tests were performed on samples from the target species from each plot. Results showed a strong evidence of increasing insect damage along increasing temperature, with no significant effect from the leaf toughness.El canvi climàtic està tenint lloc des de fa dècades a un ritme sense precedents. Aquestes ràpides alteracions causades per l’activitat humana comporten un escalfament global del planeta. Temperatures més altes tindran efectes importants sobre la vegetació i en especial sobre els boscos tropicals. Els insectes també es veuran afectats pel canvi climàtic. Aquest estudi ha testat la hipòtesi que temperatures més altes comporten una major pressió dels insectes sobre la vegetació. Es van anotar i fer servir estimacions visuals del dany a les fulles en nou parcel·les de 0.1ha en un gradient altitudinal, i per tant, en un gradient de temperatura. Aquestes estimacions varen ser fetes tant a nivell de comunitat com a nivell d’espècies, a dues espècies objectiu. Es van fer proves de duresa foliar en mostres de les espècies objectiu de cada parcel·la. Els resultats mostren una forta evidència d’augment del dany per part dels insectes al mesura que augmenta la temperatura, amb cap afecte significatiu de la duresa foliar.El cambio climático está teniendo lugar desde hace décadas a un ritmo sin precedentes. Estas rápidas alteraciones causadas por la actividad humana conllevan un calentamiento global del planeta. Temperaturas más altas tendrán efectos importantes sobre la vegetación, y en especial, sobre los bosques tropicales. Los insectos también se verán afectados por el cambio climático. Este estudio ha testado la hipótesis que temperaturas más altas conllevan una mayor presión de los insectos sobre la vegetación. Se anotaron estimaciones visuales del daño en las hojas en nueve parcelas de 0.1ha en un gradiente altitudinal y por lo tanto, de temperatura. Estas estimaciones fueron hechas tanto a nivel de comunidad como a nivel de especies, con dos especies objetivo. Se hicieron pruebas de dureza foliar en muestras de las especies objetivo de cada parcela. Los resultados muestran una fuerte evidencia de aumento del daño por parte de los insectos a medida que aumenta la temperatura, sin ningún efecto significativo de la dureza foliar

    Estimating patterns of leaf herbivory along an altitudinal transect in NE Queensland rainforests : might global warming increase leaf herbivory in tropical rainforests?

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    Climate change has been taking place at unprecedented rates over the past decades. These fast alterations caused by human activities are leading to a global warming of the planet. Warmer temperatures are going to have important effects on vegetation and especially on tropical forests. Insects as well will be affected by climate change. This study tested the hypothesis that higher temperatures lead to a higher insect pressure on vegetation. Visual estimations of leaf damage were recorded and used to assess the extent of herbivory in nine 0.1ha plots along an altitudinal gradient, and therefore a temperature gradient. These estimations were made at both a community level and a species level, on 2 target species. Leaf toughness tests were performed on samples from the target species from each plot. Results showed a strong evidence of increasing insect damage along increasing temperature, with no significant effect from the leaf toughness.El canvi climàtic està tenint lloc des de fa dècades a un ritme sense precedents. Aquestes ràpides alteracions causades per l'activitat humana comporten un escalfament global del planeta. Temperatures més altes tindran efectes importants sobre la vegetació i en especial sobre els boscos tropicals. Els insectes també es veuran afectats pel canvi climàtic. Aquest estudi ha testat la hipòtesi que temperatures més altes comporten una major pressió dels insectes sobre la vegetació. Es van anotar i fer servir estimacions visuals del dany a les fulles en nou parcel·les de 0.1ha en un gradient altitudinal, i per tant, en un gradient de temperatura. Aquestes estimacions varen ser fetes tant a nivell de comunitat com a nivell d'espècies, a dues espècies objectiu. Es van fer proves de duresa foliar en mostres de les espècies objectiu de cada parcel·la. Els resultats mostren una forta evidència d'augment del dany per part dels insectes al mesura que augmenta la temperatura, amb cap afecte significatiu de la duresa foliar.El cambio climático está teniendo lugar desde hace décadas a un ritmo sin precedentes. Estas rápidas alteraciones causadas por la actividad humana conllevan un calentamiento global del planeta. Temperaturas más altas tendrán efectos importantes sobre la vegetación, y en especial, sobre los bosques tropicales. Los insectos también se verán afectados por el cambio climático. Este estudio ha testado la hipótesis que temperaturas más altas conllevan una mayor presión de los insectos sobre la vegetación. Se anotaron estimaciones visuales del daño en las hojas en nueve parcelas de 0.1ha en un gradiente altitudinal y por lo tanto, de temperatura. Estas estimaciones fueron hechas tanto a nivel de comunidad como a nivel de especies, con dos especies objetivo. Se hicieron pruebas de dureza foliar en muestras de las especies objetivo de cada parcela. Los resultados muestran una fuerte evidencia de aumento del daño por parte de los insectos a medida que aumenta la temperatura, sin ningún efecto significativo de la dureza foliar

    Report on RICE-GUARD Market Requirements and Preliminary System Specifications

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    Informe de projecte de recercaThis report outlines the work carried out as part of the EC-funded project called RICE-GUARD. The project concerns the development of a novel in-field system which is going to be capable of continuously monitoring weather data and predicting rice blast disease. A bottom-up approach was mobilised by consulting with farmers associations and carrying out research to obtain a clear understanding of the technological needs and specifications of European rice growers. These consultations serve to understand and detail the current needs and limitations of rice growers in the monitoring and controlling of the most important disease of rice. In addition, they will guide future research and development work to be in line with the markets demands for monitoring rice blast during the different growth stages.Postprint (author’s final draft

    Report on RICE-GUARD Market Requirements and Preliminary System Specifications

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    Informe de projecte de recercaThis report outlines the work carried out as part of the EC-funded project called RICE-GUARD. The project concerns the development of a novel in-field system which is going to be capable of continuously monitoring weather data and predicting rice blast disease. A bottom-up approach was mobilised by consulting with farmers associations and carrying out research to obtain a clear understanding of the technological needs and specifications of European rice growers. These consultations serve to understand and detail the current needs and limitations of rice growers in the monitoring and controlling of the most important disease of rice. In addition, they will guide future research and development work to be in line with the markets demands for monitoring rice blast during the different growth stages

    Impact of atomic layer deposition temperature on electrical and optical properties of ZnO:Al films

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    This work highlights the impact of growth temperature on the electrical and optical properties of Al-doped ZnO (AZO) films deposited by the atomic layer deposition (ALD) technique. The ALD process and super-cycle sequence have been optimized, identifying their influence on film resistivity. By using this optimum ALD procedure, the optical and electrical properties of AZO films have been widely analyzed considering the deposition temperature. Results show promising values with film resistivity in the range of 1 mΩcm and average optical absorption below 2% for 50 nm thick AZO layers. Hall effect, X-ray diffraction and ellipsometry measurements point out that these excellent values are related to their high carrier concentration and mobility, crystalline phase and optical band gap, resulting in ALD AZO films with excellent properties to be applied in photovoltaic devices as transparent conductive oxide electrode