46 research outputs found


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    Index de les obres ressenyades: Joan NOGUÉ ; Laura PUIGBERT ; Gemma BRETCHA (eds.), Paisatge i salu

    De les topografies mèdiques a la geografia de la salut : la relació institucionalitzada entre la geografia i la medicina

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    La geografia i la medicina són disciplines científiques amb nombrosos punts en contacte. En el present article, s'hi recullen els corrents principals que, des de la geografia, s'han apropat a temes relacionats amb la medicina, la salut i la malaltia. Per fer-ne l'anàlisi, s'han buidat sistemàticament les principals revistes internacionals i estatals de geografia, tenint en compte tots els articles que s'han publicat els darrers vint anys sobre temes que relacionessin la geografia amb la medicina i/o la salut. El resultat de l'anàlisi és un recorregut cronològic pels diferents punts de contacte entre la geografia i la medicina des de la seva institucionalització, a mitjan segle XIX, fins als nostres dies. Des de les topografies mèdiques, passant per la geografia mèdica fins a la més recent geografia de la salut, l'article recull les principals fonts teòriques i les eines metodològiques que caracteritzen cadascun d'aquests tres corrents.La geografía y la medicina son disciplinas científicas con numerosos puntos en común. En el presente artículo, se recogen las principales corrientes que, des de la geografía, se han acercado a temas relacionados con la medicina, la salud y la enfermedad. Para realizar el análisis, se han revisado sistemáticamente las principales revistas internacionales y estatales en geografía, teniendo en cuenta todos los artículos publicados los últimos veinte años sobre temáticas que relacionasen la geografía con la medicina y/o la salud. El resultado del análisis es un recorrido cronológico por las distintas tomas de contacto entre la geografía y la medicina desde su institucionalización, a mediados del siglo XIX, hasta nuestros días. Desde las topografías médicas, pasando por la geografía médica hasta la más reciente geografía de la salud, el artículo recoge las principales fuentes teóricas y las técnicas metodológicas que caracterizan a cada una de estas tres corrientes.La géographie et la médecine sont des disciplines scientifiques avec des nombreux points en contact. Dans le présent article sont recueillis les principaux courants que, depuis la géographie, s'approche à des sujets rattachés à la médecine, la santé et la maladie. Pour l'analyse on été vidé systématiquement les principales revues internationales et espagnoles en géographie, inclues tous les articles qui ont été publiés durant les vingt dernières années sur des sujets qui rattacheraient la géographie à la médecine et/ou la santé. Le résultat de l'analyse est un parcours chronologique par les différents points de contact entre la géographie et la médecine depuis son $l eur institutionnalisation, moyens du XIXe siècle, jusqu'à nos jours. Depuis les topographies médicales, en passant par la géographie médicale jusqu'à la plus récente géographie de la santé, l'article recueille les principales sources théoriques et les outils méthodologiques qui caractérisent toute l'une de ces trois courantes.Geography and medicine are scientific disciplines with numerous common points. In the present paper I review the main currents that, from geography, have approached subjects related to medicine, health and illness. The analysis is based on a systematic account of the main Spanish and international geography journals, considering all the relevant articles published the last twenty years about subjects related to geography, medicine and/or health. The analysis produces a chronological itinerary for the different points of contact between geography and medicine from their institutionalization in the middle of the 19th century until our days. From medical topographies, through medical geography, and until the most recent Geography of health, this article seeks to summarize the main theoretical sources and the methodological techniques used by these streams

    Migracions i salut : interrelacions en la immigració estrangera a Catalunya

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    Actualment és molt comú associar la immigració a la malaltia. La relativa novetat de la immigració estrangera a Catalunya i la falta d'estudis especialitzats ajuden a perpetuar aquesta visió. Els resultats d'aquesta tesi, escrita per Pau Mota, i guanyadora d'un premi del CTESC (Consell de Treball Econòmic i Social de Catalunya),contradiuen en gran manera els estudis precedents, que relacionen part de la immigració estrangera amb un augment de les malalties infeccioses i amb problemes de salut mental.Actualmente es muy común asociar la inmigración a la enfermedad; la relativa novedad de la inmigración extranjera en Cataluña y la falta de estudios especializados ayudan a perpetuar esta visión. Los resultados de esta tesis, escrita por Pau Mota y ganadora de un premio del CTESC, contradicen gran parte de los estudios precedentes, que relacionan parte de la inmigración extranjera con un aumento de las enfermedades infecciosas y con problemas de salud mental.Nowadays, it is very common to associate immigration with illness; the relative novelty of immigration in Catalonia and the absence of specialized studies help to perpetuate this vision. The results of this dissertation, written by Pau Mota and winner of an award from the CTESC, contradict most of the previous studies, which link immigration to an increase in infectious diseases and to problems of mental health

    Longitudinal panel data study of self-rated health among migrants in French-speaking Switzerland, 2003–2017

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    Introduction Studies have documented poorer health among migrants than natives of several European countries, but little is known for Switzerland. We assessed the association between country of birth, socioeconomic factors and self-reported health (SRH) in a prospective cohort of adults living in Lausanne, Switzerland.Methods We used the data from the Colaus panel data study for three periods: 2003–2006 (n=6733), 2009–2012 (n=5064) and 2014–2017 (n=4555) corresponding to 35% of the source population. The response variable was SRH. Main explanatory variables were socioeconomic status, educational level, professional status, income, gender, age and years in Switzerland. The main covariate was country of birth, dichotomised as born in Switzerland or not. We specified random effects logistic regressions and used Bayesian methods for the inference.Results Being born outside of Switzerland was not associated with worse SRH (OR 1.09, 95% CI 0.52 to 2.31). Several other patient variables were, however, predictive of poor health. Educational level was inversely associated with the risk of reporting poor health. Monthly household income showed a gradient where higher income was associated with lower odds of reporting poor SRH, for both for migrants and non-migrants. Migrant women had lower odds of reporting poor SRH than men (OR 0.73, 95% CI 0.55 to 0.98). Migrant people living in couple have less risk of reporting poor SRH than people who live alone and the risk is lower for migrant people living in couple with children (OR 0.66, 95% CI 0.55 to 0.80).Discussion Migrant status was not associated with poorer SRH. However, differences in SRH were observed based on gender, age and several social determinants of health

    Influence of subcooling in R-449A supermarket refrigeration system and screening of refrigerant mixtures for its energetic and environmental improvement

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    Current demands of the cooling sector are focused on using refrigerants with a low Global Warming Potential (GWP) and increasing energy efficiency in vapour compression installations. The main objectives of this paperwork arise from these needs, in which the use of subcooling in an R-449A commercial refrigeration system is evaluated. In addition, eco-friendly alternative refrigerants are proposed and studied. Firstly, the effect of an integrated type of subcooling is semi-empirically analysed with Engineering Equation Solver (EES). Then, the refrigeration system’s operation is simulated using low-GWP alternative refrigerants, R-454C and R-290, which have been scarcely studied in commercial refrigeration systems due to their safety classification. Moreover, new refrigerant mixtures are searched from the binary and ternary combination of pure refrigerants using the software REFPROP. The best refrigerant with safety classification A1, A2L, and A2/A3, for both medium temperature (MT) and low temperature (LT) systems is obtained from this search. After their determination, the supermarket’s operation is simulated with these refrigerants. Finally, an environmental assessment is performed. The highest energy efficiency is obtained with R-152a for the MT system and the R-290/R-1270 mixture for the LT system. However, the highest reduction of GHG emissions is achieved by R-290, with a reduction of 73.78 % with respect to the baseline system.Funding for open access charge: CRUE-Universitat Jaume IThis scientific publication is part of the R + D + i project PID2020-117865RB-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, and UJI-A2022-03, funded by Universitat Jaume I. Adrián Mota-Babiloni acknowledges contract IJC2019-038997-I, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. Cosmin Mihai Udroiu acknowledges grant PRE2021-097369 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ESF Investing in your future”. Pau Giménez-Prades acknowledges grant CIACIF/2021/182, funded by the Generalitat Valenciana (GV) and the European Social Fund (ESF)

    Optimal refrigerant mixture in single-stage high-temperature heat pumps based on a multiparameter evaluation

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    High-temperature heat pumps (HTHPs) are compression systems that convert residual heat to high-grade heat used in several industrial applications. Refrigerants for HTHPs are still not explored, and most studies consider only pure refrigerants. This study carries out a general screening of binary and ternary mixtures for HTHPs through a multiparameter optimization based on low global warming potential (GWP) refrigerants that are feasible for operating at higher temperatures. The proposed methodology considers several parameters such as coefficient of performance, volumetric heating capacity, flammability, GWP, and perfect glide matching. The blends were required to have a critical temperature above 150 °C and to provide high energy performance to diminish the indirect carbon footprint. No ideal mixture was found for every parameter, so a trade-off solution was required. The most critical variable was flammability, reducing the coefficient of performance significantly if the ASHRAE Std 34 A1 restriction had to be fulfilled. Finally, different mixtures are given as the bests based on the main optimizable parameter. The most promising ones which comply with the environmental restriction were R-1233zd(E) and R-1336mzz(Z) based mixtures.Funding for open access charge: CRUE-Universitat Jaume

    Thermodynamic evaluation of CO2 for ultra-low temperature refrigeration

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    Carbon dioxide (CO2, R744) is the only refrigerant in the safest class by the ASHRAE 34 Standard in the group of natural refrigerants, with zero ozone depletion potential and a global warming potential of 1. It has been recently proposed for commercial refrigeration and heat pumps. Ultra-low temperature (ULT) refrigeration considers two-stage cascades with hydrofluorocarbon synthetic refrigerants (R404A/R23 high and low-temperature stages, HTS and LTS, respectively) and, lately, hydrocarbons (R290/R170). This paper examines the potential of R744 in ULT refrigeration cascade configurations in combination with other promising refrigerants. R744 is proposed in the medium temperature stage (MTS) of a three-stage cascade and the HTS of a two-stage transcritical operation (subcritical and transcritical with and without ejector, respectively). The operational and energy performance are compared with standard two- and three-stage ULT refrigeration cascades. Also, the cycles have been optimized, changing the main parameters as cascade heat changer temperatures or gas cooler pressure to maximize COP. This optimization and all the models have been made with Python, extracting the thermodynamic properties of REFPROP. The results show that in the HTS, the coefficient of performance (COP) is 39 % lower than the same two-stage cascade cycle with R290. In the MTS of a three-stage cascade, COP is 10 % lower than the same three-stage cascade cycle with R290. The ejector increases the COP by 38 % in the transcritical HTS, but remains below the hydrocarbon two-stage cascade. The choice of alternative refrigerants in the other stages does not significantly vary the COP results. Technological advancements in single subcritical and transcritical R744 configurations should be transferred to ULT refrigeration cascades to increase competitiveness and take advantage of its environmental and safety characteristics

    Analyse semi-empirique de la conversion des syst`emes frigorifiques des supermarch´es aux HFC avec des configurations avanc´ees du point de vue ´energ´etique, environnemental et ´economique

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    F-gas phase-down schedules will remove most of the HFCs (hydrofluorocarbons) used in refrigeration systems in the short term. Besides refrigerant substitution, configuration modifications can be considered in existing installations to increase energy efficiency. Basic cycle, direct injection, economiser, parallel compression, and cascade configurations with internal heat exchanger have been proposed to increase the energy efficiency of a supermarket refrigeration system when replacing R-404A with R-449A at low and medium temperatures. Both systems are based on indirect expansion and are equipped with a subcooler. Their regular operation was recorded using R-404A and R-449A during a representative period. Then, a semi-empirical approach is followed to determine R-449A energy performance with each proposed configuration. Only parallel compression (PC) and basic cycle with internal heat exchanger (IHX) benefit energy performance, highlighting the medium temperature (MT) system. However, this benefit is not extended to the environmental analysis because the R-449A charge in PC significantly increases. Moreover, additional PC components extend the expected payback period, and a drop-in replacement is financially more interesting. Therefore, using R-449A with minor modifications in the MT and LT R-404A refrigeration system decreases 52% and 60% carbon footprint, respectively. The payback period of this action is below one year in both circuits. This study provides a semi-empirical methodology for existing systems to predict alternative refrigerants’ energy performanceFunding for open access charge: CRUE-Universitat Jaume

    Sustitución del R-404A en un sistema de refrigeración de media y baja temperatura mediante ciclos de compresión paralela con el R-449A

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    Este trabajo amplía el análisis operacional de un sistema de refrigeración comercial con niveles de temperatura media (MT) y temperatura baja (LT). El objetivo es cuantificar los beneficios de un rediseño del sistema utilizando arquitecturas avanzadas de compresión de vapor. La configuración comparada con el sistema de referencia (ciclo básico con subenfriador, con R-449A) es una compresión paralela (PC) con intercambiador recalentamiento- subenfriamiento (IRS o IHX en inglés) y subenfriador. En el sistema MT se produce un beneficio apreciable con la configuración de compresión paralela (PC). En el sistema LT la configuración PC no supera los beneficios energéticos causados por un simple reemplazo del R-404A por el R-449A sin modificar la configuración. El bajo factor de emisiones de Suecia hace que las emisiones directas predominen en el análisis TEWI

    Los paisajes agrarios de la romanización en el Suroeste peninsular: balance de los últimos trabajos desarrollados desde el Instituto de Arqueología

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    Trabajo presentado al VI Encuentro de Arqueología del Suroeste Peninsular, celebrado en Villafranca de los Barros (Badajoz) del 4 al 6 de octubre de 2012.[ES]: El propósito de este trabajo es ofrecer una visión de síntesis sobre la labor que ha supuesto en los últimos años desde el Instituto de Arqueología la investigación sobre el fenómeno de los recintos ciclópeos de La Serena (Badajoz) y el impacto de la conquista romana en las formas de ordenación de los espacios agrarios del Suroeste peninsular. Se realiza una breve revisión de las claves de este problema histórico y de los antecedentes del trabajo presente. A continuación se exponen las diferentes líneas metodológicas desarrolladas, ofreciendo una síntesis de los conocimientos obtenidos. Finalmente se proponen algunos temas prioritarios para el desarrollo futuro de la investigación.[EN]: The aim of this paper is to give an overview of the recent activity in the Merida Institute of Archaeology regarding the study of the so called “cyclopean enclosures” of the Serena Region (Badajoz) and the impact of the Roman conquest in the agrarian landscapes of the Peninsular South-West. We make a brief review of some clues of this historical process and provide some background to understand more recent research. We will show the methodological threads we have developed, and a concise account of their main results. Finally, we suggest some key issues for future research.Los resultados mostrados en este trabajo han sido posibles gracias al soporte del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación a través de los proyectos del Plan Nacional “Paisaje, territorio y cambio social en el suroeste peninsular: De la protohistoria al mundo romano (HAR 20081973)” cuyo investigador responsable es Victorino Mayoral Herrera, y “Entre el Atlántico y el Mediterráneo: contraste de dinámicas en la evolución histórica del paisaje en el occidente peninsular a través de la Arqueología” (HAR 2009-10666) cuyo investigador responsable es Sebastián Celestino Pérez.Peer Reviewe