2,518 research outputs found

    Bartering integer commodities with exogenous prices

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    The analysis of markets with indivisible goods and fixed exogenous prices has played an important role in economic models, especially in relation to wage rigidity and unemployment. This research report provides a mathematical and computational details associated to the mathematical programming based approaches proposed by Nasini et al. (accepted 2014) to study pure exchange economies where discrete amounts of commodities are exchanged at fixed prices. Barter processes, consisting in sequences of elementary reallocations of couple of commodities among couples of agents, are formalized as local searches converging to equilibrium allocations. A direct application of the analyzed processes in the context of computational economics is provided, along with a Java implementation of the approaches described in this research report.Comment: 30 pages, 5 sections, 10 figures, 3 table

    THROWER, Norman J. W. Maps and civilization. Cartography in culture and society

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    La Fesomia Geogràfica de Catalunya

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    Manili : un nou acròstic

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    He trobat un nou acròstic a l'obra de Manili, un acròstic que no pot ser casual, que revela intencions programàtiques o de reflexió sobre la mateixa poesia, que en la composició segueix la tècnica dels acròstics arateus i, agafant paraules de J.M. Jacques, segueix intencions artístiques expressant, en aquest cas, la noció aigua, que, unida a la de la navegació, ambdues amb un referent en l'activitat poètica, ens permeten veure l'autor dels Astronomica com un seguidor de l'escola alexandrina, de Cal·límac en particular, en els seus principis i símbols, i com un important poeta subtil.There is a new acrostic in the work of Manilius, an acrostic that cannot be casual, that reveals programatic intentions or thought about poetry. In its composition it follows the technique of Aratean acrostics and, in Jacques' words, follows artistic intentions: it expresses the notion of water that, together with that of navigation, and both with a referent in poetic activity, allow us to see the author of Astronomica as a follower of the principles and symbols of the hellenistic school, particularly that of Callimachus. This also shows the poet in his importance and subtlety


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    Index de les obres ressenyades: Pedro CUNILL GRAU, Historia de la geografía de Venezuela. Siglos XVI-X

    Els crits d'un mot, d'Un nU creador, eixordant traïdors o grapades - Josep Palàcios i l'imaginari d'Un nU

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    Un home fa d'home, un home fa de lletra. Els homes no són homes sense les lletres. Un home nu pot escriure amb objectes la pell de molts i fer-los homes....

    MONTANER i GARCIA, Maria Carme. Cartografia de la província de Barcelona 1833-2000

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    Nota sobre una trovalla de Hipparion Gracile a Catalunya

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