8 research outputs found

    Vocational Education and Employment: Explaining Cohort Variations in Life Course Patterns

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    A stylized finding on returns to vocational education is that vocational compared to general education generates a differential life course pattern of employability: while vocational education guarantees smooth transitions into the labour market and thus generates initial advantages, these erode with increasing age, leading to late-life reversals in employment chances. We contribute to this research by assessing cohort variations in life-cycle patterns and distinguishing two explanations for late-life reversals in employment chances. The adaptability argument states that this phenomenon is due to the lower adaptability and occupational flexibility of those with vocational education. In contrast, the health argument states that vocational education leads to physically more demanding occupations, faster health deterioration, and, thus, lower employability in later life. Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel, we employ non-parametric state probability analysis to assess cohort variations in employment patterns, and mediation analysis to assess how much of the late-life reversal of employment patterns is due to a faster health deterioration among the vocationally educated. Results show that the early life advantage of vocational education increases across cohorts. Furthermore, those with vocational education exhibit faster health deterioration, and a small part of the late-life employment disadvantage of this group works through lower levels of health after midlife

    Human interactome of the influenza B virus NS1 protein

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    This work was partially supported by NIAID grant U19AI106754, and by CRIP (Center for Research in Influenza Pathogenesis), an NIAID funded Center of Excellence for Influenza Research and Surveillance (CEIRS, contract #HHSN272201400008C) to A. G-S. Work at the University of Zurich was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (grant 31003A_159993 to BGH).NS1 proteins of influenza A and B viruses share limited sequence homology, yet both are potent manipulators of host cell processes, particularly interferon (IFN) induction. Although many cellular partners are reported for A/NS1, only a few (e.g. PKR and ISG15) have been identified for B/NS1. Here, affinity-purification and mass spectrometry were used to expand the known host interactome of B/NS1. We identified 22 human proteins as new putative targets for B/NS1, validating several, including DHX9, ILF3, YBX1 and HNRNPC. Consistent with two RNA-binding domains in B/NS1, many of the identified factors bind RNA and some interact with B/NS1 in an RNA-dependent manner. Functional characterization of several B/NS1 interactors identified SNRNP200 as a potential positive regulator of host IFN responses, while ILF3 exhibited dual roles in both IFN induction and influenza B virus replication. These data provide a resource for future investigations into the mechanisms underpinning host cell modulation by influenza B virus NS1.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    An influenza virus-triggered SUMO switch orchestrates co-opted endogenous retroviruses to stimulate host antiviral immunity

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    Dynamic small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) linkages to diverse cellular protein groups are critical to orchestrate resolution of stresses such as genome damage, hypoxia, or proteotoxicity. Defense against pathogen insult (often reliant upon host recognition of "non-self" nucleic acids) is also modulated by SUMO, but the underlying mechanisms are incompletely understood. Here, we used quantitative SILAC-based proteomics to survey pan-viral host SUMOylation responses, creating a resource of almost 600 common and unique SUMO remodeling events that are mounted during influenza A and B virus infections, as well as during viral innate immune stimulation. Subsequent mechanistic profiling focused on a common infection-induced loss of the SUMO-modified form of TRIM28/KAP1, a host transcriptional repressor. By integrating knockout and reconstitution models with system-wide transcriptomics, we provide evidence that influenza virus-triggered loss of SUMO-modified TRIM28 leads to derepression of endogenous retroviral (ERV) elements, unmasking this cellular source of "self" double-stranded (ds)RNA. Consequently, loss of SUMO-modified TRIM28 potentiates canonical cytosolic dsRNA-activated IFN-mediated defenses that rely on RIG-I, MAVS, TBK1, and JAK1. Intriguingly, although wild-type influenza A virus robustly triggers this SUMO switch in TRIM28, the induction of IFN-stimulated genes is limited unless expression of the viral dsRNA-binding protein NS1 is abrogated. This may imply a viral strategy to antagonize such a host response by sequestration of induced immunostimulatory ERV dsRNAs. Overall, our data reveal that a key nuclear mechanism that normally prevents aberrant expression of ERV elements (ERVs) has been functionally co-opted via a stress-induced SUMO switch to augment antiviral immunity.</p

    Human interactome of the influenza B virus NS1 protein

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    NS1 proteins of influenza A and B viruses share limited sequence homology, yet both are potent manipulators of host cell processes, particularly interferon (IFN) induction. Although many cellular partners are reported for A/NS1, only a few (e.g. PKR and ISG15) have been identified for B/NS1. Here, affinity-purification and mass spectrometry were used to expand the known host interactome of B/NS1. We identified 22 human proteins as new putative targets for B/NS1, validating several, including DHX9, ILF3, YBX1 and HNRNPC. Consistent with two RNA-binding domains in B/NS1, many of the identified factors bind RNA and some interact with B/NS1 in an RNA-dependent manner. Functional characterization of several B/NS1 interactors identified SNRNP200 as a potential positive regulator of host IFN responses, while ILF3 exhibited dual roles in both IFN induction and influenza B virus replication. These data provide a resource for future investigations into the mechanisms underpinning host cell modulation by influenza B virus NS1.</p

    Evolution and Antiviral Specificities of Interferon-Induced Mx Proteins of Bats against Ebola, Influenza, and Other RNA Viruses

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    Bats serve as a reservoir for various, often zoonotic viruses, including significant human pathogens such as Ebola and influenza viruses. However, for unknown reasons, viral infections rarely cause clinical symptoms in bats. A tight control of viral replication by the host innate immune defense might contribute to this phenomenon. Transcriptomic studies revealed the presence of the interferon-induced antiviral myxovirus resistance (Mx) proteins in bats, but detailed functional aspects have not been assessed. To provide evidence that bat Mx proteins might act as key factors to control viral replication we cloned Mx1 cDNAs from three bat families, Pteropodidae, Phyllostomidae, and Vespertilionidae. Phylogenetically these bat Mx1 genes cluster closely with their human ortholog MxA. Using transfected cell cultures, minireplicon systems, virus-like particles, and virus infections, we determined the antiviral potential of the bat Mx1 proteins. Bat Mx1 significantly reduced the polymerase activity of viruses circulating in bats, including Ebola and influenza A-like viruses. The related Thogoto virus, however, which is not known to infect bats, was not inhibited by bat Mx1. Further, we provide evidence for positive selection in bat Mx1 genes that might explain species-specific antiviral activities of these proteins. Together, our data suggest a role for Mx1 in controlling these viruses in their bat hosts. IMPORTANCE Bats are a natural reservoir for various viruses that rarely cause clinical symptoms in bats but are dangerous zoonotic pathogens, like Ebola or rabies virus. It has been hypothesized that the interferon system might play a key role in controlling viral replication in bats. We speculate that the interferon-induced Mx proteins might be key antiviral factors of bats and have coevolved with bat-borne viruses. This study evaluated for the first time a large set of bat Mx1 proteins spanning three major bat families for their antiviral potential, including activity against Ebola virus and bat influenza A-like virus, and we describe here their phylogenetic relationship, revealing patterns of positive selection that suggest a coevolution with viral pathogens. By understanding the molecular mechanisms of the innate resistance of bats against viral diseases, we might gain important insights into how to prevent and fight human zoonotic infections caused by bat-borne viruses